My Best Friend Stole My Royal Boyfriend

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

He steps back from me until there is enough room

between us for a car to pass. I can‘t tell what he‘s thinking

exactly, but I know that he doesn‘t want to be near me

anymore; I’m sure of that much. His apparent rejection hurts

me, but I‘m more concerned about what he will say next if

he‘s ever going to speak to me again.

What was I thinking? Did I go around kissing guys on

their chest now? I‘ve never been this bold or rebellious

before. All i know is that this invisible pull between us is

causing me to act this crazy. I‘m shaking with nervousness as

I wait for him to say something. His eyes are growing darker

by the second, and I know that I should be afraid, but all I

feel now is worry. I continue to watch him cautiously, and he

turns around to face the woods; it seems like he‘s trying not

to look at me anymore. He rubs a hand down his face, and I

make a step forward towards him; I wanted to apologize,

that was all.


I‘m shocked by his command, and I pause midway. I

don‘t make another attempt to move forward, not after his

order for me to leave. I knew that he was about to say

something to hurt me, but I didn‘t think he would command

me to go like that. I try to calm my aching heart, but it‘s so

hard to do

what he‘s doing to my body, he knows it‘s not natural, and

he knows that it‘s only him that‘s bringing about these

changes in me. He knows that I‘ve wanted to touch him for a

long time; he knows that I‘ve wanted him to feel me also

Even now, my body was wide awake and desperate for just

one touch from him.

“GET THE HELL OUT FROM HERE!” He shouts louder this

time. I flinch at his tone, this was the last thing I expected

him to say, and it stung like a bee.

Still, I can‘t find the strength to move from the hole I‘d

dug with my shoes from pressing on the ground too hard. I

can understand that he‘s angry that I‘d kiss him out of

nowhere but does he still have to be this harsh towards me?

I‘m startled and broken–hearted; it‘s hard to move when!

feel so empty inside. One rejection was hard enough, but

two? I mean, Bryan wasn‘t technically a rejection; he

cheated. And it‘s not like I confessed to liking Adam either.

No, you only did much worse than that, didn’t you?

He suddenly turns back around and crosses the

distance between us. I gasp when he grabs my hair roughly in

his, pulling my head back so that I‘m staring directly into his

gloomy eyes now. There is so much darkness and loneliness

but still, somehow to me, they‘re the most beautiful eyes I‘ve

ever seen. I feel lost in them, and for a moment, I forget

what I‘ve just done; his warm breath tangles with my own,

and I want to close the distance between us. Neither one of

His words give me a rude awakening.

My eyes widen in horror, and I feel tears form in them as

I turn and run out of the woods, away from him, away from

the person I want to be as close to as possible. I don‘t know

why I have to be this weak; why do I make people do these

things to me? Why should I cry for someone I barely knew?

Just because he spoke roughly to me?

I don‘t waste any time as I open the gate and rush into

the house. I need to get out of here quickly; I don‘t want

anyone to see me like this. People would think that my tears

were because of Bryan and Aria, and that was the last thing!

wanted to see all over my feed when I opened my phone.

But at the same time, I didn‘t want anyone to suspect that!

was out there with Adam all alone. If word got out, it would

surely reach my parents, which would be the worst thing

that could ever happen to me right now.

“Hey!” Abigail calls out to me just before I reach the exit.

“What‘s wrong?”

I wipe the tears away from my face and try to be strong,

“I just need to go home.” I tell her.

She studies me with concern but eventually nods her

head and opens the door for me. “I understand. We can talk

tomorrow in school. I hope you feel better, Amiera.”

Inod and thank her before finally escaping. Hopefully,

no one except her saw me like that. Even though I barely

knew Abigail, I trusted her. Which was probably not the

embarrassment. I enter the limousine waiting outside for me

and drop myself onto the seat with tears streaming down

my cheeks.

I can‘t even imagine what Adam thought about me now.

He must feel that I‘m a lunatic for pulling a stunt like that. A

guy takes off his shirt in front of me, and the first thing that I

do is kiss his naked chest?

What the hell was wrong with me? I was never like that

before. Bryan and I did things together, but we never went all

the way, and I‘ve never felt the need to be close to him the

way I needed to be near Adam tonight. I still have no idea what happened back there, but I think it‘s safe to say that

Adam would never want to be in the same room with me


All the times I‘ve done things with Bryan not once did |

ever initiate anything; he was always the one to start kissing

and touching me. I always went along with it until I thought

he was going too far, then I would stop him immediately. He

would get annoyed, but he never forced himself onto me; it

was one of the things I had loved about him.

Everything was different with Adam, however. So, so

different. Tonight, if he had only touched me back,

wouldn‘t have wanted him to stop. I would have let him do

whatever he wanted to do with me.

My thoughts frighten me to the point that I want to go in

a corner and hide

from myself No one should have an

would get annoyed, but he never forced himself onto me; it

was one of the things I had loved about him.

Everything was different with Adam, however. So, so

different. Tonight, if he had only touched me back, I

wouldn‘t have wanted him to stop. I would have let him do

whatever he wanted to do with me.

My thoughts frighten me to the point that I want to go in

a corner and hide... From myself. No one should have so

much power over me. No one.

From today onwards, I‘ll never forget his reaction to me

touching him. It doesn‘t help that it felt so good. His skin was

a lot smoother than it looked, and if I licked my lips right

now, I would probably be able to taste him.

“What‘s wrong with me?” I groan against the seat.

Was his rejection not enough for me to stop thinking

about him like this? Why couldn‘t I have just stuck with

admiring him from afar? It was much easier back then when

he didn‘t know that I existed. Now, I‘ll always be the crazy girl

that kissed his chest without his permission.

Why did he have to go and remove his shirt in the first

place? I still didn‘t understand how he knew how much the

stain on his shirt bothered me. And why would he go through

all that trouble to please me? He was nice enough to

remove it because of me, and I just had to reward him by

being a complete psycho.

‘Do you still love him?‘

anything else after I confessed that I did, so how did I know

what he really felt after my confession? I had so many

questions that I didn‘t think I would be able to sleep tonight.

Was it possible that he did bounce into my ex–boyfriend

today because he was trying to protect me? My heart warms

at just the possibility of that being true.

I don‘t think any of that will matter anymore after the

mess I made tonight, though.

What was wrong with me? Why did I have to do

something like that? How is it that I have no control over my

body around him? He was dangerous indeed, but not for the

reason I‘ve heard about my entire life. He was dangerous

because he made me feel things that should be illegal.

I needed to get a hold of myself before I entered my

home; if my parents saw me like this, they would know that something terrible had happened, and I‘m not up for being questioned by them right now.

I exit the limo and walk up to the gigantic door that

opens upon my arrival.

The moment I step inside, my parents are already there

waiting for me. I can‘t imagine what they have been thinking

this entire time; even though they did this just for me to

forgive Aria and Bryan, it was the first time they‘d ever

allowed me to attend a party. They must have been crazy

with worry about what trouble I‘ve gotten myself into





Should I tell them that I kissed the dark prince’s bare

chest and let them deal with me to end this torture?

“Why are your cheeks so red?” My mother asks


My heartbeat accelerates, and I try to think of a lie.

“It was my first party, mother,” I try to explain. “I‘m not

used to the environment; I guess that‘s why I‘m a bit


“Did you speak to Bryan and Aria?” My father questions me. Of course, they would ask this question; it‘s all they‘re

concerned about

“They tried speaking to me, yes,” I answer him. “But!

wanted nothing to do with them, just like I‘ve been telling

you multiple times before. I can‘t just forget what they did to

me in a day; it will take some time before I forgive them.”

If I ever can forgive them, I don‘t say this to my parents

because I don‘t want them on my back every single day over

this matter.

“I‘m exhausted. Can I go to my room now?” I ask.

My mother looks to my father, and they both sigh, “go


I quietly excuse myself and rush towards my bedroom. I. shut the door as soon as I reached it and threw myself onto

the bed

Lizzie pushes me onto the chair and places my shirt out

of the way, revealing my chest to her. I go rigid when she

starts kissing my naked chest; why can‘t these kisses

compare to that one kiss from earlier? I kept seeing her

vibrant red hair sprawled over my chest as her soft lips

touched me. It was one simple touch, one f*****g touch, and

it made me almost lose my f*****g mind. How were they

even that soft? I‘ve had many lovers in the past, but no one‘s

ever had such soft lips.

Damn it. I close my eyes, and it somehow makes it

easier to see her face; she isn‘t here with me right now, but I

can still see her so clearly that it‘s like she is with us in the


Her messy yet exotic red hair is begging me to touch it,

and her eyes are daring me to come closer.

“Okay, what the hell is wrong with you today?” Lizzie

asks as she tries to catch my attention.

It‘s only then that I realize that her shirt is off, and she‘s

now only in her underwear on top of me.

“I think that I‘m close to finding the flaming whisperer,”

I tell her. I admit this to her, but I refrain from telling her who

it is and the strange pull of emotions I feel whenever I‘m

around her.

She stills on top of me, “are you serious? Who is it, and

vhy are you only just telling me this?” she demands.

why are you only just telling me this?” she demands.

I sigh and lift her off me, “I‘m not sure as yet. I need to

get closer to her before I can confirm this. I don‘t want to tell

you who she is until I‘m certain that it is her.”

Her brows scrunch together the way it always does

when she‘s angry. “I still don‘t see why you can‘t just tell


I can quickly tell her, but for some reason, I can‘t find it

in myself to do so. I don‘t think it‘s just because I’m not sure

if it is the girl I suspect yet; there is more to it, but I can‘t just

put my finger on it.

I see her in front of me again, like I‘ve been doing ever

since she boldly kissed my chest earlier tonight. I lost control

back there, and I can‘t ever let something like that happen


Talso don‘t know why her saying that she was still in

love with that asshole upset me so much. I tried hard to hide

my reaction from her, but it was f*****g killing me inside to

know that she still loved him, or even loved him at all for

that matter.

What gives her the right to love anyone? But what gives

me the f*****g right to ask that question?

I guess these were all the reasons that made me think

that she had it in her to be the flaming whisperer. My kind

has been waiting for her arrival for decades now. We‘ve read

countless books about her and what to expect. There were

countless books about her and what to expect. There were

even books about the flaming whisperer and the darkest

whisperer of all; me. There were books written about a

whisperer who could create multiple black holes at once.

and I was the only one of my kind capable of doing it. It‘s

why my family has always known that I would be the one to

find her. But did I really see her? I couldn‘t just sit back and

wait for the festival to find this out. I wanted to know


To do that, I‘ll have to get closer to her, but was that

such a good idea after nearly losing my mind tonight?

I‘ve been warned of the intense feelings that would rush

through my body the moment she entered my life, and I

have to say that these emotions fit the description and

warnings perfectly.

“Why have you been acting distant with me?” Lizzie

demands. “Is it because I was away for a while? Did someone

else manage to snatch you from me?”

Ilazily lift my eyes towards her, “you know that you‘ve

had my heart since the very beginning. Why do you ask such silly questions?”

She narrows her eyes before throwing her head back

and laughing, “Of course, you can‘t forget about me so

quickly. I mean, I‘m Lizzie; men go crazy for me. It‘s us

against the world, Adam; it always will be. There is so much

why my family has always known that I would be the one to

find her. But did I really see her? I couldn‘t just sit back and

wait for the festival to find this out. I wanted to know


To do that, I‘ll have to get closer to her; but was that

such a good idea after nearly losing my mind tonight?

I‘ve been warned of the intense feelings that would rush

through my body the moment she entered my life, and I

have to say that these emotions fit the description and

warnings perfectly.

“Why have you been acting distant with me?” Lizzie

demands. “Is it because I was away for a while? Did someone

else manage to snatch you from me?”

Ilazily lift my eyes towards her, “you know that you‘ve

had my heart since the very beginning. Why do you ask such

silly questions?”

She narrows her eyes before throwing her head back

and laughing. “Of course, you can‘t forget about me so quickly. I mean, I‘m Lizzie; men go crazy for me. It‘s us against the world, Adam; it always will be. There is so much for us to do. I didn‘t go hunting for things that could aid in our plans just to have you slip through my fingers like that.”

I shake my head and grab her waist, pulling her back on

top of me, “Slip through your fingers.” I hiss. “Never.”

Even though I say the words, another image of the Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

strangely beautiful girl pops back into

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