My Best Friend Stole My Royal Boyfriend

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

“Amiera, you have to get up now.” I hear my mother

shouting above me. Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

What time was it? I didn‘t care; I didn‘t want to go to

school today. I couldn‘t sleep at all last night, and I sure as

hell did not want to see Adam today after what happened

between us yesterday.

I always took things to another level, but this time I‘ve

crossed the line. What if Adam decided to tell everyone at

school? What would happen then? I could see all of the girls

laughing and pointing at me with their judgmental gazes. I‘ve

spent my entire life facing people that threw insults at me;

I‘ve been bullied more times than I can count. One would

think that I would have learned to at least keep away from

people like Adam.

I couldn‘t believe that I was this stupid; I‘d already been

through so much embarrassment; what was I thinking would

happen when I willingly followed Adam out into the woods?

“Mom, I don‘t want to attend school today,” I say, my

voice muffled against the pillow. I didn‘t want to show too

much emotion for her to grow suspicious. The last thing!

wanted was for her to do some digging into the events of the


“Amiera,” she sighs. “You have a perfect attendance

record; you cannot mess it up now.”

More Rewards swollen and dark eyes. Just great, everyone wouia lake one

look at me and know that I‘ve been crying the entire night.

Or I could blame it on staying up late at the party; that

sounded much better. Hopefully, I won‘t be the only one

looking like this today. When I left, half of the party–goers

were already intoxicated and were sprawled out everywhere.

As far as I know, they could still be in that house. Though

alcohol didn‘t affect my kind for far too long, we usually snap

out of it quickly. I wouldn‘t know for sure since I‘ve never

had it, but I‘ve seen others of my kind, and within a few

hours, they are usually back to themselves.

Inod at myself in front of the mirror and put on my

determined face. I could do this.

I could totally do this. No one would make me feel less

of myself today; I won‘t let them.

I can‘t do this.

I‘m staring at the school‘s entrance, and I can‘t find the

motivation I need to enter.

I always do this; I stare at myself in the mirror and tell

myself that I can do something, only to realize much later

that I was wrong. By that time, it‘s always too late for me. I

look behind me towards the exit and consider skipping

school for the first time in my life–fear of what my parents

would do if they ever found out quickly changes my mind.


entrance. Thankfully, no one seems to be paying us any

attention, at least for now. Everyone pretty much looked the

same as me, needing as much sleep as possible.

When I enter the classroom, Adam is nowhere to be

found, and I breathe a sigh of relief. But the truth remained

that he usually entered class right on time or five to ten

minutes late, sometimes much later. I start to relax a little on

the chair, but a part of me still wants to see him. That part of

me is disappointed at the chance of him not showing up

today. I try to wipe those emotions out of my heart and

mind. I had no reason to be this upset about not seeing him

in class. I should be happy; this meant that I didn‘t have to

be embarrassed when I saw him.

And then I feel him; I know he‘s here without even

looking up. I do my best to keep my eyes stuck on the book in front of me. I don‘t want to look at him; still scared of

what he‘d do when he sees me.

There are satisfied sighs around me, and I know that all

the girls are staring at him. This time, however, even the guys

seem to be excited over something.

“Damn, she‘s gorgeous. I can‘t believe she‘s back.”

Abigail‘s words prompt me to look up and what I see

next makes my heart sink. There is a beautiful blonde

standing right next to Adam, she‘s even more gorgeous than

Aria, and that‘s saying a lot.

“I think she might be Adam‘s ex–girlfriend, Lizzie,” Abigail

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the girls are staring at him. This time, however, even the guys

seem to be excited over something.

“Damn, she‘s gorgeous. I can‘t believe she‘s back.”

Abigail‘s words prompt me to look up and what I see

next makes my heart sink. There is a beautiful blonde

standing right next to Adam, she‘s even more gorgeous than

Aria, and that‘s saying a lot.

“I think she might be Adam‘s ex–girlfriend, Lizzie,” Abigail

whispers to me. “Rumors have it that they had a pretty

shitty break up last year. Maybe they‘re deciding to get back

together; that‘s the only reason I can think of for those two

to be seen together.”

I couldn‘t believe this. I touched his chest and even

kissed it when this entire time, he could have been in a

relationship with her. I felt sick to my stomach. How did this

make me any better than Aria?

Aria knew about you; you knew nothing about this girl, 1

tried to remind myself. Again I was blaming myself for no


“Good morning, class,” the teacher greets us. “Just a

few more days for the much–anticipated festival. Who‘s


Everyone begins to cheer in encouragement, excluding

1. me.

“Are you not excited about this?” Abigail asks me with

“Good morning, class,” the teacher greets us. “Just a

few more days for the much–anticipated festival. Who‘s


Everyone begins to cheer in encouragement, excluding

1. me.

“Are you not excited about this?” Abigail asks me with

curious eyes.

I shrug my shoulders, “at first, when I first found out

about the flaming whisperer, I was beyond excited at the

thought of someone like that being present around us.

However, after attending that event every year and not

seeing it happen to anyone, I‘m sort of not believing it

anymore. What if it‘s just some made–up story to make

school more entertaining?”

Abigail laughs, “I get where you‘re coming from, but I

still have my faith in them. I don‘t know if it will be a boy or

girl, but I‘m crossing my fingers that it will be a woman. I

mean, how cool would that be?”

I was happy that at least one of us still had faith in this

story. But I would only believe it when I see it.

My eyes go back to Adam, and I‘m filled with so much

envy that I feel a fire burning within my veins. I‘m angry that

he showed up today with her, and I‘m mad that she‘s flipping

her hair and batting her eyelashes up at him. I should be the

one there; he should be looking at me, not at her.

My eyes go back to Adam, and I‘m filled with so much

envy that I feel a fire burning within my veins. I’m angry that

he showed up today with her, and I‘m mad that she‘s flipping

her hair and batting her eyelashes up at him. I should be the

one there; he should be looking at me, not at her.

As if reading my mind, he stops looking at her and puts

his full heated gaze on me. The pen drops from my hand, and

my lips part slightly. Immediately my heartbeat picks up,

and I feel a burning sensation in my belly.

Somehow, I’m turned on all over again. My body feels

like it‘s alive again, and I want to walk over to him and

straddle his lap. His gaze lowers to my lips, and my body

shivers from just the thought of his finger touching me there

before leaning down and giving me a deep, passionate kiss.

Lizzie realizes that she no longer has his full attention,

and she follows his gaze to see him staring at me. Her eyes

narrow the moment that she gives me a once–over. I‘ve been

looked at like that before, many times by my own friend,

ex–friend. She doesn‘t see what Adam can possibly be seeing

in me; she doesn‘t understand why he‘s looking my way.

Maybe Aria always thought the same; perhaps she always

wondered why Bryan was with me in the first place; I‘m sure

that she wasn‘t the only one that had thoughts like that


Lizzie leans into Adam and seductively touches his chin before she turns him to face her. She‘s trying to tell me that

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