My Professor Is My Alpha Mate

Chapter 476

Lila'spoy “Zagrust ay mothe gasped, umroming he brows gets ash stared Hazel Thedbelloton horace made obvious that she ew is was verybad. “Sou know hohe 47 ed, eyeing her careful She was quiet or moment as sh processed thi information, knew fim she answered. “4 does you thr oes he now hat Zageeus bos sce? 1 haven't sen im, answered.“ 70 Have youres hm before? Eno asked, so eyeing my mother, Wes oly head rumors of him nha she answered “We aowshe has summoned him inthe asand the wot them have caused avoe How wash defeated? asked. He wasn, Hazel was the one who answered hist. te Helped zy ak over an nde coven sca Tig onset EI

him go back to wherever he came from." “I don't understand...” Diana breathed.

“Why would she summon such a demon again?" My mother's eyes found ine.

and held them momentarily before responding. “She's ater something,” my mother said, gravely. “And 1 fearit has to dowith our kind.” “10 likely,” Hazel agreed, “She doesn't like Volana wolves,” “Why now?” Diana asked, furcowing her brows together. “Why is she aking action now? After all these years?” “Something must have happened,” my mother said, shaking her head. “I'm not sure what that could have been though. Butic can't be good...” “We shouldn't be here,” Enzo finally spoke after what felt ikea long.

while. “if she’s after Volana’ then this village is no longer safe. A shield i not Eoing to keep darkness away.” “If that is what she truly wants, there's nowhere we can hide that darkness can't find us,” Hazel said, a grim look falling over her expression as she looked around the table. A tight knot had formed long ago in

+ my stomach, and it was only getting tighter. looked up at Enzo who sat beside me; he met my eyes, “What more can we do?” I finally asked, looking at Hazel. She was quiet with uncertainty “How abouta protection ceremony?" Diana suggested, looking at everyone witha tid frown, “We can doa protection ceremony, Keep our village surrounded by light. Darkness doesn't like the light; ft can't survive ini.” “That ‘could work,” Hazel said, nodding her head, “Butif she really s going to cast a dark curse using the daleness she conjured, [don't know if my magic alone i enough to keep our village protected from it” “Maybe not yours alone, but together, the protection spell will be even stronger,” my mother said, giving her a nod of encouragement, “Me too, said without even thinking about it “I just got my wolf back this morning, and I can already feel my powers recharging Il stay and help.” “We have to get you back 0 school before curfew, Enza reminded

me. “I think this is more important than acute,” said in tern, nacrowing my I eyes athim. “Lan't ust sit around an.

donothing We have to protect oie mother and the rest of er village.

Enso’s eyes found Diana's and thy hed eyecontact for along while before ie sighed and then eventually nodded in agreement. “Okay,” h inal. “We il stickaround to do this spell but ight ates I'm taking you back 0school "1 miled up at him and dissed is cheek gently. “1love you,” 1 aid to him gently.

Hesmiled in return and kissed me bac 1 turned to Hazel, fling determination surfacing in my body. “So, what dove need 0 407” asked. “Twill rab my spell book from my homes ust gve me few minutes, Hazel sad, jumping to her feet. he quickly le the house, while the restof us looked ater her. “Do you think ll work?” Lasked, glancing at my mother. She met my eyes. 1 think thas 10," she responded, reschingover to me and grasping my hand fly. “How

about 1 make us some dinner,” Diana, suggested, standing toher feet. “Do we I lke Shepard pe?” “That sounds delicious, Mom," Enzo said. “I'l ep You.” He stood as ell and went toward ex ridge. As frightened and nervous as was, my stomach growled with anticipation for food. “Want to go fora wallewhile they prepare diner?” My ‘mother asked. 1 smiled and nodded at er.

Together we went outside nto the cold autumn air I took a deep breath of the.

briskbreeze and stared upat the sky. The sun vias close to setting and an unsettled feeling fell over me. “Have you ever seen Zagreus inperson?” Lasked, peering at her as we walked down the narrow streets of the rogue village. “No,” she answered.

“I only heard rumors of Him. Ho was summoned long before Tas born, But I heard it was avery trying time. My father remembered tas the Dark Ages. There was danger lurking in every corner.” “Grandpa James?" I asked, raising my.

brows, She nodded gravely. “He told me

I SL [RR—— I heard about It before that, but he was the.

RE —— I darkness Hetold mee looked daass ins ne ys, an ed fom Fim Grampa) sd Zags?” 1 asked maz. She nodded hr head once. “Tey were unning om,” my Soctie esplaiae ty kv a other. bt my mother sipped nd just J mer umpedin he vay. fe sed he Ie desptising is oven.” hy d's Eerie ultor a moment 1 don hikhe erlaey the answer to that gestion ie as the ne who old me tht dikes can'esurive heh and hae the estes fom of ght ove, iki lov for my mother was enough gheto chase Zagreus away.” though has beautiful andyeto tering My mor stopped walking sh could foe BH ee

me as well and making me look up at her.

“Now that you have your abiltes back, I I need youto use them to your advantage,” She told me solemnly. “Keep shield around you and keep yourself surrounded.

with light. [know you havent practiced ith your powers much, but you have the ability to summon light.” “ow do do that?” Lasked. “I¢sall about your bran.

and the level of control you have. Just imagine yourself surrounded by abal of light; imagine that source of light nd.

pul toward you Just as you would with shield,” she explained. I nodded. “I can do that,” Isaid, giving hera confident smile. I closed my eyes and took deep breath. stretched out my hands so 1 could feel the breeze wrapping around every ounce of my body including my fingertips. imagined the warmth of ight biting my features and forming around.

me like a cocoon of power and radiance. I imagined the streetlights shining down ‘on me and hitting me with ther glorious Hight, The light covers me and the shells

around me, only to glow brighter and become more powerful The light detaches from the sreetlamps and becomes ane with my body. Though my eyes were closed, imagined myself ‘owingand becoming one with hat light 1 felt my mother aking asep away; felch pride and admiration as she.

Tooked at me. When opened my eyes, I could se the excitement in he eyes. I looked down at my body and realized was glowing. 1had taken the light ror the nearby stretlamp and made i my own. was the bal of ight and the streetiamp was now tuned off completely. “Amazing,” my mother breathed with the fondest smile on her lips. “Now return the ight to the amp. I nodded and stared upat the streetlights imagined the light draining from my body, slithering around the ground and.

uncovering my feet. The ald of the autumn ar returned to my flesh, and shivered at the sensation, The glowing; cocoon that was wrapped around me

began to dim and just as the last of the Hight left my bods, the stzeetamp began to glow again. “You did amazing, Lila 4 Bean,” my mother sald, wrapping me in her arms. “Whenever you fee ightened and thei has gone oo dak just do that No mater where youre, you can aiays summon light to you and it wil aluiays scare darkness away." hugged her tightly, feeling my body relax. “Do you think this spell is gong to workd” I asked. “Do you think keep the darkness away from the village?” 1 think t's worthatry," she said gently. Before could say anything more, Hazel approached us from nearby. hadn't ever now she was there, but In her hands, she held a thick purple book hat Knew was her spell book. “lhink 1 founda spell that will work,” Hazel sad, stepping toward my mother. My mother glanced at the book intently and read, “Calling the.

earth guardians to keep away all paranormal harm and evil.” “Earth guardians?” asked, alsing my brows.

Hazel nodded and my mother had a pleased look on er face, Yes, why did't Lihink of that,” my mother afd thoughttully. “Earth guardians are meant 0 keep certain areas sae if they are Summoned. They are meant o protect he earth from all vi. They can sth out for as long as aur powers alow it.” “it als for alotof power hough,” Hazel continued. “1 don'thave enough fo protect this entire nation But should have enough o protect the village; and possibly even the Calypso pack and other nearby packs.” “Do you think will kp. RêAd lat𝙚St chapters at Novel(D)ra/ma.Org Only

daricess away?” L asked, my tone becoming worried. “The guardians are made up ofall ive elements,” Hazel explained. “Barth, water, ar, ire, and.

spirit. Those elements combined forma light s strong that t can ward off darkness.” She paused and glanced at my mother with look of anticipation. “With our powers combined, 1 think we can do this

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