My Professor Is My Alpha Mate

Chapter 477

Lil's pov — “So, what do we need fr this spell to worl?” asked as my mother and Hazel Who were both reading the spell book intently. “Elemental candles, which I have back at home,” Hazel said as she continued reading. also need bowl of rose petals, which an get from the gardens.” “0ll ick the roses,” my ‘mother offered. "Should we have the tual inthe village center at sundown?” Hazel nodded. “That sounds great,” she.

agreed. “What should 1 do?" asked. They both paused and looked at me. “Return to Diana's house and help them with dinner,” my mother said gently. “Make Sure they are ready to cast a spell Loight We need them mentally ready because this spells bigand U's going to takeall of us “Including Enzo and his mother?” Lasked, Diana and my mother exchanged.

looks before turning back to me. “For this

‘spell to work, we are going to need all of us," Diana said, giving me a small smile.

“Your mother sight, they need tobe.

mentally alertand prepared fo tonight.

It could be draining forall of us.” “Okay.

Plllet them know," tld them. 1 hugged.

my mother tightly before heading back to Diana's house. paused at the door when Theard the low rumble of music sounding from he smal Kitchen. It sounded.

similar to the music that Dec listened to while cooking as well. walked through thellving room and stepped into the Kitchen, freezing at the doorway. 1 couldnt help the grin on my faceaas I ‘watched Diana and Enzo dancing and singing while they vere cooking, alongside one another The entire kitchen smelled delicious, and my mouth started watering, Enzo was working on the mashed potatoes while Diana worked on browning the beef and sautéing the veggie. It was nice secing Enzo so carefree and thriving with his mother, a rare sight indeed. I walked further IntoNôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.

the kitchen and without saying anything, Thegan to dance as well. 1 didn't recognize the song, butt was the same.

style of rock that Dee often listened to. 1 don't need to know the song to dance to he rhythm. 1€only took couple of minutes before Enzo noticed me. Ac ist, Ithought he was going tostop dancing. I found myself laughing at his dumbfounded expression. But then he smirked and strolled over to me, taking mein his rms and tiling me around theldtchen as his mother chuckled. “Did Hazel find a spell?” Diana then asked over the music. “Yes. She sad she’s going.

toned all of us in order ort o work: though So, we all have to be mentally prepared,” answered. “Doyouknow ‘what kind of spell” “Something about the guardians of the earth" 1 said, shrugging. Diana froze and snapped a look at me. “The guardians are the protectors of ur earth, She's going (0 summon them?” “According to Hazel, we areal going to summon them,” I

answered, looking at her in return.

“Why?15thata problem?” Enzo asked, ooking at his mother curiously and yet worriedly. “They use alot of power,” Diana sad, looking up at her son. “We.

might not be stron enough to keep them here.” “But they are the protectors of the earth, Would they want to help us?” 1 asked, “They are busy protecting the earth, yes,” Diana agreed. “Which means they aren't goin to want to protect us ules we have enough powers o feed them.” “They feed off our powers?” 1 asked, rising my brows. “The guardians survive off the power ofthe elements, he carth holds each of those elements.

When we summon them, ve are taking them from the earth where they can't feed. 50, whoever summons them will need 0 keep them fed. 1twearen't powerful enough to feed therm, they won't tick around long." “Hazel seems.

to think we could be steon enough,” I sald, shrugging, “What would happen it they drain us?” Enzo was the one to ask.

“Would i kill us?" “No, the guardians would never il 1 would weaken us if we weren't strong enough. If they sense we aren't strong enough right of the ba, hen they most Hkely will eave and eturn 0 the earth without giving us the time of day,” Diana explained, shaking.

er head sadly. “They wil only survive based on the energy we give It.” “50, we Just have to wait and se if ve have enongh power to feed them,” 1 sai, I Sounded more hopeful than felt. “My.

‘mother and 1 don't have powers,” Enzo.

reminded me. “Maybe not physically; but she's still Volana wolf and you have.

Volana blood. That has to count for something," 1 said, touching his arm gently. “Hazel thinks this can work We.

have to have aih in her or else it won't worleat all She needs us tobe mentally prepared, which means we need to have.

faith.” “she's right,” Diana said, nodding.

her head. “We will have fath that Hazel Knows what she's doing If she says this wil work, then belive her.” Diana stil

Tooked uncertain though, which made me feel uneasy. She turned back o the stove.

and continued to cool looked up at Enzo and saw that be was thinking intently about something; he was suddenly very quiet. 1 geabbed hold of his and and pressed my body against his in aloving manner, “You have ith, don't you?" asked. Helooked down at me and Liaw the uncertainty n his yes, but.

vias soon replaced with ove and passion as hebent down and ssed the bridge of my nose gently, 1 have faith in youand you believe this will work, then [believe too,” he said against me. It made me smile and my heartbeat rapidly against my chest. 1 hugged him just before releasing him and letting him return to his mashed potatoes. Dinner was ready.

within 30 minutes andby the time I finished setting the table, my mother and Hazel were returning to the Kitchen, “The food smell delicous,” my mother sald as she tooka seat “Pm so hungry; I can't wai 0 ca” “We made plenty of ood,”

‘Diana said with a smile as she served us.

each aplate of shepherd's pe. Enzo sat beside me and his mother satin front of him, my mother atin front of me and Hazel sat beside her, “We have everything prepared for tonight's ritual in the village center, Hazel began as we ate “Iwill begin at sundown.” “Which Is in about 30 minutes,” my mother continued for her. “Did Lila explain the tual to you yet?” “We are summoning the guardians,” Diana sid, string at Hazel who met her eyes n return. “Are we abe todothis?” “1 truly believe we.

can,” she said, nodding, “I can senseasa group we have a ot of power, Pm not entirely sure where the power Is coming.

from, but can feel t We are strongand might be strong enough to satsty the guardians.” “I trust you, friend," Diana sald witha fond smile. “This food s delicious,” 1 sai, taking a lacgebite. “1 agree,” Enzo said, smillngat his mother, “i'm glad you lke 1,” she beamed. We.

talked abit more a we ate and once, We

‘were finished, I helped Diana clear the table and clean the dishes. The sun as Starting o setover the horizon, and I Knew that meant twas almost time for theritual hoped 1 didn't look as nervous 251 felt. Hazel and my mother had alceady gone to finish seting pn the village center. When we finished.

cleaning, the rest of us oined then. In the Village conte, was amazed to see that Hazel and my mother sc upalltle campfire, Hazel held a sone bow inher hands and within the ow lay ose pels.

Lalso smelled something lkelavender, and it was such a calming scent, I Instantly found myself relaxing. There rasa small able on the other side ofthe fire where candles sat and somethin that looked like a grill lighter. noticed that each candle on the table vas adiferent color Red, yellow, blue, green, and purple. They were tall with god stems for Holding, "Oh, good. You've arrived. We areal going to form a large crcl around.

his firepit,” Hazel instructed as she

‘rushed toward the table of candles. She rabbed the yellow candle and handed it tomy mother “Luna Selene, as discussed, you'll represent the element al” My mother took the candle and nodded, walking to her spot to start the formation of the circle. She grabbed the.

ed candle and walked aver to Enzo “Enzo, you vill represent he element five. Stand right ove thre,” she sad, ‘motioning fora spot further away from my mother and across the fre. He took.

the candle and glanced in my direction 1 gave him a reassuring smile and he etumed it before going to is place in thecirele Hazel went back tothe table and grabbed two mre candles; she ‘walked over to Diana and handed het the blue candle. “You wil represen the element wate,” she said, handing Diana he blue candle She took Diana's am and guided he 03 place nthe circle to stand. Then, she walked over to ue, holding the green candle, “Bah?” I asked: She smiled fondly and nodded.

“You will represent the clement earth," she sald in agreement, handing me the candle. “Stand right ove here, shea, guiding me t0a spot. She went back To the table and grabbed the lst candle the purple one. Shealso grabbed the sone.

bowl that was filled with rose petals and something that smelled le lavender before shexwent to valk ovr othe center ofthe circle, standing beside the ie. “1 Know some of you aren't used to spel work like this but follow my lead and we will get through this,” Hazel sad ous al. “Iwill valk to each of you. wil ecie the spell outloud so you can know i. You will tte the element you represent and lighta rose petal on fire and then you'll toss nto the fire it” “Can we have an example?” Enzo asked. “Of course” she.

answered, beaming at him. “For example, you will say the lines ‘Wise: guardians of the earth, With the element ire, summon thee to bless and protect ny home from darkness this night and bring forth you elemental powers and

light Then using your candle, you will Jighta rose etal on fire and toss it nto their that sis before you.” Afer a pause shelooked around at allo aces “Do you think we can handle his?” she asked. Yes," Las the first to ans, “Lev do this. Let's summon the ‘guardian of the earth”

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