My Professor Is My Alpha Mate

Chapter 478

Lila's pov.

Hazel grabbed the lighter and lt the purple candie 1 was amazed by how large and vibrant the flame was. It gistened in the ght aie and th yellow orange of the flame brought out he purple of the wax and the god of the hand-holder “1 will start witha,” she sad, stepping in front of my mother Hazel held the vibrant purple candle with one hand and the stone bowl withthe other, My mother straightened her body and held the yellow candle firmly in her hands. Hzel a ist, spoke the lines ina low whisper for her ears alone and then when Hazel nodded, my mothe spoke the nes given oer. “Wise guardians of the earth. Wich the clement air, summon thee obless and protect my home from darkness this night and bing forth your dlemental powers and ight.” One those words ‘were spoken, Hazel spoke next. "Using

the element of spirit, I light your candle.

and ask or ar tojoin our circle and grace swith your breeze," Hazel said ina powerful tone. She it the yellow candle, held by my mother, wit the purple candle and alacge lame sparked to if, making the yellow wax glow fiercely. My mother reached into th stone br nd pulled outa red ose peta; the petal was glistening i moisture and when she brought 10 the yellow candle flame, i instantly caught on fire, making me gasp audibly. “With this petal, 1 summon thee,” my mother said firmly as she.

tossed th petal into the ire. stifled the urge o step back as the fice roared toe and grew larger and fercer. twas ‘lowing yellow jus as a heavy breeze.

washed throughs, giving me a chill as I struggled tostand in my place. Hazel then went o Enzo; he towered over hee and gave her a kind smile, which she retumed. Without her prompt, he began to recite his lines. “Wise guardians of the earth, With the clement fir, 1 sumunon

thee to bless and protect my home from darkness this night and bring forth your elemental powers and light.” She thei the ted candle with he purple candle and.

repeated her lines. “Using the element of Spit, light your candle and ssk for ire tojoin our crcl and grace us vith your heat” he flame ofthe red candle was large and powerful, like a roseng ire.

Like my mother, Enzo grabbed a etal from the sone bowl andl ton fice.

using his candle. “Wit his petal, summon thee,” he sald firmly, tossing the petal nto the fie pit. The ire pit res large and red with anger et the sharp hat of the fire tickling my features and making] difficult to breathe. I almost forgot that we were standing ouside on the cold autumn night vith how hott had gotten. Hazel made her way to Diana and stood In front of her oldest and best friend. They smiled at one another as Hazel nodded her approval or Diana to begin, Diana cleared he throat before speaking, making me share a look

with Enzo, both of us grinning, “Wise guardians of the earth, With the element water, summon thee a bless and protect my home from darkness 5 night and bring forth your elemental paveers and light” Hazel lit the blue candle ith hes purple candle reciting.

her lines, “With the clement of spit, I light your candle and ask for ater to join ourcireleand grace us with your moisture” The bue candle was brought tolifeand the lame looked ble, which 1 found tobe so amazing, Diana took a rose: petal and tit on fire using her candle “With his petal, summon thee,” she sai, tossing the petal nto the fice pit.

The fire, ance again, roared tole, and the flames, just ke the candle, lowed blue. soon felt the wetness of the wer that was summoned, and smelled the saltiness ofthe ocean. I¢ soothed away.

the heat of the fire. couldn't help but smile at this clement. Then, twas my.

turn, My hear was pounding with anticipation and nerves a Hazel stepped

in front of me. She gave me a reassuring smile and whispered, “You go this” she.

could sense my nervousness. gave her a small sme return and took a dep.

breath. 1 idee need he o el me he lines; remembered them. Lspokein a loud and fim voice, “Wise guardians of the earth With th clement ie, I summon thee to bles and protect my.

home from darmess this night and bring forth your elemental powers and ight.” Hazel lit my green candle vith the purple candi, and I watched in smzement a3 came to fe The green wax sparkled with delight, and felt an overwhelming sense of ease and comfort. "With he element of spi, light your andl and ask or the earth tojoin our crcl and grace us with your essence and protection.” Automatically, took a peta rom the stone bowl and realized 1was right about Itbeing wet. twas covered in some kind.

ofavender ighte lud. Using my candle, it the peta on fire. “With this petal, summon thee, said firmly as I

tossed the petal into the fire. Soon, 1 was.

surtounded by the glorious scent of freshly cut grass and felt an.

overwhelming sense of protection and warmth Hazel stepped back nto the centerof th ile and took peta aut of the bor as she placed the bow and her candle on the able near th fire pi.

With his peal, summon the spiriof the guardian to thecirce her voice boomed through the aie as shellt the.

petal on ire and tossed nto the fir pi, Fas expecting the fire to low purples It zoated tof, butt did't. ¢ bloomed.

all the colors of ach elementall at once, cascading us nacre of light and warmth The fire grew larger than t had before, and 1 tooka deep breath as each element danced around us. We were ach.

connected bya string of ight, making the circle come o fe. Thelightgeew so bright had o squint to see properly, but twas huge, and the fire only intensified sit grew stronger, had to look away and close my eyes, as did everyone else,Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

Including Hazel. When the heat of the fire died down and 1 ce th elements simmer around me, lke they were vading fn the.

a, opened my ces lightly. Th Tight had calmed down enough forme to open them all the way: Hazel had already opened her eyes, a dd my mother. Enzo ‘opened his afte mine and then is ‘mother opened hers. Though the sting of light il connected us, we were no.

longer blinded, but we were breathing heavily with pounding heartbeats. I stared at Hazel, trying to figure out what had happened andi the spell worked. But she wasn't ooking at any of us; he eyes.

were fixed on something else. She was staring up at the night sky with lage eyes and her mouth hung open shock My mother was the fist to follow hr gaze ‘and then her mouth dropped apenas well. soon followed both thelr gazes and saw exactly what they were looking at.

There was a strane dark lee In the sky, darker than the typical night sky. Within that cree, was a small ght; not lea

‘sun, but a litle dimmer and easier to look a. twas also completely white.

squnted tose what the all of ght vas, but s00n realized wasn'ta all of ight aa Itwas ust too faraway fo me to Seeit fully, but ast came toward us, realized thelight was takin the formof a woman Th ight that surrounded tis woman started to form and shape realized tht vas her white and flowing hai that drifted through the wind and rapped around er thin and perfectly shaped figure Shewas a small woman witha shor wie dress and porcelain skin. He beauty was indescribable but shetwas the most beautiful thing had ever seen. Her skin was so ar that It.

listened under the moorlightand then came olf with he fire that shined upon her. On her skin realzed there were smal orbs of igh that seemed 0 be making some soto giggling sound. It was ike they were talking o her, but 1 also sounded lke children gigging n hee car She continued to near us until she

reached the center of the circle; though she stil hovered over us, eas clear that she vas significantly smaller than the rest of us. Her sie was child-like, — however hee features and hr ocean ble eyes held some much wisdom. Though She looked ageless, twas clear she was wise beyond he years. The rbs fight that seemed attached to her, heones.

that seemed tobe gigging an whispering, descended from her and danced around er, sll Keeping their circular forms. We all stared a her wit ourmouths hanging open lesly dumbfounded and unsure of what toy.

don't think any of us were breathing ‘while she stared around out small group.

Then her eyes landed on Hazel “Helo, my darling,” the woman began 0 ay na voice that seemed almost musical. “Lam Aura. the Guardian o this Earth.”

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