Rules Of Our Own (Rule Breaker Series Book 3)

Rules Of Our Own: Chapter 57

THE LAST SEVEN days have been a blur. Alex and River have been busy with their hockey practices while I’m running around at the hospital, starting my new job. I miss them, but they more than make up for it at night.

It’s supposed to be my day off, and I groan when I receive the text from Gerard saying he’s in town and wants to meet.

I look at my reflection in the mirror and cringe. Rummaging through my closet, I finally settle on a sleek light gray dress with a square-neck collar and a simple black piping detail. My hair is hastily twisted into something resembling professional, like I’m trying to cram weeks of primping into seconds. With a steadying breath, I grab my bag and make my way to the lobby.

After a fifteen-minute Uber ride, I exit the elevator on Gerard’s office floor. The receptionist gives me a worried look, but Gerard’s already calling me in before I can ask what’s happening.

He’s at his desk, his gray hair pushed off his face, but his usual warm smile is missing. “You know Jason McKay.”

My head snaps to the spare chair on the side of the room, and I come face-to-face with my ex. Acid burns the back of my throat, and I hiss at him, “What are you doing here?”

Gerard cuts in. “Jason has brought to my attention your unprofessional behavior.” He holds out two pictures. One of Alex and I stepping into the back room at the gala, and the other reveals us leaving. Dread forms knots in my gut. The hem of my dress is askew, and my hair is scrunched up in the back from where it was pressed against the wall.

“I warned you this wouldn’t be acceptable. I’m sorry, Dr. Brooks, but Astrocorp will be pulling all funding to Prosthetics For Kids.”

My vision swirls, and I lock my knees to stay standing. “What? No, you can’t. I did everything you asked. We’ve got more funding; it’s gone national. We’re so close.”

Gerard looks sympathetic but unmoving. “I assure you, we can. Astrocorp cannot be associated with this level of scandal once it breaks out.”

Jason smirks at me and pops a piece of gum into his mouth.

My despair flashes to anger, and I step forward, placing both hands on Gerard’s desk. “How would anyone find out?”

Gerard huffs out an exasperated breath as if he’s speaking to a child. “If Jason spotted you, no doubt countless more did.”

I don’t bother explaining to him the only reason Jason saw us was he was probably stalking me at that party. Hell, I wouldn’t put it past him to hire a professional.

“That’s it? After everything?” My eyes burn with angry tears that I blink away.

Gerard lifts a brow and steeples his fingers, his expression clearly stating he’s done with me. “That’s it. You can go.”

I turn toward Jason, closing the distance between us, and jab my finger into his chest. “You are going to regret fucking with me, Jason. I’m done playing nice.”

He barks out a laugh. “Yeah, what are you going to do?”

I smile, knowing I’m going to come through on this promise. “I’m going to ruin you.”

His eyes flash wide, but I’m already turning away before he can say anything. I give him a little wave. “Enjoy the freedom you have left.”

I glance back at Gerard. “I appreciate you putting your neck out for me in the beginning and everything you did, but you should know there’s nothing wrong with my relationship. The Prosthetics For Kids campaign has been more successful than I ever could have dreamed. It’s gone viral nationally, quadrupling what you offered and it’s growing every day.  It’s because of them. It’s because they believed in me while you doubted me every step of the way. You’re blowing the chance at being a part of something amazing.”

“Dr. Brooks, Mia. I never wanted you to fail.” Gerard says, looking less sure than he did a second ago.

“Don’t worry about me, I don’t need your funding anymore.”

I wink and shove through the doors and stride to the elevator, head held high. Pushing the button, I replay the last few minutes and sort through my emotions.

There’s a loud buzz in my veins, and my pulse beats in my ears, but there’s no hint of disappointment. I stood up to my asshole ex, and I’m going to do everything in my power to take him the hell down. I step on the elevator and smirk at the receptionist watching me with curiosity.

Just as the door is about to close, Jason dashes through the narrow opening, a smirk spreading over his lips. Rage bubbles in my chest as he blocks my exit.

He stands menacingly over me, his dark eyes narrow and piercing. He speaks slowly, deliberately, as if tasting each word carefully before he spits them out. “You think you’re so smart going to my dad. Like you have the upper hand.” His hand shoots out towards me, but I react quickly and slap it away; his face contorts into a sneer.

“What do you think your guys’ coach will think when he finds out they’re fucking you? Hmmm, do you think it’s good for their wholesome image?”

My heart drops and a band tightens in my stomach painfully.

“It would be so fucking easy to let these photos leak.” Jason grins maliciously at me, his sharp teeth glint in the light. “I bet they’d even pay me for them.”

Anger crackles beneath my skin. I fucking hate him. I want to scream and rail and spit in his face. This is all just a game to him, but Alex and River are my whole life.

Jason raises a brow, seemingly sure of himself with each move that brings me closer to the corner he backs me into. Tears prick at the back of my eyes in that moment; hatred coursing through my veins. I take a deep breath, swallowing down my rage knowing that if I don’t give him what he wants then Alex will bear the brunt of it.

Humiliation flares inside me as the weight of my helplessness settles over my shoulders. I hate Jason, he makes me feel small, helpless. The polar opposite to how Alex and River make me feel. No matter how much I want to rage and scream, the only thing that really matters is them. I swallow down my ego clenching my fists and plead hoarsely, “Please don’t do this, I can tell your dad I lied about everything. That I was just jealous.’

A smirk appears on Jason’s face. “Too fucking late, Mia. I’m going to make you pay for everything you’ve done.”

The ever tightening band in my chest snaps, taking all reasoning with it, and I snarl through my teeth. “What I’ve done!? WHAT. YOU’VE. DONE. You egotistical asshole.” I growl out the words, blood flooding my veins and before I can stop myself I’m gripping his suit lapels for stability and driving my knee into his dick.

He grunts, folding in half wheezing, followed quickly by the satisfying sound of dry heaving.

“You’d think it wouldn’t hurt so bad with how small it is.” I scoff.

“Fucking bitch.” He hisses out, but doesn’t look up. He clearly has no idea what to do with me when I’m no longer afraid of him.

The bell chimes, and the door opens behind him. He barely glances at me as he escapes like the fucking coward he is.

I stand, back pressed against the wall, and just let the last few minutes settle over me. From the disappointment of losing the sponsorship… To how good it felt to threaten Jason in that office. To… My blood drains from my face remembering exactly what he said.

“What do you think your guys’ coach will think when he finds out they’re fucking you? Hmmm, do you think it’s good for their wholesome image?”

Guilt twists my stomach as my world crumbles. I know how important becoming captain is to Alex, how important their image is to their team. Now Jason is going to ruin all of that because of me. The realization washes over me like an icy wave, sapping away any courage I had. How could I ever tell them?

I don’t go home. Home. Like I have any right to call it that.

Instead, I find a small diner to sit in and let what Jason’s about to do bury me.

How am I going to tell them what I’ve done?

My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I hesitate to check it, knowing who it is.

Alex: How’d it go, Kitten?

After five minutes of not responding, he texts me again.

Alex: You still in there? Text me when you get out.

I order a meal so I can stay and push the food around my plate, but my stomach is too twisted to eat.

River: Mia. It’s been an hour. Where are you?

Alex: Just text back so we know you’re okay.

River: We’re cutting practice short. You better be at home. 

Knowing they’ll get in trouble if they leave, I type out a quick message.

Me: Sorry, lost track of time. Everything’s good. 

If I see them, I’ll fall apart, and they’ll want to comfort me. Jason’s going to wreck Alex’s chance to become captain, and it’s my fault.

An hour goes by, and my phone buzzes again.

Alex: We’re home. Where are you?

Alex: Mia, you’re worrying me. Tell us where you are, Kitten.

River: What’s wrong?

He always knows when I’m not okay, but this time, I can’t let him fix it.

My phone rings with a call, but I don’t answer, muting it instead. I need to figure this out. I need to make this okay.

I dial Sidney, needing my friend.

She answers immediately. “Hello?”


“Where are you? I just got out of parliament, and I have about a million missed messages from your guys.”

A sob breaks from my chest.

“Mia, what happened? Tell me.”

I break down and explain everything. She listens without a word, letting me get it all out.

“So, to summarize,” Sidney starts in. “Your asshole ex cost you your sponsor and now is going to try to ruin Alex and River’s image, and you think they’ll hate you for that?”

“I hate myself for it. I should’ve known it would go this way.”

“Don’t you think they should have a say in this? This isn’t university. Alex and River are grown-ass men. Get your ass back home and tell them what happened.” She’s using her professional voice, and I sniff. “Get your ass home, Mia, or I’m going to fly down there and make you.”

I rub my hand over my face and take a deep breath. “Okay.”

“Text them before they send out a search party.” Her voice is lighter, with a hint of a laugh, and I relax a little more.

“Love you, Sidney.”

“You too, babe. Now, go figure this out. And Mia…”


“We’re going to bring Jason down.”

A spark comes to life, and I’m able to take a deep inhale.

She hangs up, and I exhale, sending off a quick text.

Me: Coming home.

Alex: Thank fucking God.

Alex and River are already waiting for me in the hall. Alex walks up to me, immediately wrapping me in a hug, but River keeps his back to the wall, arms crossed protectively over his chest. He’s watching me, teeth clenched.

Tears slip over my cheeks, and Alex leans back, brushing them away with his thumbs. “What happened? Who do I have to kill?”

A watery smile pulls at the corner of my lips. How am I supposed to tell him that I messed everything up?

“Let’s get inside,” River says and walks in without looking back. There’s a frigidness to him that I know I deserve.

I bury my hands in Alex’s hair, pulling him closer and lift onto my toes, kissing him with everything I have. Not stopping when my lungs scream for breath and my head grows dizzy. If this is our last kiss I’m going to memorize every second of him.

He pulls back, his gaze roaming over my face, and his brows pinch in the middle like he doesn’t like what he sees. “Mia.” he whispers as he cups my neck in his hands.

My chest aches at his gentle touch, and I can’t stop the tears from leaking down my face. I want him, them. I struggle against the unfairness of it all. They told me their coach threatened to trade one of them if Alex couldn’t clean up his image. Jason is a lot of things, but he’s right about this. Nothing screams playboy like hooking up with the creator of the charity he’s working with. It’ll be everywhere. Everything he’s done will be overshadowed by the delicious gossip that he couldn’t keep it in his pants. They don’t know how much more this means. All they’ll see is Alex Grayson being everything they think he is. I grit my teeth. They don’t know him. Not like I do. I can’t let their coach trade him. The idea of being the reason they’re separated is like a lance to my gut. The only chance they have is to end things with me and for how much it hurts I have to let them.

Alex catches a tear with his thumb, and I can’t stop myself from leaning into his touch. His throat bobs when he swallows hard, and worry settles over his features. “Why did that feel like a goodbye, Kitten?”

I fight back a sob and answer him truthfully. “Because when I tell you what I did, you’re going to let me go.”

His head snaps back like I slapped him. “Never.”

My chin trembles as I desperately want that to be true. I break from his hold and walk through their door, ready to get this done so I can go curl up in a ball and fall apart in private.

River’s leaning against the kitchen island, his arms crossed as he takes me in. I desperately want to steal a kiss from him. To feel him wrapped around me, and store the feel of him away to take out and remember him at night.

He doesn’t move to close the distance between us. He’s always been too observant, able to read me like a book. Alex joins his side, looking at me with unease.

River lifts one brow, tilting his head to the side. “Tell us what happened, Mia. Because I don’t believe for a fucking second you’d hurt us.”

My teeth snap together, not expecting that, and I roll my lips, taking several breaths before getting it over with. “Jason’s going to go public with our relationship. It’ll probably be plastered on every news station shortly.”

Alex laughs, actually laughs, and his posture relaxes as relief visibly washes over him. “That’s it? I’ve been dying to tell everyone about us.”

My brows pull together, and I shake my head. “But your coach said you need to have a clean image, or you won’t get the captaincy. You could get traded! Pretty sure fucking the charity coordinator you work with counts as dirtying your image.”This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

He closes the steps between us and meets my gaze head-on. “Listen to me, Kitten. None of it matters. Not my career, not the game. Especially not the fucking captaincy. Not compared to you. Not compared to this.” He gestures between River and me. “People are going to think whatever they want. There’s no changing that.” He runs his thumb under my eye wiping away a tear. “We make our own rules, Mia. It’s what we think that matters. It’s what we choose that makes a difference. And I choose us. And I’ll do it again and again. Damn the consequences. As long as I have both of you, I have everything I need. My question is, do you choose us?”

The world tilts, and I suck in a breath, tears pooling in my lashes. “Of course.”

River walks up to us, and Alex makes room for him to wrap me in his arms. He stares into my eyes. “The biggest mistake of my life was letting you walk away. I should’ve fought for you then. Like fuck I’ll make the same mistake now.”

His mouth crashes to mine, and he kisses me until my lungs burn. He pulls back and stands shoulder to shoulder with Alex. “You’re ours. We’re yours. Always have been and always will be. There’s no changing that. I love you.”

I love you replays in my head, and I’m frozen in place.

They don’t care. They don’t care about the scandal.

Tears pool in my eyes, overflowing the rim. “Say it again.”

“I love you.”

“Even when I mess everything up?”

Alex wraps me in his arms from behind and buries his face in the curve of my neck. “Especially when you mess everything up. Not sure you’ve noticed, but we love fixing things for you.”

River’s movements are hesitant, and I realize I haven’t said it back. I grab him by his crisp white collar and pull him in close.

“I love you. I love you both so much it hurts. I loved you when it was still the most reckless thing I could do. When I knew my heart would be ripped out. When I thought it might break me. But how could I not when it’s you?”

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