Rules Of Our Own (Rule Breaker Series Book 3)

Rules Of Our Own: Chapter 58

“I GOT IT!” Sidney squeals through the screen of my iPad the second I answer her FaceTime. I’d set the tablet on the kitchen island in order to make my cereal and pause mid-pour as her words register.

“What do you mean you got it?” I ask.This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

“Check your email. My guy came through. It’s freaking gold, Mia.” Sidney glows with excitement that was quickly spreading to me.

A thrill travels down my spine as I tap the screen, opening my inbox and spotting the email marked as “Smoking Gun.”

Quickly opening it, my mouth drops open as my eyes travel over the words.

“How did he get this?” There are paragraphs of information interspersed with graphs and forms, all leading a trail from several hospitals to Jason’s bank accounts. This is so much bigger than I thought.

“This is definitely a don’t ask, don’t tell situation,” Sidney replies with a beaming smile. “Do you think it’s enough?”

I nod, still stunned as I scroll through the seemingly endless proof. I flip the screen so I can meet her eyes, and a smirk pulls at the corner of my lips. “Oh my God. That asshole is going down.”

Alex walks up behind me, wrapping one hand around my middle and the other on the counter. “Hey, Sidney. What are you doing to our girl here? Only we can make her this excited.”

“It’s not my fault I’m better at it.” Sidney grins.

Jax’s head pops into view. “Happy for you, Mia, but I just got back from playing away, and I’m going to be stealing my girl back.”

“I just need another minute—” Sidney’s cut off when Jax lifts her over one shoulder and leans closer to the camera.

“Keep us updated. I can always pay him a visit if this doesn’t work.”

“It’ll work,” Sidney replies from where her head is hanging behind him. Jax spanks her ass and grins before ending the call.

Alex rests his head on my shoulder, looking at my iPad. “Will it be enough?”

I show him what I have, and his grip tightens on me.

“Oh yeah, he’s totally screwed.” I break from Alex’s grasp and head toward our room. “I just need to grab something.”

The second I enter, I’m met with a dripping wet River, naked except for a white towel around his waist. My mind blanks as I take in his flexed muscles and the light dusting of hair trailing down from his navel.

“Need something, Love?” River asks, snapping me out of my daze. His light and playful tone warms my chest.

I close the distance between us, place my hands on his hot skin, and lift up onto my toes to capture his mouth in a gentle kiss. “I’m about to cause some chaos. Are you with me?”

“Always, Mia. I’m always with you.” River’s chest vibrates under my touch.

“Good, because I’m going to need your help.”

I go through my purse and pull-out James McKay’s card. There’s no doubt in my mind he handed it over not thinking I’d use it. Joke’s on him though.

I forward the email and dial before I can chicken out.

“Hello.” A deep masculine voice I instantly recognize as Jason’s dad comes through the phone.

“Hi, this is Doctor Mia Brooks. You know, the girl your son tried to frame.” I push the words out. My lungs struggle to expand as my nerves start to take over.

Strong arms wrap around me, and River’s mouth drops to my opposite ear. “Breathe, Love. You’ve got this.”

I take a deep breath and tune back into what James is saying.

“Since you’re calling me, I expect you have some proof to back up your allegations. I assure you, Ms. Brooks, I will not take this lightly. For either of you”

I stand taller. “It’s Doctor Brooks. I’ve already emailed them to you.”

He’s quiet for a minute before making a surprised, muted sound only to reply, “I’ll be in touch.”

The phone goes dead.

That’s it? He’ll be in touch.

Alex enters the room, holding up the iPad to River. “You should fucking see this. Boy is fucked,” he says gleefully.

I look back at the guys. “I think the wait is going to kill me.”

Alex lifts me over his shoulder and spanks me hard on the ass.

“Don’t worry, Kitten. We’ll keep you distracted.”

One week after sending the information to James, I cross one stiletto-clad ankle over the other and watch the door from my seat in an overly expensive modern chair. Jason’s dad contacted me yesterday to set up a meeting in his Boston office.

He’s sitting at his large steel desk, hands clasped in front of him, a stack of incriminating documents on the table.

Apparently, he’d gone through the files, and even though I’d obtained the information through a shady channel, it was enough for them to follow through on their side.

Turns out, Jason had been stealing a lot more than what he’d pinned on me. He’s been taking pills from each one of the hospitals his dad works with. Including the two located right here in Boston. Which is how I found myself dressed to kill in a black power suit, waiting for Jason to walk into his father’s office.

Nerves prickled under my skin all morning with a nervous anticipation for this confrontation. For months, I wanted to have the upper hand on Jason, and now that I finally have it, it’s sort of terrifying in an absolutely amazing way.

Both Alex and River have been nothing but supportive, giving me encouragement to come in here and witness Jason’s downfall.

There’s a light knock on the door, and an impeccably dressed man steps in. “Your son is here.”

“Send him in,” James replies, eyes already narrowing on the entry.

Jason strides in, a smile on his face. “What’s with the emergency meeting, Dad—”

He freezes when his eyes meet mine, and I can’t help the mischievous grin from curling my lips.

Jason pales as the blood drains from his face. “What are you doing here?”

I stand and walk toward him, placing a sympathetic hand on his shoulder and plastering on my most condescending smile. “I told you you’d regret fucking with me. This is me not playing nice.”

“Son, come here,” James commands, and Jason shakes me off with disgust before approaching his father’s desk. He’s about to sit down when James stops him.

“No need to sit. This won’t take long.” He holds out the file, and Jason takes it, flipping through the contents. Sweat forms on his temples, and the back of his neck turns a bright red.

Jason’s head snaps up. “I’m being framed.” He looks at me. “She’s a lying bitch. She’s done nothing but beg me to take her back.”

I snort but don’t stop him from digging his own grave.

“This is a setup. You know I wouldn’t do any of this,” Jason pleads with his dad, giving him a look that no doubt got him out of countless things before.

James stands from his desk. “You had everything you could ever need, and yet you still chose to steal from me. Tell me why.”

“I didn’t,” Jason replies weakly.

“Do. Not. Lie. To. Me.” James’s voice booms through the room.

“Come on, Dad. You know I wouldn’t. Why would I?”

James shakes his head in disappointment and hits a button on his phone. “Send them in.”

The door opens, and two officers step through. They walk up to Jason, who spins away.

“Do not touch me,” Jason hisses.

The second cop grabs him by one wrist, and Jason tries to squirm away, but the officer already has him cuffed. “Don’t make this harder than it needs to be.”

Jason looks at me with hatred. “You can’t do this.”

“I assure you, I can.” I repeat back Gerard’s words from when he pulled his funding. “I hear theft of that amount is a felony. I hope you like the colors in prison.”

“You fucking bitch—” Jason tries to lunge at me only to be held in place with a sharp tug of his wrist.

The officer cuts him off, leading him out of the room while reading him his rights. “Jason McKay. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in court. You have the right to talk to a lawyer for advice before we ask you any questions. You have the right to have a lawyer with you during questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish. If you decide to answer questions now without a lawyer present, you have the right to stop answering at any time.”

“Don’t drop the soap!” I call after them just before the door clicks closed.

“I owe you an apology.” James says from behind me, his voice a cool professional that makes it hard to decipher.

I spin to face him, the clacking of my high heels echoing off the walls. And shrug. I really don’t care about anything this man thinks. “Consider it forgiven.” Then I push through the door, a freedom settling over my shoulders.

A few moments later, I step out of the elevator into the lobby. Alex and River are standing nearby with wide grins on their faces as they watch a police officer lead Jason away in handcuffs.

Alex is carrying two bouquets of helium balloons that read “Lock him up” in bright red lettering.

A laugh breaks from my chest, and it takes me a second before I can say, “What are you doing here? I thought we were supposed to meet back at your place?”

Alex motions toward the window where officers are leading Jason away. “Couldn’t miss the show!”

River envelops me in a side hug and plants a kiss on my temple. “I’m so proud of you.”

I sink into his chest, comforted by their presence. In that moment, I realized how truly lucky I am to have them both in my life.

I look up, resting my chin on his chest, and grin. “We did it!”

“Nah, Kitten.” Alex cups the back of my neck. “You did it…well, Sidney helped. Do you think she’ll want a present?”

River shakes his head. “There’s nothing she wants that Jax hasn’t already gotten for her.”

Love swells in my chest as they joke around me. “What’s next?”

River brushes a loose strand of hair behind my ear, a warm smile tilting his mouth. “We go home.”

My heart swells, and I have to fight against the burning in my eyes.


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