Shouldn't Have Kissed You

Chapter 45

Chapter 45

Maya looking at the white dress that was laid on the bed. It was beautiful and she couldn't more happy

that she was at that moment. S he knew she could count on her husband when it came to dressing.

And him being the cute husband he was, he would chose for her her dressing. Maya let her handbag

lay on the couch as she walked to pick up the dress.

The texture was amazing. Anyway, when was her husband's clothing ever been fake? Maya placed the

dress back on the bed and walked to the bathroom. She needed to take a quick shower before she got

late for whatever was going to take place. Of course she had no idea since all her husband did was text

her a short text message telling what to do.

And that was for her to change into a dress that she found on the bed and to go to a location that he

had send the address to her. Maya being Maya had tried to call and ask what was happening but it

seemed that her husband knew her better than she thought he did. He had switched off his phone for

her not to use a tone that he called seductive when she needed something from him.

Maya let the warm water flow all over her body as she closed hers. Life could never have been any

better that it was at the moment. It had been two months since her and Chris had come from their

honeymoon. Two and she felt like it was just yesterday when Chris was confessing his love to her. God,

how she loved that man.

But that didn't mean their love was a bed of roses. Of course you can never have that in life. Always

ups and downs which determine who you're as life moves on. And their relationship was no different.

They didn't agree on somethings. they did give each other their backs at some night but that is what

made them what they were right now.

They grew together and she was sure they would as long as they loved each other and fought their

battles together. And they were not the only ones doing well of course. Kyle had become famous with

her party organizing company which was yet to be given a name. Maya was happy for her and more

happy that she was starting a fresh in relationship.

Yes, you had it right, Kyle was in a relationship which according to her they were taking things slowly.

This wasn't the friend that Maya knew. Kyle never took things slowly in her love life. She did sleep

around all the time but Maya was happy that now she settled on one man. A man that she would have

never guessed. But Chris had told her he had seen it coming on the day of her birthday. So she was

happy for Kyle and Wesley and she hopped that none of them was going to hurt the other.

As for Leonel, she could still remember his face when he had known that she had confessed her love

to Chris. Call her dump or whatever but she had no idea that he had fallen in love with her. Which was

so weird since he had given her all the signs there was to give. Like him always being there for her.

Leonel always telling her that he was crazy for her when she thought he was joking.

But who could have taken him seriously? Leonel was a comedian. And what worse was everyone knew

that the her latest best friend was in love with her including Chris. She did feel bad but what Leonel did

after he had confessed his feelings for her and her apologizing made her admire him. 'Just take it as

being lucky, as a kid you had little love but now, now you've so many people who love you. Hell Maya, I

wish I was you. I mean having two men who could fall at your mercy at time is no joke. And not

forgetting they are handsome ones too. If that lucky bastard ever does something to hurt you, i'll take

you without a second chance. Okay?'

Leonel had said making her laugh at his silly jokes. Yes they were silly since he was hurting and he still

tried to make jokes to make her feel okay when she had been the one hurt him. If only one could tell

his/her heart who to love. She could chose Leonel within an heart beat. Who wouldn't anyway? But her

heart chose another. It chose someone who hadn't been an angel at the start. He had been a demon,

no demon is better. He was a devil in person but the heart wants what it wants.

So, Leonel had gone to visit his grandma whom she had no idea he had for the time they had spent

together for a month and he had come back. To be the Leo that she had know for the past few months

they had known each other. He would bring her coffee every morning and take her out on lunch when

Chris wasn't doing that. She loved it and at the same time hated it. Because the more they spent time

together, the more he found it hard to move on. But him being him, he had refused to let go of their

friendship to heal. To him one month was enough for him.

Leonel had even joked of waiting for one of her and Chris' daughter to marry. Which was funny

because she and her husband hadn't talked about having kids yet. And that made her tell him that he

would be too old for her daughter before she reached the legal age. But Leonel had an answer and that

was he was sure now matter how old he would be, their daughter would fall for his charms.

Maya walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel and the other wrapped on her head. She walked

to the dresser table and began her activity of making her hair. She needed to curl it before she got

dressed and that didn't help stopping her trail of thoughts on the two months. She had gone to Chris'

office for them to have lunch and she had noticed that Kimberly was no longer working there on her

fourth visit.

As they say curiosity killed the cat, she had asked out of it and that was their first fight since they had

become a real couple. It was a real fight that Chris didn't talk to her over their lunch and when they had

gone home that night. He wanted to tell her something but she kept on telling him it didn't matter what

happened in the past or why he fired her as long as it wasn't because of her. And that is how it was.

She was happy in a way that Kimberly didn't work there.

Of course she knew that Kimberly loved Chris and she was lucky to be the first person that Chris loved.

Maya got up and walked to the walk in closet to take her underwear. She dressed faster before

checking her watch. She had less than thirty minutes to arrive at the address that Chris had sent her on

her phone. Maya pulled her black heels from the shoe rank and wore them as she walked on the couch

to pick up the handbag that she had placed it there when she walked in.

Maya pulled her car in front of a restaurant and wondered what Chris was up to. They had agreed that

that week he was the one who was going to cook and they won't have anything from outside as long as

it was dinner time. Maya handed her keys before walking in the restaurant.

"Good evening ma'am." A blonde lady had greeted Maya when she walked to them. "Table for how

many?" She had asked when Maya had replied her greetings.

Maya walked behind the lady who was walking through tables hence earning them eyes. That's how it

was when it came to her and the public that still could not believe that she and Chris were married and

very much in love. The moved to double door which lead them out into a balcony. The breeze hit her

and in a way she was greatful since she had no idea what her dear husband was up to.

Its not like this was the first time he did something like this, but to her it felt different. different in a way

that she could not understand herself. And then she saw him when her the lady moved out of her. Chris

stood at the table wearing black tuxedo looking more handsome if that was possible. his hair was

combed backwards which was done that only when he had importance meeting. He was handsome

and she wanted to jump his bones at that moment.

"You finally made it." Of course that would be his romantic greeting. Maya watched him walk towards

her with his left hand behind his back and when he stood before her he couldn't help the smile. "For the

most beautiful lady in the enter universe." He pulled out white roses and handed them to her.

"Aren't we trying too hard to impress here?" Maya asked picking up the roses from him. "Thank you

flatterer." She pecked his lips and moved away from him.

Maya moved to there table and she was about to pull her seat when her husband bit her. This wasn't

the last time that they would be competing of this or so she thought at the moment.

"Your waiter would be here any in a jiffy." That had Maya remember that they still had someone around

there when she was looking at her husband as if she wanted to eat him alive. "Please enjoy your

evening ma'am, sir."

"Ooh I plan on enjoying it very much." The lady had already left when he said that. "Now I see what

took you so long, kitten."

Maya just smiled at her husband. What else would she have said to him? He was the cute one

between the two of them and she was falling in love with him all over again every day when she woke

up beside him. Even when she was mad at him or the vice versa.

"What's this for, Chris?" She asked. "It's Friday meaning the week isn't yet over. You're supposed to be

making dinner at home,remember?"

Maya watched her husband frown. "And here i thought you would be happy."

"Chris, your cooking makes me more happy than this."

"And you call me flatterer? You're worse than me." He had a smirk on his face. "Now kiss me cause i

missed you today."

Maya just laughed and leaned in for that kiss. She had also missed him and seeing him and reminded

her how much she had. Of course she was in control of the kiss. She let her lips tastes his and teased

him when he opened his mouth to let her tongue in. Instead of sliding her tongue in, she leaked his

bottom lip earning a groan from. Maya just smiled in his lips and slide her tongue inside his almost

closing mouth.

But that was a mistake because her husband fought for dominant which in a way won. They kissed not

caring who would walk though those door doors. And when the need for air came, Chris didn't let go.

He even seemed like he wasn't ready to do that. Chris attacked Maya's neck like his life depended on

it. And her moan didn't help when she was pushing him away. Hell, she even had no idea when she got

out of her seat to Chris' lap until she jumped when someone cleared there throat.

As much as she did jump, Chris didn't let go instead his hold was more firm than before. Which she

was thankful for since she would have fallen down. The young man apologized and he was about to

walk away to come later when Chris stopped him. He took the menu and they both looked at it before

placing their orders.

"That was so embarrassing." Maya said getting up from his lap.

"Are you embarrassed of us making out?" Chris asked locking his gaze with Maya. "Cause I'm not."

"Don't be ridiculous, hubby." She walked the the other side trying to avoid his touch. "Didn't you see

that man's look?"

"He has to know that you're mine."

"You possessive pig." She accused as she stared at him. "Why are we eating out again?"

And just like that, he changed the topic. They talked about nothing in particular and when their food

was served they ate in silence. This had Maya wondering what was happening.

To her, her husband would never avoid talking about something unless he was up to something and

she was as sure as hell.

"You know, its funny that we've never talked about what you would be doing if you never became a

doctor." That was Chris after they're done with dessert. This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

Maya pushed her empty plate away. And her husband was right. They had talked about almost

everything but never once did they talk about what they would have been if they weren't who they're at

that time. Its funny, right?

Maya looked at her husband, "I would have started my own jewelry shop."

Maya watched her husband's eyes widen as if she had said she Noah Cention had kissed her. Its true,

if she hadn't studied medicine, she would have become a jewelry maker and also a seller. When she

was a child, her brother had taught her what their mother had taught him and according to him, she

was faster in learning. Any what did he expect from a talented young sister that he had.

So when her father took her to boarding school in primary, she went to perfect her work. She made the

bracelets and necklaces using place and sold them to other student. Call it extraction or whatever you

may but that was her way of getting source of income since her father wouldn't give her any.

Then she came back home and found her brother refusing to go to a medical school. And to make her

father proud she accepted to go medical school. To follow his foot steps just to make him proud but of

course, he never appreciated her. He never so her hard work despite her no longer doing it for him but

out of passion.

She was among the best in the country. But that was never enough for him. It was never and it will be

enough to her father. And the funny thing was that despite everything she still loved him. It was insane

and she knew it but what could she do? It was her stupid heart which didn't know when enough was

enough. Or how to let go at that matter.

"Wow!" Chris said. "Then that means that destiny would have still brought us together." He moved his

hand to her. "I mean, I would have maybe noticed your designs and loved them and I would have

looked for you ." Chris rubbed her hand slowly, "Then maybe our love story would be different."

Maya smiled at her husband. He was right, there love story would be different under different

circumstances but God had other plans.

"Maybe or maybe not." She smiled at him and moved her other hand on top of his. Chris smiled at her

and they stayed like that for a while. Just staring at each other. "You know, knowing you you wouldn't

have given my jewelries a chance."

Chris smiled at Maya. "Very much true, cause they would be international." Of course he had to flatter

her. "Tell me, what would they've been made of?"

Maya loved the way he was interested in something never actually happened. "I would have moved

from plastic to bones."

Her husband looked amused at at her and she understood why so she just explained her idea of bones

to him. He loved the idea and her creativity despite her never starting the business and he assured her

that she could have been a successful person if she had ever began that idea.

So that's how their time passed and by the time they're done talking which seemed like forever, a

waiter came to whisper in her husband ear. Of course she hadn't forgotten that something was

definitely fishy the whole time she was there.

Chris got on his feet when the waiter walked out of the double door. He offered his hand to Maya which

she was confused to be honest. She hadn't heard what the two had talked about and now he was

offering his hand to her. What if they were planning to kill him in silence.

But she was to die, she would be happy. Happy that she had experienced love from different people

who weren't blood. Happy that they gave her a chance to prove herself that she can be governor's

daughter and still be a normal human being. Not a spoilt brat that everyone thought she was. And by

everyone that made those who judged before getting to know someone.

"Where are going, Chris?" She asked still taking his hand as he lead the way.

When she walked out, the restaurant was empty. Which had her wonder. Before there were allot of

people and now there were none. Chris lead Maya to what looked like a ballroom. She expected to find

people dancing there but there was no one in there.

She wanted to ask what was happening but before she could say anything, Chris bowled done and

asked if he could have the dance. Of course there was no music playing and that had her walking down

the line of memories. Memories of them in there honeymoon when they had gone down to coast.

Chris had asked her to walk along the beach one night in Nyali beach. The beach was beautiful and

she couldn't refuse his offer. So when they stood watching the waves at night, Chris asked her for a

dance which she asked for the music. All he did was to tell her that she had to listen to his heartbeat

and the steps would follow the rhythm and it sure did. They danced almost for an hour and she loved it.

Hell, she didn't even want to stop and now,now they were in a ballroom.

This time Maya thought that it was going to be heart beats but she heard Perfect by Ed Sheeran from

the background. Whatever was happening had Maya hold her breath, it wasn't out of ordinary but still it

was. Maya laid her head on Chris' chest and let the music carry her away. And the most shocking this

happened, people began to walk in and everyone held a letter which she read as she lifted her head



The first letter held by a woman read as she walked past her followed by a man next.











Yes or


The last two were carried by kids who smiled at Maya. She was crying already and she couldn't help

anything to stop her tears. She didn't know when she had actually pulled away from Chris but when he

looked at him again, he was on his knees looking up at her.

The music at the background was Beyonce who was singing at the time.

And I've found man, stronger than anyone I know,

That was what she heard as she was looking at her man. Yes, he was her man and he was proposing

to her in the most unthinkable way ever. She could have guessed allot of things but not this, not even in

a million times.

If she was happy before, it couldn't be compared to what it felt like right now. This is how she wanted

her proposal to be like. carry more just a dream, to carry love, to carry children of our own,

Cause we were kids when we...

No, they weren't kids when they fell in love. Hell, they even had no idea when it happened but to her, it

was the most beautiful thing ever. Most amazing actually and she could never ask for more than what

she had. That's why she could die a happy woman at the time and regret nothing., I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms,

He was kneeling waiting for her answer. Yes they had danced but now he had those puppy eyes that

begged her to say yes. That screamed I love you without even speaking the words and for the first time

ever, Maya believed what Kyle told her.

Yeah, call her whatever you want for her thinking about her best friend when her man was on his knees

maybe with then already hurting him. But it's true, he was whipped and he could stay there till morning

all for Maya.

I know I've met an angle in person and she looks perfect tonight.

Of course she had met a devil before who in a way changed to an angel and he was hers. Hers to love

and no one else and for that she couldn't help the smile that appeared on her face and that time her

friends chose to come in the ballroom. And as if he was waiting for them, Chris spoke.

"Maya, I know I haven't been the best husband that you had dreamed of. That you had wished you met

but fate had it's own way of bring us together.

"Before I never believed in fate and destiny but now, I even believe in God. I've learned to forgive

because of you. You've taught me so much about life that I never thought one would learn.

"You even taught me how to truly when I thought it was impossible. Maya Rollins, I promise to love and

cherish you every single day of my life. I'll be the stubborn husband when you refuse to listen to me.

"I'll be your comedian when you're sad. I'll make even the most stupidest joke just to see you smile and

wipe that frown of your face. I'll be your doctor when you get sick since I won't let you do anything when

your ill. I'll take care of you.

"Mrs. Rollins, I promise to be the best father of our future kids. I'll love our football team player, yes

don't look at me like that and you, you'll never complain of my never ending love.

"I promise to be the best friend that you need. To listen to ever thing that you say as a student does

listen to her teacher." He held her gaze and damn, she wished she could blame hormones for crying

but she couldn't.

"I'm not promising not to fight Maya. Cause we will. We will fight when we have our first two kids and

you'll think I'll favourite the one that looks like you. Maybe I'll but we'll work things out. We'll know how

to solve them together.

"So Maya Freeman will you do me all the honours of making me the happiest man on the planet by

becoming my wife ones again? Please Marry me and I promise to make you happy for the rest of our


And what else would she say to him when he said those beautiful words to her. Yes, they're beautiful to

her and her mouth opened to answer him.

"No." Of course she saw the hurt pass through his eyes. "How can I marry you when you've no

engagement ring? I need a rock on my hand."

Chris did not even wait for Wesley to bring the ring where he knelt. He met him half way and said

something that said you want me to loose a wife because you want to propose to Kyle with my ring?

Maya just laughed as Chris stood on before her and asked again.

"Will you do me the honours of becoming my wife one again?"

And again she said no. When he asked why she cleared her throat and showed him the ground. At first

he was confused then he realized what she meant. He went down on his knees and asked the question

once again.

And this time she said.

"Yes, I'll be your wife again, Chris Rollins."

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