Shouldn't Have Kissed You

Chapter 46

Chapter 46

Chris got up from his seat and took his jacket with him. It had been a long day and it was time him to go

and pick up his soon to be wife for the second time. It did sound crazy that is what it was. What else

could he call it anyway?

Chris walked passed his personal assistant who smiled at him and he smiled back. Life could never

have been better than it was at that moment. He was happy. Happy than he thought he could ever be

but Maya made it possible. She made him realise that happiness was not about loving someone but

also being loved back.

Its not like Kimberly had loved him at all. She did but in her own special way. She also taught him

somethings that he would never forget but with Maya, it was different. He wanted to see her every

single minute. He wanted to hear her voice every time at that had him wonder if he has loved her to an

extent of obsession.

Of course Wesley said he was whipped but was that enough to explain himself? Was that an answer to

his madness with her. Everything in life had limit even love its self but when it came to his fiancé, he

had none. It did scare him as hell but he kept on loving her. Call him crazy but he had an idea of how

crazy he was with her.

Chris got in his car and drove towards the hospital. She had to be done with her operation at that time.

The last they spoke, she had told him that she was giving a teenager girl a new face after hers was

destroyed in a car accident two years ago. He had been curious as to how that was possible but Maya

had explained it to him.

Of course he understood two percent of what she was talking about as for the rest, it was misery to

him. Its just how she didn't understand how he came up with new line of clothes or how he composed

his songs. Speaking of songs, his album had been released the following day after he had proposed to

Maya. People took it positively and some of the songs in it were on the billboard top ten and he couldn't

be more happy than he was.

Chris did not understand how someone like him could be that happy. He hadn't done anything to God

for him to deserve what he had at that moment. In fact, he had done quite the opposite of being faithful

to God. But he is a mysterious God. He works in ways that us human can't even understand ourselves.

Chris pulled in front of the hospital and to his surprise, Maya stood there waiting for him. And there he

was thinking he had gone early. He was about to get out and open the door for her and she did it for

herself. That was one sign of knowing miss Maya Rollins was mad. The second sign was her not

saying hi or glancing your way. And she didn't do any of that, so he knew he had to pay for it.

But could you blame him? He had meetings the whole day and had asked him not to come early since

she had no idea how long the operation would take. And now she was mad at him? Anyway, if he loved

her, he had to love everything about her and to be honest, he loved her even when she was mad and

all that.

"Hello, kitten." Chris greeted pecking her left cheek. "How was your day?"

She didn't answer and he wasn't expecting her to answer anyway. He started the car and drove in

silence. He knew what you make her talk but right now, they had to get home first.

Chris pulled in front of their mansion and got out of the car after Maya had gone out without even a

glance. To him, he never thought that he would ever think of this mansion too big for him but now it


Maya had a point when she had one evening said they needed a small apartment until they had a big

family. And by a big family she meant the one that he had talked about when he had proposed.

Yeah, the football team that he had talked about. Till today Maya hasn't stopped pestering him in

wanting to know how he pulled a proposal like that but him being him, it was his secret to keep and not


After all, he never kissed and told anyway.

Once Chris walked in the bedroom. Their bedroom. It had changed from his to theirs and it would never

change in plural ever again. Till death tore then apart. Chris pulled his tie followed by bottom up shirt

before he completely stripped naked.

He walked to the bathroom where the shower was running and walked behind his wife. She looked

tired and he wanted to help her. He didn't know how but he was ready to do anything just to help her.

"It's about the other teenager patient, right?" He asked taking away the cloth she was using to wash

her body. NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

He had it figured out when she didn't even smile at him in the car. That's how his wife was. Too

attached to her patients that she cried over every single one of them that she couldn't save. But wasn't

that like.

Science talks about balance. Like one has to die for another to be born. For the world to have balance.

That's why every day someone dies and also someone is born. That's how it works and we can't

change that. Science or biblical, it's what it was.

Maya nodded her head as she let Chris was her off. Chris pulled Maya into a hug and rubbed her

stomach as she let her tears flow freely. He knew it hurt but he had tried. Tried to make not to get

attached that much but is what is wife was. Always ready to give at any time.

"You know," he said when the water had washed away the soap on her body. "She did fight, love. I

mean as much it hurts you, think of her mother."

Maya turned around to look at him.

"That's why I'm sad, Chris. No mother is supposed to go through what that woman went through. I

mean no parent should bury their own kids. I don't want that to ever happen to me Chris, I would die."

She was right. no parent deserved to bury their own kids. everyone wants to grow old beside their

loved ones and that is the dream of every parent out there. The moment the kid is conceived one only

things of dying a happy parent. no one dreams of their kids dying. And just like Maya, he would die if he

buried his own.

"I know but its only the one who is up there who can answer why somethings happen the way they do."

Maya wrapped her arms around Chris and nodded her head in agreement. He knew she was thinking

of how she could have done more the kid. But there was nothing to be done and the dead girls face

had given another girl hope. A chance to face world again. A chance not to be called names anymore.

A chance to be loved without being judged and he, he made Maya see that. He made her see the

bright side also.

"Tell me what you want for dinner." This was after half an hour of them walking out of the bathroom.

Maya was wiping away the droplets of water and Chris had changed into sweatpants.

"Mmmh..." Maya let her towel lay on the flow. Her mood had changed and now, Chris hoped she had

stayed the way she was earlier. Of course not, he loved this Maya. He craved her and he would be a

fool to ever let her go. "How about we've our desert before our main meal."

"And the salad?" He asked locking his gaze with hers. "I mean, I thought people start with salad then

finish with desert."

Chris watched Maya take dangerous moves towards him and hell, he was out of breath. He was sure

that he would never get used to see his wife like that. Seductive as ever and god have mercy, he was

loosing it.

Chris felt her hands on his bare chest and hell, he was out of breath. Those light as a feather figures

felt like heaven. They were even enough to make him loose all his self control.

"Puppy, I've told you so many times that we're not other people." She licked his chest and damn she

knew how to press the right buttons.

"Don't do that again, kitten." Chris said fighting so hard.

"Do what?" She asked innocently locking her gaze with him for a while. "Do this?" She sucked the

sensitive part on his neck and that was all it took him.

Chris carried Maya to bed and laid her gentle as if afraid to hurt her.

"You're going to pay for that Mrs Rollins."

And his lips were on hers. Sucking, demanding, dominating and taking everything that she could offer

and hell, it was allot.


"Are you sure that's how its cooked?" Maya asked Chris as he stirred the floor.

It was one hour later and they're both in the kitchen making real dinner. Chris was cooking some ugali

as he had learned how to while in there honeymoon in Kenya. Maya wasn't sure since it had been over

three months since there honeymoon and he did understand why. In fact he wasn't sure himself but he

had to try, right.

Maya sat on the counter now wearing botty shorts which were black in colour and a tag top that she

had started wearing when she was convinced that he didn't feel sorry for her. He won't lie that he didn't

feel sorry when she first showed him her scars. He wanted to pull her into a hug and tell her he would

never let anything as that happen to her but he couldn't. She was furious that night. More furious than

he will ever see her but what could he have done.

He deserved her anger that time. He deserved the silent that he had got from her for months. But now,

he would die if she ever did that to him. He was sure that he won't never survive her anger. Not

anytime soon anyway.

Chris finished stirring the floor and turned to Maya.

"There is always a first time." He walked in between he legs and pulled her closer at the edge of the

counter. "Don't you agree miss."

Maya wrapped her arms around him. "Of course Mr Rollins." She pecked his lips. "And you've to agree

when they lease that monster you can't control it."

Chris laughed pulling himself away from his wife. He stirred his food before he spoke up again.

"Are we by any chance still talking about food?"

He knew she was no longer talking about food he just wanted to hear her say something. No matter

how savage it was, he was okay with it as far as he concern. And she spoke but not to answer him.

She just changed the topic which was a good thing because truth be told, something would have been


So they talked about random this and dinner was cooking. Once done, Maya helped in setting the table

and they settled down and had there meal.

"I almost forgot," Chris said as he swallowed his food. "Wesley and Kyle invited us to dinner tomorrow."

Chris watched his wife closely as she took a sip of water from her glass.

"Who would have thought that those two would last this long."

"Apparently not me." He lifted his hand to wipe away the droplet of water that had slide from her lips. "I

think Wesley is in love with Kyle."

"And just hope that Kyle is. You know, I would give anything to see my friend forget that bastard that

broke her heart and made her sleep around just not to fall in love with anyone again."

Chris nodded his head. Those two deserved all the happiness the world could offer. They deserved to

be happy and he was happy that Wesley had chosen to forget his bitter past. Hell, he hadn't slept with

anyone since he stared dating Kyle.

"Please don't tell this but I think Wes, wants to ask her to move in with him."

"What?" Of course he was sure she heard him but she couldn't believe it.

"Why not finish our food so that I can repeat myself in the bed room."

Maya blushed and looked at her plate. And they eat in silence. Once done, they cleaned the dishes

and moved to the theater room. Maya chose The Society from Netflix and settled on the love seat to

watch. They were on the third episode when Chris began to yawn.

It was still early but he couldn't help it. No one in fact is.

"You can't be serious right now." Maya said turning around to look at him.

"I'm just sleepy Maya and besides you can watch and I close my eyes for a while."

"What if I wake you up?" She asked moving up to be same level as him. "I mean I've a way of making

that happen." The series was long paused and her lips brushed with his.

And she pulled away when he was about to respond to her. Of course she was teasing him. Chris

groaned and before she could make a way toward the door, he held caught up with her. This was

always her way of waking him up. Tease and run away. but today, he wasn't having it. Within a split of

second, she was slumped against the door and lips were on her.

He would never get tired of this. Those full lips and the way they made him feel. Chris bit her lover lip

and as she groaned, he pushed his tongue inside her mouth. She moaned and it drove him crazy.

Chris lifted her off from the floor and she wrapped her legs around him.

It was crazy with both fighting for dominance. None wanted to loose and so he did one thing he was

sure she would give up after doing it. He went for her crop top just when the door bell went off.

Curse, that's what they did when they began to kiss again and the door bell rung again. Chris pulled

away when Maya unwrapped her legs from him. No one was expecting anyone one and for crying out

loud it past visiting hours. Just when things were going on so well this had to happen.

"Who could that be?" Chris asked fixing himself.

Maya shook her head before she said. "Just get rid of the person right away."

And that's what he had in mind till he opened the door. His eyes almost pooped out of the socket as he

watched the person before him rub her head. He had to be dreaming ,right. Mata was still watching The

Society and was dreaming.

And to be sure he pinched himself hoping that he will wake up his arms still wrapped in Maya. But that

didn't happen he was still at the door staring at the intruder that stood at the door way.

"What're you doing here?" That was not what he wanted to say.

He wanted to know what she was doing back in his life. After those months why did she come back?


"Aren't you going to ask me to come in, Chris?"

For some reason she was shaking. Why? He had no idea since it wasn't that much cold outside.

"You've to lea...

"Puppy, who is at the door?" He was cut before he could finish his sentence.

Maya stood behind him and as if his body had his own mind, it blocked Maya from viewing the intruder.

And Maya being Maya, she pushed him away smiling but he saw the smile fade away when she laid

her eyes on there guest.

"Kimberly?" She asked in disbelieve and in a way, it broke Chris' heart.

"She was just leaving." Chris said walking out to take Kimberly away.

In a way it brought out the last memories he had with her. It still hurt despite convincing himself that he

had moved on. He was happy with Maya. Hell, he was more than happy. So why did she come back to

take that away from him? Had she not done enough damage to him already. Scarred him as she had

promised him to.

"I've something to tell both of you." Kimberly said when Chris went to hold her hand.

"I'm not interested."

He went to hold he hand when she said the most unthinkable and possible word. He froze, couldn't

move and for a funny reason his eyes moved to his fiancé/wife and he saw it. The hurt, the betrayal,

disbelieve and any other feeling that one can show when you hear to your husband made another

woman something else. those words were his down fall. The way she had shouted was even enough

for both of them to hear.

Chris didn't know he had asked what until Kimberly repeated it again.

"You heard me right, I am PREGNANT. And its yours."

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