Steamy Affairs(Erotica)


Your daughter’s slot was one of the last in class, assumedly doled out at random. Thus most of the crowds were drifting away by the time you arrived. Various parents dragged their children through hurried goodbyes to their friends while simultaneously throwing out boasts to anyone they recognised: About where they were headed on holiday, or how good their spawns grades had been. You waded in with trepidation, never having been the best with crowds… but also painfully aware of the constant swish of short, pleated skirts against your legs and the unavoidable bumps with nubile young bodies. None of this would have affected you in the slightest before, but such things held new meanings now you had torn your daughter out of just such an outfit so many times. You glanced around at all the other proud and leering fathers present and wondered how many of them fantasised about doing just that to their own little princesses. More than would admit it… That was all you knew.

Once inside the main building, things quietened down. The halls were rapidly emptying as the last few dregs of education escaped… Those who’d had longer conversations to get through. Chided looking teens shuffling after families in various states of veiled fury… Looks that said “Wait till we get home…”

You began to wonder if perhaps being so low on the list was not such an aspect of chance. Had the teacher held you back specially for something? Your heart began to beat a little as you found the right classroom. The door swung open just as you reached it, pushed by the wide hands of a thick set and grumpy-looking man. His spindle of a wife quickly followed, flashing you a loose smile but not bothering to hold the door for their daughter. Who turned out to be Jane, looking particularly hard done by this afternoon… and dragging her heels glumly.

Still, she recognised you and gave a shy, little wave. Genuine warmth in her face, rather than the forced grin her mother had flashed. Once again you were struck by a wave of pity for the girl, to whom it would seem life rarely gave a break. You waved back at the pretty creature. Trying to convey some all-encompassing encouragement that things would, somehow, get better someday… Whatever she was facing. Then you had to enter the classroom yourself, half-dreading what awaited.

A Meeting with Ms. Fae

The scene seemed relaxed enough. Your daughter was perched on the edge of the teacher’s desk, the woman in question being in her chair behind. It was the curly-blonde lady you had encountered before: Miss Fae. Dressed in a smart, but tight-fitting top and similarly fashioned skirt. She had her legs crossed casually and appeared to be chatting away to your girl quite amicably, no hints of tension within the room. They both smiled as you approached, though you had to admit your daughter’s version looked a lot more forced than her educator’s.

“Ah, and here you are.” Said the prim-looking vision, biting the end of her pencil slightly. “Father of my most promising pupil.”

This was new. Your daughter had always been smart, no doubt about that, but traditionally her… free-spirited personality… didn’t win her much praise from her teachers. She got her work done, sure, yet tended to do so at her own pace and with little interest in jumping through hoops that didn’t interest her. Up to now the general academic consensus on her had been ‘Good, but could do better if she’d just pay attention!’ Perhaps the added freedom of being a high-school senior had turned this around… or perhaps it was other things.

What followed was the usual formal run-through of all her grades. What the inane jumble of numbers meant and what other teachers had commented about. You sat through it, trying to focus and ignore the casual swish of your girl’s leg, which kept surreptitiously bumping against your own… and flashing slight glimpses of her worn-for-once panties. The only moment of note came when Miss Fae asked about the future, or more directly: which colleges your daughter had applied for.

“Oh, none!” The creature chirped quickly. “I’m gonna stay here and help Dad with his work for a while instead!”

The teacher looked as surprised as you felt. Clearly this was the first either of you had heard of that plan.

“Really? A family-internship kind of thing?… Well I suppose if that’s what you want to do… But I really think you’d be missing out on a lot of your potential…” The woman clocked your own surprise and clearly made a mental adjustment.

“Well, maybe that’s something for you two to discuss over the summer… There’s still time to apply, or consider a gap year maybe? I know you rely on each other for support at the moment. Anyway, we’re almost done here and I’m sure you both want to get back out in the sunshine. So could you just be a dear and run to the office to get your new timetable? I seem to have forgotten to pick it up.”

Your daughter looked a little taken aback by this request, as if she didn’t want to leave you here alone for some reason. Yet she couldn’t seem to find a reason to refuse while her tutor smiled casually from across the desk. With a “hmph.” she hopped down from her perch and scurried off.

Almost immediately the older woman stood up and slid round the wooden structure with feline grace.Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“While we’ve got a moment… May I just say how inspired I am by the close…” She sidled up right next to you, skirt brushing your leg and hopped up to take the position just occupied by your daughter. “-Relationship you have with your daughter. The devotion she shows for you is something quite special. To come out of a difficult situation with such a bond and be raising her all by yourself… well it makes me think you must be quite the gentleman.”

You couldn’t quite formulate a word in edgewise to respond to this escalation. You just mumbled some incoherent thanks, while she leaned in and plucked at your tie.

“I do wonder if you’re expending too much of your energy on her… and leaving no time for yourself. It’s quite a small town, yet I never see you out and about in the evenings. A man can’t stay cooped up being a house-husband for too long, especially when his little girl’s old enough to look after herself. It can’t be good for either of you…”

She had reached the top of your tie by now, with long, slender fingers… and used them to slip something into your shirt pocket, before lightly caressing your cheek with their tips. A knock at the door caused her to quickly pull these back, but she stayed perched above you, black-tighted legs mere inches away. You turned to see your daughter hovering in the doorway, trying very hard to keep a look of deep suspicion off her face.

“Well it was very nice to meet you again.” The teacher cheerily stated, completely returned to her previous formal manners. “I hope you both have a lovely summer and I’m sure I’ll see you soon.”

And with that, you were excused. Standing up and walking over to where your daughter waited, her eyes burning holes in your chest, as if trying to scorch right on through toward the woman behind. You were still not quite sure what had just happened, but you were without doubt it was going to lead to trouble.

Like Dancing Lights above a Swamp

As soon as you closed the door she leapt at you. Her small frame hanging off yours as she shoved her tongue into your mouth. By automatic response you began to return the kiss, before sanity kicked in and you remembered where you were. With great effort you pried your daughter away from your face, her lithe body still wriggling to press itself against you.

“What are you doing! You know we can’t do that here! What if someone sees?”

The girl ignored your whispered complaints, cold fury still burning in her eyes. Instead rebutting with her own interrogation. “What were you and Miss Fae talking about while I was gone?!”

You spluttered on an answer, which was all the answer she needed. Spry fingers quickly reached up and plucked a piece of paper from your shirt pocket, while the other set pushed something into your own hands. She stared you right in the eye for a moment, then turned to run off, further up the corridor and into the school.

Looking down at what you had been given, you realised it was a full set of young ladies underwear. Glancing up again you were just in time to catch a glimpse of your daughter kicking off her shoes as well. She skipped forward in just long socks, skirt flapping up to bare all, skidding across polished floors. You rushed forward to catch up, pure panic in your veins, but had to pause to gather those discarded shoes. By which time she had removed said socks as well, flying them behind her like ribbons for a moment before casually discarding them as well, turning round a corner ahead. You began sprinting in all earnest now, scooping up both socks in pure terror of what scene might be unfolding if a bystander was in the next corridor.

Luckily no-one was, but the passage was half-walled with great windows its entire length. Windows which beamed sunlight in from a wide view of the playing fields. Various silhouettes could be seen running across these, hopefully far enough away that they could not discern your daughter’s prancing madness. For she was now cartwheeling along, amateur gymnastics allowing long, graceful looks at her bare legs and unconcealed pussy as she span through each patch of sun. It was mesmerising, both in beauty and pure recklessness. Sure, the school was mostly empty by now, but any passed classroom or uncurtained window could contain a stray teacher, lost parent or honest caretaker. How on earth would you explain this, desperately trying to find a way to hold half her clothing in a way that suggested innocence. You had to catch her and stop this rampage, before she got you both locked into a spiral of social services and guilty consciences.

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