Steamy Affairs(Erotica)


Reaching the end of the corridor she eagerly swung open another door, not bothering to look or listen for anyone interred. You were finally at the point of catching up, but she closed the door in your face, winning a few more seconds for herself. You panted your breath back outside the door for a moment… she was already inside after all. It was becoming quite clear that while you may well still have the edge on her strength wise, all that sitting around at home writing while she ran around in PE and gym classes meant she was a good deal fitter than you. If she wanted to stay ahead of you forever, she very likely could. Dancing while she did so.

Stepping inside you found yourself in another classroom, this one shrouded in dimness as it was in the far corner of this building and overshadowed by others. It looked like one of the older rooms, only partially refurbished. With old-fashioned wooden desks and a genuine blackboard rather than some of the more modern iterations. Your daughter was perched on the teachers desk once more, caught with her small breasts briefly exposed as she undid her white blouse and tied it back up again in the traditional ‘bad schoolgirl looking for attention’ look. Her obsession with always trying to override her own natural beauty with the tacky stylings of cheap pornstars confused you. Yet at the same time there was something tantalising about how bluntly obvious it made her desires. She liked to dress like a mindless slut because she wanted to be daddy’s little slut. It was endearing in a worrying sort of way. You were just glad she usually only did it when alone with you.

And you were alone. You noted even through your anger and dismay at the risks she had taken. She had chosen a room where being discovered by a random passerby was least likely… if still an insurmountably dangerous situation for your relationship.

Yet still, you felt the disappointment of a Father goaded. She had gambled heavily with everything she had claimed to care about, despite clearly knowing better and for what? Just petty spite and jealousy? Of a situation you had no control or understanding of? You had to rein her in, this could not be let to slide.

Chapter 5, Physical punishment

“What do you think you’re playing at?!” You started off strong, remembering the few other times you had been forced to reprimand this free spirited child of yours, before such roles and lines became blurred and complicated.

“I thought you understood how serious it would be if people even suspected we were… doing what we’ve been doing! It was you that started all this! But now you’re risking throwing it all away.”

For an instant she looked suitably chided. The same daughter you had had to yell at for scrawling crayons across white walls. Hurt just by the thought she had fallen below your expectations. However she shook loose of this soon enough. It would seem she had been ready for this lecture and had decided on an unorthodox defence of her own…

In a silky, sweet mockery of feigned innocence she replied: “Oh? Have I been naughty Daddy? I’m sooorrry…” She rolled up onto the desk and lolled against it, all big eyes and pouting curves.

“You know damn well what you’ve done, and you can’t get out of it like that! You’re making it worse! What if someone sees you prancing around like a 2-dollar hooker?!” Your will remained resolute, but you couldn’t stop your gaze beginning to wander… Creeping over her offered delights as she sprawled them before you.

“But Daaaaaddy… There’s no-one else here. The meetings are all up the other end and the cleaners won’t come until tomorrow. It’s just you… and me. And if I’ve been a naughty little schoolgirl… maybe you should punish me? Teach me to be better? We’re in the right place after all…”

You had moved closer by now. Almost close enough to be reached by her accusing finger at ‘you’ and ‘me’. You felt your body filling with a familiar ache, but you couldn’t let her get away with this, could you? It was so obvious what she was trying to do.

“No! Honey, there’s still every chance someone will walk round the corner any minute. They might even have seen your little performance in the corridor! We. Can’t. Risk. This. You shouldn’t even be thinking about this… What happened with Miss Fae… Nothing happened with Miss Fae.”

“Oh, her…” Your daughter’s eyes seemed to darken for a second. Cutesy sheen discarded. Though then quickly recovered with added nonchalance.

“Who cares about that old slut, anyway… I know you aren’t interested in her.” The piece of paper you had been slipped appeared in her hand, as if by magic. She pulled a box of matches from the desk with the other. With delicate delight she combined the two, dropping the flaming answer to tumble toward the floor. You watched in silence, aware that intervening there would not have been in anyone’s interest.

“All gone!” She squeaked with wicked, childlike glee. An emotional state that seemed to carry on within her like a sugar-high.

“But isn’t it a little bit exciting: The chance that we could be caught?! However small it is… I know you like the way I look in my uniform Dad. I always have. I’m your slutty little schoolgirl, forever and ever. But this might be your only chance to teach me a lesson in my actual classroom. Are you really going to miss out on that chance? I know I’ve been bad, Daddy. But I won’t learn anything if you don’t teach me…”

She flipped round now, dangling half off the edge of the desk. Her skirt flapped up to reveal those round little ass cheeks, curving so perfectly up towards your hands. Your crotch twitched at the memory of sliding between them, not so long ago. The tight grasp of her as she gulped through the pain of your entry. You remembered the rough, raw sex that had come at the end of your first weekend of claiming her. The grumpy, humping abuse of each other’s bodies that had taken on its own grim pleasure, completely different from the loving tenderness of your first rolls together.

She was asking for this, teasing and taunting you into it in a way that so clearly overwrit any true punitive outcome. Yet those cheeks simply begged to be reddened. False innocence demanding invalid justice. It was as you had feared all along: You simply could not be a proper father to her while also giving in to your carnal desire for her. Not in the ways that the rest of society envisioned. You would have to find some other ways to guide her, to curb her boundless excesses… Else be dragged along forever.

*SMACK*. Your hand came down of its own accord, the sound reverberating around the room. A flush rose across the point where you’d struck her, blood rushing to meet skin. She cried out in shock, but it was a false call. One that she had held on the tip of her tongue, simply hoping to use it.

“Oh, Daddy! Yes!”

You brought another hand down on the other cheek, matching the pair.

“Go on, Daddy… Spank me! Teach me a lesson!”

You swung at the first cheek once more, harder this time. Drawing a hiss from her lips and yet more redness to her skin. Then again and again, painting her pale flesh with a shining rosy bloom till every inch of her ass was coloured. She was biting her bottom lip now, sucking air with each blow. An answering blush grew on her other set of cheeks, yet still she looked back at you with eager, teasing eyes. She had won her way again and knew it well. Already you wondered if you saw darker thoughts brewing in the back of her mind… More risks for more depraved rewards.

“Hit me harder Daddy! I’ve been a bad girl. I’ve sat in this classroom with your cum all over me, playing with myself under the table. I’ve had to pretend I was still working on a question till everyone else left… because I didn’t have any panties on and left a little puddle of you on my seat. I’m a dirty, little cum-dump and I’m all yours! Yours to fuck and bite and spank and whatever else you want to do with. So hit me as hard as you like! Make me feel like the skanky, incest-loving little slut-whore that I am. Hit me harder Daddy! Hit me harder!”

You couldn’t hold back now, even if you’d still wanted to. All your annoyance at her actions was tangled up in your sordid desire for her. There was a wooden ruler nearby. You snatched it up and left a long, burning welt across her backside. She yelped for real this time, surprise and pain in her voice. Yet, when she blinked fresh tears back at you… there was also askance for another.

You lashed the thing against her again, and again. A pattern of crisscrossing lines forming upon her young flesh. Then your own needs could be held back no longer. You pulled out your cock and shoved it against her. The ruler went in her mouth, clenched between her teeth and providing handlebars for this submissive teen cocksleeve. You shoved yourself straight into her anus, still so tight and unused to such a role. Tears flowed down her cheeks carrying streaks of mascara, specially applied for the formality earlier that evening.

She groaned and squeaked around that ruler as you slammed against her stinging ass. This was a true trial and punishment for her behaviour… You knew that as well as you knew this was what she’d wanted, regardless. She wanted all your interactions to be sexual in nature: the good and the bad. To erase any hint of the way things had been before. As you pulled her down off the desk… resting her skull against the hard front so you could finish off in her throat, you realised: There was no escaping her now. She would never accept a normal life. Never go off to college or suffer seeing you with another woman. She was your perfect little sex-slave… and you were chained to her without hope of escape.

Two Months Together

Slamming yourself down her throat, your daughter gazed up at you with quivering eyes. You made sure to support her skull as you drove in and out of it… but it still must’ve been uncomfortable to be used as nothing more than a hole on a kickstand in such uncushioned environs.

The desk rattled as her head bounced against it on occasion, and her nostrils flared when struggled to breathe. She was in a sorry state indeed… Black mascara running down her cheeks in dark rivulets, meeting other liquids dripping from her nose and the corners of her ever-occupied mouth. Her knees had buckled beneath her, hiding her red striped ass and invaded rectum. Relying on your arms to hold her up against your onslaught.

She could handle all this and more though, your cum-guzzling nymphlet. The girl who had learned circular breathing in a week, just to allow you to face fuck her indefinitely. Any way it was possible for you to make use of her body, she would flex and train herself to accommodate. Pleasure, pain and degradation. Your child saw them all as her offerings to you. Her gifts to be honed and practised. She revelled in those dark and twisted reaches of human desire where all such experiences met. The dreams that others feared to share in public, lest they find out they should have been nightmares. She wanted to find the lowest reaches of you, using only her tender, young body. She wanted to be everything you could ever want, to stave off any chance of you leaving her behind.

All this went through your mind, as you continued to choke her with the meat that made her. Her rabid jealousy at any hint of a rival for you was just the price you must pay for this demonic angel of yours… you supposed. Your inability to adequately discipline her, simply penance for your own sins and inability to resist their pull. All lovers are equal in pursuit of one another after all, whether domineering or dominated, giving or receiving. Far more than in the relationship between parent and child.

At last, with three more heaving thrusts into her oesophagus, bumping her skull against the wooden desk front. You filled her gullet with semen. She gulped it all down greedily… Not that there was much choice with you still occupying every inch before her tonsils. Then you pulled free, letting her collapse into a gasping pile. Drooling saliva in glinting lines onto her classroom floor. You yourself fell back against one of the smaller study tables, worn out by your exertions. You quickly scanned the windows of the room for aghast strangers already on the phone to numerous authorities.

There were none. But then, staring down at the mess you had made of your darling child once more… You half-felt there should have been. She pushed you and pushed you. Yet every time she did, you simply took that momentum and ran with it. Her jealousy was not the crime here.

Helping her up, the pair of you scurried away. There were still a few straggling families at the gates as you left. Lord knows what they thought of the bedraggled state of her. Presumably just that her report card had been particularly bad. You had handed back her shoes, but her bra, panties and socks were still in a bundle under your arm… hopefully disguised enough by each other to look like an old PE kit or such. You both jumped in the car and hurried home, not a word spoken the entire journey.

As soon as the door was closed behind you… You were upon each other again. Kissing her down to the floor, you entered her once more. This time the intercourse was vaginal and loving. Her legs splaying out as you slid between them. She pulled you in tightly and threw her tongue around your mouth. Clearly as turned on by the whole, horrible experience as you had been. It had been a risk beyond all reason. A match below everything you had worked for. Still, as you came inside your only child yet again. Filling her with everything you shouldn’t. You realised it was certainly not going to be the last. The adrenaline that burned through you both was electric and unfathomable. The lust, undeniable. Your love was taboo, yet it could not be held back.

And so the holidays started… two months in each other’s company. Your daughter threw her sweat-stained uniform in the wash. Not to be touched again, except for aesthetic reasons, for all that time. She spent the rest of the evening naked, cuddling up with you on the sofa. Until the time came for you both to head up to your shared bed. You woke up once in the night to find her just watching you, hands clasped beneath her head. She smiled as you reached out to caress her. Letting you masturbate one more time onto her silken skin. You had used up all your allowed penetrations after all…All content © N/.ôvel/Dr/ama.Org.

Rules had to be kept.

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