Steamy Affairs(Erotica)


The next day wasn’t school as it was a weekend. So I was presently on my bed doing my assignments. Unlike most students I actually enjoyed assignments. As weird as it may sound, I found it calming. Concentrate on one particular thing for some time calms me easily.

Yesterday after visiting Frederick’s mother in the hospital. Frederick took me home saying he would see me tomorrow which was apparently today, whatever that meant. Maybe he forgot today wasn’t a school day.

I looked to my side to carry my bottle of water to drink, but found it empty. I sighed. Great now I have to go all the way downstairs to get another one.

Arriving at the kitchen, I saw our personal cook arranging some things in the kitchen. I only gave her a small smile and made my way to the fridge to get another bottle of water.

You see I normally don’t eat much or anything for that matter. Frederick was pretty much accurate when he called me out on having an eating disorder. At first I didn’t have such a thing like an eating disorder. Yes I was neglected all my life by my parents, but that wasn’t what started it. When the bullying started in school was when it began.

Sure my parents calling me fat, ugly or an utter disappointment cut deep, but I was still able to pretend like I didn’t care or like I was strong enough to block their words. But when it started in school, I couldn’t pretend anymore. I’d starve myself for days and days, not eating a single thing. And even though I did manage to eat, I would always go to the toilet to vomit it out of my system. I was aware it was unhealthy but the laughter’s and teasing of people in my school clouded my way of thinking.

Then one day I was rushed to the hospital because I had fainted in school. The doctor said I had collapsed due to me being malnourished. And that wasn’t all, he also told me I had to stop unless I would develope Anorexia nervosa, an eating disorder. But seeing as I have that same disorder today, it’s pretty obvious that I didn’t pay any heed to his words. Pretty stupid of me I know.

The rehabilitation center I went to also helped me with my eating disorder. Although I still find it extremely difficult to eat anything that is high on calories till date.

“Ding Dong” I heard the doorbell as I was about to climb up the stairs back to my room.

I sighed and went to the door signalling one of the many workers that was about to also go to the door, to leave it for me. After she went back I proceeded to the door.

“Hey Amanda” was the first thing Frederick said as soon as I opened the door. I was surprised but at the same time I wasn’t. He was wearing casual wear today, and he easily looked good in them. Come to think of it, this was the first time I’ve seen him out of his school uniform. Well save for the time our parents arranged a dinner outing for us.

“What do you want?” I asked in a dull tone, while opening the door wider so he could enter.

After entering and closing the door he spoke.

“Wow someone is excited to see me” He teased. Great to see he was back to his sarcastic self.

“Yeah I wasn’t really expecting you and all” I shrugged.

He looked at me with a smirk “I told you I would see you today didn’t I”

A frown edged on my face “Yes you did. But I thought you just forgot today was a weekend”

“Nope I was well aware” He told me with a grin “Now go and get dressed. We are going somewhere” He finished saying still with that same grin on his face.

I gave him a funny look and placed both my hands on my waist “And why do you think I’d go anywhere with you?”

He’s grin didn’t waver, infact it grew into a full on display smirk “Cause if you don’t, I’ll personally carry you and dress you myself”

“You’re bluffing”

“Do you really think so? Ok then try me” He crossed him arms like he was saying ‘game on’. He looked immensely determined, that much I could tell. I obviously knew he was bluffing about the ‘changing me’ thing. But for once I didn’t want to be lonely at home on the weekend. So I came to a conclusion that wouldn’t really lose anything from taking him up on his offer.

I sighed “Fine you win. Give me like 10 minutes and I’ll be done. You can wait in the living room” I said and quickly went upstairs to get changed.

When I finally came downstairs I saw Frederick in the parlor watching SpongeBob. I smiled at this.

“So you also love the yellow sponge?” At the sound of my voice Frederick turned towards me.

As he stared at me, a dazed look crossed his face before it automatically instantly cleared.

He smirked “Who doesn’t?”

A smirk also embraced my face as I spoke “Great answer”

He chuckled then asked if I was ready. I gave him a positive answer and then we went to his car. It was a different car again this time, I believe it was a white Maserati. Just how many cars does this boy have.

When we were in the car and we started moving I asked.

“So how is your mom?”

He gave me a heartwarming smile as he drove, before he responded “Mrs Zikora, is doing quite well. Thanks for asking”

I frowned a little and asked him “Who is Mrs Zikora?”

He looked dumbfounded as he asked “Wait you’re telling me you don’t know that my surname is Zikora?” Oh that was his surname….

I gave him a cheeky-nervous smile “No?”

He laughed out loud at this. “Chai. Are you sure we go to the same school?”

“Of course na” I rolled my eyes.

” Because, probably the whole population of students in school pretty much know my full name. And somehow you don’t” He said confused but with a smile of wonder. He was actually just stating the facts not like he was bragging or anything.

I mean he did have a point, probably the whole of Qatass academy know from his first to the middle and finally to his last name. But I honestly couldn’t have been bothered about things like that in the past. I probably must have heard it before but it might have slipped through my memory.

Shrugging with a sly smile I said “I guess I’m just that special”

He easily agreed to what I said, with a smile of his own “You certainly are”

Still with a stupid giddy smile on my face I then asked, trying to change the conversation.

“By the way, where are we going?”

“You can’t know untill we reach there” I gave him the stink eye.

He spoke again after a few minutes with a nervous half smile.

“But just to warn you, you might not be too happy about where we are going”

“Frederick” I said in a low yet deadly tone.

“Yes?” The grinning idiot beside me responded.

“I’m soo going to kill you” I growled out in frustration.

He waved his hands dismissively smirking “Promises, promises”

“Oh trust me I plan to keep those ‘promises’ you speak of” I huffed out in annoyance.

“Aw come on. Don’t be angry na” He said with a pout. And dare I say he actually looked hella cute doing that.

I clinched my teeth together, his words aggrievating me the more “Don’t be angry!?” I whisper yelled. “You took me to a friggin’ park”

“Yeah I don’t see anything wrong in what I did”

I scoffed glaring at him “Of course there is nothing wrong. Only that you didn’t bring it to my attention that we were meeting your friends also!” I looked to the direction where his friends were. The four of them were laughing among themselves. Each sitting down on their individual chairs under a small fancy open hut. They didn’t see us though. As we were standing a little bit far from where they were.

“Well I did tell you that you won’t be too happy about were I was taking you didn’t I?. That at least has to count as something right?” A cheeky smile planted itself on his face. My glare intensified.

Yet again I sighed “You’re insufferable this boy”

“Nonsense, I’m sure you love me”

I only responded to him with a glare “Ok, ok. Look I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. But if I had told you, would you have come with me?” He tired to reason.NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

I looked the other way and muttered “No”

“Exactly. I had to get you out of your house, one way or the other. Staying in the confinement of your home isn’t exactly what you’d call healthy” He spoke in a calm tone.

“But you of all people know I’m not great with people” I mumbled, but was seeing where he was coming from.

“Of course Amanda. But remember you said, you’ll start trying?” Great using my own words against me. Freaking fantastic.

I groaned out “Fineeee”

“But just so you know, I don’t want to stay for too long. 10 minutes tops” I said with finality.

“Thirty” He said.

“Fifteen” I frowned.

“Come on! Twenty five, at least” I wasn’t going to bludge.

“Fifteen is all you get, bruh” I shrugged.

I then spotted a bemused smile on his face “Bruh? Really?”

I chuckled out a little “So fifteen minutes?”

“Fine you win” He groaned “Fifteen minutes it is. Now can we go. They all eagerly want to meet you” Because I could ask him why they were so eager to meet me, Frederick grabbed my hand and took of walking, dragging me along side him.

“Guy how fr” was the first thing one of them said. Well specifically what one of the boy’s said. You see Frederick’s group of friends consist of Two boy and two girls. Well plus Frederick making it Three boys.

(Pidgin English, How far- is like another word for ‘Hey’ or ‘How are you’)

“Yo” Frederick greeted all of them.

‘Hi’s’ and ‘Hey’s’ could be heard as a response from all of them.

“And would this be the girl that got drink poured all over her?” One of the girls said. The hostility in her eyes made me to easily believe she didn’t like me one bit.

I saw Frederick frown from the corner of my eyes at the girl “Fav…” He started to speak but I cut him short. Even surprising myself by my actions.

With the biggest and brightest fake grin I could offer I spoke. “Yes, that would be me” all of them apart from that one girl, each had an amused smile on their face at my words. I could already imagine Frederick’s surprised face after what I said.

The sudden confident was unexpected. Me that was always shy and reserved was talking back sarcastically at someone else? I really was changing.

The hostility in her eyes immediately vanished and a smirk replaced it “I like her” She said to Frederick.

It seemed like Frederick relaxed a little at her words.

Then he smirked also before saying “I knew you would”

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