Steamy Affairs(Erotica)


The following week was what I would call eventful. Or maybe will I use the word ‘weird’. You’re wondering why I said weird right? Well let me give you a run down.

First of all, after I had met Frederick’s friends that faithful day, they all turned out to be nice. Which was definitely not what I was expecting. They treated me like I was a fellow human like them, which was far to eccentric for me. But I appreciated it nonetheless. They all introduced themselves to me. Their names were Tobi, Chimdi, Favour and Victoria. Pretty cool people if you ask me.

After that day, I actually thought that, that was that, and they would probably never talk to me again, especially in school. But boy was I wrong. When Monday reached I was surprised to see Victoria and Favour in the library apparently waiting for me during lunch break.

I tried as much to hide my shock in seeing them their as I asked.

“What are you guys doing here?”

Favour was the one to answer. She was the one that apparently according to her ‘Tested me’ that day. Favour was indeed a beauty. What am I even saying all of them in their group were equally beautiful and handsome. It was like they said ‘Attractive people really do attract themselves’.

“Frederick told us that you are always cooped up in here during lunch break. So we girls came to check up on you” ‘Of course Frederick told them’ Victoria nodded in agreement, a smiling slightly dusting her cheeks. He fair skin made her look delicate. She and Favour were practically the opposite. While Favour looked like she could woop someone’s ass if they so much cough in her direction, Victoria looked like a petite flower that couldn’t hurt a fly.

Victoria added “We wanted to come and convince you to come and sit with us in the cafeteria, but we changed our mind” Her smile widened.

“Yeah. We will stay with you in the library…. well that’s if it’s okay with you?” Favour asked nervously. Why was she nervous though.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

I didn’t really like the idea of being in the company of other’s but I, there and then remembered the promise I made to Frederick and I knew I had to agree.

I gave an awkward smile “I see no problem with that”

They both released a relived sigh at my answer. I looked at them weirdly.

As if sensing my look Favour said “We were kind of expecting you to say no” she chuckled. I smiled a little at this. “Oh”

Then realization dawn on me “Wait, but aren’t you guys going to eat? after all, it is lunch break”

Waving her hand dismissively Victoria responded “Nope, we can always eat later”

Following that, the three of us sat down on the library (I actually thought they wouldn’t want to though) and Although it was incredibly awkward at first as no one knew what to say or do, but after some few minutes we actually began to gist and dare I say ‘laugh’. I couldn’t remember the last time I talked and laughed with girls my age.

After that day, the next days that followed were the same. Them coming to meet me in library and then we would talk about anything and everything. I loved every bit of it.

I have also been going to the hospital to visit Frederick Mom. After all she was the one that said I could come visit her anytime I was free the first day I met her. And I gladly took her up on her offer. Weirdly enough we have gotten soo much close that it almost scared me. She was a kind and very playful woman. And even though she was very sick she always laughed at the awkward Jokes I tell her. She truly was a gem.

Frederick didn’t actually know I visited his mother frequently, not that I was trying to hide it from him or anything. But it was just that anytime I went to see his mother It was either I had just missed him or he didn’t come at all that day. it made me wonder if he was actually avoiding me on purpose. I felt hurt at that thought.

Now it was presently Thursday and for the past days, for some reason I haven’t seen Frederick, not once. I missed him, I couldn’t even deny that fact even if I wanted to. He also hasn’t come to the library to meet me like he usually does, not like he was obligated to or anything. I just ‘really’ missed his presence.

I looked to Favour that was sitting beside me on the library floor. Victoria was with us a minute ago but she left to use the restroom.

“Did he come to school today?” I finally mustered up the courage to ask. Though my voice was really low.

A smirk immediately adorned her face.

“Who you mean Frederick abi?” Red stained my cheeks are her question. I mumbled “Ehn”.

“Oh he’s definitely in school. Why are you asking though?” Still with that same smirk she said to me.

“It’s just that I haven’t really seen him this past days. That’s all” I sighed.

“Hmm, missing your dear fiance already?” She teased. Right did I forget to say that every single one of Frederick’s friends knew. According to Favour and Victoria, Frederick apparently bragged about his engagement to me to them. I was slightly confused when I heard it. I mean what was there to brag about. I was just plain ole Amanda, nothing special.

“Yes I miss him” I said firmly without beating around the bush. What was the need of lying? I really didn’t see any need.

Favour looked at me with surprise before she grinned “You see why I said I like you. Straight to the point, I like that” I chuckled at her words.

“Don’t worry I’m sure the feeling is very much reciprocated. He has just been busy this days, that’s all” I didn’t believe a word she said in the slightest. I mean if he did actually miss me, why hasn’t he come to the library through out this week. And also, he promised to train me, but apparently that had to be on a pause as he was nowhere in sight.

I snorted “I highly doubt that”

“But it’s actually true. He has been extremely busy running the company and…”She paused as if realizing what she was saying. I was about to question her on what she said but the sound of the schools PA system hindered me from doing so. I wonder if the principal had an announcement to make.

“Ahem ahem” I instantly froze as I recognized the owner of the voice that spoke.

I looked to my side to see Favour laughing hysterically.

“Oh my God he is actually going to go through with it” I looked at her oddly. Go through with what?

The voice on the PA system continued “Good day beautiful students of Qatass academy. I am Frederick Andrew Zikora, and I have a special announcement to make”

“Oh my God they are most definitely going to punish him” I muttered with a sigh, literally face palming myself.

“ohh I’m not so sure about that Amanda” Favour started with a mild smirk “I’m pretty sure the principal even gave him a go ahead to do this” I widened my eyes in surprise, her words shocking me to the very core. I mean sure I knew Frederick was for some unknown reason untouchable in this school. But I didn’t know it would be up to this extent.

Proceeding he said “I have been recently engaged to Amanda George” if I was eating or drinking anything at that moment I would have definitely spat it out. Was this boy mad or something!? “So I will like to give a firm warning to each and every one of you” His calm voice from before went very deadly at this part.

“That if anyone soo much as harm a strand of hair on her, you’ll have me to deal with. That will be all. Thank you for your time” He finished with an overly sweet tone and switch off the PA system after that.

I looked to Favour who was laughing her heart out. Great, glad she was having fun…. sadly I wasn’t.

The one thing I was certain of at that moment was that, I was definitely going to kill that mad boy the next time I see him.

“Amanda calm down, where are you rushing to” Favour said to me as I speed walked through the library all the while heading to the exit, She was not to far behind.

“To meet that boy called Frederick” I mumbled.

“Ahn abeg o, don’t kill my friend for me o” She said in a teasing tone. Yet again, I’m glad she was having loads of fun.

I chuckled “I’ll see what I can do about that” I could already imagine a grin on her face although I couldn’t see it.

Opening the Library I didn’t know where exactly I was going to, but all I knew was that I had to find Frederick, fast.

Luckily for me as I opened the library door Frederick was standing right outside the door, as if he was about to enter. ‘The cliches of it all’.

I spotted Victoria from the distance, the grin on her face said it all. She heard everything Frederick said. Who am I kidding, pretty sure every person in the school heard what Frederick had said. At that thought a faint blush stained my cheeks. probably because I was highly embarrassed.

On seeing me, the small smile that was on Frederick’s face, widened. Then it turned to an arrogant smirk.

“You!” I called out accusingly.

Faking ignorance he said in an overly exaggerated tone “Me?”

My eyes turned to slit before I told him in a dangerous tone “Run”

Releasing a nervous chuckle he said “You can’t be that mad, right?”

I in turn gave him my best sarcastic smile. I repeated once again “Run”

Not wasting another second he ran off in full speed. I released a pleased smile at this, and then I too took off. I could hear Favour and Victoria playfully wishing me ‘Good luck’ as I ran after Frederick.

We ran through the school hallway freely. I didn’t even give an ounce of care that students in the hallway were staring at us strangely. Most of them had a look of recognition and shock. Like I said, everyone pretty much heard Frederick’s declaration of me being his fiancee. And to be painfully honest, I didn’t really care that people might hate me the more for this.

My attention was solely focused on the tall male running at top speed in my sight. It was a miracle I was even catching up to him. I’m extremely thankful to God for the flare skirt and leggings we girls wore as uniform in school.

After some time Frederick suddenly stopped, we were both outside the school building now. We were standing on the schools well maintained lawn.

I breathed hard and fast, catching the breath that I could. I forgot that Frederick was actually the school’s multi talented athletic, no wonder he ran so fast, and he didn’t seem all that tired like I was. God, was he a machine or something?

He finally turned back to look at me, and then on seeing me he released a megawatt smile. And I swear, I kid you not, I felt my heart skip a beat at this. It was a familiar occurance anytime I was in Frederick’s presence.

He walked to me and said “I actually thought you wouldn’t keep up. You surprise me every step of the way Amanda George”

“I was a runner in junior secondary school. I actually thought I won’t catch to you either” I chuckled out, feeling extremely lighter for some reason. Maybe it was because this was the first time in a long time that I felt extremely free, like every other thing didn’t matter.

He looked at me strangely “You’re smiling? Is everything okay Amanda? because if I remember clearly you were running after me to beat me”

Smiling yet again I told him “I didn’t tell you to run because I wanted to beat you… Okay so me glaring menacingly at you didn’t really pass that message across” I chuckled nervously.

“I told you to do that so I can give you this” Not wasting a second I walked much closer to him and wrapped my arms around him, giving him the biggest hug I have been dreaming of giving him the next time I saw him. ‘I could already imagine the shock that masked his face, right now’

“What’s this for?” he asked in a reduced tone. I could tell he was smiling.

“Just to pass a message across” I teasingly said.

He let out a heartfelt laugh “And that would be?”

Tightening my hold on him I spoke “Thank you and I missed you”

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