Steamy Affairs(Erotica)


When I released Frederick from the hug, the next thing I did was to hit him.

“Ouche. What was that for? I thought you were thankful” He frowned rubbing his hand.

“Ehn I’m very thankful and grateful and all. But, you shouldn’t have done that, why did you go and announce that we are engaged” I said.

“Uhm, because we are” he replied in a smartass tone, I also spotted a smile on his face.

I gave him a look.

“Okay fine” He sighed “I just wanted to state a

claim on you” He mumbled.

I won’t lie, I found what he said unbelievably funny yet charming. “A claim you say?” I asked in a teasing tone “You don’t have to worry about that Frederick, nobody wants me” I chuckled. Although it was sad, it was still the sad cruel truth. No one really did.

“You’d be surprised to know it’s the complete opposite” His words were all muffled that I couldn’t hear a single thing he said.

“Sorry I didn’t quite catch that, what did you say?” I said.

“Nothing” he said.

“But just so you know” Once more he spoke. “It’s not true that nobody wants you”

“Why do you say so?” I was desperately curious of what his answer would be.

Letting out a genuine smile he said to me “Because ‘I’ do” And just like before my heart skipped yet another beat. I knew what that meant, I knew it all too well. But I didn’t want to come to terms with it just yet.

“Wait, aren’t we all supposed to be in classes or something?” I asked everyone.

We were all presently sitting down on the floor of my secret place in the library. And when I say ‘we’ I meant, I, Frederick and his friends, Yes Tobi and Chimdi were also here.

We all sat in-between two book shelves, Me, Victoria and Favour sat down with our backs leaning on one shelf, while the boys did the same on the other shelf. We sat opposite each other.

“We are” Answered a grinning Favour. “But don’t worry, we don’t necessarily have to be”

I scrunched my face “What does that mean?”

The school bell rang few minutes back indicating that the break had ended and that classes were about to begin. But for some reason the five people that were in my presence didn’t really care much about that.

When Frederick and I came back into the schools building, we both went to the library as our lunch break wasn’t over by then. I was surprised to see that apart from Victoria and Favour, Tobi and Chimdi were also in the library.

“It means we don’t have to go to class. Well courtesy of our dear boy Frederick” Tobi hooped in and answered my question. Tobi was tall brown skin boy. He was lean but still had fats in the right places.

I changed my gaze to Frederick, raising a brow. Sure I knew Frederick had some kind of privilege of not attending classes when he deemed it fit, but I didn’t know he could also secure that privilege for us to. What kind of influence could he have in this school.

“What can I say” Frederick playfully shrugged and then smirked “I’m just that amazing”

“Egocentric much?” I teased.

He winked “You know me too well” A smile automatically adorned my face.

“Eww, cringe. I think I’m going to throw up. Stop flirting you two” Favour said faking a gag.

I blushed beet red “No we are not”

“Yh sure” Said a smirking Chimdi. Chimdi was tall and fair and he those rare adorable dimples, although his couldn’t match Frederick’s own. ‘Just saying, don’t read too much into it’

While I felt embarrassed, Frederick was just smiling happily all through. Even when I glared at him, he only increased the intensity of his smile.

The six of us talked for a long time in the library. One person would bring one stupid story or a funny situation they had experience, and we would all in turn laugh to it. It was a miracle that the Librarian didn’t come to send us out, but at the back of my mind, my thoughts went to the direction that maybe Frederick had something to do with that too.

We talked about anything and everything like we were all old friend. Well they all went way back, but I wasn’t in anyway their long time friend. But the way they carried me like I was one of them, like I was part of their small group, really made me happy. It made me feel…. accepted.

“It’s true sef” started Victoria “Who else has seen their physics mid-term script?”

“Oh that, I got my own today. I got an 87, what about you?” Favour asked.

“Nice. Me I got an 88” Victoria answered.

“Damn you beat me with 1 mark” Favour grinned, she honestly didn’t look like she harboured any form of hard feeling against Victoria. I guess this was what true friendship looked like. It was a shame that I’ve never experienced such.

Victoria smiled a little then asked “So what about you guys, what did you get?” She directed to the rest of us.

“I got a 91” said a grinning Chimdi.

“Mine was a 93” response Tobi.

I won’t lie, I was highly impressed, from the scores they all mentioned, it meant that everyone was academically sound in their group. The physics teachers for us senior’s told us that the exam was going to be extremely difficult, and that we had to read our asses out. And true to their words, our physics mid-term exam was indeed very difficult. All the senior classes complained about it to great lengths. So hearing their scores was- like I said- highly impressive.

“Guy Frederick what about you? I’m probably sure you be got the highest” Chimdi turned to Frederick and asked.

“oh me? I got a 96” Frederick answered, but from his actions and all, you could tell was wasn’t bragging or even trying to brag. My eyes widened a fraction at his answer.

But then he chuckled “But I wasn’t the highest. No, not this time” The surprise in everyone’s face was very visible. I’m sure the thought running In their minds were ‘If he didn’t get the highest score, then who did’.

immediately Favour asked with a raised brow “If you didn’t get it then who did?” called it.

Frederick shrugged in ignorance.

“It’s true sef, Amanda what about you?” Tobi asked.

I diverted my eyes from their curious gazes, not really sure how they would all react to my answer.

“98” I mumbled out. Sure I said the exam was hard, but like the teacher advised, I read my ass out, well figuratively. I always read on my spare time.. and trust me I hade a lot of spare time on my hands. Though the people in my class weren’t too adamant when they found out I was the highest in the whole set.

“Wait what?” Chimdi asked, as he was too far away to hear my muffled words.

I sighed “I got a 98” All their eyes automatically went large as saucers. All but one, I’m sure you’ve already guessed successful, Frederick. I spotted him with a proud smirk. Did he know?

“Who would have thought that the one to beat Frederick would be he’s own finacee” Victoria laughed out in mirth.

“Remember how I said I liked you before? Well let’s just say I like you even more now” Favour told me with a smirk. Well I was worried about nothing then. I thought they would all react much differently than this. I thought wrong.

“Omo brains and beauty” Chimdi hollered at me with a grin.

“Yup. And she’s all mine” Frederick said out loud confidently not giving an ounce of care that the others heard him. I couldn’t hold it, I laughed out loud surprising everyone. Frederick was just something else really. The way he proudly stated a claim on me was foreign to me, yet endearing.

“Now I’m definitely going to throw up. I get that you guys are engaged and all, but Frederick can you deal it down a little. Please” Favour said, once again faking a gag. I laughed once more.

A playful smirk came upon his face at Favours words “Well since you asked so nicely, I guess I can take it down a notch” Everyone’s laughter filled the quiet Library when Frederick finished speaking.

It was official, I couldn’t even try to deny it anymore even if I wanted to. I liked Frederick Zikora.

“So what have you been up to these past few days?” I turned my gaze to Frederick as he drove.

Presently I and Frederick were heading to the hospital. At first he was supposed to take me home but I asked him if we could go see his mom in the hospital. He was a little surprised at first when I told him I have been regularly visiting his mother.

“Are you sure that’s the only thing you’re curious to know?” Frederick asked.

I pondered over his question for a while before I replied “You’re right, I do have other questions but I’m not sure if you’ll answer them” I honestly spoke.

“Don’t worry” He removed his eyes from the road and smiled at me briefly before he turned back “I will”

“Alright then” I heaved out.

“I’ll start with my first question again. What have you been doing through out this week that you didn’t once come to school”

“I was working” he grinned.

Confused I asked “Working?”

“Yeah I was running my family business, that’s why I couldn’t come to school” Wow, I wasn’t expecting this.

I wanted to ask all sorts of questions like ‘What’s your family business’ ‘Why are you the one running it?’ or ‘Aren’t you too young to be stressing yourself to be running a business?’ and all that, but I didn’t want to dig any deeper as he had already given me an answer.

Instead I said “Next question, Why don’t you usually come to class? No that’s not even the right question” I paused then continued “Why does the principal allow you to skip class anytime you want. I mean I know you get good grades and all, but I’m still trying to make sense of it”

“Oh that?” he chuckled “Qatass academy is owned by my family. I guess that’s why I am given some kind of privileges. But trust me I skip class for a good reason” I was shocked by the next revelation.

“Your family owns Qatass academy?” I was still trying to wrap my head around this recently acquired information.

“Yeah. But I won’t say ‘my family’ per say, but my Mom that owns it”

“Totally wasn’t expecting that” I mumbled still trying to let all the information sink in.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

Nobody really knew who the founder of Qatass academy was, well at least I knew we student didn’t. But I can just imagine when people find out that Frederick was the son of the founder of us school. You know before how I said that Frederick was treated as the golden boy of our school? Well this time they ‘would’ start treating him as pure gold itself.

“So is Qatass academy the ‘family business’ you were speaking of?” I just had to ask.

Shaking his head he said “No, it’s a different one”

“Oh” I mumbled.

I guess most of our teachers knew about it. That’s why they love kissing up to him, well figuratively speaking of course.

“Just so you know” Frederick told me “Apart from Tobi, Favour, Victoria and Chimdi, you’re the fifth person I’m telling this”

I frowned a little “I’m not going to tell anyone Frederick, don’t worry” it kinda hurt that he thought I was going to easily tell others about this. I didn’t really have other people I could talk about it to.

Frederick frowned also “No don’t get me wrong, that wasn’t the reason I said that, I know you won’t tell anyone. I trust you far too much to think that” My heart stupidly skipped a beat at his words. That one word ‘Trust’ got me.

He continued “I told you because I wanted you to know that you’re important to me. that’s all” Forget my heart skipping a beat, this time it skipped twice. I don’t know if Frederick was doing a it purposely or not, but my heart senselessly raced every single time he said things like this.

I smiled happy that Frederick saw me as someone important in his life.

“So do you have any other question for me? Ask now, or forever hold your peace” He joked with a pretend deep voice. I chuckled softly.

I actually did have another question to ask him, it’s one that I have been extremely curious about since the very first day we met in the library. But I have asked him before and he said when the right time comes he’d tell me. So I decided to wait and not ask.

I gave him a brazen smile “No I do not”

He too grinned “Well that’s good, cause we are here” I turned my gaze and saw that we were indeed in front of the hospital building.

“Hey mom” Frederick smiled brightly as soon as we entered his mother’s hospital room.

Mrs Zikora looked up from the book that she was reading and smiled.

“Ah, Frederick you’re here?”

“Yup” He responded popping his ‘P’. Then he added “And I also brought Amanda with me” I waved a little at her as Frederick mentioned me.

“Good afternoon ma” I said.

“Nonsense, don’t speak which so much formality. How many times will I tell you to call me mom. I am your future mother-in-law after all” She playfully winked.

I didn’t really know what to say, so I just awkwardly scratched my neck. True to what she said, she has told me a lot of times to just call her ‘mom’ on the different occasions I had visited her, but honestly speaking anyone else that was in my shoes will find it extremely awkward doing so.

Her features saddened a little as my silence persisted “Or you don’t want to? is it because you don’t see yourself getting married to Frederick?” My eyes widened a little alarmed. I didn’t like the sad look on her face, it hit my in the heart.

“No, no it’s not that” I quickly said.

“If it’s not that then, is it because you don’t find my son attractive?” she asked. Once again my eyes widened at her question. How did things even get to this sef.

“No ma. Your son is very handsome, I find him attractive too” I tried to reaffirm her. it didn’t even dwell on me on what I had said, and not to talk of, it was infornt of the boy himself. Now I understand clearly why people wish for the floor to open up and swallow them in situations like this.

I heard a familiar chuckle from my side. “Mummy please stop playing with her na”

Mrs Zikora surprised me by releasing an ardent laugh “Amanda don’t mind me joor, I was just teasing you. But I would really love it if you could call memom not Mrs Zikora. It sounds too formal” an authentic smile adorned her face.

“Oh honey, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to offend you in anyway” I looked at her strangely, why would she think I was offended?

“Ehn?” Not sure what she meant I asked. I know thoroughly sounded like a bush girl saying that.

“You’re crying dear” was her response. I could see Frederick staring at me with concern.

“I’m not cryi…” touching my cheeks I realized that it was wet and immediately cut my sentence short.

“Amanda are you alright?” Frederick asked.

“Yeah it’s just that” I sniffed a little and used the back of my hand to clean my tears “You’ve been more of a mother to me than my actual mother has ever been to me from birth” I chuckled sadly, but with also giving her a greatful smile.

With a small smile she said “Great I could be of assistance my dear” I laughed out loud on hearing her words. See why I liked Mrs Zikora, she could easily turn the saddest or dullest of moments into something much cheerful and brighter. It’s quite sad how a wonderful woman like her was fighting cancer.

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