Stepbrother Desire (Erotica)


As Mike, Paul, Emma, and Ashley filed out of the theater, Mike thought back over everything that had happened that had led them to ‘the date.’ He really didn’t want to know, but couldn’t help but wonder what other people would think if they knew what was going on between his sisters and him.

Here was a guy that was sleeping with his four female siblings and now he was out on a double date with a crazy redhead, her older brother, who was dating his own twin, and trying to get the two of them interested in each other, all the while trying not to become outwardly jealous. The last thing he wanted was to lash out at Ashley’s brother, giving her any reason to turn him in to the police. Mike chuckled to himself and shook his head.

They finally exited the theater and walked down the small strip mall that the theater was attached to, looking at the windows and chatting idly amongst themselves.

They passed a few clothing stores and a sports card shop, walking and laughing. As they passed the card shop, Mike glanced in and for a moment, time seemed to stand still.

‘It can’t be,’ he thought.

“It sure looks like him to me man.”

The other three kept walking, not noticing that Mike had stopped and was staring into the card shop at a small group of guys inside. They were all crowded around the counter, looking into a display case at something Mike couldn’t see. He didn’t recognize any of the other guys, but the one on the end had one feature that brought Mike back to a very dark place.

Mike stood staring hard, as his group finally noticed that he wasn’t with them anymore and turned to find where he had gone.

“Mike?” Emma called, “You coming?”

He didn’t seem to hear her, and she could see by the expression on his face that something was wrong. Crossing back over the few steps that separated them, she took and shook his arm. Confused, she turned and peered at where he was staring.

Suddenly, a gasped escaped her lips and she covered her mouth to stifle it. She immediately began to pull at her brother, trying to get him moving away from the card shop, as the memories of that night came flooding back.

“Please Mike, now is not the time,” she kept saying, but Mike was lost in a haze of anger and brutal, unforgiving memories.

The red-head that Mike was staring at turned, suddenly aware of someone staring at him. The guy standing next to Red noticed also, and Mike saw him speak. Without turning his head, Red appeared to answer, causing his buddy to also look in Mike’s direction. His buddy spoke again, and with a nod of his head, both started their way over to Mike.

“Oh my God,” said Emma. “Not here, not now.”

“What?” asked Paul, as Red and his buddy came out of the shop and quickly closed the distance between them.

With no time to answer, or even think, Emma merely stepped in front of Mike. Paul, taking in the situation as best he could with no more time than he had been given, sized up the two guys as they approached, and asked, “Can I help ya’ll?”

“None of your concern,” said Red, “I just want to have a word with Tinkerbell here.”

Mike put his hands on each of Emma’s arms, moving her to one side.

His attention on her for that instant, in an attempt to remove her from harm’s way, Red took the opportunity without warning to catch Mike with a left hook firmly across the jaw.

“Hey, ass,” barked Paul, as Mike staggered, then moved forward to intervene, but was cut off by Red’s buddy.

“Now, now sweetheart,” said ‘Buddy’, holding a hand to Paul’s chest. “The man said it was none of your concern.”

“You alright Mike?” asked Paul, not taking his eyes off ‘Buddy’.

“Yup,” answered Mike, shaking his head and gathering his senses, preparing himself for whatever was next. “But they’re right; this has nothing to do with you and yours. You don’t need to get involved.”

“I wouldn’t,” Paul said, “except for one thing.”

“And what is that, ‘missy’?” asked ‘Buddy’.

“I don’t care for ass-wipes putting their hands on me,” said Paul, as he grabbed ‘Buddy’s’ hand and turned it backwards against its own arm in what Mike recognized as a martial arts wrist lock. With it Paul sent ‘Buddy’ falling sideways to the cement floor.

Red had been ready for a move from his buddy, but took Paul’s cue instead to throw his second punch at Mike.


Mike, having shaken off his surprise attack, slipped under the attempt and countered with three quick shots to Red’s body, left-right-left, all three hard to his rib cage, followed by a round house right, which appeared to have come somewhere from the middle of Alaska, effectively placing Red horizontal, out before his head introduced itself to the walkway.

Someone must have anticipated what was about to happen and called security as two uniforms were on the scene before Mike could stand back up straight.

“Okay guys. Don’t move. The police will be here in a few seconds. What’s going on? Who saw what happened?”


Red was handcuffed and placed into the back of the police cruiser as Mike peered over at his sister and the other two that had come with them on the date. His jaw hurt, but him not caring made it not so bad, and the officer was standing, staring, and waiting for an answer.

“Sorry officer,” replied Mike, “what was the question?”

“I’ve got a pretty good idea what happened from the witnesses, but now I need your side of the story to finish my report. What’s all this about?”

Mike sighed and ran his hand across his jaw, massaging the soreness.

“A couple of months ago, just after school let out, my sister, Danni, was at a frat party. I got a call from Emma, my other sister, saying she couldn’t find her. I went up to help look for her and found her passed out in a locked bedroom. That asshole you’ve got locked up in the back of your car had his pants down around his ankles and was just about to…” Mike stopped, his jaw tense and flexed.

The officer put a hand on his shoulder and pushed him back a step. “I’m gonna need you to calm down son, alright? I just need the facts so I can see what we’re going to do about this guy, okay?”

Mike took a deep breath and nodded, then glanced back at Emma and added. “I knocked down one of them when I kicked in the door, and then I decked Red there and grabbed my sister and tried to get her out of the frat house. I had handed her off to Emma and another sister of ours when I got jumped from behind. I don’t remember much after that, but it involved that douche bag and most if not all of his frat brothers. My sisters said that the guy watching the door stepped in to keep them from killing me and pulled me out, stopping the fight.”

“Did you file a police report?” asked the officer.

Mike shook his head, suddenly irritated with himself for forgetting such an obvious thing.NôvelDrama.Org content.

“No sir,” he said, “I guess we just wanted to move on, put it behind us. My sister still hasn’t completely recovered.”

“Well, if you had, this would be regarded as a second incident. But not so, since you didn’t,” the officer said, then asked, “So the guy in the back there, did he actually do anything to your sister?”

“Someone slipped something in her drink, but no sir, nothing more than that. I got there just in time. She still had her panties on, but her dress was pulled up. He had his pants down though, and had his… well… thing in his hand when I got in there.”

“Be thankful for that then. There’s not much we can do about that, since you didn’t call the police and file a police report. If he were to make a fuss about it all, I could technically arrest you for destruction of private property, since you admitted kicking in the door of the frat house. But seeing the reason for doing so, I can’t say I blame you. And of course, he hasn’t mentioned it, and probably won’t.”

“Okay,” Mike said, “but what about tonight?”

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