Stepbrother Desire (Erotica)


“Well, I’ve got plenty of witnesses that corroborate your side of the story, that he did in fact throw the first punch. We would have him for assault, but you say you’re not willing to press charges. That means all I can charge him with is disturbing the peace. He’s got alcohol on his breath so my partner tested him and he blew over the legal limit, so we can add public intoxication to that. He’ll be spending the night in jail, and there’ll be a hefty fine for him to pay. Other than that, I’d advise you the next time something like this happens, just walk the other way before something worse comes of another incident.”

Mike nodded. “You got it officer. Thanks for the help.”

The officer turned and went over to talk to the other officer standing near a different group of people, getting more of the same story from them. As Mike approached the rest of his group who were standing near the ice cream shop, he turned and called to the officer. “Do you need anything else from any of us?”

The young policeman turned and shook his head. “I’ve got all the info I need from ya’ll right now. We’ll contact you if we need anything else. Ya’ll be safe tonight, hear?”

Mike nodded, and turned back to the girls and Paul.

“You okay?” Ashley asked, moving close and peering up at him.

Mike smiled and nodded. “I’m okay, though my jaw’ll be a little sore tomorrow. Sorry about all this man,” he said, glancing over at Paul.

Paul raised his hand. “Don’t worry about it man, I heard about what happened. I’m just glad I could be here to cover your six.”

“Your six? What’s a…”

‘My back, or backside. My ass.’

“Oh, right.”

Emma came over, and with tears streaming down both cheeks, hugged her brother tightly.

“You sure you’re okay?” she asked.

Clearly she was reliving the previous encounter as well as tonight.

He smiled and squeezed her tightly. “I’m fine Em. I promise. Try not to think about the past, okay?”

She nodded and wiped her face, pulling herself off her brother in light of where they were, and who they were with.

“So now that we’ve enjoyed a dinner… and a fight…” Emma said, trying to lighten the mood.

Paul checked his watch, it was 9:00. “Seems a shame to end the night now, wanna go rent a movie or something?”

Mike and Ashley shrugged, and Emma smiled saying, “We can head to our house. I’m sure there’s something good on.”

They headed to Mike’s truck and piled in, but the trip to the sibling’s house was uncomfortably quiet. Mike clicked on his radio and gently turned up the volume to a comfortable level, letting the music ease the tension until at last they pulled up to the house.

Emma hopped out quickly and headed inside to warn her sisters as Mike, Paul, and Ashley all headed up the walk. Sarah was disappearing into her room half dressed as the three entered the kitchen. Mike opened the fridge, offering the other two siblings a drink as Emma headed to the living room to flip through the channels to find a decent movie. The Big Lebowski was on, a favorite of the twins, and Emma grinned over at Mike who smiled and headed over.

“You guys ever seen this?” Mike asked. Ashley shook her head, but Paul was nodding.

“A classic,” he said, heading into the living room and moving to sit next to Emma.

Ashley glanced over at her brother as he sat down, and he turned and smiled, winking at her, and then turned back to the movie. She giggled and grabbed Mike’s hand, pulling him over to the loveseat and practically draped herself across him, stopping only to grab the blanket covering the edge and pulling it over her and Mike.

Almost immediately Mike could feel Ashley groping for his cock, and he groaned inwardly.

“What the fuck are you groaning for? Send that other ass-hat packing and let’s get to fucking!”

‘We’ve talked about this.’

“That’s your problem, too much talky, not enough fucky.”

‘I can’t fuck Ashley.’

“Sure you can. Just pull her ass over here and let her sink down on the beast. She’ll love it, and you know it.”Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

‘That’s not what I meant, and you know it. I can’t fuck her because at least one of my sisters would get upset and stop fucking me. Us. Probably all of them. Is that what you want?’

“Hell no bro. But it was their idea in the first place, remember. But it’s also all part of ‘the plan.’ You get Ashley all excited and do the old bait and switch with ‘He-Man’ over there, who’s rubbing around on your fuckin home turf. That’s your own personal property he’s fixing to have in his hands, bro.”

‘First, Emma isn’t my property, she’s my sister. Second, he’s just got his arm around her. Third, that’s not how this is going to play out, at least not exactly. Fourth, shut the fuck up already.’

Mike tried to grab for Ashley’s hand under the blanket, but she already had it down his pants, her cold fingers causing him to jump slightly. He glanced over at Emma, who bit her lip hiding a grin and gently shook her head at him and winked playfully. As he glanced at her, he noticed she was leaning into Paul, who had put his arm comfortably around her. There was a momentary twinge of jealousy, which he quickly pushed away.

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