The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega

Chapter 48

Chapter 48

Chapter 48


The rest of the week flew by Norm, Lexi, and I started sitting together the second day of our Anatomy glass, we stuck close during self defense class even though most of what we were doing was exercising. We had all our meals together At the end of the day after dinner we would go back to my room to hang. out. We hung out in my room because according to them mine was the cleanest. They also said they were helping Lilac get used to other people, and wolves.

They also joined me for video chats with my friends, and family back home. They met Braxton, and Gina first when they video chatted me to brag about finishing school for the year Lexi swore Gina, and Braxton are mates. I wasn’t sure, but the two seemed to be getting closer They even had a group hang out with all of their friends planned for the end of our video chat.

I also had a video chat with Jax, Molly, Colby, and Dimitri Jax recognized Lexi immediately. They chatted for a minute or two about politics before the subject changed My family also got to meet Lilac as she walked across my keyboard during the call. My brothers were a little put off at first until I explained. Molly was in love at first sight though. She gushed over how cute Lilac was. They were happy that things were going so well for me, and that I was making friends. Norm made them laugh with his antics.

Norm gushed over Rowen during our video chat though. He was quietly excited as Rowen, and Lexi discussed more of his member share idea. Rowen had been uncomfortable about Lilac at first, but once I explained he understood. He told me he would make sure Duke would accept her or he would block him anytime he spent time with Lilac. He was also happy to hear the shirts he sent me arrived my third day at school. They were both soft navy blue shirts, and smelled strongly of him. I slept in them every night since. they arrived, and I did not have nightmares.

I had my second appointment with Dee-Dee. It had been hard because she wanted to talk more about my nightmares. She asked questions why I might think Jax, Molly, and Melissa would whip me when they have never done anything to hurt me in any way before. It took me a bit, but I finally explained my fear of high rank wolves, and why She was very understanding, and decided we would start my healing by focusing on changing my view of high rank wolves. I didn’t understand why, but figured it was a good a place to start then any

Friday, after dinner, Lexi, Norm, and I went shopping again. Much to Norm’s excitement. He wanted to get something nice to look good for meeting Marcus at lunch the following day. He said he wanted to be himself, but look like he knew how to clean up. Lexi also felt I needed something a little nicer than my jeans, and t-shirts to meet with Luna Clair for dinner Saturday evening.

She helped me pick out something a little nicer, but still casual. We settled on a pair of khaki pants, a light blue, short sleeved button up, and a pair of white flats. Lexi tried to get me into heels, but I refused. I told her I refused to hurt my feet for anything. I also nixxed make up. I had never worn it, didn’t know how to apply it, and I didn’t have any interest in learning how Surprisingly Lexi didn’t argue much on that. She said i didn’t really need it any way Well beyond some lip gloss so I agreed to a strawberry flavored light. pink gloss.

Norm was a totally different story. He stressed about every single thing he picked up. He debated every shirt. He couldn’t decide on the proper fit for pants, much less the material for the pants. Shoes were a nightmare. He flat out argued with Lexi about him wearing a tie. He wanted to wear one, and she said not to go overboard. Finally he settled on a dark pink button up, and a pair of gray slacks. He bought new sneakers that were pink like his shirt.

After we were done shopping, we dropped off our purchases in our rooms, we decided to let our wolves out to run around the school campus, and woods out back. Leila loved being out. The three of our wolves

spent a good amount of time out running, and playing around. Norm’s wolf was just as energetic as he was. Lexi’s wolf was a bit more laid back, but still fun. At seems all three wolves had a great time. together. We all decided we would start to go on runs together at least once a week.

Now it was Saturday, and we were getting ready to go have lunch with Lexi’s cousin Marcus. As the goal was Norm for this, I decided to just wear my usual t-shirt and jeans with a pony tail and sneakers. I was just grabbing Rowen’s hoodie when I heard a knock at the door

“Come on small fry We gotta go. Sugar pop here is about to, well pop.” Lexi called to me

I opened the door after grabbing my little purse I started carrying around, and my school ID I was clipping

it onto my hoodie as I giggled at Lexi’s description. She wasn’t wrong though. Norm was bouncing on his toes. He was dressed in his new clothes, and had his hair spiked in the front. He looked good, but definitely ready to pop.

“Alright. We better go before he does pop.” I said with a laugh.

“Come on you two. You’re holding me up from possibly meeting my forever Hurry up.” Norm exclaimed as he sprinted down the hall to the elevators, with Lexi and I laughing behind him.

It was all we could do to keep him with us, and not running off ahead as we made our way to the café we would be meeting Marcus at. Nothing we said seemed to calm him down either We finally gave up, and just giggled at his antics. That’s usually what we had to do with him any way Suddenly he stopped half a block from the café, and turned to us, looking a little sad.

“What’s wrong Norm?” I asked, confused by this turn of events.

“If if he is my mate it means I have to move floors, and won’t be living across from you two any more. It also means we’ll have less time together because I’ll want to be with him all the time instead of you two. You’re my besties. I can’t do that to you.” Norm said with a whimper.

“Don’t worry Mister Dramatic. We’ll make it work out. Besides we will see each other in class all the time since we have pretty similar schedules this semester.” Lexi said soothingly

“True. Ok. Lets go.” Norm said excitedly, bouncing off again, causing me to giggle at him and shaking my head.

His moods changed like the wind.

“I hope Marcus is his mate. They’d be good together Norm is so bubbly, and happy all of the time. Marcus needs that in his life. And Marcus is so grounded he might help level Norm out a bit.” Lexi whispered to

“Fingers crossed then.” I whispered back, and Lexi nodded.

When we reached the café Norm stopped in his tracks, right inside to door way. His stop was so sudden that Lexi, and I almost ran into him. Norm took a huge whiff of the air in the café

“Something smells like coffee, and dark chocolate. My two favorite scents.” Norm said quietly.

“You like coffee?” I asked.

“Nah. I hate the stuff, but I do like the smell.” Norm answered, and looked around.

I came up beside him, and saw his eyes widen, and his jaw dropped. I turned to see what caught his attention, and saw a guy that looked almost like a male version of Lexi coming toward us, slowly. He was sniffing the air, and looking straight at Norm. I leaned forward a bit, and looked at Lexi who was beaming, and whispered yes.

“Uh. Marcus this is….” Lexi started, but Marcus cut her off.

“Mine.” Marcus said simply in a deep voice, causing Norm to whimper, but bounce happily.

“Ye…..yes. You’re mine too right?” Norm squeaked.

“What do you think?” Marcus asked with a sly grin.

“I…..yes. You’re mine.”

“What’s your name?”


Before anyone could say anything, Marcus pulled Norm to him, and kissed him hard. Norm whimpered again before wrapping his arms around Marcus, and kissing him back. When Marcus ended the kiss he buried his nose in Norm’s neck, and sniffed, hard. Norm gave a happy bounce, and sniffed Marcus in return. Finally they separated, and Marcus turned to Lexi.

“Hey Lexus.” Marcus said as he pulled her into a side hug.

“Hey Mucus.” Lexi said returning the hug then he turned to me, and stuck out his hand.

“I’m Marcus.”

“H…hi. I’m Chastity Bloomfield.” I said as I shook his hand quickly.

“Chastity Bloomfield? I know that name.” He said as he grabbed Norm’s hand, and led us to a table, pulling Norm behind him.

Lexi, and I both giggled as we watched the scene. Norm still hadn’t found his words again, but man was he bouncy. Goddess help us when the poor boy remembered how to speak again. Once we

reached the table Marcus had been sitting at, he pushed Norm into a chair, and ordered him to sit. Then Marcus sat in the chair next to Norm, and draped his arm over Norm’s shoulders.

“Yeah. You do know her name Marcus. She was the one Alpha Joseph from Moonlight called the conference for.” Lexi answered as she and I took our seats across from the pair

“That was you?” Marcus asked.

“Ye….yes.” I stuttered. I really didn’t want to talk about it.

“Damn girl. You’re bad ass.” Marcus stated

“Th…that’s what Norm, and Lexi said about me too.”

“You called her a bad ass?” Marcus looked to Norm, and asked.

Norm only nodded with a big grin on his face. He still hadn’t found his words. The longer this went on the worse it would be.

“Good boy.” Marcus said, leaned over, and kissed Norm’s neck, causing Norm to shudder.

Lexi, and I looked at each other, giggled, and rolled our eyes. This was going to be an interesting meal.

“What would you girls like to eat? Would you like some coffee mate?” Marcus asked causing Norm to finally find his voice.

“Uhh…um….no thank you, I don’t actually like coffee, just the smell.” Norm stuttered.

“Would you like a coke instead?”

“Please goddess no caffeine otherwise sugar pop will really pop.” Lexi joked.

“Sugar pop?” Marcus questioned.

“Oh yeah. He’s like a pup loaded up with sugar, and he bounces like crazy so sugar pop.” Lexi explained

“Alright. So Norm, tell me about my mate.” Marcus requested as he looked at Norm.

That was all it took. Norm was off like a shot. He spent the rest of our meal talking constantly about himself, his family, his two best friend Lexi and myself, and anything else he could think of. The

excitement in his voice, and the constant bounce were a wonder to see. It always was with Norm. When he finally stopped talking, Marcus turned to look at Lexi

“Yup. Sugar pop works.” Marcus said with a smile

“So um. I uh are you going to accept me?” Norm asked very quietly

“How could I not?” Marcus growled.

“I don’t know. I mean, I’m well overly excited all of the time. I talk too much. I’m a little, ok a lot over the top. Lexi says I have more energy then the sun. I…”

“Are perfect just the way you are. I like your personality. It’s fun to watch you bounce constantly I like that you get excited about everything. All of that aside, you’re mine, and I’m keeping you.” Marcus growled.

“Oh. Ok.”

“Do you not want me to keep you?”

“No. Nothing like that. I just…I just wanted to make sure I’m what you’re looking for in a mate.”

“Yup. You are. Do you girls mind if I steal my mate from you for the rest of the day? We have things to discuss.” Marcus asked Lexi, and I.

“Not at all Marcus, as long as you agree to a few rules first.” Lexi stated as she crossed her arms over her chest.

“What are those?” Marcus leaned back in his seat, and raised an eyebrow I caught myself trembling from their stance with each other

“First he is our shopping partner You have to let him shop with us whenever we go. Second, his education is most important. He has to finish school. He is too talented to not finish school. Third, he goes for a run on campus grounds with Chastity, and me every Friday. You can come if you want, but he HAS to come Fourth you move onto school grounds. Don’t make him live in the pack house. Anthony, and Heather will tear him apart. Fifth keep him away from your parents. They will chew him up, and spit him out. Sixth, and this is the most important. Do NOT try to change him in any way. He is perfect exactly how he is. Yes you’ll probably ground him some in certain ways, but other than that let Norm be who Norm is. Can you agree to those terms?” Lexi stated firmly

She had really thought this out. She was also very protective of Norm. I appreciated that about her She was looking out for Norm’s best interests. My respect for her just went up a whole lot.

“Lex, there is nothing in this world that would get me to change who he is. I agree he is perfect the way he is. Maybe he’ll help me loosen up a bit too. He has definitely made me smile more in the last hour than I have in year As for the rest of your rules, I have no problem with any of them. I will absolutely make sure he finishes school, and I won’t keep him from you girls. As far as living at the pack house. You know-l don’t want to be there any more than you do. I would love to beat the snot out of Anthony for the games he played with you. I know Darren has already done so at one point, but Darren is stronger than I am, and I’d probably lose that fight. If Anthony said or did anything to hurt or upset my mate I would find the strength to kill him. Not that it matters. Norm, and I will go talk to the Dean today

about us moving into one of the mate suites at the school Marcus said as he leaned forward, and rested his forearms on the table.

“Good. Then he’s all yours Be happy Marcus. You deserve it.”

“You do too Lex, and I know some day you will find it.”

“Thanks Marcus. Come on small fry, lets let the mates have their time together” Lexi turned to me. smiled.


I nodded. As we were leaving, I turned to smile and wave at Marcus, and Norm. I was really very happy for them. Lexi, and I talked about them the whole way back to the school. We were both really happy for the pair I had a feeling Norm was going to be marked in no time. We had just entered the housing building when Lexi stopped, and groaned. I looked at her, and she looked upset. A tall, lean male with green eyes, and bright red hair walked toward us with a smug smile on his face. He stopped right in front us, glanced at me then looked right back at Lexi

“Hey there Lexi-Lu. How ya been” the guy asked with an annoying voice causing me to pinch my brow

“Cut the crap Anthony What do you want?” Lexi snapped, and my eyes widened when she indicated who he was

This was the guy who played games with Lexi. He looked, and sounded like a snake. I thought it was good thing he wasn’t her mate. She was too good for him.

“Aww Don’t be like that babe. We had some good times.” He coaxed.

“And now you have a mate. What are you doing here, and what do you want?” Lexi asked.

“Fine. Be that way Heather just finished a line of designs she wants to have modeled for some company She wants you to be her model.”

“You cannot be serious?”

“Why not? You do have the body she is looking for in a model.”

“Yes, and there are hundreds of other females with a nice build as well. Go ask one of them. I am not interested”

“Come on sweetheart. She designed this line special just for you.”

“I’m sure she did, but I’m still not interested. Sorry. Well not really, but you get the idea. Now if you’ll excuse us. Small fry, and I have some where to be.”

Anthony finally took good look at me “Small fry huh? You look familiar

“Yup. She does, but you don’t give a shit enough about politics to need to know why Now if you’ll excuse us.”

Lexi grabbed my wrist, and we quickly walked away. I glanced back once to see Anthony with a confused look on his face. Eventually he shrugged, and left the building. I kept following behind Lexi as quickly as could until we reached my room. Once the door was open, Lexi flopped down on the floor, and groaned.

“He is such a jerk. He has been pulling crap like that ever since he got back with her I’m just thankful it never went further than casual hanging out, and I never slept with him. I did think there was a chance he was my mate. I’m honestly glad he’s not.” Lexi vented.

“Yeah. You’re too good for him. He seems a bit like a slime ball.”

“You hit the nail on the head with that one.”

“So. Um….Can I ask you a kind of personal question?”


“I heard that you traveled to a bunch of different packs looking for your mate, but two of them sent you home early. What happened?”

“Yeah. That. It was my parent’s idea. They thought getting me away from here, away from Anthony would help me get over the games he played with me. Problem with that was I was angry, hurt, and felt really stupid. I wasn’t ready for all of that I went along with it because I thought my parents were right about me being away for awhile. Only I became angrier while I was gone. What no one knew was the Anthony kept calling me, still trying to play his games. He likes the ego boost of having multiple females wanting him. When he came home with a mate, and failed the Alpha challenge, he didn’t have that any more. He didn’t have females tripping over themselves for him. The whole thing made me even angrier, and unfortunately I lashed out. I’ve been in contact with the Alpha’s of both packs to apologize, and explain. They were really understanding about the whole thing. I felt pretty bad about how I behaved.”


“Yeah. I’ve been a shit for about a year

“I can understand. We all have our own issues to work through.”

“Yeah. Well except Norm. That boy is always so happy”

“Yeah, but being a gay male isn’t easy. He told me that after he came out, the male friends he did have stopped talking to him.”



“So what is this meeting with Luna Clair about?”

“Oh. Alpha Joseph called her about doing Luna training with me while I’m here. His mate, Luna Jane died a few years ago in a rogue attack. He felt that since I’m mated to Rowen who will be the next Alpha that I would benefit from some training to prepare me for my role as Luna.”

“Well that was smart of him. It’s definitely a good thing. Why do you seem so reluctant though?”

“I doubt I’ll end up being the next Luna.”

“Why? You’re mate is an Alpha so that will make you the Luna by default.”

“I just don’t see Rowen keeping me. Eventually he’ll realize I’m not good enough, and reject me again. He’ll also get tired of waiting for me to get better, and come home. He’ll find someone better suited for him, reject me, and move on.”

“You really don’t see yourself the way the rest of us do, do you? You don’t really see how much Rowen loves you?”

“I’m nothing special, and how could Rowen love me? I’m not good enough.”

“Chastity, you are good enough. Hell you’re too good. I don’t know any one as sweet, and wonderful as you are. If you need proof of that, just look at how you handled me The first time we met, I was rude to you, completely ignored you, and was nasty to you, for no damn reason. You hadn’t done anything to me. When I walked away I heard what you said to Norm. You saw right past my act, and you even defended me. You didn’t even know me, and still you saw something no one else did. You saw someone who needed someone to just listen, and be there for them. You didn’t have to do that. You could have just brushed me off like the bitch I was, but you didn’t. You jumped to my defense. On top of

that, you pretty much forced Norm and me to speak to each other Because of you I found out that my pack doesn’t think I’m the biggest joke, and loser there is. They support me over that douche bag Anthony. Norm, and I are friends because of you. Hell if you want to get to the root of it, Norm, and my cousin met their mate because of you. You pushing Norm, and I to speak brought that all about. You. You did that.

“As far as Rowen goes. That man is gone for you. If he wasn’t, he wouldn’t have retracted his rejection. He wouldn’t have slept on a COT for two weeks straight so you wouldn’t have nightmares. He wouldn’t have come with you here to drop you off. He wouldn’t text, call, or video chat with you daily. He wouldn’t

have sent you shirts to sleep in to help with your nightmares. Hell an Alpha male is willing to block his wolf just so you can keep your kitten whenever you two are together. Even if you’re living together he’s willing to block his wolf so that you can have what you need, and be happy. He is waiting for you to be ready for him. An ALPHA is WAITING for his mate to be ready to be claimed by him. That is unheard of. It doesn’t happen, but Rowen, he’s doing that. For you because he loves you, and he wants only you. He looks at you, and he sees his entire world. He sees his life, his happiness, his other half. He sees you as the only female in the world.”


“That man is going no where. You may not believe it, but I have no doubt he will prove it to you, for the rest of your life if he has to.”

“But I’m just…

“Don’t. Don’t say it. Didn’t Dee-Dee tell you that your are so much more than that?”

“Yes, but….”

“I’ll tell you what, if I could, I would kill every person who ever made you see yourself for anything less than what you really are. Chastity Bloomfield, you are NOT JUST AN OMEGA! Girl you are A LUNA! Everything about you screams Luna. You’re heart, your mind, your actions, your thoughts, your personality. You are everything a Luna. A true Luna is meant to be. You may not see it now, but some day you will, and when you do I want front row seats to the look on your face, when the truth finally dawns on you.”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“Don’t say anything. Just remember what I told you.”

“I’ll try.”

“Good. Now you need to shower, and get ready to see Luna Clair She’ll be here before you know it.”

“Lexi, it’s only three.”

“Oh right. Opps. You know I’ve never been to Moonlight pack. Do you think I could go with you for a visit sometime?”

“I can ask Alpha Joseph, but I don’t see why not ”

“Tell me a little about your pack.”

So I spent the next hour telling Lexi about what I knew of my pack, and the members I knew. I told her about helping parents when they needed a babysitter, and working with Midwife Wanda. About how she inspired to me become a midwife myself. As I talked I found myself kind of hoping Lexi would find her mate in my pack. It would be kind of cool to have her there.

“Hey Lexi. I have a strange question.” I said.

“Sure.” She responded as she teased Lilac with the wand toy

“How would you feel if your mate was a lower rank than you?”

“As long as he was a good person, treated me and others well and with respect, and worked hard, I wouldn’t care. Our mates are our mates for a reason. I don’t need a high ranked wolf to be happy. Even if he was an Omega I would still be happy because Omegas are so caring. They think of others, and help as best they can. I think I would be honored if that was the case.”



“If you’re mate was from another pack would you move to his pack with him, or want him to come here?”

“I think I would like to go to his pack. I love my pack, and my family, but my family can be a little over bearing at times. I think I would like to have my own life without them getting into it too much.”

“That makes sense.”

“Yeah. Well now you need to get ready for your meeting.”

I looked at the clock, and saw that it was almost four I jumped up, and grabbed my new clothes to shower. Lexi offered to stay to help me with my hair, and make sure I looked presentable to meet the Luna. After I was showered, and dressed I came out to find Lexi still playing with Lilac, and laughing as my kitten practically flipped in the air trying to catch the feather toy.

Lexi spent a little time doing different things will my hair before finally saying to looked best leaving it down. She did smooth out any friz in it though. Once she felt I looked perfect, she walked down to the cafeteria with me to meet Luna Clair Luna Clair was easy to spot when we entered. She was dressed

much the same as me, but her top was dark green. Her had blond hair, that was pulled back into a pony tail. She looked elegant, even dressed casually. I had no idea how I was every going to be able to achieve that level of elegance to be a convincing Luna.

Lexi lead me right up to the table. Luna Clair looked up at us, and smiled. She had no make up on, but she still looked beautiful, and her gray eyes sparkled with happiness. Lexi, and I both bowed her

“Good afternoon Luna. This is Chastity. Chastity, this is Luna Clair ” Lexi introduced us.

“Good afternoon Luna. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” I said, keeping my eyes to the floor in respect.

“Tut tut. None of that girls. Chastity, you and I are of the same rank so you do not keep you eyes lowered. or head bowed to me after an initial greeting out of respect to another. Lexi, my dear girl, I changed your diapers, and chased your bare butt around my house for two years straight.” Luna Clair said kindly

“…ummm…” I stuttered.

“Chastity, I already know of your back ground, and what you have experienced. I had a long talk with your father, and he informed me of your situation. Can I ask you something, once you look at me?”

“Ye yes ma’am.” I answered as I slowly looked up at her.

“Thank you my dear You have such beautiful green eyes. I would rather see them then the top of your head. As for my question, when Jane was alive did she ever ask or insist you call her Luna or keep your head bowed?”

“Um. No.”

“That’s what I thought. I would like it if you treated me the same as you did Jane. She was a lovely women, and I miss her dearly”

“I….I can try”

“Please do. Why don’t you two have a seat. I have the kitchen bringing us some water, and Joanne’s wonderful sugar cookies. I’ll tell you a little secret. Some times I sneak over here just to eat her cookies.”

Lexi, and I both giggled at Luna Clair’s confession. She seemed very nice.

“Now, Chastity I understand that you are little Rowen’s mate. Well I guess not so little any more. He has certainly grown over the years.”

“Ye….yes, but…”

“Yes. Yes I know about that boy’s idiocy when you two first connected as mates. Stupid boy. I gave him an earful when I heard.”

“You did?”

“Of course I did. His mother did not raise him with such beliefs. Nor did his father.

“How do you know them so well?”

“Simple Jane was my cousin. We were fairly close as children. We attended school together, here actually”

“You were a nurse?”

“Still am actually I work in the pack hospital three days a week. I also teach pediatric care.”

“Wow! You sound very busy”

I am, but my Beta, and Gamma females are amazing ladies. Do you know who your Beta, and Gamma females will be when you step into your role as Luna because my dear girl, you will become Luna. Rowen is so gone with you it’s almost funny.”

“…uh. Yes. My brother Jax, he’s our future Beta, his mate is Molly Our future Gamma Ross’s mate is Melissa. Molly, Melissa, and I were building friendship before I came here” NôvelDrama.Org © content.

“Oh good. You’ll need those strong relationships with your Beta, and Gamma. The three of you will work very closely together. You will become a team. There are a lot of things Lunas do to care for their packs as that is our main job. Having a Beta, and Gamma will help keep you from becoming over worked. Once you know what they are best suited for to handle you hand over those responsibilities to them, and they take it from there. You do work together quite often, but it helps when they take over certain things.”

“What are a Luna’s responsibilities?”

“Everything that has to do with the care of the pack. We ensure that our pack members have what they need. Are happy, healthy, and well provided for. While the Alpha’s ensure the pack’s safety, laws, and proper training to protect, and defend. We do everything else. Essentially we care for our pack the way we would our home, and our own family”

“That sounds like a lot.”

“It is, but with a good Beta, and Gamma, that you can trust fully, by your side, it is pretty easy.”

“I’m not sure I would be good enough for the job. I’m an Omega, my responsibilities are different than that.”

“Are they though? If you really think about it.”

“…I’m not sure I follow”

“Well first you should know I am an Omega was well.”

“You are?”

“Oh yes my dear Most Lunas are. There are a few that are low rank regular wolves, but mostly we are Omegas. Omegas are best suited for the role of Luna.”

“I keep hearing that, but I’m not sure how that’s possible.”

“Well consider Omegas in the big picture. We Omegas are driven to care for our fellow pack members, and help them in any way we can. We cook them meals when they need them. We clean their houses if they can’t. We care for their pups in emergencies, or we’re hired as babysitters full time so mom and dad can work. We encourage our pack members when they need it. We feel for them when they are sad, and try to cheer them up. When they are angry we are angry with them, but also help them calm their anger, and think rationally. We provide support, care, and love when they need it. A Luna does the same, but on a larger scale. It’s not just one or two pack members we’re caring for, it’s all of our pack members. We love them, care for them, help them, encourage them, calm them, cry with them, and the list goes on. Does that makes sense?”

“Yeah. I guess it does.”

“From what I am hearing you are a natural born Luna. Yes you have survived something horrific, but at the heart of you, you are still a natural Luna. I have heard about you from Lexi, and just what you have done for her this week, after what my idiot son has put her through. Dimitri told me how you handled those that hurt you with grace, and poise. He sent me the videos. My dear girl, you handled that situation like a true

Luna would.”

“I…I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t need to say anything. I am only telling you what I have come to know of you. What I have seen.”

“Thank thank you.

“You are most welcome. Now I did bring my responsibilities binder with me. I made this years ago to help. me keep things organized. Don’t worry we’re not going to go through the whole thing today. We’ll go through small things each time we meet. I do not want to overwhelm you, nor do I want to take away from your education. I am hear to help you in anyway I can. OK?”

“Ok. Thank you. Can I ask you something?”

“Of course you can.”

“How….how do you manage to look so elegant?”

“About two hours of prep. I didn’t want to make a bad first impression, but if I’m being completely honest, I prefer jeans and t-shirt with sneakers. There is no reason a Luna needs to be dressed to the hills all of the time. It makes us appear stuck up, and unapproachable Unless I am doing something pack business related I dress comfortably

“Oh thank goddess. I am so uncomfortable being dressed up all of the time.”

“Same here. Truthfully I was still in my pajamas until two hours ago.”

“You were?”

“Oh yes. Why wouldn’t I be? I was just hanging out in my home listening to Heather drone on and on and on about some company she is pitching her designs to. I have no patience for that stuff. I have

more important things to do with my time. At that point my more important thing to do was read the book lam trying to finish. I would have too if she had left me alone.”

“Yeah. About that. She sent Anthony here to ask me to model her designs for her He says she made them with me in mind.” Lexi grumbled.

“Once an idiot, always an idiot. They have both been told to leave you alone. I don’t know where that boy gets his ego from, but I hope he gets knocked down a few pegs when he goes to her pack. Her Alpha has no tolerance for his kind of crap, and he expects all pack members to contribute to the pack. My Anthony has a rude awakening coming.” Luna Clair said.

“When do they leave?”

“After Robert’s swearing in which is at the end of next month.”


“Alright ladies. Lets enjoy Joanne’s cookies, and learn some stuff. Are you ready Chastity?”

“No really.” I mumbled to which Luna Clair laughed.

“Don’t worry. Neither was I. When I first started training I thought I was going to lose my mind, but Jeremy’s mother is wonderful. I may bring her along sometimes. You’ll like her. She loved it when I created, as she likes to call it My Luna Bible. She keeps trying to get me to make copies of it for all Lunas. I am considering it, but I just don’t have the time.”

“If it’s her idea, why not ask her to do it?”

“You know that’s not a half bad idea. She some times complains about being bored now. Maybe that will give her something to do. Alright lets get started.”

Over the next hour Luna Clair went over the broad strokes of a Luna’s responsibilities. She answered every single question I had without seeming annoyed once. She even listened when I had an idea or suggestion. She really was pretty amazing. I enjoyed our time together. By the end of our meeting we set up another for the following weekend. She insisted on doing it in my room as she wanted to meet Lilac. It was then that she told me she was the one who insisted on the playground for the emotional support animals, and released a mandate that any strays be brought to Dee Dee for evaluation of suitability.

We were just finishing up when Norm came bouncing into the cafeteria with Marcus in tow. Luna Clair gushed over the two of them, and offered to throw a mating ceremony for them. At first Marcus declined, but changed his mind when he saw how excited Norm was at the idea. Luna Clair ended up joining us for dinner The conversation was lively, and so fun.

By the time I returned to my room I was exhausted. It had been a good day, but a busy one. I had just put on my pajamas, and getting ready to get into bed when my video chat ring sounded on my laptop. I grabbed it then sat down on bed, and leaned back against my pillow I looked at the screen, and saw it was Rowen. I answered it.

“There she is. Hello sweet girl.” Rowen said with a smile.

“Hi Rowen.” I said quietly with a small smile.

“What are you doing?”

“Getting ready to go to bed.”

“Ah ok. Did you sleep well last night?”

“I did. Your shirts are helping.”

“I’m glad. I’m disappointed that it’s not me there helping you, and holding you, but I’m glad something from me can help you.”

“Thank you.”

“Are you excited about tomorrow?”

“What’s tomorrow?”

“Colby will be there tomorrow, remember?”

“Oh my goddess. I completely forgot.”

“You forgot your brother is coming to see you tomorrow? Oh wait until I tell him.”

“NO! No. Please don’t. I don’t want to hurt his feelings.”

“Don’t worry sweet girl, I won’t tell him. Your secret is safe with me.”

“Thank you.”

“So tell me about your day.”

So I did. I told him all about Norm, and Marcus. He laughed with me about Norm’s reaction to finding his mate, and being unable to even speak at first. I also told him about meeting with Luna Clair He asked me lots of questions about meeting with her, and how I felt about what I had learned. I admitted to being worried about being able to do the job. He got a little upset with me when I said I didn’t think I was good enough. He spent several minutes reassuring me that I was more than good enough. That I would be ant amazing Luna.

I then asked him about his day. He told me about the work he was doing with his dad at the moment, and how much he was learning from his dad. He took Gina out for lunch, and learned that Gina does

indeed have a little crush on Braxton. He said Braxton is completely oblivious to it though. He also told me about spending some boy time with Jax, and Ross.

“It sounds like you had a good day “I said.

“It would have been better if you were here, but yeah it was good.” Rowen said with a smile.

“…I’m sorry”

“Don’t. Don’t you dare be sorry for doing what is right for you or for furthering your education. I’m proud of you, and support you completely ”

“….thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I would like to come see you some time soon. How would you feel about that?”

“….I would like that.”

“You would?”


“Alright. Well I’ll figure out a Saturday or Sunday to come spend the day with you soon. OK?”


“Well you should get some sleep. You’re looking a little tired.”

“I am.”

“Alright sweet girl. Get some sleep. Good night, and dream of me.”

“Good night Rowen.”

I waved at him, and disconnected the call. I put my laptop on the nightstand, looked a my pictures then snuggled down into bed with Duke in my arms, and Lilac at my head, purring. I fell asleep with a smile on my face favorite

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