The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

Chapter 49


I was up, and out of bed way too early for any normal person today. Today I wasn’t a normal person though. Today I was a man excited about seeing his mate. Earlier in the week Colby, and I came up with the idea of me going to Dark Moon with him on Sunday to surprise my sweet girl. I miss her, and really

want to see her.

It’s been hard to keep my coming with Colby a secret, but we have both managed it. I couldn’t wait to see the look on her face when she saw me. I hoped she would be happy. I was so excited I practically bounced out of my bed at 4:00 in the morning. Colby had to be at Denu by 9:00 for his interview so we were getting on the road at 4:30. That should put us there by 8:30. That would give him time to drop me off at Cloverland, and he could get to his interview on time.

I was sitting in the living room, knee bouncing, a bag of t-shirts next to me for my sweet girl, when he finally made it downstairs. He was yawning, and rubbing his eyes. He looked like he was barely awake. He at least showered, and put on appropriate clothes for an interview. I jumped up as soon as I saw him.

“Aww man. It’s too early to have that much energy.” Colby grumbled.

“I’m just excited.” I responded.

Yeah. Yeah I hear ya. I’m gonna grab a coffee then we can hit the road, but you’re driving. I’ll probably sleep during the drive.”

“Sure, but there’s no coffee made yet. They don’t start it until six.”

“Damn it. How the hell do you have so much energy this time a day then?”

“I’m going to see my mate. Come on. The coffee shop in town is always open. You can get a coffee there.”

“Yeah sure. Lets go.”

I grabbed the keys to one of the smaller cars, and headed out the door, Colby shuffling behind me. He threw a duffle bag in the back seat, and dropped in next to me. Without another word, I headed to the pack coffee house. Colby grumbled when we got there, but went to get his coffee after asking if I wanted. anything. I asked for a water, and a muffin. With a nod he disappeared into the shop. Five minutes later he dropped into his seat, gave me my stuff, and took a sip of his coffee.

“Shit. This crap is awful. How the hell did short stack make better coffee than a place who’s entire business is making coffee?” Colby grumbled then took another sip.

“I don’t know. Why don’t you ask her how she makes it?” I suggested pulling back onto the road, and heading out of the pack lands.

“I don’t want to come off like an ass, and remind her of the shit she went through. I was always snapping

at her for my coffee back then. If I spoke to her at all.” He responded between sips.

“Well you are an ass so…. If that is so awful why are you still drinking it?”

“Fuck off dick bag. I’m only drinking it to wake the fuck up.”

“How the hell do you manage third shift patrols when you’re this pissy so early in the morning?”

“Easy. I’ve already been awake for hours, and I know my ass will be crawling into my bed soon. I WAS in my damn bed until twenty minutes ago. There’s a difference.”

“If you say so.”

“Dude, are you going to be this annoying the whole drive? I might regret bringing you if you are.”

“Nah. Probably not.”

“Thank the goddess for that.”

“So what will this interview consist of?”

“I gotta talk to the Dean, and the head of training about my skills, and what training I’ve done so far. After that I have to spar with a warrior or two to show my fighting skills. Last they have someone hide then. move around in the campus woods. I have to track, and catch them within an hour.”

“Sounds like a test more than an interview.”

“Yeah, but they gotta do it. It’s easy to talk a good game, but you gotta back it up. They’re not just gonna take your word for it. They only let something like five people in a year. They gotta make sure the people they accept aren’t wasting their time.”

“That makes sense. What made you decide to do this?”

“No one really knows this, but Joe asked me to track down the rogue that killed Jane, and bring him in. He asked our other trackers, but they’re getting older now, and starting to show signs of that. I took a couple of warriors. I had him tracked, caught, and in the dungeon in about forty eight hours. After your mom’s service your dad pulled me aside, and told me about this school. I’ve been working toward it ever since.”

“Damn man. Thanks for doing that.”

“It was nothing. Your mom was good people. Always treated me well. That bitch Aurora always ignored me, and Beta training wasn’t for me. I did it so I could help Jax, and to make dad proud, but I never enjoyed it. Dad knew I hated it. He told me I didn’t have to if I didn’t want to. He was proud of me either way. Told me he appreciated me doing it even though I hated it. When I told him about wanting to do this, he stopped Beta training all together. Instead he started helping me learn to track. It was a little like hide” n seek which was my favorite game to play as a kid. We had good times out in those woods together. Still do. Even though I’m just about done all my training for this school, dad still takes an hour or two out of everyday, usually after dinner, to get out in the woods to work my skills.”

“Wow. That’s pretty awesome.”

“Yeah. He may not seem like it with the Chastity shit, but he’s a damn good dad. If he had known what was really happening to her, I think he would have stopped it, and got those three the hell away from her.”

“You really think so.”

“I mean I would like to think that, yeah. We all ignored her pretty bad though so who knows. I kinda saw the signs, but I ignored it. Figured she was just clumsy or something. I feel like shit for ignoring her all these years though. She didn’t deserve that. Shit, she’s the sweetest, smartest person I know. How she turned out like that with the hell she lived with is any one’s guess.”

“Yeah. She is pretty amazing.”

“Yeah. Think she’ll ever forgive me for ignoring her, and being an ass to her for so long?”

“I think she already has. She says she knows that holding on to the hurt, and the anger will only hold her back. She doesn’t want to be held back. She wants things for her life. She has dreams. She knows

she can’t do what she wants if those things hold her back.”

“Damn she’s smart.”

“Yeah she is.”

“So she really does forgive us?”

“She does, but she’s also scared, and doesn’t trust any of us. Accept maybe Molly, Melissa, and Jax. She doesn’t think I know she’s scared of all of us, but I do. I can sense it, smell it, and I can see it.”

“Why is she scared of us?”

If I had to guess, she’s scared that things will go back to the way they were. She’s afraid we’ll all hurt her again, or abandon and reject her again. She also spent years where the only touch she received resulted in pain. She’s not used to affection. You didn’t notice her momentarily lock up before each of us touched. her the day she checked into school?”

“No I didn’t. I was just so happy for her, and proud of what she accomplished, all on her own. I didn’t even think. Should I not touch her any more?”

“No. Don’t stop showing her affection. She will get used to it. She needs to see that not all touch is painful. Yes it will be difficult for her for awhile, but the more she experiences it the more comfortable she will become.”1

“Makes sense I guess. I just don’t want her to be afraid of me any more.”

“I know. It’s just going to take time, and she’s in therapy now. That should help.”

“And got a damn cat.”

“Yeah. That too, but if Lilac helps her then I’m all for it.”

“Strange name for a cat.”

“Yeah, but she said her wolf Leila picked it. She said it was because the cat smells like Lilacs.”

“Cats have scents other the food?”

“I guess so. I don’t see why they couldn’t. All animals have some kind of scent. Why can’t a cat smell like lilacs. We wolves each have our own distinct scents. Makes sense that cats do to.” This content © Nôv/elDr(a)m/a.Org.

“Yeah. I guess. How do you feel about eventually living with a cat?”

“If it makes my sweet girl happy, and helps her then I’m all for it. Duke has been a bit difficult about it, but it think that has more to do with the fact that Chastity said Leila called the cat their baby. Duke doesn’t like the idea of Leila, and Chastity having a baby that he didn’t help make. He doesn’t seem to understand they’re not talking about a pup, just a young animal. The kitten is only two months old so technically it’s still a baby.”

“I’m sure in time he’ll get over it.”

“He’s going to have to. Chastity needs this, and to hell if I’m going to let Duke take it away from her, or make her feel bad about the kitten. The kitten makes her smile, and calms her. That’s all that matters to me.”

“You love her don’t you?”

“With everything in me. She blows me away all the time with everything she does. Her intelligence inspires me. Her heart, and care for others is so damn impressive. She’s also beautiful both inside and out. Just everything about her amazes me.”

“You know you don’t sound like an Alpha right now. You sound like a sappy little girl.”

“Fuck off man. I’m allowed to sound sappy about my mate. You will too once your meet yours. You think

I’m bad. You should hear how Jax talks about Molly. She could fart so bad that you would think something died, and he would claim she was a wonder for her farting abilities.”

“Oh man. That’s disgusting.”

“You’re telling me. She dutch ovened him once, and he spent two damn days going on about how awesome she was to manage to pull that off with him. He didn’t care that he almost puked from the smell. All he cared about is that she got one over on him, and he can’t seem to do the same. He thinks it’s the funniest thing in the world.”

“Damn they’re weird.”

“Yeah, but they work.”

“Yeah. They do. I like Molly. She’s a sweet girl, but she has no problem calling Jax on his shit.”

“Yeah. He loves that about her too.”

“Think Chas will be happy to see you?”

“I don’t know, but I hope so.”

“What do you plan to do with her?”

“Whatever she wants to do. It’s her day.”

“Yeah. That’s good of you. So what about her friend Lexi? What do you know about her?”

“She’s smart, and good with politics. She’s the Gamma’s daughter.”

“She’s hot as fuck man.”

1 guess.”

“You don’t think so?”

“Really? We were just talking about my mate two seconds ago, and now you’re asking me if I think some other chick is hot? No wonder your dad calls you an idiot.”

“Ugh. Damn mated pairs. I’m surrounded by them.”

“You’ll find yours.”

“Yeah. I hope so.”

“How’s Greg been living with you all?”



“Brax is better off without him.”

“Why do you say that?”

“The man doesn’t do shit with that pup. Brax tried to tell him about bringing up his grades, and not having to be held back. The man barely acknowledged him. Brax invites him down for dinner every damn day, and you’ve seen how many times he’s actually shown up. I get why dad has him there. He’s sick, and needs help, you would think he would want to know his boy before he kicks it, but he doesn’t seem to care.”

“How is Braxton handling it?”

“Well he’s destroyed two punching bags so far.”

“That angry huh?”

“Yeah, but I think it’s more that he’s confused.”

“About what?”

“Well the pup spent his whole life believing my dad is his dad. In the midst of so much shit he finds out that isn’t true. That his whole life has been a lie. Now he’s still living with the man who he thought was his dad, but isn’t, and the man that is his dad lives there too. He’s supposed to love his dad, but I think he doesn’t. He still loves my dad like his own. I don’t think he knows what to do about it. I think he is mad at his dad for not trying to know him too.”

“Damn. That has to be rough.”

“Yeah, but dad’s been great about it. He takes the time to take Brax down to the gym, and they work out together. They talk too. Yesterday he took Brax out to look at places to set up that program he wants to do for pups. He is also helping Brax start meeting pups, and talking to parents about his idea. Dad’s teaching him the best way to talk to parents about teaching their kids to defend themselves.”

“That’s good.”

“Yeah. Dad still sees Brax as his son, despite the fact that he isn’t. Dad also regrets how he handled things with Brax during all that shit with Aurora. Brax told me he, and dad talked about it recently. Dad keeps apologizing. Brax said it sucks how he found out, and what went down, but he’s kinda glad he knows. Even though his dad is shit, at least his dad isn’t dying alone.”

“Yeah. So Braxton isn’t mad about all of that?”

“Nah. He gets it. He said the time he spent in lock up gave him a lot of time to think about everything. He’s more mad at himself for the shit he did then at dad. He understands. He’s also pissed at Aurora, and Fiona. He didn’t even go to Aurora’s service. I don’t think any of us went. We all said our piece the night before her execution. He doesn’t understand how Chas can forgive him, but he’s damn glad she did. He is awed by her. Keeps saying he wants to be like her one day. He also can’t believe she is willing to help him. get through school when she should just turn her back on him for what he’s done.”

“She is something else.”

“Yeah she is. I remember Brinna some, but I was about six when she died. From what I remember she was one nice lady. I do remember that every night she would let us pick what she made for dinner. She rotated between me, Jax, and short stack so we all got to pick at least one meal a week that we were sure to like. I do remember one time I got paint or something all over my clothes at school. I begged them not to call Aurora to bring me clean clothes because she would be furious with me. They called Brinna instead. She was working that day. She left work, got me clothes, and brought them to me. I was so worried she would be mad at me. She wasn’t. She got down on my level with a smiled, and told me it was an accident, and accidents happen. There was no need to get mad over an accident then gave me a hug, and sent me back to class. She even made sure to wash the paint completely out of the clothes that day. She also liked to sit down, and play board games with us after dinner every night. From what I remember of Brinna, Chas is a lot like her.”

“My dad has told me the same thing. He said Brinna, and mom were a lot alike. He said mom, and Brinnal clicked the moment they met. They were always together after that. At the time Brinna showed up mom had been handling all of the Luna duties herself as Aurora had no interest in doing what the Beta female is supposed to do. Naomi, while sweet, is dumber than a box of rocks. Mom tried many times to help Naomi understand what she was doing as Gamma, but she just never got it. Dad said when Brinnal showed up she took one look at everything had mom to do, and jumped right in to take over about half of it. Within a month they had a good system worked out between them, and it worked

well. You, and Jax spent a lot of time with us because Aurora would always leave you two with Brinna. Since she, and mom were so close we were all always doing stuff together. When you weren’t Brinna seemed almost sad to not have you two with her. I remember she used to refer to you two as her two princes. She’d walk in the door, and yell out Jane, me and my two princes are here you better be ready for us.”

“She did?”

“Yeah. Dad said right before Brinna died, she and Dimitri came to him about how to go about moving to two of you in with them. You two were with them almost all of the time anyway. Dad was looking into the process when Brinna died. Mom was real tore up when that happened.”

“I can’t even imagine. We did wrong by Chas, and I can only imagine what Brinna would have to say to all

of us.”

“Yeah. Do you think you’ll get into this program?”

“I don’t know, but I hope so. Our pack needs new trackers, and of all of us our age, I’m the best by far.”

“Is anyone else from the pack trying to get in?”

“Yeah. A guy who was in your class in high school, Tim tried, but got rejected. He bullshitted his away. through the interview then failed the tests. He thought if he bullshitted enough they would wave off the tests, and accept him. He’ll be pissed as shit if I get in. I don’t know why, but he’s always had it out for


“Yeah. I remember Tim. I know what his issue is.”

“What is that?”

“There was a girl in your grade, Lana that he had a thing for. A big thing. He even thought she was his mate. Well Lana wanted no parts of him because she liked you. Flat out told him to that he wasn’t even half the male you were.”

“Lana had a thing for me?”


“Well no shit. She and I were only ever friends. She’s a good girl. We’re still friends now. She mated right out of high school to one of the guys in my unit. She teaches at the middle school now. So wait. You’re telling me he’s had an issue with me all these years because of that?”


“Dude needs to get the hell over it. That shit is ancient history.”

“Jax told him the same damn thing Wednesday. Of course that was after Jax rang his bell for running his


“I wondered why Jax hit him. I saw the hit during training, but didn’t know what happened.”

“Tim was running his mouth about you being a weak little pussy who wasn’t fit to even lick his boots. That you would fail at getting into this place just like you fail at everything else you’ve done. Jax clocked him. When Tim shook it off, Jax had him pinned down with just his foot. Jax looked Tim straight in the face, and said the only failure was him because Tim was rejected from Denu for being a liar who FAILED both practical entrance tests because he’s weak. Told him you have never failed at shit. He told Tim if he ever opened his mouth again he would rip out his damn tongue and feed it to him. Then

told Tim to get over shit in high school as it didn’t matter, was stupid, and Lana had a mate that wasn’t either of you. He made Tim run twenty laps after that, and clean the showers when he was done.”


“Yeah. Your brother doesn’t take shit from anyone. Especially if it has to do with you three.”

“Yeah. He’s always been protective of us. Chas more than Brax or me, but he still protected us.”

“I remember all of the times he went toe to toe with pups in school for giving you shit. He wouldn’t stand

for it.”

“Yeah. He’s a good brother.”

“Yes he is. Also a damn good Beta, and best friend. I’m lucky to have him.”

“Shit we all are. I think he’s part of the reason Chas is the person she is. He took such good care of her, and protected her as much as he could.”

“I remember being in a meeting with him, dad, and your dad. We were going over everything for school, and our tour. Jax actually asked if he could take her with us. He didn’t feel comfortable leaving her home. He even told us he was afraid something would happen to her if he left her home. We couldn’t though. There was just no way. Man was he upset.-Even considered not going.”

“What made him decide to go?”

“He didn’t have a choice. To be Beta he had to go. He hated it, but he went.”

“He asked me to look after her. To protect her, and I didn’t. When he realized I didn’t do shit for her, he was so pissed. That wasn’t what got to me though. It was how disappointed in me he was. He was counting on me, and I let him down. Last thing I ever wanted to do was let him down. My brother is

everything to me. I have always looked up to him. Always wanted to be him. He asked me to do one thing for him, and I fucked it up. The anger I could take, and I did, but the moment he told me he was. disappointed in me it hit home what I had done, or not done. He said it calm as shit too. After he was done screaming at me, threatening to kick my ass he calmed down. He looked me straight in the eye, and said Colby I am disappointed in you. I’ll tell you that shit hurt.”

“I can imagine.”

“At least I have a chance to make it right.”

“Yeah. We all do.”

We spent the rest of the drive talking pack business, and mundane stuff. It was kind of nice to get to know Colby. We had never been real close when we were kids. He was two years younger then me, and had his own group of friends. He was smart too. Especially when it came to protecting the pack. He had all kinds of ideas that I had never thought of. Things I would have to suggest to my dad later.

When we pulled up to the security gate of Dark Moon I pushed all of those thoughts aside. I was minutes. from seeing Chastity again. Once we were allowed through I had to restrain myself from bouncing with excitement. As soon as I pulled into the parking lot, I barely put the car in park before I hoped out, grabbed her bag of shirts, and booked it into the Admin office to get my pass, and have her called to meet me. Danielle, at the front desk actually laughed at my excitement.

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