The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega

Chapter 67

Chapter 67

Chapter 67


Chastity had responded to my earlier text as we were leaving the meeting hall. She had said she would watch today’s proceedings after dinner. She was asking what was going on, and I was texting her quick response as I walked to our suite. I hit send just as I opened the door. A scent I didn’t know, but knew was female hit my nose. How did they keep getting in here when we had guards at the door. My father asked just that before we walked to our suite.

“How is it that I request you be placed at our door to keep people out, but we can smell that someone has entered very recently?” My father asked the unknown guard as we had asked to borrow two for guard duty from the hosting pack.

“She….um…we were only following orders, sir.” The young male responded.

“Who’s orders?”

“Miss…..Miss Renee sir.”

“I see. You may go. I will handle this from here.”

“I…uh….yes sir.”

“No need to mind link your Alpha about this. I will be returning Miss. Renee to him untouched.”

“I… Yes sir. I’m sorry sir.”

At that both guards ran off down the hall. I just shook my head, and followed my father into the suite. Jax, Dimitri, and our warriors behind us. She wasn’t in the sitting room so we followed her scent of

cocoal butter, and mangos to my room. I groaned in frustration before I opened my bedroom door. I pushed it. open to find Renee climbing into my bed wearing bright red lingerie. She was a pretty girl. Tall with milk. chocolate colored skin, and straightened black hair, and golden eyes, but she was not my Chastity.

“Please put your clothes back on, and follow me.” My father said sternly.

“I….I was just waiting to see Rowen. I….I thought he and I could talk about a possible alliance between our packs by us taking each other as chosen mates since neither of us have founded our fated mates.” Renee said hesitantly.

“That type of conversation is usually held in a mutual location, in proper attire. You are also mistaken on my not finding my fated mate, as I have.” I stated firmly.

“As I said, put your clothes on, and follow me.” My father growled.

Renee nodded, and grabbed the robe she must have been wearing to come here. My father grumbled as she walked toward us. She attempted to take hold my arm, but I stepped back. Her hand fell, and she looked disappointed. My father lead the way out of our suite with Renee following behind him with her head down. I was behind her. Her scent was making my nose itch, but I followed anyway.

When we reached what looked like the professional wing of the house, Renee stopped walking, and seemed to get upset.

“Please Alpha. We don’t need to see my father about this. We can go talk to my mother. My father is a very busy man. We shouldn’t bother him with such matters.” Renee whimpered.

“Why should we not? You wished to discuss an alliance. Such things are part of your father, and brother’s responsibility. Surely they would want a hand in this.” My father stated calmly.


“Good. Get to it.”

Renee stood from her seat, and turned to my father and me, “I am sorry for my disrespect Alpha Joseph, and Alpha Rowen. I was wrong.”

“You are forgiven Renee.” My father said, and I only nodded.

“Renee you are dismissed. You mother is in your room waiting on you to discuss your actions.” Alpha Will stated.

“Yes sir.” Renee whispered, and ran out of the room.

“I am sorry Joe. I don’t know what came over her today. She was raised better, and with respect for the fated mate bond.” Alpha Will said.

“It’s not your fault Will Honestly this has been an issue with multiple females this week. Not only for my son, but also Dimitri, Jax, and even myself. I’m not sure what is going on exactly, but the unmated females are treating this meeting like a mating gathering instead of a meeting between leaders.” My father said as he took a seat across from Alpha Will.

“I have noticed an unusually high number of unmated females here this year.” Alpha Will mused.

“As have I, but yours is also one of the largest packs to hold this meeting in awhile. Usually there isn’t enough room for large parties.”


“It doesn’t help that there was a rumor the King may bring the prince with him this week, and that he was originally unmated.” I added.

“Ah yes. That is also true. Either way, this behavior is not ok, and makes an uncomfortable situation for many.” Alpha Will said.

“So what can be done that we are not already doing?” Dad asked.

“I think a conversation with the king needs to be had, and see what he suggestions as I am at a loss. My son has also had to remove several females from his quarters this week.”

“You may be right.”

“Let me see if he is available to meet with us now.”


My eyes widened in shock. I hadn’t expected to have a conversation with the king on this matter. I wasn’t sure if I even had the right to be here for this. I was a future Alpha, not an Alpha yet. I wasn’t given a chance to speak before there was a knock at the door, and the king walked in, looking very casual in a pair of jeans, and a plain t-shirt. I instantly stood from my seat, and bowed to him.

“Thank you Alpha Rowen, but there is no need for that in closed meetings such as this unless specified.” The king waved me off.

“Y…yes your Majesty.” I sputtered as I straightened.

“Danny please. I was your majestied to death today.” The king chuckled.

I chuckled quietly, and nodded.

“Now Will, I was told you needed my opinion on handling a matter that has come about this week. What can I help with?” Danny asked as he sat down in the chair I vacated.

I moved to stand behind my father to listen.

“Oh. Rowen, did I take your seat?” Danny asked.

“Oh no. You’re fine. I’ve spent so much time sitting this week, it’s nice to stand for a bit.” I responded. “Oh. Alright. Anyway, what can I help you with?”

Alpha Will, and my dad filled him in on the issues occurring with the unmated females in attendance. They also told him about what Renee had told us. When they finished the king leaned back in his seat, rubbing his chin in thought.

“I had noticed there was a larger number in unmated females this year, and I wasn’t sure why. Good thing my son found his mate last week, and decided to stay home with her.” Danny said.

“So what do you suggest?” Alpha Will asked.

“I am going to ask you to allow me to handle this. I’ll make an announcement concerning this behavior this evening, at dinner. I am also going to have my mate call a meeting for all of the females in attendance tomorrow to speak directly to them about how their behavior is effecting their Alpha’s stance with other packs. Along with reminding them how taking a chosen mate over a fated mate has a negative impact on an Alpha, and why Alpha’s more often than not will wait for their fated mate.”

“Are you sure?” Alpha Will asked.



Once that was settled dad and I made our way back to our room. We all had enough time to shower, change, and get down to dinner. I also made arrangements to have my sheets changed as they now smelled of Renee. As we were leaving I noticed two of our own warriors were now guarding the door. They only nodded at us as we left for dinner.

The large dining room was filling up quickly so we made our way to the table where Dark Moon was seated. We had shared every meal with them. Luna Clair being mom’s cousin made us closer to them then anyone else. There was a lot of chatter, and we could see a lot of unmated females moving around tables flirting with anyone they could. It was rather sad to see. They were dressed in a manner that would not be deemed professional either.

Every one quieted when the King, and Queen entered the room. Both dressed for their station, and status. The queen did not lift her nose at any of us, and had a kind, open smile for everyone she looked at. She was definitely someone to respect. Not because she demanded it, but because you could see she deserved it. Once they were seated at the head table conversation started again.

I noticed that both the king and queen watched the females move around the room. The queen looked more sad than angry. The king look disappointed, and his eyes went back to the parents of the unmated females to see their reaction to their daughter’s behavior. After about 15 minutes the king rose from his seat, and tapped his glass, silence fell quickly.

“Good evening ladies and gentlemen. If you would please make your way to YOUR seats, and if you are working as a server of some form this evening please move to a position along the wall, there are several things I would like to address this evening.” The King boomed.

Everyone who was not in their seat moved quickly to their seats with their packs. The servers rushed to line up along the walls, and face the king. Once the room was silent again, the king looked around for a


“Over the course of the last several days I have had something concerning brought to my attention. Something I feel I need to address. Many of you in attendance have brought along unmated males, and females with you in addition to your usual party for these meetings. It has come to my attention that

there have been quite a few instances where unmated females have been coerced into propositioning unmated Alpha males in attendance here this week. There have been a rash of unmated females letting themselves into the bedroom of unmated males, cornering them, and several other acts.

“This is a multiple part problem that has a negative impact on all parties. The first, ladies is you are not showing you have respect yourselves. You deserve to be respected, and when you place yourself in the bed of a male in such a manner you are giving the male in question permission to disrespect you as he sees fit. You are not showing him that you are the strong, confident, intelligent young lady you are. You are also disrespecting the male by telling him he is not worthy enough to know your mind by showing him. your body over your intelligence. You are telling him his intelligence has no value to you. You are not showing yourself as the right choice in a mate, only that you are looking to play. If he is as intelligent as many of those here now are, they will see you as attempting to trap him which breeds disrespect, anger, and resentment.

“This behavior is also a distraction from what we are here for. This yearly meeting is to bring all leaders together to ensure our race is thriving, healthy, and safe. That we are still able to work together to ensure those things remain the case. This meeting is meant to strengthen, or establish new alliances and trade agreements through common goals, not forced matings. Forced matings never breed strong alliances. It is also for finding out what packs are struggling so that they can gain the assistance they need. When conversations are interrupted for flirting and propositions you may have cost both packs something they need. You may also be causing tensions between packs.

“You are showing you do not respect your leaders. You are the example we see as to how an Alpha is seen by their pack. When you do not behave in a respectful, responsible manner, as the sons, and daughters of the Alphas and Betas, you are leaving the rest of us to wonder on the state of your pack. You are disrespecting your Alpha, your pack, and your parents with your behavior, as well as those of the other party involved. Respect is one of the most important things for an Alpha to have to properly

lead his pack. You are the example all look to on how much respect should be given to your Alpha. I am sad to say that many of you are setting a poor example.

“Along with this you are disrespecting many Lunas and Beta females that may not be in attendance this week for difference reasons. Just because a male may not have his mate with him this week does not mean he does not have a mate. For those that are mated, and involved in this behavior keep in mind that you are causing your mates indescribable pain with your actions this week. You will return home to find a mate who is either in the hospital, feeling dejected, hating you, or rejected, even if the relationship between you is long standing.

“Females you will also find yourselves on the wrong side of many Lunas and Beta females in attendance. While they may not be in the meetings held with me, they are attending their own. They are working on building alliances for their packs, exchanging useful information on the care of their pack, working on exchange and training of some of the most important support members in their packs such as teachers. doctors and nurses, as well as providing support to newly appointed Lunas, and Beta Females. When they see you spending the majority of your time behaving as you are they are less likely to be comfortable working with you as they see you as being more concerned with securing a role you may not even find. yourself in than in the care of your pack.

“Please remember that this is a gathering of leaders to protect, and advance our species. It is NOT a mating gathering! I know mating gatherings have fallen to the wayside due to the ever expanding human. population, but I have no problem reinstating quarterly mating gatherings if it is felt it would be beneficial. What ! will NOT stand for is that this meeting continue to be treated as a mating gathering nor will I stand for any more attempts at trapping a high rank wolf into a forced mating! Those have never been. acceptable in the past, and they will not be moving forward. Alphas, Lunas, Betas, Beta Females, rein in your sons, daughters, warriors, and attendants otherwise I will be forced to order all pack members not directly involved in the meetings, safety, and care of the leaders here to return home effective immediately.

“Finally ALL females here, including attendants, and members of this wonderful pack are required to attend a meeting tomorrow at nine in the morning with the queen. Attendance is NOT optional! You are expected to be there or you will be removed from the house immediately! The queen has a complete of list of all females in attendance, and unmated females in this pack. Alpha Will has been kind enough to agree to this for his own unmated female pack members so ladies you all have tomorrow off to attend the meeting. Thank you for your time, and understanding in this matter. Enjoy your meal.”

The king sat down, and silence rang across the dining room. I took a quick look around to see many upset faces. Many Alphas, and Betas looked disappointed or angry, for reasons that were unclear. The same could be said for some of the high rank females, and their daughters. This could turn out badly, but I guess time would tell.

Eventually chatter slowly began around the room, and the meal was served. I’ll admit that I was relieved to see that none of the females that had been up flirting early had returned to their previous behavior. No one approached our table either. Conversation around our table was friendly, and light.

“Rowen, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about Chastity.” Clair said to me with a smile, and I instantly perked up.

“Oh? What about my sweet girl?” I asked with a smile.

“Sweet is putting it mildly my dear boy. She is an angel, and so very intelligent. I am thoroughly impressed with her, as is my mother in law. She actually gave me the suggestion on something to keep my mother in law busy now that she is retired.”

“Oh. What was that?”

“When I first mated to my lovely Alpha here I began my Luna training with his mother. There was so much to learn, and remember I created a large, sectioned binder for all of it, that I frequently update. My mother in law calls it my Luna Binder.” 1

“Chastity told me about that.”

“Yes well your Chastity suggested that I make copies of it to provide other Lunas, and Lunas in training. Unfortunately I do not have the time to do that. Your Chastity suggested I ask my mother in law if she would be interested in making the copies, and offering it to those that may need or want them. Needless to say my mother in law took the idea, and ran with it. She has contacted many Lunas and Lunas in training about it. She is now in the process of making upwards of one hundred copies of it. She actually sent me with two copies to give the queen, and the prince’s mate. How she ever managed to contact the queen I will never know, but she did, and the queen requested two copies. Because of Chastity my mother in law has a responsibility that is solely hers again, and is quiet busy. No more complaining about being bored.”

“I’m glad Chastity could help with that.”

“That’s not the only thing about Chastity that has impressed me. Her intelligence is beyond compare. She is attentive during every lesson we have. She asks questions without fear or fault. She reads ahead, and even writes out the questions she may have before our meeting. A few times she even made suggestions to make a process more efficient. She is also incredibly respectful at all times. Her kindness, and care of others is very admirable. You have an amazing mate there young man, and I look forward to watching her grow into an amazing Luna.”

“Thank you Clair. That mean a lot. Do you mind if I tell her you said that?”

“Please do. I do what I can to reassure her of just how special she is, but I know with her past experiences that sometimes she has difficultly seeing herself as others do.”

“Yes. That is an issue at times. One we work on as much as we can. I know it will take time, and with Dee-

Dee’s help I know one day she will see herself as we all do.”

“Dee-Dee is a wonderful therapist, and will do quite well for Chastity. She already has, in some respects.” “That she has.”

“Take good care of her Rowen. She will be your greatest asset for years to come.”

“Believe me I will.”

“Good. Now if you will excuse us I think we’re going to call it a night.”

“Same here.”

We all ended up leaving as one big group. When we reached our room I had a text message from Chastity.

“Video chat?” It read.

“Give me two minutes to get my laptop. We just got back from dinner.” I responded.

“Ok.” Was her response.

Thankfully my laptop to was sitting on the coffee table in the our sitting room. I didn’t bother moving to my bedroom just yet. As soon as it was up, I video called her. Seeing her beautiful face fill my screen made me smile, and my heart warm.

“Hi sweet girl. How are you?” I asked waving to her.

“Hi. I’m good. Shocked, but good.” She responded.

“Shocked? Why?”

“I watched the feed you told me to. I also watched the feed from dinner tonight. I can’t believe Alpha Marvin did that.”

“Believe me pip-squeak, neither can we.” Jax called out from the couch across from me.

Dimitri was sitting next to him. My dad was in the recliner between the two couches. Jax stood up to move behind me, and wave at her.

“Is that Jax?”

“Yes. Hi pip-squeak!” Jax said.

“Hi Jax.” Chastity said, smiling, and waving at him.

“Both of our dads are here too.” I informed her.

“Oh. Hi Joe. Hi dad!” Chastity called out.

“Hi baby girl.” Dimitri responded, and I watched as his eyes misted up at her calling him dad.

“Hi Chasy girl!” My dad called out.

“Anyway. I got really worried there for a bit, but I’m so glad you all had all of the stuff you did to prove him a liar. I’m also glad that the king is giving him a chance to save his pack, or help his pack members find new places to go before the king just takes it all over. He’s made bad choices, yes, but he deserves a chance to right his wrongs, doesn’t he?” Chastity said.

“He does, but I fear things are too far gone for him to save his pack.” I admitted.

“If what you told me is true, and I’m sure it is, you may be right. Hopefully he makes the right choice for his pack. I feel for Bianca being forced to reject her mate because he wasn’t an Alpha.”

“I do too, but in the end it was her choice to make. She could have denied her father, and done right by

her mate.”

“True, but that can’t be an easy choice to make. Choosing between your father, as well as maybe saving your pack, and your mate who may not have been in a position to help save her pack. I couldn’t imagine making that kind of choice.”

“When you put it that way I guess it can’t be easy.”

“I’m just glad that the king listened to every thing first.”

“Believe me sweet girl, I am too.”

“I have a lot of respect for how the king handled the issue everyone has been having with the unmated females there. I just don’t understand what they were thinking. Especially at some of their ages, trying to tempt already established Alphas, and Betas is just not right. I’m sorry dad, but the thought of you with a girl around my age is kind of icky for me.”

“Don’t worry baby girl. It wasn’t exactly something I liked either. The two times it happened all I could think was she’s the same age as my daughter. This is just wrong.” Dimitri admitted with a chuckle.

“I hope what he said helps. You all don’t need that kind of stress. Do you know what the meeting with the queen is all about tomorrow?” Chastity said. Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

“From what the king told Alpha Will, Rowen, and I when we brought this to his attention, is that he is going to have the queen explain why Alphas more often than not choose their fated mate over a chosen mate. As well as explain to them how they behavior is negatively effecting their leader’s stance in our world. The meeting will be made public just as ours have been so you can watch it tomorrow if you want.” Dad explained.

“Ok. I probably will. What happened today that you had to go to Alpha Will?”

“We found Alpha Will’s daughter Renee attempting to set herself up in my bed when we returned from today’s meeting.” I responded with a sigh, afraid of what was coming.

“That….that…..Never mind. Did she tell you why she was doing that? How did she get in? I thought you had guards at the door of the suite.” I could hear Chastity getting more and more upset.

“The guards were young warriors from this pack. She convinced them she was here to discuss a stronger alliance between our two packs.” I started calmly.

“You said were?””

“Yes we sent them on their way. Our own warriors will be rotating out between guarding us, and our door for the rest of our stay. If we do not tell them someone is allowed in when we are here they will not be, and NO ONE is allowed in when we are not here.” My dad explained.

“Good. Continue Rowen. Why did she think that was ok?” Chastity snapped, and I raised my eyebrows at the tone, a little shocked.

“We took her right to her father. She told him that she, and a group of females here decided to try to get mated up with Alphas as they are Alpha daughters who deserve to be paired with Alphas. They made up this plan to try to get into a forced mating with an Alpha.” I explained.

“What? That’s terrible. Everyone keeps telling me that isn’t how it works. Why did they think otherwise?” “It’s not how it works, at all. We don’t know why they think that. We didn’t ask, and she didn’t volunteer the information.”

“What happened to her?”

“First she was made to apologize to us. Apparently she has a mate already, and they were planning their ceremony prior to this meeting. She has to explain everything that happened to him, and why,


to him, and accept whatever decision he makes concerning her. If she had ended up with someone who did not turn down her advances she would have caused him indescribable pain. She will also be with either her mother, father, brother, mate, or warrior at all times from this point on. She won’t be allowed to be around those other females any more either.”

“Wait. She already has a mate?”

“That’s what her father said. They haven’t marked each other yet, but from the sound of it they are bonded.”

“That poor man. He must be so hurt right now.”

“I imagine he is.”

“It sounds like it’s been a messy day.”

“It really was. How was your day?”

“Thankfully not as busy as yours. We had a pop quiz in Anatomy today.”

“Oh? How did you think you did?”

“I’m waiting for my grade back now, but I think I did pretty well.”

“I’m sure you did.”

“Thank you.”

“By the way. Clair talked to me about you at dinner tonight.”

“She did?”

“Yes she did. She is very impressed by you. She said your intelligence is amazing, as well as how kind, and caring you are. She told me to take good care of you because you are, and will be my greatest asset in life.”

“She said that?”

“She did. She said you will make a great Luna. By the way did you know that her mother in law contacted. the queen about the Luna Bible?”

“No? Why would she do that?”

“To see if she wanted a copy. She said the queen requested two. One for herself, and one for the prince’s


“No kidding?”

“Yup, and it was all at your suggestion that her mother in law make copies of it, and offer it to other


“I only suggested it. I didn’t do more than that.”

“The idea is always the start of something great. Your idea brought on something that will help a great many Lunas.”

“I guess.”

“She also said that you have made some suggestions about stream lining some processes that have really helped make her job easier.”

“I did?”

“Yes you did. You have a great deal to be proud of Chastity. I hope you know that, and that you are.”

“I….I guess.”

“Baby, I know.”

“Thank you. Tell Luna Clair I said thank you too please.”

“I will, but won’t you see her this weekend?”

“I’m not sure. I’m supposed to, but that could change because of her being away all week. She may have a lot to catch up on.”

“If I know Clair, and I do, she will make time for you this weekend.” My dad stated.

“She will?” Chastity questioned.

“Oh yes she will. You’ve made a positive impression on her. She’s going to do all she can to help you in every way she can.”

“Oh. Ok. Well I guess I’ll take your word for it.”

“What else did you do today sweet girl?” I asked.

“Went to my other two classes. I have a paper I need to write on pediatric intake. Matt also was back today in self defense class. He had to fill in for someone in his unit the last few days. Then I had dinner with Lexi, and Norm. Marcus had drill tonight.”

“How are Lexi, Norm, and Marcus?”

“They’re all doing well. Lexi is really enjoying intro to pre-natal with me.”

“I’m glad to hear it.”

“Yeah. We saw our first birthing video today. Lexi, and I were the only ones in the class not completely horrified.”

“I can’t even imagine.”

“You don’t want to.”

“I’ll take your word for it.”

“When do you all head back home?”

“Saturday morning. We’ll be passing by on Sunday.”

“Would you all like to stop, and have lunch with us? They’re having a little street fair so we’ll be spending the day there.”

“I don’t know. Dad, what do you think?”

“We can make that work.” Dad answered.

“Great. Since we’ll be meeting you in town, you don’t need to get visitors passes for school. Colby, Molly, Melissa, and Braxton are coming up for the day for it so we’ll all be together.”

“My Mol will be there?” Jax asked sounding excited.

“Yes Jax. She will.” Chastity answered.

“Sorry Joe, but we’re stopping like it or not.” Jax stated,

“I already said we were. Don’t worry. You’ll see your mate sooner than you originally thought.” My dad said with a chuckle.

“Thank you.” Jax said.

“Well sweet girl, I better get off here. I have some paperwork to finish up, and I need to get some sleep. We have another day of meetings tomorrow.” I said.

“Ok. I need to work on my paper anyway. Good night everyone.” Chastity called out.

“Bye pip-squeak. We miss you!” Jax yelled.

“I miss all of you too.” Chastity giggled then waved, and signed off.

I had just set my laptop down when I got a text message. It was from Chastity.

“I miss you the most.” It read.

“I miss you more than anything.” I responded.

“Call me before you go to bed?”

“Of course.”


I sighed as I set my phone down. What a day. I was ready to finish up here, and leave. The last three days. had been a mess with the females, today being the worst. I really hoped that the king’s words tonight stopped the antics occurring. I didn’t want to deal with it, and I knew it upset my Chastity. By the

time I called it a night I was exhausted mentally. My conversation with Chastity before sleep had been short, but so sweet. I couldn’t wait to see her again.

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