The Alpha’s Fight for His Omega

Chapter 68

Chapter 68

Chapter 68


The days since I returned to school from my trip home have been hectic, but enjoyable for the most part. Sunday was a quiet, return to life day. I washed all of the clothes I took with me for my visit, hung my new pictures, and set up my new statue and vase Rowen bought for me. He also surprised me by sending me a bouquet of lilacs to put into it. His card read that he wanted me to be able to fully enjoy my new vase.

In between laundry, and after putting things away, I got to work reviewing my assignments that would be due the coming week. I also did some reading for my classes. Lilac, and I spent a lot of time in my room. that day. I needed it to unwind, and get back into school mode. Lexi was the same way so she spent some time sprawled out on my bedroom floor reading, and just relaxing. I appreciated that Lexi was just as dedicated to her studies as I was. She also seemed to be connecting more, and more working in health care.

Monday morning it was back to business as usual. I had three classes that day, and plenty of homework to do for each class. Thankfully my classes were set up that I had the same classes every other day so I had some time to complete the more involved assignments. In self defense class we had a different instructor. He was more professional, and was more thorough in his explanations than Matt was. He also used verbal adjustments to our moves instead of physical ones. He respected our personal space. I really appreciated that about him.

Tuesday started with my early class which was at 7:00. Immediately after was my appointment with Dee- Dee. Due to my class schedule my meetings with her now had a specific end time. We still had about two hours so that helped. We went over my time spent at home. We talked extensively about the things that had happened with Naomi. I was a little surprised when she agreed with me about Naomi

needing therapy, and that maybe the problems I had with Naomi all stemmed from her own issues. From there I made it to my second class of the day. Ending with self defense, and I was thankful that Matt wasn’t back. Wednesday was the same as Monday with my schedule. Our Anatomy instructor decided to surprise us with a pop quiz on what we had learned about the human skeleton so far. I hoped I did well on it, but I wasn’t too confident. He said he would have the grades posted later that night though. This would tell me what I needed to go back, and review so I appreciated that. Intro to pediatrics brought about my first paper which was on patient intake. I knew I would do well on that one as I had done a few of those at Moonlight’s hospital over the years.

Unfortunately Matt was back in self defense class, and he made me uncomfortable again, by touching me when he was asked repeatedly not to. Lexi went as far as to step between us. He repaid her by making. her do 50 push ups. When she threatened to complain about him, I told her to just leave it alone because if he got mad about that he could make her do more. She agreed to not say anything. We were leaving. class when he stopped me.

“Hey Chastity.” Matt called me, and I turned to him, Lexi and Norm stopping right with me.

“Yes Matt?” I responded.

“Can I talk to you a second?”

“Um. Sure. What’s up?”

“You two can go.” Matt said to Lexi, and Norm causing me to tense.

“No thanks. We stay with Chastity.” Lexi responded, and moved closer to me.

“That’s really not necessary.” Matt said.

“Yeah it is. We’re all hungry so can you just say what you needed to say please?” Lexi snarked.

“Fine. Chastity, I tried to get in touch with you last week. I left you a note on your door last Sunday. I thought we could hang out while you were off school for the week. Maybe go to one of the movies in town or something. I couldn’t find you around the pack either.” Matt said, smiling at me, and I pinched my brows.

“I went home for the week.” I responded, quietly wondering what note.

“I figured you were in town with your family, but I didn’t know which house was yours.”

“I was with my family. I’m not from Dark Moon. I went home to my pack to spend time with my family.”

“You’re not from Dark Moon? But I thought since you were friends with the Gamma’s daughter you were.” “No. We met the first day of class. Same with Norm.”

“Oh. Well maybe I could take you out, and show you around town a bit one day.”

“Um. Thanks, but I’m pretty busy with classes, and stuff right now. Besides Norm, and Lexi have already shown me around.”

“Oh. Another time then.”

“Yeah. Bye.”


I left the classroom in silence, and completely confused. What was that all about? Now I was even more uncomfortable.

“What was that all about?” Norm questioned bringing me out of my thoughts.

“I have no idea. What note? I never saw a note. How did he even know what room I’m in?” I questioned out loud.

“The note was probably removed by the cleaning crew that keeps the halls in housing clean. He would have your room number because it’s on your class registration.” Lexi responded.

“Anyway. How do you think you did on the quiz in Anatomy?” Norm asked excitedly.

“I think I did ok.” Lexi responded.

“I do too. At least I’ll know what to go back, and review for the test in a month or so.” I said.

“That’s a good point. I didn’t think of that.” Norm said as he bounced to the food line.

“How are your other classes going Norm?” I asked as I grabbed my dinner.

“Eh. I know a lot of what they’re teaching right now. It’s all the basics.”

“That’s not a bad thing.” Lexi responded.

“Nah. It’s not.” Norm agreed, as we found a table.

“How is Rowen doing at the Alpha meeting?” Lexi asked.

“He is enjoying the meetings themselves, but after the meetings end that he’s getting annoyed.” I responded.

“Why?” Lexi questioned.

“From what he said a lot of Alphas and Betas brought their unmated daughters along with their in training replacements. The girls are treating the meeting more like a mating gathering than a meeting of the

leaders. These girls are bad too.”

“What are they doing?” Norm wondered.

“During meals they’re flirting with anyone, and everyone. They’re being pretty pushy about it too. They’re doing this to every male that doesn’t have a female with them. These girls are also entering the rooms of males hoping to entice them. Since they got there even my dad, and Alpha Joseph have had to remove girls from their room. We’re not talking girls close to their age either. These girls are my age. Rowen said Jax started screaming at the girl he found in his room last night because she was wearing nothing, but one of his button downs. When he told her to leave, she got a little nasty. When he told her about Molly she told him she was better in everyway than some low life, low rank whore.” I explained.

“Oh dear.” Lexi mumbled.

“Yeah. Dad, and Rowen had to stop him from ripping her throat out. Rowen said the girl he found was holding the picture of me he took with him. She was comparing herself to me. He said he looked her in the eye, and told her that compared to me she was a dog then had our warriors remove her from the room. They even picked up the clothes she had taken off, and threw them out the door.” I continued.

“She was naked?” Norm squeaked.

“Not quite, but close.” I said.

“These girls don’t know the damage they are causing.” Lexi snapped. This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

“That’s what Rowen said too.” I agreed.

“I will never understand that kind of thing.” Norm said shaking his head.

“Rowen did tell me that the Rogue leader is there, and yesterday he spent going over the status of the rogues he’s collected under him.” I said.

“I heard something about the king asking him for help with the rogue problem a few years ago.” Lexi stated.

“Yeah. Rowen said he was really impressed with all the man has accomplished. Due to the fact that rogues are spread out across the country he has created sub packs all over the place, with all of them. answering to him. He’s done well to give them all a sense of belonging. He has also done well rounding up those that were criminals, who turned rogue to try to get away with their crimes. They’ve been turned over to the king. Rowen said he was surprised to find out there were less of those than he thought. A large number of rogues only became rogue because their pack fell apart, and they had no where else to go or they thought other packs wouldn’t take them in.”

“I didn’t know that.” Lexi said.

“Neither did I. Rowen also said the rogue leader asked that when a pack comes across a rogue, to take them in, give them food and shelter, and contact him. He’ll come collect the rogue if the pack doesn’t offer to take rogue in permanently themselves.”

“Are packs willing to do that?” Norm asked.

“Rowen said they are, especially some of the smaller ones that are looking to expand their numbers. Rowen said the rogue leader is even setting up meetings with some of the smaller packs to try to integrate some of his sub packs with the smaller packs.” I explained.

“Wow!” Norm said.

“Yeah. Rowen said the hardest part though was listening to the list of rogues the leader had to put down this year because they were too far gone in their loss of humanity. Unfortunately it’s going to be awhile. before those lists get shorter according to the rogue leader because there are some that have been rogues most of their lives.” I went on.

“I can’t imagine how hard that must be.” Norm mumbled.

“Yeah. I wonder how the king decided to make him the rogue leader?” I questioned.

“My dad told me that the king had heard about someone who had been trying to collect up rogues, and help them return to humanity, and build a better life. The king reached out to him. The king found out he was an older alpha who had retired when his son was old enough to take over. His son got power hungry, and banished his own father.” Lexi responded.

“That’s terrible.” I gasped.

“What happened to the son?” Norm asked.

“He got so power hungry that he started attacking surrounding packs. He challenged the wrong Alpha, and lost. He, and his mate had no children so the pack was absorbed into the pack he had attacked.” Lexi answered.

“The king never stepped in with the son’s behavior, attacking other packs?” I questioned.

“He wasn’t made aware until the son was dead. It all happened within six months time. “Lexi said.

“Oh. It must have hurt the rogue leader to lose his son like that.” I said quietly.

“I’m sure it did, but he had his other children who needed him. When his son banished him, he also banished his siblings. He wanted no one to try to take his position.” Lexi added.

“Wow! I will never understand people like that.” Norm said.

“Believe me, neither can I. It all worked out though. The rogue leader has done great things for the rogues the last few years, and he’ll probably continue to do so.” Lexi smiled.

“What made the king decided to do that instead of just eliminating the rogues?” Norm asked.

“It all started because the rogues put us all at risk of discovery as the human population is always expanding, and their weapons are too advanced. He didn’t feel it was right to eliminate them as they are his people too. It’s his job to care for, and protect all of his people, that includes rogues. He thought it was better to try to help them first. If that didn’t work he would have to consider different options.” Lexi answered.

“I’m glad it has worked. Everyone deserves a second chance.” I said softly.

“And that is what will make you a better Luna than I would ever be. I thought rogues were all criminals, and should be treated as such.” Lexi stated, and I blushed.

“….I just think not everyone is a criminal or beyond help to get on the right path.” I whispered.

“Exactly. That is the way a Luna would think. A Luna, a good Luna’s first thought is always to try to help. not punish or eliminate. You see everyone as a person, not their actions first.” Lexi said gently.

“…I guess.”

Thankfully the subject changed when Norm started showing pictures of his newest niece. His excitement over the pup was. It was clear that he loved pups. I found myself wondering if he, and Marcus wanted pups of their own. I knew adoption was an option.

“Hey, Norm are you and Marcus thinking of adopting pups some day?” I asked.

“Huh? Oh. No. Don’t get me wrong, I love pups, but that’s because I can give them back, I don’t want that responsibility.” Norm answered as he swiped through pictures on his phone.

“What about Marcus?” Lexi questioned.

“He says he’s happy either way.” Norm responded off handedly.


“Do you want pups some day, small fry?” Lexi asked me.

“Some day.” I answered.

After dinner we all went to my room to hang out. Lexi, Norm, and I decided to watch the live feeds of today’s Alpha meeting Rowen told me about. I was shocked by Alpha Marvin’s behavior, and the things he said. I knew from what Rowen had told me that a lot of what he was saying were lies, but it still worried

“You know the king will give Alpha Joseph, and Rowen a chance to tell their side right?” Lexi asked.

“He said he would, but who’s to say he’ll believe them? If he doesn’t he can force Rowen to accept Bianca.” I whispered.

“He won’t. The king doesn’t believe in forced matings.” Lexi tried to reassure me.

“If he believes Alpha Marvin, Rowen is going to be expected to do something to make things right by Bianca.”

“That’s if he believes Alpha Marvin, but I don’t think he will.”

“Don’t worry. Everything will work out.” Norm stated

I shook my head, and went back to the video. We continued to watch quietly. I noticed the look on the king’s face as he read the papers Alpha Joseph handed him. He looked really mad about something. When the king started speaking again my heart raced. The didn’t last long when Alpha Joseph stated he had video proving Rowen was telling the truth. I saw all of the video that was played from their visit to Cedar Grove, and hoped it was enough for the king to believe Rowen.

“Damn they have some guts.” Norm said, but I waved him off when the king started speaking again.

We listened quietly to the rest of the feed, and to say I was happy with the outcome would be an understatement. I was so glad the king believed Rowen, and he was not in any trouble. I did hope Alpha Marvin did right by his pack, and helped them however he could. They deserved that.

“Hey. Look at this.” Lexi called from behind her laptop.

“What?” Norm asked.

“This is from just a bit ago at dinner for every one attending the meeting.” She answered as she put her laptop on my bed, and pressed play.

At first is all you could see were different camera angles. We could see people talking, and moving around. My heart sank as I watched females moving from table to table in dresses that they are almost falling out of. They deserved better than to lower themselves like that. They were all beautiful, they didn’t need clothes like that.

“Goddess look at what they’re wearing. They’re beautiful. They don’t need to dress like that.” Norm commented, and I nodded in agreement.

Finally the cameras stopped switching when the king, and queen walked in. She was so pretty. Not much taller than me, with shoulder length hair, and she looked like a nice person too. You could tell her smile was genuine. When they took their seats the angles started switching again for a bit. They instantly stopped when the king stood up, and spoke.

His speech was impressive. He made a lot of really good points. Everything he said made a lot of sense too. You could tell by the way he spoke that he really did care about his people. I could honestly say I was

proud to call him my king. I just hoped everyone listened to him.

“Wow.” Norm said breathlessly.

“He did well with what he said. He gained more of my respect.” Lexi said, and I just nodded as she closed her laptop.

“I hope what he said works.” Norm stated.

“Me too.”

“Well my gorgeous ladies I am off to do homework before my man gets home.” Norm said with a giggle, and left.

Lexi waved to me, and followed right behind him. I sat thinking about all I had just seen. I sent a quick text to Rowen asking to video chat, and got started on homework while I waited. Maybe thirty minutes later I got a response that he just needed to start his laptop. My heart fluttered at the sight of him, and I smiled at him. He did look worn out from his day though.

We talked about all about had happened, and what I had seen on the videos, as well as how I felt about them. When he told me about Renee, I felt rage I had never expected. Some tramp tried to steal my mate away from me, and I wanted to kill her for it. That thought had shocked me so I quickly pushed it aside, and listened to what he had to say about what happened I was relieved when he told me how they dealt with the situation.

When he told me what Luna Clair had to say about me I had been shocked. I had not expected her to say such things about me. I had trouble believing them either. They made me a little self conscious, and uncomfortable. There was just no way any of that could have been true about me. By the time the video. chat was over I wasn’t sure what to think.

I had planned to work on my paper after our video chat ended, but I couldn’t focus on it. All I kept thinking about was what Luna Clair had said about me, and how much I doubted her words. I put my homework. away, and pulled out my journal. As soon as I adjusted myself on my bed comfortably to write, Lilac

climbed on my shoulder, and I began to write.


I can’t take this anymore. Everyone keeps telling me that I’m going to be a great Luna, and how I’m already acting as one, but I’m not. I’m not Luna material. I only know how to be a servant to others. Why can’t they see they are saying these things about the wrong person? I’m a nobody compared to Rowen, Dimitri, Alpha Joseph, Luna Clair, all of them.

They say I am kind, caring, and supportive as a Luna should be. That I’m intelligent, and all of that, and maybe I am, but that doesn’t make me a Luna. It just makes me a person like everyone else. I’m not poised, and graceful as a Luna is supposed to be. I have panic attacks at certain sounds, and people yelling or growling. I struggle to look my betters in the eye. Large crowds terrify me. That’s not a Luna. Lunas aren’t scared. They’re strong, and brave. I’m weak, and terrified.

I wish they would see what I do. They sooner they do the sooner they’ll realize they are better off finding a real Luna. Rowen would better off finding real Luna. It hurts to think of losing him, but I’m only embarrassment. He says I’m his greatest asset, but how could I be? I hope he sees what I see soon. I hope he’ll realize it before it’s too painful for me. I don’t want to get even more attached to him than I already am, but I can’t bring myself to reject him. I was going to, but I can’t. I need him to realize he deserves better so he can find it. Maybe one of those girls at the Alpha meeting this week, or anyone,

I just don’t want to let him down, and I know I will. I’ll be a disappointment to him, like I will be to everyone else.


I closed my journal, picked up Lilac, buried my face in her fur, and cried. Leila was trying to talk me into believing in myself, but I ignored her. She was biased, and just couldn’t see what I did. I couldn’t take listening to her tonight. I just needed to cry. Lilac let me snuggle her, and she simply purred for me.

When I spoke to Rowen, before going to bed, I faked being happy. I didn’t want to hear him tell me the opposite of what I knew was true. I had no energy to argue with him either. Thankfully the phone call was short, and I was able to go to bed. I slept fitfully, and woke up crying several times, but not from nightmares. From the truth that I was not what everyone thought I was glaring me in the face.

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