Lucas’ POV

When I mentioned our unplanned vacation to Enrique, I saw how much he disliked the idea of going on a vacation. He became distant, antisocial, and very timid since the day she left us.

“You’re not even looking for Mom, and now you want to go on a vacation? I don’t want to, you go alone!” my son replied with a rebellious tone. I wanted to discipline him, but on the other hand, I knew my past mistakes. It hurts to be reminded of what I did wrong in the past.

“This is just once, Enrique, my son… This is what your grandma wants. You know how stubborn your grandmother is. She won’t accept no as an answer…” I tried to convince him while we were at the dining table having breakfast.

He gave me a sharp look. “If you want to, then you go. I say no, and that’s final! I don’t want to, so it’s final!” he shouted, sounding annoyed.

I was losing my patience… But I didn’t want to argue with my son.

In reality, I owe him so much. I have many shortcomings as a father. I’ve done a lot of wrong things. Things that made my son resent me even more, especially now that it feels like our light has gone out. I need to stay strong because the pillar shouldn’t give up.

I’m all they have. If I give up too, we won’t make any progress.

To persuade my son, I thought of a way. This isn’t a lie anyway.

“Son, if you come on vacation with me, I’ll hire the best private investigators to find your mom, Zara. I promise, just go with me for a vacation,” I said. My son seemed to be contemplating for a moment.

“Okay, I agree. But you should promise not to lie to me, Dad. Or I’ll do something you won’t like again,” my son said, giving me a threatening look.

My child is so feisty.

Our son, Zara, is growing up. This is the time when he needs both our guidance. I wish you were here by our side. I wish you would come back to us.

I need you, Zara. I can’t carry this family alone. I’m not as strong as you, my love. We need your guidance, dearly. We really do.

“Yes, son, just pack your things. We’re heading to the island. We might get into trouble if we don’t obey your grandma.” That’s an actual fact. Mom is too persistent.

She left Stephanie in charge of my company for a while. Well, her husband is her assistant, after all. Our vacation won’t last long anyway. It’s just to appease my mother’s wishes. I just can’t figure out how troublesome her stubbornness can be sometimes.

I’m planning to go on vacation to the island Giselle mentioned. I looked it up, and it seems fascinating and enjoyable. I mean, the white sand and the sea are like paradise. Maybe I need a vacation to become more active when I return to work.

After lunch, I called Mary. I gave her some reminders that she needs to convey to Stephanie. There are important matters they can’t afford to forget. When I return, there should be no mistakes or additional tasks waiting for me. Otherwise, the vacation would be in vain.

“Mary, the meeting with our investor Mr. Valdez, provide Stephanie with the materials in advance for her review and preparation on how she will present it. I want you to guide her, and it has to be a hundred percent assurance that we’ll secure the investment… It will be a huge help for us,” I said while packing my suitcase.

I can’t afford to be late for our flight.

She sighed on the other line. “Don’t worry, Sir, we’ve got this. Just focus on your vacation, relax, and enjoy the rest of your week. Give yourself some time to breathe, Sir. It’s not a crime for a Ferrer to take a vacation once in a while, right?” I chuckled.

“Okay, Mary, I trust you. I need to hang up now. My email and phone line are still open for any verification and questions. Don’t hesitate to contact me during my vacation,” I said with a smile.

I went to the mirror. Has my beard grown longer? I remember before, Zara didn’t like it when I had a scruffy beard. So, to look handsome, I need to shave my beard.

It didn’t take too long, and everything was set for our vacation. I didn’t realize that Enrique had also grown taller. I hope Zara could see this too. She’d be delighted to see our son growing up.

I suddenly miss her, but I know that someday our paths will cross again. And if that time comes, I won’t let her go again. I’d be a fool to let go of the woman who completed my dreams.

I’m willing to invest money, effort, and love into her. Just to make her realize that I love her more than my life. She’s my sunshine. Sooner or later, she’ll be the only reason I wake up.

We boarded the van with my son. Our private plane was ready. The traffic wasn’t bad on the way. Our journey was smooth. It seems like we’ll enjoy our vacation. I heard there are plenty of water activities on the island, and I wish I had booked our reservation at the resort.

I miss going to the beach. I still remember the times I went to Stonewick to pick up my family. That day, I realized I couldn’t let them go… because they were already a part of my life. I can’t afford to lose them, or I’ll lose myself.

When we were on the plane, my son and I were quiet. He was busy listening to music. I’m excited to bond with my son. I remember teaching him how to swim. I was the one who taught him how to swim.

That’s also why he became a varsity swimmer at school… I’m a proud dad, you could say.

We reached the island by boat after disembarking from our private plane. I wasn’t disappointed. The island is truly beautiful.

The sea is a vibrant mix of emerald green and sapphire blue. The island itself is breathtaking. The resort is accommodating and world-class in its beauty. There are many foreigners and visitors here. It seems to be the peak season for vacationers.

The wind is cold but also comforting. Perhaps I’ll go swimming later? Maybe I need a vacation to become more active when I return to work.

After we checked in and put our belongings in a spacious room, a presidential suite, we had a meal at a restaurant. My son has a healthy appetite. I never realized he loved, I mean really loved seafood.

We enjoyed our meal, and afterwards, we relaxed by the sea. Once again, an unusual silence enveloped us.

“Dad? Did you give up on Mom? Will she never come back? Should I stop hoping to see her again?” my son asked, his voice choked with emotion.

I felt a heavy emotion, resonating with my son’s feelings that he had been carrying for a long time. The pain we’ve felt over these years is no small matter. We’ve been in a daze for a long time.

I saw him looking at me for an answer. I nodded, and that was my true answer.

“I never lost hope, son. I know that we’ll meet her again someday. And if that time comes, we won’t let your mom go again. Let’s both do our best to give her a reason to stay. Okay?” I said while ruffling Enrique’s hair.

I seemed to have lost a deep thorn when I saw my son smile. He might not have fully forgiven me yet, but this is the first step.

I let him be for a moment as he took in everything, while I walked around the island. The sound of crashing waves was inviting. The atmosphere was so relaxing.NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

I was surprised when my son, Enrique, caught up with me, panting. I waited for him to catch his breath before he spoke.

“You should see this, Dad! Hurry up!” he said, and I eagerly followed him, curious about what he had found

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