The Contracted Stripper

Chapter 97

Ryan stared at his phone, the screen lighting up again with Bella’s name flashing. His jaw tightened as he declined the call for the second time.

The relentless buzzing in his pocket wouldn’t stop, but he needed to finish his conversation with Luca. If he didn’t handle this right, everything could spiral out of control.”Bella’s on to me,” Ryan muttered, running a hand through his hair in frustration.

“She’s calling nonstop.”Luca’s eyes narrowed. “You should get going then. We don’t want her catching on just yet.”Ryan nodded, though his mind was still racing with thoughts of Iris.

He had known she was in trouble, but Luca’s revelations hit harder than expected. Months had passed since her abduction, and with every day that passed, the chances of finding her alive dwindled.

Yet, somehow, he needed to keep hope alive.”We’ll meet again,” Ryan said, standing straighter. “There’s more to figure out. I won’t let her get away with this.”Luca placed a hand on Ryan’s shoulder.

“I’ll keep digging, but remember: Bella can’t know you’re onto her. She’s dangerous, Ryan. You can’t trust her.”Ryan offered a grim smile. “I never have.”He glanced down at his phone again as another call from Bella buzzed through.

With a frustrated sigh, he turned toward his car. “We’ll set up another meeting. I’ll text you the details.”

“Stay sharp,” Luca called after him as Ryan climbed into the car, his mind still swirling with the weight of their conversation.

Back at Bella’s Location… Bella paced the room, her face contorted in anger as she dialed Ryan’s number for what felt like the hundredth time. When the guards had called her to inform her that they had lost track of him, something inside her snapped.

“How did you lose him?” she screamed, her voice cutting through the phone. “I specifically told you to watch him! Find him! Now!”

The guards had fumbled over their excuses, but Bella wasn’t in the mood for explanations.

She hung up, her fingers trembling with fury as she dialed Ryan again. The call didn’t go through.”Damn it, Ryan!” she spat, tossing the phone onto the table.

For the first time, an uneasy feeling gnawed at her. She had always been in control, always a few steps ahead of Ryan. But now, something was off. He wasn’t behaving like his usual self-subdued, compliant.

He was slipping through her fingers, and she couldn’t afford to let that happen. She picked up the phone again and dialed, her heart racing with a mixture of fury and fear

. In the Car, Ryan… As Ryan drove toward his father’s mansion, he tried to shake off the feeling of dread that had settled in his gut. He kept one hand on the steering wheel, the other gripping his phone as he navigated through the calls Bella had been spamming him with.

“Dammit,” Ryan muttered under his breath. He couldn’t avoid her forever, and the last thing he wanted was for Bella to show up at the mansion unexpectedly. He had to play this smart.

Finally, he sighed and pressed the answer button.”Ryan?” Bella’s voice came through the line, tense with worry and suspicion. “Are you okay? You’ve been ignoring my calls!”Ryan forced a casual tone into his voice.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry about that. I got caught up talking with Dad, and I didn’t realize my phone was on silent.”Bella’s sharp breath echoed through the phone.

“I told you to call me as soon as you got there. I was getting worried.”Ryan gritted his teeth, keeping his frustration in check. “I’m fine, Bella. I’m at Dad’s now, and we’re talking. There’s nothing to worry about.”

“Let’s switch to a video call,” Bella demanded, her voice leaving no room for argument. “I want to see you.”Ryan’s stomach tightened. He couldn’t afford to look suspicious, not now. “Sure, give me a second.”

He pulled into the long driveway of the mansion, the imposing structure looming ahead. He parked the car and took a deep breath, then switched to video call. The screen flickered for a moment before Bella’s face appeared, her eyes narrowed, scanning his surroundings.

“There,” Ryan said, holding up the phone. “See? I’m here.”The video revealed Ryan standing in front of his father’s mansion, the grand pillars and manicured lawn in the background.

He kept the camera steady, making sure not to reveal anything that might make Bella question him further.

Bella’s eyes softened, but there was still an edge in her voice. “You scared me, Ryan. I didn’t know where you were. You know how important it is to keep me informed, especially now.”

Ryan forced a smile. “I know, I’m sorry. It’s just… with Dad’s health and everything, I got distracted.”Is he inside?” Bella asked, her eyes still scanning his face as if trying to detect a lie.”Yeah, I’m about to head in now,” Ryan replied.

“We’re going to talk for a bit. I’ll call you after, alright?”Bella hesitated for a moment, then nodded. “Okay. Just don’t take too long. And remember, I want you home tonight.”

“Got it. See you soon.” Ryan ended the call before she could push further, letting out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding.

His hands were shaking slightly as he lowered the phone. He knew Bella wasn’t buying the story entirely. She was suspicious, but for now, he had bought himself a little more time.

Time he needed to figure out the next move with Luca. Inside the Mansion… Ryan walked into the familiar halls of the mansion, his footsteps echoing softly against the marble floors.

The mansion felt different now, colder somehow, without the warm presence of his father in his usual spot. Ryan approached the grand staircase, heading toward his father’s room.

The last time he’d seen his dad, he had been weak, barely able to speak. A part of Ryan dreaded what he might find now.

As he reached the door, he knocked lightly before stepping inside. His father, Mr. Kendrick, was sitting up in bed, looking frail but alert.

His eyes brightened slightly when he saw Ryan.”Son,” Mr. Kendrick said, his voice hoarse but steady. “It’s good to see you.”Ryan forced a smile as he approached the bed. “How are you feeling, Dad?”

“I’ve been better,” Mr. Kendrick admitted, his expression softening. “But I’m still here, fighting. And that’s what matters.”Ryan nodded, sitting beside his father. “There’s something I need to talk to you about.”

Mr. Kendrick raised an eyebrow. “What’s on your mind?”Ryan hesitated for a moment before speaking, his voice low. “It’s Bella. I don’t trust her, Dad. She’s been… different lately. And I think she’s hiding something.”Mr. Kendrick’s brow furrowed.

“Bella? What could she be hiding?”Ryan glanced around, lowering his voice even more. “I think she’s involved in something bigger than we realize. I’ve been looking into things, and there’s… there’s something off about her.”

Mr. Kendrick leaned back against the pillows, his eyes narrowing as he studied his son. “What are you saying, Ryan?”

“I’m saying that Bella might not be who she says she is,” Ryan replied, his heart pounding in his chest. “And I’m going to find out the truth. But I need your support, Dad.”

Mr. Kendrick was silent for a long moment, his gaze locked on Ryan’s. Finally, he spoke. “You be careful, Ryan. If Bella is hiding something, then you need to be smart about this. Don’t make any rash decisions.”

“I won’t,” Ryan promised. “But I’m not going to let her manipulate us any longer.”Mr. Kendrick nodded slowly.

“Do what you have to do, son. But remember, this family is more important than anything else.”Ryan nodded, determination hardening his resolve. “I will.”

Later that Night… Ryan returned home just as Bella had instructed, keeping up the facade of normalcy.

As he stepped inside, Bella was sitting in the living room, her eyes immediately locking onto him.

Her expression was unreadable, but Ryan could sense the tension in the air.”Did you have a good talk with your father?” Bella asked, her voice calm, but there was an underlying sharpness to it.

Ryan nodded, keeping his tone casual. “Yeah, he’s doing okay. We had a good conversation.”Bella studied him for a moment, her fingers tapping lightly on the armrest.

“Good. I’m glad.”She stood up, walking toward him slowly. “But next time, Ryan, don’t make me worry like that. You know how much I care about you.”Ryan forced a smile, though his skin crawled under her gaze. “I won’t. I’m sorry for earlier.”

Bella’s eyes flickered with something he couldn’t quite place. She reached up, resting a hand on his cheek. “I just want to make sure we’re always honest with each other.All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

No more secrets.”Ryan swallowed hard, his heart pounding in his chest. “Of course.”Bella’s smile widened, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “Good.”

As she turned away, Ryan felt the weight of her words sink in. He knew she wasn’t done. Bella was onto him, and this was only the beginning.

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