The Contracted Stripper

Chapter 98

Rose paced the dimly lit room, her manicured nails tapping against her phone as she waited for Parker to finish speaking. She could hear the anxiety in his voice as he relayed the latest news about Jessica’s sudden disappearance.

The air in the room felt heavy with the tension that had been building for weeks.”How did they move her before we got there?” Rose hissed, her eyes narrowing.

“You said the team was following the plan. What happened?”Parker, seated on the edge of the bed, sighed deeply, running a hand through his graying hair.

“They told me they arrived at the location, but she was gone. The only person they found was a nurse who refused to give any information. Whoever’s behind this is sharp, Rose. They’re staying one step ahead of us.”

Rose clenched her jaw, her anger simmering just below the surface. “We need to outsmart them. Whoever is orchestrating this is too fast and too organized. Jessica should have been in our hands by now.”Parker nodded, his face drawn in concentration.

“We’ll have to reassess the situation. Whoever’s protecting her isn’t doing this alone. There’s a lot of money and influence behind them.”

Rose sat down on the couch, her mind racing.

Jessica had been a problem for years, but she had never been this elusive. And now, with the family empire at stake, Rose couldn’t afford any loose ends. Not with everything she and Parker had been planning. She glanced at Parker, her expression hardening.

“What about the pills you gave me for him?” she asked, lowering her voice. “I’ve been slipping them into his food as you instructed, but I haven’t seen any signs that they’re working,” Parker smirked, the corners of his lips curling with a dark satisfaction.

“Don’t worry, Rose. The effects of the medication are subtle at first, but they’ll show soon enough. He’ll weaken gradually, and by the time it fully hits him, he won’t even realize what’s happening.

Just keep administering it as I prescribed.”Rose crossed her arms, still unconvinced. “He’s still strong. Too strong. And sharp. It’s like he knows something’s up.”

“He doesn’t,” Parker said firmly, locking eyes with her. “Trust me, Rose. He’s been drinking the poison I gave you for weeks now. His mind and body will start deteriorating soon. Patience is key.”

Rose leaned back, staring up at the ceiling. “I don’t have much patience left, Parker. If this doesn’t work, if he doesn’t start to show signs soon, we’ll have to find another way.”

Parker stood up, stepping closer to her. “It will work. You’ve already come this far. Stay the course. Once we have control of everything, no one will be able to stop us.”

Rose inhaled sharply, nodding slowly. “Fine. But we need to find out who moved Jessica and where they took her. If she’s still alive, she’s a threat.”

“I’ll double our efforts,” Parker promised. “We’ll find her.

“Elsewhere, in Bella’s world… Bella lounged in a high-back leather chair, staring at the expansive city skyline through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

She held her phone to her ear, her expression calm but focused. Across the line was her brother, Victor, the mastermind behind their next move.

“Are you sure about this?” Bella asked, her tone cool and calculated. “Doing this to the Kendrick Empire is a huge step. The name carries too much weight. People will notice.”Victor’s deep voice crackled through the speaker, full of certainty.

“Exactly. That’s why we need to move fast. Kendrick Empire is a legacy, but it’s outdated. Vector Empire will be new, dynamic, and entirely under our control. We can do whatever we want with it-change everything, reshape it to our vision.”

Bella smiled faintly, her nails tapping rhythmically against her desk. “I like the sound of that. We’ve waited too long for this moment. But you know Ryan won’t let go of his birthright easily.”

“He won’t have a choice,” Charles replied smoothly. “Ryan’s too preoccupied with his father’s health.

He doesn’t have the leverage he used to. And with the rumors we’ve been spreading, people will start to question his ability to lead.”

Bella’s eyes gleamed with satisfaction. “True. It’s only a matter of time before the board starts pressuring him. When the rebrand happens, they’ll see that Vector Empire is stronger, more profitable, and led by a true visionary.”

“We’ll present the new plan to the board next week,” Charles continued. “Once we have their backing, Ryan will be out of the picture for good. The timing is perfect.”Bella bit her lip, considering the next steps.

“I want to be there when you reveal the new logo and branding. It’s important that I’m seen as the face of this change. Ryan has been too absent and too distracted. The investors need to see that I’m in control now.”

“You’ll be there,” Victor confirmed. “I’ll take care of the details. You just need to keep Ryan distracted until everything is finalized.”

Bella smirked. “Don’t worry about him. He’s too busy trying to figure out what’s going on. He won’t see this coming.”There was a pause on the other end, and then Victor spoke again, his tone more serious.

“And Bella… we need to be cautious about Luca. He’s been too close to Ryan recently. I don’t trust him.”Bella’s expression darkened. “Luca’s loyalty has always been questionable. But don’t worry, I’ll handle him. He won’t be a problem for long.”

“Good. I don’t want any loose ends, Bella. Not this time.”

“There won’t be,” Bella said, her voice cold and final. “When this is over, the Kendrick Empire will be ours, and no one will be able to stop us.”

Later that evening at the Kendrick Mansion… Ryan sat in his father’s study, staring at the fire crackling in the hearth. His father had already gone to bed, but Ryan’s mind was far from resting.

His conversation with Luca earlier replayed in his head like a broken record.

Iris was still missing, and every day that passed made his gut churn with dread. He had to find her, had to save her. But the more he tried, the more tangled the situation became

. And then there was Bella. Her behavior had been growing more erratic and more controlling. He couldn’t shake the feeling that she was hiding something from him.

Something big. His phone buzzed on the table, snapping him out of his thoughts. It was a message from Luca.

Luca: “I’ve got more info on Bella’s plans. Meet me tomorrow at the usual spot.”Ryan frowned, a sense of unease creeping over him. He typed a quick reply.

Ryan: “Be careful. Bella’s been watching me closely.”He set the phone down, running a hand over his face. His father’s empire was slipping through his fingers, and he couldn’t let that happen. Not now, not with everything at stake.

A knock on the door made him look up. Bella stepped into the room, her heels clicking softly against the polished wood floor. She was dressed in a sleek, form-fitting black dress, her eyes glinting in the low light.

“Ryan,” she said softly, her voice smooth like honey. “I thought I’d find you here.”

He gave her a tight smile, trying to mask his unease. “Just thinking.

“Bella walked over to him, her hand gently resting on his shoulder. “You’ve been so stressed lately. You need to take care of yourself.”

“I’m fine,” Ryan replied, though the tension in his voice was hard to hide.

Bella’s hand slid down his arm, her fingers tracing his skin lightly.Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

“You don’t have to do this alone, you know. I’m here for you.”

Ryan studied her, his mind racing. She was playing a game, he could feel it. But the question was, how deep did her deception go?

“I appreciate that,” Ryan said carefully. “But I’ve got it under control.”

Bella’s eyes flickered, and for a brief moment, her mask slipped. He could see the calculating look behind her soft smile.

“You’ve always been so stubborn,” she whispered, leaning closer. “But I know you, Ryan. I know when something’s bothering you.”

Ryan tensed, sensing the trap she was setting. “I’m just worried about Dad.

.”Bella’s lips curved into a small smile. ” Don’t worry about him, he’s going to be fine.”

Ryan studied her, his stomach knotting.

“I have a feeling everything will work out in the end.”

Ryan’s eyes darkened, suspicion gnawing at him. There was something in the way she said it, something that made him wonder if Bella knew more than she was letting on.

Before he could press further, Bella straightened up, brushing a hand through her hair. “You should get some rest.

Tomorrow’s a big day for the company.”As she turned to leave, Ryan called after her.

“Bella?”She paused at the doorway, glancing over her shoulder. “Yes?”

“If you’re hiding something from me… I’ll find out.”Bella’s smile didn’t reach her eyes.

“Goodnight, Ryan.”And with that, she disappeared into the hallway, leaving.

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