The Cursed Human

Chapter 54

Lucifer looked at taunting eyes of his father.

“Well?!” Kendrio said breaking deafening silence. “I’m waiting for an explanation!”

Lucifer’s jaw tensed with a deep-seated anger as no words escaped his lips. Kendrio chuckled bitterly as he walked over to Lucifer.

Draven felt the lump in his throat harden as he looked at the burning mansion.

“…. Melissa…” He choked out as tears escaped his eyes. His heart threatened to escape the cage by which it was surrounded. Never in his whole life he felt this vulnerable and frightened…. not even for his family.

“I’ve been ruling this world for ages and you…” Kendrio pointed at Lucifer with rage building inside him. “You ruined everything for…. a witch!” Lucifer felt his rage flare up for the man whom he called his father. He grinded his teeth as he slowly turned around only to glaring at Kendrio.

“This is what you have been doing?! Playing hide and seek with these witches?!” Kendrio scoffed. “Did you really think I wouldn’t find out?! I must admit, Draven, having your father looking all around for you was a clever move!”

Draven looked at Lucifer with strained look and tensed muscles. His eyes screaming with rage, fury and anger.

“We’ll leave, Father. Just let them go. They have no quarrel with you!” Lucifer growled.

“Oh Lucifer… an ant has no quarrel with a elephant..”

Draven noted slight moment in Lucifer’s hand behind his back and heard the low hum in the air.

“These witches will burn to death and if I have to take you two down, I won’t hesitate.” Kendrio threatened. With Kendrio’s attention exclusively on Draven, Lucifer ducked over Draven’s side and grabbed Kendrio by his neck as he ran as fast as he could shoving Kendrio through the thick forest, far away from the Witch Mansion.



“And werewolves!” Victoria breathed out as she frantically turned around.

“They are headed our way. We’ve to get out of here before this place turn into a bloody mess!” Angie panicked. Victoria rubbed her back as she tried to calm her down.

“Calm down Angelina, Lucifer and Draven would definitely convince your father.”

“No! Father is hard to convince and knowing that we have been helping witches behind his back, would be a bad idea!” Angelina paced around in worry and distress.

“As much I hate Melissa, the love that our brothers feel for her should be our priority, don’t you think?!” Victoria tried to reason with her but seeing every last hope of saving witches going in drain was far more than calming.

“And you think when all of this will be over, Lucifer and Draven won’t fight…. for her!” She snarled angrily. Victoria gulped as she thought what Angelina had said. She was right, there would be a war. Their love for Melissa was beyond this Universe and same love was going to be their downfall. There would definitely come a time when she had to chose one of them, and that time was dreaded. Neither one of them would accept rejection…. at least not from Melissa.


Lucifer growled as he shoved Kendrio into another boulder. Draven snarled as he threw a fist before Kendrio caught his hand.

“So you chose witches over your own kind” Kendrio smirked. “I’m so proud!”

He yanked Draven forward before kicking him in his guts sending him flying backwards. Lucifer quickly dodged a fist from Kendrio but wasn’t fast enough to duck over his another hand. Lucifer punched Kendrio in the face several times and elbowed him in the chest before shoving him to the ground.

His ears shot up as he heard voices in distant. He looked behind Draven to see a horde of vampires and werewolves headed their way.

“Lucifer!” Draven shouted.

“Get Angelina and Victoria somewhere safe!!” Lucifer snarled as he ran past Kendrio to head for the vampires. Draven nodded as he ran towards the mansion.

Kendrio chuckled. “As if you can take them on your own.” He said as he grabbed a large trunk of tree and send it flying towards Lucifer. Lucifer ducked under the log and smash it on the vampires.


“I can sense them…. I can feel them!!” Melissa said worriedly as she moved her hands frantically.

Victoria glanced at Melissa to see blood droplets dripping from her shoulder. Melissa moved her hands in air as fire like wind surrounded her. Victoria snarled as she sensed few vampires coming their way.

“Angelina! Keep her safe!” Victoria growled as she ran outside the mansion towards Vampires running her way.

“Helloo, mates.” She smirked sarcastically as he elbowed one in the chest sending him flying backwards.

“oi prógonoi mas voithoún”

Melissa chanted as other witches around her chanted after her. The wind like fire surrounded them rose higher and higher almost about their heights.

Angelina looked fearfully at them as she looked over her shoulder to see Victoria fighting the vampires on her own. She wanted to help Victoria but at that time Melissa’s life was far more important and that was unacceptable to her.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.


Angelina turned around abruptly as she heard the voice.

“Draven!” Angelina sprinted towards him as she analysed his scar filled face.

“Where is Lucifer?!” She panicked as she saw blood dripping from his arm.

“He.. he is fighting your father.” Draven looked around as he saw Melissa performing a spell. His chest tightened as he looked at her bloody arms.

“You are an abomination to our kind!” Draven felt his lungs tighten before he slowly turned around.

“Father.” He breathed out and glanced at terrifying face of Angelina.

“Why I’m not surprised?! You seemed to follow your Mother’s path! Impure and filthy!” Draven’s father spat in disgust as he looked past Draven.

“Witches need to die! A balance should be made…. without them!” He snarled angrily as he saw Melissa’s face.

“Mother was a witch too!” Victoria growled while wiping her hands with her pants. Her light hairs were blood filled.

“She was not your mother!”

“Only because you slept with her and she gave birth to abomination like me doesn’t change anything!” Draven snarled making his father narrowing his eyes.

“Is this what these things have been feeding you with! Lies and mutiny!” Draven’s father growled. Victoria noted change in surroundings as she looked past her father.

Draven glanced at Melissa as he pushed her behind him and got ready to attack coming werewolves. Melissa grabbed back of Draven’s shirt tightly as she looked at him with teary eyes.

“Draven! Let me di-”

“No! Beloved. If I have to kill someone to keep you safe…. I will, whether if that someone happens to my own father.” Draven whispered looking sharply at his father.


Lucifer ducked over another vampires shoulder and landing a punch on his chest sending him flying in air. He felt a tug at his shirt as another vampire landed a large wooden log on his body but before it could hit him, he kicked it sending it straight to horde of species.

Kendrio was gone. And that was unsettling for Lucifer. He had almost wiped all the vampires leaving broken necks and limbs tore apart on the beautiful grounds of emerald forest.

His body tensed when a sharp voice fell in his ears. He abruptly turned around as he heard werewolves heading towards the mansion.

“You got to be kidding me!” He groaned before running towards the mansion.


“We just want alliance!” Melissa snarled angrily at Kendrio.

“We don’t want alliance with double faced creatures like you! What voodoo shit you have pulled on our sons that they are fighting against their own race instead of standing with them?!” Kendrio scoffed back. The werewolves and vampires were surrounding Melissa, Draven, Angelina and Victoria. It was hard for them to take down this large amount of creatures. This was end, they knew but neither one of them was accepting the defeat.

“It is the last time I’m asking this, Do you wish to stand against us?!” Everett asked rather calmly.

“If standing against you insure the safety of the witches…. then I will!” Draven growled.

Draven felt Melissa losing her grasp on his shirt as she moved back slightly but he didn’t paid any special attention. On other hand Angelina was at verge of panic.

“Kill them all but don’t touch the witch… I will kill her myself!” Kendrio snarled at the group of vampires and werewolves standing behind him.

“LIKE HELL YOU WILL!” Lucifer growled as he charged at his father with intense rage.

“Lucifer!” Draven and Melissa shouted at the same time.

Melissa sneered as she quickly tossed several vampires in the air before they could touch other witches.

“Melissa this isn’t working!” One of the witch panicked as she tried to use her magic.

“Follow me!” Melissa shouted ss she bunched her dress in her palms and ran towards the stairs with other witches following behind her. Draven blocked the vampires as they tried to ran towards Melissa.

“Where are we going?!” One of them asked as melissa led them towards the underground of the mansion.

“Somewhere safe,” she mumbled and opened the door of basement.

“Celine! Get ready!” Melissa said as Celine nodded and stood at far end of the empty room. She could hear fighting voices from above.

“Our magic won’t work Melissa!” Lila said panicked as Melissa light the candles around the room.

“It will!!” Melissa snarled as she maneuvered her hands sending an entire wave of vampires flying backwards. They all caught on fire middle air and quickly disintegrated.

“What the-” the witch said in shock.

Melissa quickly waved her hands in air as the werewolves started turning over in pain.

“She…. she is using her magic.” Lila said. “It’s impossible…..” She breathed out as she looked at other witches having same expression as her.

A sinister smirked plastered on Melissa’s face as she rotated her hands and formed a circle around other witches.

“What… What are you doing?!” Lila, one of the witch and other witches asked panicked. The circle around them turned into circle of fire making the witches screaming in fear.

“Melissa?!!” Lila shouted in agony as waves of fire caught her dress making her body burning with the amount of heat.

“I’m sorry Lila but for saving myself… I have to make a sacrifice.” Melissa laughed a cruel laugh as screams of witches echoed in the whole mansion. The fire caught everything present around and burned it down to ashes. Celine watched as witched caught fire and screamed in agony and pain while Melissa had a small smile on her lips.

“You sure this is a good idea?” Celine asked as Lila’s body went limp and collided with ground with aloud thud.

“It is Celine. You know I’ve no other option left.” Melissa turned towards Celine and rubbed her neck before taking off the silver pendant from her neck.

“You know what you’ve told do right?” Melissa raised her brow as her sharp blue eyes pierce through Celine’s soul.

She nodded her head and handed the necklace to Celine.

“Make sure my sister receives it.” Melissa said and watched as Celine opened the back door and ran outside the mansion. Her blue sapphires watches Celine vanished into forest. She put her hand inside her dress and pulled out a similar pendant and placed it elegantly on her neck.

But this cruel act didn’t went unnoticed by Angelina as she tried to hide behind the doors. She felt her body shivering and trembling with cruelness of sweet Melissa’s actions.

“Eavesdropping isn’t your thing Angie.” Melissa said as she kept looking at burning witches without an ounce of remorse.

Angelina felt her breathing getting abnormal as Melissa turned around slowly. The whites of her eyes were black and the calmness her blue orbs held were replaced by chaos.

“Melissa…,” She breathed out as she stepped out of her hiding spot.

“I liked you Angelina but you see, I don’t want my dirty work to get exposed.” Melissa circled around Angelina as Angelina’s eyes were glued on burning witches.

“I was supposed to die but the lovers I had are restless without me. Those two morons are always trailing on my tail like lost puppies….. They are being stones in my way and you know what I do with obstacles on my path…” Melissa put a hand on Angelina’s shoulder and looked at her with a sinister smile. “I get rid of them..” She whispered.

“But my little heart is getting fond of your brother and I wish you to convey my message to my love, tell him ‘We will reunite, we will become one soul when the time would be right and time will come after 500 years’, you won’t remember this. Only thing you’ll remeber is that You Killed Me.”

Melissa looked deeply in Angelina’s eyes as her pupils dilated and Angelina involuntarily nodded he head.

“See you soon, Angie.” Melissa whispered in her ears as Angelina watched her backing away while looking at her and standing on the outer surface of circle of fire.

“Tell Lucifer I LOVE HIM.” Melissa said as she stepped inside the circle and let the flames of fire burn her.




“Do something! She’s bleeding!”

Victoria growled at Draven who was far from listening as his eyes looked straight ahead at the fire. Victoria followed his gaze and gasped as her eyes set on burned body of Melissa. She frantically looked around her and narrowed her eyes as she saw Everett and Kendrio standing near the door with devilish smirks on their faces.

Draven felt his chest tightened as his heart wanted to explode with pain. Teras welled up in his eyes and his breathing become hazardly abnormal.


Before Kendrio could mutter a word, a punch send him straight against the wall. His bones cracked with the impact as he dodged another punch.

“YOU FUCKING BASTARD!” Draven snarled as he landed another punch send him flying backwards as blood oozed out from his mouth.

“Stop this!” Everett growled as he watched Draven lunge forwards and twisting Kendrio’s arm backwards as sound of snap echoed with Kendrio’s screams.

Victoria looked fearfully at them as she picked Angelina’s limp body and ran upstairs. Angelina’s safety was now her priority and she knew at this time Draven was far from sane.

She wondered who killed Melissa, because her father and Kendrio were fighting Lucifer and Draven when she smelled burning of bodies.

But this was not what she feared, she was scared what would Lucifer’s reaction would be? Lucifer was outside the mansion taking down pack of wolves and vampires.

She gently placed Angelina on the soft green grass as she prayed to god for her well being. She watched as Lucifer snapped the neck of one of the wolves and tore other bilaterally. She looked around as she saw bodies of vampires and werewolves scattered around without limbs.

Lucifer alone wiped all of them.

Lucifer eyes snapped towards them when he sensed a presence. His eyes widened as he saw Angelina’s immobile body.

“What happened?!” Lucifer was next to them within second as he looked frantically at Victoria.

Victoria gulped thinking what she should say, whether she should tell him about Melissa or not?

“S-she fainted.” She breathed out as Lucifer gently placed Angelina’s head in his lap and tears welled in his eyes.

“T-The baby?” He asked worriedly as he caressed her swollen belly. Victoria gulped down and mumbled.

“Baby’s alright,” she said and head the sigh of relief escaped Lucifer’s lips. She saw as unshed tears managed to escape Lucifer’s eyes.

“She’s alright,” Victoria said watching him carefully as he cuddled her body between his arms.


A ear piercing scream roamed in air as both of them looked towards the mansion. Lucifer abruptly looked at Victoria.

“What’s happening?” He panicked as he gently laid Angelina on the ground and stood up on his feet. Victoria immediately grabbed his arm.


“I’LL KILL YOU!” They turned towards the voice as Draven threw Kendrio’s beaten body harshly on the ground. Lucifer immediately sped towards Draven as Everett break wooden door and plunged it in Draven’s back.

“No!” Victoria screamed as blood oozed out of Draven back like waterfall. Draven’s eyes widened as he turned around and slowly looked at his father. Lucifer instantly shoved Everett back and caught Draven mid air.

“Draven,” Lucifer breathed out as he pulled out the piece of wood and threw it next to him.

Draven’s breathing become shattered as he gasped for air. He looked at Lucifer and tears flowed through his eyes.

“Mel… Melissa… she’s… dead,” his words made Lucifer froze. Lucifer didn’t get how to react. He was shocked, astonished, hurt, angry.

Victoria gulped as Lucifer’s arms tightened around Draven as black veins protruded out of his arm like black roots. His eyes flickered as his pupils dilated and red angry colour covered his blue irises.


A thunderous growl escaped Lucifer’s lips as dark black clouds covered sunny day. Kendrio looked fearfully at Lucifer as he scrambled back while Everett looked wide eyed at him.

Lucifer placed his hand on his chest as his heart clenched with pain and misery. Draven looked painfully at him even though he was as hurted as Lucifer was.

“Calm him down!” Kendrio screamed as clouds thundered with bright lighting covering the skies.

Lucifer snapped his head towards Kendrio as he flashed his canines at Kendrio and lunged in his direction.

Kendrio didn’t get time to ran as Lucifer wrapped his hands around his neck and squeezed it before cracking of bones heard.

“Stop him!”

Victoria turned as she saw Angelina’s panicked self running towards Lucifer. Victoria quickly held her arms as she thrashed in Victoria’s arms.

“He’ll kill him!” Angelina screamed as tears poured down he face.

“He’ll kill you!” Victoria snarled at her as he pushed her back.

Kendrio clawed Lucifer’s hands as life started to drain from his eyes.

“I killed her!”

Lucifer’s ears twitched as her words fell in his ears. His hands didn’t loosened their grip as he growled as thunderstorms thundered simultaneously.

Everyone looked shocked at Angelina as he yanked her arm out of Victoria’s grip and walked towards Lucifer.

“I killed her! If you wanna kill someone then kill me!” Angelina snarled as Lucifer let go of Kendrio. He slowly turned around as anger and hate and pain masked his emotions.

Angelina grabbed his hand and place it on her throat.

“Kill me,” she whispered and Lucifer was going to do same but before his anger could consume him, his eyes landed on her swollen belly.

The teary eyes of Angelina looked at him as she looked at Kendrio. Victoria stood shocked as hell as Draven get lost as blood oozed out of his back.

“I’ll kill you!” Lucifer turned around as Draven sucked dover his shoulder and wrapped his hand around Angelina’s throat before slamming her against the tree.

Angelina’s breath fastened as her lungs burned. She clawed his hand but his strength was lit more than hers.

Angelina fell onto her knees as Draven’s grip loosened. She rubbed her neck as she looked up.

Lucifer had Draven pinned to tye ground as he landed punch after punch.

“She’s pregnant!” Lucifer growled but Draven flipped them around as he elbowed Lucifer.

“Sh killed her! She killed my MELISSA!” Draven shouted as he picked up the same wooden piece and plunged it in Lucifer’s chest.

“No!” Victoria shouted but Draven was already consumed by his anger.

Lucifer didn’t fazed as he kicked Draven send him flying onto the boulder. He without any pain ripped the wood out of his chest as his would immediately healed. The drops of water poured aggressively onto the ground as Lucifer angrily lunged at Draven.

“Wait!” Victoria shouted as she stood in front of Lucifer.

Lucifer snarled angrily at her as he pushed her making his way towards Draven.

“You’ll kill me now, huh?” Draven muttered as he noticed Angel nad pain in Lucifer’s eyes. Lucifer stopped dead and looked at him. He was feeling what he wasn’t supposed to feel. He wanted to kill everyone and himself at the same time. But something in him was topping him from doing this.

“Run before I kill you!” Lucifer whispered as Victoria quickly ran towards Draven who was looking at Lucifer with hatred. Lucifer’s eyes didn’t missed the look of fear in Victoria’s eyes as he watched her helping her brother and vanished in thin air.

An that’s when his dam broke. Angry tears poured down his face along with raindrops as he fell onto his knees as painful growl escaped his lips.

He was broken.

He lost everything.

His love.

His friend.

His light.

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