The Cursed Human

Chapter 55

“You can’t be serious!”

“I can assure you I am.”

“Then take me with you!”


Clipped. Short.

Where the hell was he going? I followed after him as he walked inside the closet. Once again, he ignored my presence. I scowled as he dressed into plain white shirt which looked heavenly on him and same trousers he was previously wearing.

He was epitome of beauty and danger.

Fuck! Why am I thinking all this?

“Please,” I tried again but like always he buttoned his shirt and rolled the sleeves upto his elbows. I crossed my arms over my chest before glaring at him.

“I promise I won’t bother you,” I whined like a child. I needed to know where he was going? After meeting with my parents, Michael entered the room. He said something in his ears and Lucifer went with him and after like two hours he was back and suddenly he ordered me to stay inside the castle. It wasn’t like I was going somewhere?

“At least tell me, where are you going?” The strain in my voice made him turn towards me. With long, authoritative strides he walked towards me. His icy blue eyes flicked towards me as he came closer. His cold hands rested on my waist as he pulled me towards his rock hard chest, trapping me in his arms.

I gasped and angled my face to look up at his tall frame. Something flashed through his eyes and I sensed his arms squeezing my tiny waist.

“I know I’ve hurt you many time. I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness but please trust me this once…. I won’t let anything happen to you, but you’ve to obey me this last time and I promise you I’ll tell you everything you want to know… when I come back.”

So many emotions, so many feelings were hidden underneath the weight of his words. What was he hiding? The urge to know everything overwhelmed me. This was very first time I felt wave of emotions and feels coming from him. And I wondered what would it take for me to learn all his hidden dark secrets.

My lips quivered as I looked up at his eyes. Turmoil of emotions was thundering inside his very arctic blue eyes.


A simple word with thousands of meaning hiding beneath it. How could I trust him? How could I believe his words, if he was hiding things from me?

“… okay…”

It wasn’t okay!

Relief washed over his features and he pulled me towards his chest making my heart beat race. He was staring at me with desperation and something which I was failed to notice. I felt like his gaze was trying to penetrate into my soul and engulf me. For the very first time sincerity flashed through his eyes as his eyes relentlessly peered down at me.

“Stay here… inside this room.” His statement was an order but tried to present it as a choice that I never had.

I nodded my head.

I drew in a sharp breath as his fingertips made contact with my flushed face. The coldness lingered on my skin as the redness of my cheeks become deeper shade of red.

Lucifer’s steely gaze softened as I felt him leaning in. It was like everything around us stopped. I could feel his arm tightened around my waist and his fingertips caressed my cheek as his lips softly planted against mine.

Without warning, his soft kiss turned passionate filled with hunger and need. I didn’t realised when my hands found their way to his neck as I pulled him closer. This was not me.

But I wanted it. His touch, his…. love.

Neither of us pulled away as our mouth battled, tongues clashed and heart accelerated with need and desire.

The moment we pulled away, his hot breaths framed my face.

“Stay here…. please.” The desperation to keep me here was making me more curious. His eyes flicked between red as he ordered down at me. The need to ravish me, to tame me, to make me his again, danced in his eyes before he again leaned down and pecked my lips, letting them linger there for a moment before he said something.

And in the next moment, he was gone, vanished in air with the speed of light. Why did his words sounded so realistic and heart clenching. Why did he promised me something that he wasn’t ready to give me earlier? What changed?


“Ouch! Careful, Cassian!”

“I’m trying! Stop moving!” Cassian squeaked.

Laying on the bed, Angelina flipped through the pages of book she had been reading. She was at her very last page and little by little, she had managed to complete this books within two hours.

Cassian carefully kneeled behind Angelina as he rubbed soothing herbs on her back.NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

“You should have healed much sooner! Why is it taking so much time?!” Cassian scolded.

“Oh come on! I’m not some strong ass she wolf like you!” She snapped back as flipped another page. “I didn’t knew I was going to stumble upon stairs.”

“You should be careful! Now, look how much wounded you are?!” Cassian narrowed in eyes at nasty looking gnash on her left shoulder. His heart clenched looking at her shoulder as he sighed deeply.

A knock on the door started them as Angelina quickly pushed Cassian off her. She immediately tied down the strips of her gown and looked anxious at Cassian.

Cassian looked alarmed at the door as his eyes glanced at Angelina.

Another knock shook them but before Cassian could hide, the door burst opened. Angelina’s eyes widened as she looked at the figure standing in front of door.

“Angelina! I wa-”

Sarah stopped mid sentence as her eyes fell on Cassian. She couldn’t describe what she could thought of seeing Cassian in Angelina’s room made her suspicious. She looked between Angelina and Cassian before entering fully inside.

“I-I ca-”

“What are you doing here?” Sarah demanded. Her tone clipped and emotionless. Angelina looked at her before a sigh escaped her lips.

They were caught.


“I heard her groaning so I came here to make sure she was alright,” his lie sounded so smooth and convincing. Sarah looked at him again and nodded her head before a smile crawled on her face.

“Oh that’s alright!” She smiled as her lips stretched further. Angelina looked at Cassian in disbelief as she shook her head.

“Yes, he’s… right,” Angelina muttered as Cassian glanced at her.

“Do you want something?” Angelina asked as Sarah quickly lost her smile replacing it with look of anxiousness.

“I-I needed a favor,” Sarah mumbled as her eyes darted between the duo. She didn’t knew how to ask for help. How to convince her. But she needed to do it, for her sanity.

“And what is it?” Sarah looked anxious at Cassian, battling whether she should involve him into her matters or not. She breathed in deeply before giving it a go.

“Lucifer went somewhere, and he refused to told me anything and now I wished to know where he went.” Angelina inwardly smiled looking at Sarah’s desperation for Lucifer but soon a tensed looked formed on her face as the frown on her forehead deepened.

“He didn’t told me anything,” Angelina mumbled as she wrapped her arms around herself and sighed. Lucifer always excluded her out of his matters. After Melissa’s death, Lucifer stopped caring for her like he did before.

And she knew she didn’t deserve this care.

“Probably, I know” Sarah looked instantly at Cassian as she stride towards him.

“Where is he?!” She asked too oblivious of fact that her desperation was showing her emotions. Cassian sighed, thinking of consequences if he told her.

“He went with Michael, a some sort of mansion…. I don’t remember,” he shrugged as he recalled the conversation he heard Lucifer had with Michael.

Angelina quickly turned towards him as her eyes widened.

“Mansion you said! Which one?!” Angelina’s voice tensed with shock and worry.

“Outskirts of Zhoutis. Why, what happened?” Cassian sensed her sudden change in expression. He could outline the lines of worry on her forehead as she looked at Sarah with wide expressions.

“Where is he, Angelina?” Sarah demanded. She knew Angelina knew where he was from the look on her face. Her blue eyes were dilated as she feared the outcomes.

“… You’re not going there…” After five minutes Angelina muttered as she frantically looked at her. Her fear was authentic. Sarah’s eyes narrowed as she processed her words.

“Why?” Sarah knew Angelina was keeping something from her and by the look she was giving her, it confirmed her suspicion.

“It’s…. it’s not safe..” The anticipation and glint of fear was making her blue eyes darker. Sarah’s body tensed she looked at Angelina trying to see what was worrying her.

“Please… Angelina! Everyone’s hiding things from me but you… you are my only friend who I can trust, right?” Desperation and vulnerability in Sarah’s voice squeezed her heart with an unknown emotion.

Sarah looked at her for a long moment until Angelina quickly averted her eyes.

“I’m just… trying to… keep you safe,” the broken words escaped her lips pierced Sarah’s heart with their sharpness and vulnerability.

“By hiding things from me? Huh? I deserve to know what’s happening, right?” Angelina didn’t knew why her words stung her.

After a long silence a small sigh escaped Angelina’s lips before she turned around to look at Sarah.

“Promise me…. you’ll keep yourself safe,”

Sarah didn’t knew what did she mean but she still nodded.

“I’ll try,”


Angelina didn’t understand why she felt the harsh sting of guilt.

She was again betraying Lucifer.

Her senses were opposing her decision to brought Sarah in amidst of chaos. Lucifer had warned her to tell Sarah anything but again she was going against him.

She looked beside at Sarah who was walking with her. She deserved it, she deserved to know but again it was not Angelina’s place to told her anything.

The large gigantic mansion peeked through tall trees of forest as they neared the place. The same feeling of anticipation along with anxiousness started eating her inside. Angelina knew this place held so many memories, which she wanted to forget. Her mind wondered off to the day when Melissa was killed or when she killed her.

Angelina still didn’t remembered what happened that day as far she knew that she killed her, but how? She had no idea.

“It’s… scary..” Sarah whispered as she sucked under the branches of tall trees that were towering above her.

“It was beautiful once….” Sarah looked at her when look of familiarism danced in her eyes. This place didn’t had good memories, she confused by the look on Angelina’s face.

“I can’t see anyone here…” Sarah muttered as she tilted her head to get better look at inside the mansion.

“He’s here… I can sense him,” Angelina said before walking further. Sarah didn’t wasted a moment before trailing behind her.

The mansion was giving her chills. The walls were black and it looked like it was burned but the broken windows and matching doors were making her regret her decision.

They walked across the backyard of mansion as Sarah looked at scary walls covered with ashes. The questions were building inside her head.

They halted in their steps when they heard the him of the low voices coming from front of the mansion. She could immediately identify Lucifer’s and her Father’s voices mixed with few other she barely recognised.

“I don’t answer to my father anymore…. and it’s the last time I’m warming you… get the fuck out of my kingdom or you won’t feel your limbs next time,”

“You’ve changed, I see. More anger, more powerful…. more dangerous.” The man with red hairs said as a small cruel smirk planted on his lips. Sarah could feel Angelina shaking beside her as her wide eyes looked at the man.

Angelina cursed herself why she couldn’t smell his presence earlier but now it was too late.

“T-this can’t be…” The panic and shock was evident in Angelina’s voice as her hands shook. Sarah looked alarmed at her.

“Do you know him?” She asked.

Angelina took panic breaths as Sarah immediately rubbed her back.

“He’s E-Everett!” Angelina murmured. Sarah tried to though where she had heard this name before she heard his voice again.

“I just want your daughter, Perseus and I promise…. I’ll be gone,” a loud growl erupted from Lucifer’s chest as he strode towards the man.

“KEEP HER AWAY FROM THIS!” Sarah could swore her body shook with the intensity.

A ghastly smile dance don’t his lips as he threw his head back laughing while Perseus looked dumfounded at him when suddenly his head turned towards Lucifer.

Lucifer’s eyes narrowed as he sniffled the air before his eyes turned wine red as his head swiftly tuned toward his left as his eyes locked with her honey colored eyes. Her eyes widened as she stumbled backward.

It was too late.

“Look what we’ve here,” Sarah couldn’t register what happened before she was gripped and landed against a hard chest. Her breathing caught as she looked at the person, smirking down at her.

“D-Draven,” she breathed out.

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