The Hockey Star’s Remorse by Riley Above Story

Chapter 220

Chapter 220

Chapter 220

When I stepped outside my apartment door the next morning, my mind was already racing. I was ready to dive into another day of legal battles and courtroom skirmishes. However, my plans were abruptly interrupted by an unexpected sight–a suitcase, sitting inconspicuously by my doorway.

I narrowed my eyes at it, suspicion bubbling within me. With my caffeine–fueled attorney instincts in high gear, I approached the mysterious suitcase cautiously. It didn’t explode when I nudged it with my foot, so I considered that a good sign.

Frowning, I circled around it, then turned it around to inspect every angle. The suitcase looked out of place against the neutral backdrop of the hallway, and its presence raised more questions than answers.

I noticed a note tied around the handle. It was written in Aria’s distinctive handwriting.

“Evie, you deserve a break. Already packed your bag. Love, Aria.”

“What in the world?” I muttered to myself, wondering what I could’ve possibly walked into.

With the suitcase in tow, I rushed back into apartment, where she was busy enjoying a bowl of cereal like it was

just another mundane morning.

“Aria, care to explain why there’s a suitcase outside my door?”

Aria looked up, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “Good morning, Evie. I take it you saw the surprise we left for


I narrowed my eyes. “Surprise?”

Aria set down her spoon and leaned back, a smug smile playing on her lips. “Evie, you’ve been working yourself into the ground. We thought you needed a break, a chance to recharge. So we’re sending you away for a weekend getaway.”

I shot her a skeptical look. “A weekend getaway? Arla, I can’t just abandon the firm, especially after the big case we just wrapped up. It would look bad.”

Aria waved a spoon in my direction, her tone surprisingly serious. “Evie, you’ve been working harder than a caffeinated squirrel on an espresso bender. You need a break. We’ve already arranged everything.”





Emergency calls only

Chapter 220

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I crossed my arms, my incredulity escalating. “Arranged everything? What does that even mean?”

Aria grinned, undeterred by my sarcasm. “We’ve arranged for Timothy to be your chauffeur to and from work. Consider it a well–intentioned kidnapping, all in the name of love.”


I gaped at her, wondering if she’d momentarily forgotten the definition of “kidnapping.” “Love? Aria, kidnapping is not an expression of love. It’s usually frowned upon in civilized society.”

Aria chuckled, pouring herself another bowl of cereal. “You’re so dramatic. It’s just a playful intervention, a friend–vention if you will. Timothy will be here soon. Resistance is futile.”

“Resistance is futile? Aria, this is not a sci–fi movie. What on earth have you gotten me into?” I muttered.

Aria stood up and crossed the room to take me by the shoulders. “Evie, practicality is overrated. Sometimes your need to step back to see the bigger picture. You need rest.”

I huffed in exasperation. “This is ridiculous, Aria. I can’t believe you’re forcing me into a weekend retreat.”

Aria approached me, her tone firm. “Evie, you’ve earned this break, whether you realize it or not. Now, I’ve already packed your bag, but you can make the necessary adjustments if needed. Timothy will be here soon to take you away, and there’s no backing out of it.”

I glared at her, even as a smile graced my lips. “I can’t believe you orchestrated this whole thing.”

Aria chuckled. “Again, with love. Now, go pack. Your escape awaits.”

As promised, Timothy arrived at my doorstep, ready to ferry me to work. I opened the door, my gaze locking onto him as I twisted my lips.

“So Aria roped you into her little scheme too, huh? This whole forced vacation thing is getting out of hand.” NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

He grinned. “Guilty as charged. But, hey, you could use a break. Aria’s just looking out for you.”

I shook my head, a playful smirk on my lips. “You two are a dangerous duo, orchestrating my life without my consent. What’s next, a surprise sabbatical?”

Timothy laughed as he put the car in drive and peeled away from the sidewalk. “Relax, Evie. A little break won’t





Emergency calls only

Chapter 220

hurt. You’ve been burning the midnight oil for too long.”

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I mockingly scowled at him. “Intervention, kidnapping, call it what you want. It’s still a conspiracy against my autonomy.”


He raised an eyebrow. “Evie, you’re practically married to your job. Those workers will still know how to do their job, even with you gone.”

I rolled my eyes, half annoyed, half entertained by his easygoing demeanor. “Fine, fine. But this better not become a recurring theme. I have a firm to run, not a retreat to attend.”

“You’re a tough nut to crack.” Timothy chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “But seriously, take it easy for a while. You’ve earned it.”

As we drove down the street, I couldn’t help but appreciate the sunlight streaming through the city, the bustle of people starting their day. Despite my initial resistance, the idea of a break lingered in the back of my mind like an elusive temptation.

As we pulled up to the firm, Timothy turned to me and planted a kiss on my cheek. “Remember, I’ll be picking you up at 6. No escaping this intervention, Evie.”

I sighed dramatically, feigning surrender. “Fine, Timothy. But | better not come back to find my place filled with scented candles and relaxation tapes.”

He chuckled, opening the car door for me. “No promises, Evie. Enjoy your day. I’ll see you at 6.”

After Timothy’s drop–off, my entrance into the firm felt more like the grand opening than a prestigious law office. As I strolled through the lobby, the usual hum of professional conversations was replaced by hushed whispers and barely suppressed giggles. It didn’t take a legal expert to deduce that I was the star of the morning show, and I hadn’t even had my second cup of coffee yet.

Beth and Sarah practically pounced on me the moment I stepped into my office. They wore frowns that suggested they were privy to what was going on.

As they came over and flanked me on either side, Beth began, “Evie, you won’t believe what happened last night!”





Emergency calls only t

Chapter 220

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Sarah, eyes wide with excitement, chimed in, “Jasper was here, tearing the office apart, looking for you like a maniac.”

My eyebrows shot up in disbelief. “Jasper? Here? What on earth possessed him to come barging into the office in the middle of the night?”

Beth shrugged. “He came in pretty angry, but only Lisa, the receptionist, saw it happen. It was like a tornado hit this place, and the janitor hasn’t even come in yet.”,

Sarah gestured dramatically. “It was like he was possessed, flipping through papers, rummaging through drawers….”

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. “Well, at least he can add ‘office redecoration‘ to his list of talents. Was he looking for something?”

Beth exchanged a knowing glance with Sarah before answering. “He was drunk, from what we heard. Didn’t seem like he needed a reason outside of pissing you off if possible.”

I rubbed my temples, trying to process the absurdity of the situation. I suppose I should’ve expected something like this. Unfortunately, the building allowed us to work well into the night, so the doors were hardly ever locked. when necessary.

Sarah looped arms with me and patted my shoulder. “Don’t you worry, hon. We’ve got your back. We’ll help clean this all up.”

I appreciated their willingness to assist, even if the whole situation felt surreal. “Thanks, Beth, Sarah, but I’ll work on the damage control. You two go and make sure the new interns make it to the conference room.”

As they left, I surveyed the chaos Jasper had left in my office. Papers were scattered like confetti, and my once- neat office now resembled the aftermath of a particularly rowdy party. I couldn’t decide whether to be irritated or amused by the absurdity of it all.

Armed with a broom and dustpan, I began the process of sweeping up the remnants. The irony wasn’t lost on me -here I was, cleaning up yet another mess.

As I swept, I couldn’t help but picture Jasper’s desperation to ruin my day, imagining him dramatically scattering legal documents and kicking over my chair. The mental image elicited a chuckle from me, knowing it would’ve all been caught on tape for me to hand right over to the police.






Emergency calls only

Chapter 220

That retreat was starting to sound more and more appealing..






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