The Hockey Star’s Remorse by Riley Above Story

Chapter 221

Chapter 221

Chapter 221 $ € 097% 11:24 Timothy strolled towards the sports center, his mind was consumed with thoughts on Evie’s upcoming birthday. It wasn’t just any ordinary day, and he couldn’t shake off the feeling that she might have overlooked the significance of the date. The idea that someone could brush off their own birthday baffled him, but he couldn’t shake the suspicion that Evie’s past might be tangled with neglect and forgotten celebrations. As he walked, Timothy couldn’t help but mull over Evie’s mother, a figure in her life who had, from what Timothy had gathered, been more absent than present. He wondered if birthdays were just another overlooked detail in Evie’s childhood, and afterthought. The thought gnawed at him, adding an undercurrent of sadness to the already complicated emotions surrounding her. Determined to make her birthday memorable, Timothy veered off his path towards the sports center and found himself standing in front of a jewelry store. The glimmering showcase presented an array of choices, but Timothy knew exactly what he was looking for. He carefully removed Stella’s engagement ring from his pocket, a piece of his past that held too many memories. It was time for it to find a new purpose. The bell above the door chimed as Timothy entered the store. The soft glow of display cases filled with glittering jewels greeted him, and the scent of polished wood and leather hung in the air. Approaching the counter, Timothy carefully extracted Stella’s engagement ring from his pocket. The jeweler, a middle-aged woman with a discerning eye, greeted him with a warm smile. “Good afternoon, sir. How can I assist you today?” Timothy returned the smile, though his thoughts were focused. “I’m looking for a platinum tennis bracelet. Something elegant and timeless for a special woman.” The jeweler nodded, her eyes assessing him. “A beautiful choice. Platinum is a symbol of enduring strength, much like a lasting connection. We have a variety of styles. Are you looking for something delicate or a bolder statement piece?” This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

Timothy considered for a moment. “Something in between. Not too flashy, but with enough presence to make a statement.” The jeweler led him to a display case, revealing an array of platinum bracelets. The pieces glittered under the. 1/5 Emergency calls only E Chapter 221 097% 11:24 +5 soft lights, each as sophisticated and well-crafted as the last. Timothy’s eyes scanned the options, searching for the one that would capture the essence of Evie. His gaze settled on a delicate yet substantial bracelet, featuring interlocking links that formed a seamless chain. The platinum shone with a subdued brilliance, and Timothy knew it was the one. The jeweler carefully removed it from the case, presenting it to him on a velvet cus hion. “This one,” Timothy remarked, studying the bracelet with a sense of satisfaction. “I’ll take this one.” The jeweler nodded, her smile acknowledging his choice. “An excellent decision. Is there anything else I can assist you with?” Timothy hesitated for a moment before deciding to divulge more. “Actually, I’d like to exchange this engagement ring for the bracelet.” The jeweler’s eyes widened slightly, and she took the ring from him, examining it with a practiced eye. “A significant exchange. May I ask the story behind it?” Timothy took a deep breath. “It’s from a chapter of my life that’s now closed. I want it to have a new purpose. The bracelet is for someone special.” The jeweler nodded understandingly, her expression conveying a mix of empathy and respect. “Very well, sir. Let me process the exchange for you.” As the jeweler worked on the exchange, Timothy’s mind wandered to Evie. He could already picture

the moment he would present her with the platinum tennis bracelet. It felt right. Once the exchange was complete, the jeweler handed Timothy the bracelet in a pristine box. “I hope your special someone appreciates the thoughtfulness behind this gift. May it bring her joy.” “Thank you,” Timothy replied, a sense of anticipation building within him. With the bracelet securely in his possession, he left the jewelry store, eager to surprise Evie with it. At the sports center, the rink was a symphony of sounds, the rhythmic scrape of sticks striking together, the scuff of skates against the ice’s surface, and the occasional grunts of exertion. Amidst the intensity of practice, Timothy’s thoughts were singularly focused on Evie. His fellow players greeted him, but Timothy’s mind was elsewhere. He wondered how Evie would react to the birthday surprise, whether it would bring a smile to her face or open up wounds he had yet to fully understand. 2/5 Chapter 221 During practice, Timothy channeled his thoughts into his game, using the intense physical activity as a way to clear his mind and prepare himself for the conversation ahead. As he moved across the court, Timothy thought about what he wanted to say to Evie. There were truths he had been hesitant to voice, feelings he had kept locked away. The realization that life was short and unpredictable had propelled him to finally confront those suppressed emotions. Amidst the back-and-forth of the game, Timothy’s mind raced. That night they’d spent together was special. Just like last time, she’d captured his heart and made him feel whole again. He considered how to express the depth of his feelings, the concern for Evie’s well-being, and the desire to be a source of joy in her life. The bracelet was more than a birthday gift; it was a tangible symbol of his commitment to her. After a particularly intense pass, Timothy’s attention was drawn to some movement in the stands. He was surprised to see Evie’s mother, Mia, watching the practice with a keen interest. The sight threw him off balance, and for a moment, he fumbled with his movements until the call for a break provided a welcome reprieve. As Timothy approached the stands, a mixture of surprise and curiosity etched across his face, Mia

greeted him with a warm smile. “Timothy!” To his surprise, Mia walked over and pulled him into a hug. “So this is where the magic happens.” He nodded, trying to regain his composure. “Yeah… Nice to see you again, Mia. What brings you here?” Mia’s eyes twin kled with curiosity. “Oh, just wanted to see the man who has captured my daughter’s interest. She talked about you quite a bit.” Timothy felt a mix of flattery and discomfort. He had never expected to be the subject of discussion between Evie and her mother. As he searched for words, Mia continued, “I hope you don’t mind me dropping by. I just wanted to get a sense of the person who has become a significant part of Evie’s life.” He managed a polite smile, still processing the unexpected encounter. “No, not at all. It’s just… surprising. Evie and I are friends, and I didn’t expect” Mia interrupted with a knowing smile. “Timothy, I may not be as young as I used to be, but I’m not blind. There’s something more than friendship between you two, isn’t there?” 3/5 * 097% 11:24 Chapter 221 Timothy hesitated, his mind racing. How could he explain the intricacies of his feelings for Evie, especially to her “mother? He didn’t want to speak for Evie, although things between them had already escalated beyond friendship. “Mia, Evie and I have a special connection. We care about each other, but it’s complicated. I think it’s up to Evie to tell you about anything going on between us.” “So secretive.” Mia leaned back in her seat, studying him with a discerning gaze. “Well, life is rarely simple, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. Timothy, I appreciate your honesty. Evie means the world to me, and I just want to make sure she’s happy.” Timothy nodded, relieved that Mia seemed open to understanding their dynamic. “I care about her

happiness too, Mia. I want to be someone she can rely on, someone who adds positivity to her life.” Mia smiled, a hint of motherly approval in her expression. “That’s all I can ask for. If you care about Evie, that’s a good start. Just remember, I’ll always be here for my daughter, no matter what.” Timothy considered her words, wondering how true they could’ve been. The woman seemed nice enough, but it didn’t escape him that she had caused Evie to break down that night. Her sudden appearance by his father’s side was also cause for suspicion. “I understand,” he said faintly. The coach’s whistle went off, and Timothy almost sighed in relief. “I should head back for practice,” he told her. “Oh, don’t let me stop you,” she said, waving him away. She didn’t stay too long after, fortunately, but her presence was still overwhelming. Despite her good-natured presence, something felt off about Mia. 4/5

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