The Kings Series #1 His Beauty Queen

Chapter 29 The Unknown Alexander

The last time they were on the vast field of his property was at his mating banquet. Men, women, and children gathered to celebrate with them. To welcome their new Queen Luna.

What he saw before him right this moment brought him back to reality. That he could lose his Anna if he didn’t play this right.

His warriors and Xavier’s combined were deadly weapons. All hardened warriors ready to die beside them on the battlefield to bring honor to their kingdoms.

Alexander waited patiently for the Vampire King to finish addressing his men. While he was the brute force, his friend was the strategist. Never one to lose his head in the game.

Xavier finished with explicit instruction to be ready for deployment at any time. He lifted his chin to let Alexander know it was his turn.

Stepping up in front of Xavier, legs spread apart, gaze scanning the crowd, the stoic faces of his men, and their battle-ready stance. He couldn’t be more proud of his pack.

“Lycan Kingdom. Once more we are threatened by forces who are trying to take our queen away from us. To drain her of her precious blood to feed and resurrect the dark angel.” He paused. Howls and growls of outrage filled the air. He raised his hand. Silence followed. Disapproval thick in the air. Through the link, he can feel their resentment towards the enemies.

“The plans we had discussed today should not leave this place. Xavier and I will only trust the royal army. And some trustworthy alliances. It is sad to say that the enemies have infiltrated officials that are supposed to be on our side. Be ready. Be alert. Trust no one. You will know the moment we pull out and not before. Go home to your families. Look into their eyes. That is the only motivation you all need to fight this evil. May the Moon Goddess help us all.”

Advance teams from Russian and Italy had been sent on a recon mission in Romania. Victor’s clan was the second largest amongst the Vampire Kingdom. If they decided to support their clan leader, it will be bloody.

Hopefully, with Xavier’s presence, they will surrender without a fight. He knew it pained his vampire friend to fight against his people but if they had been corrupted by evil then they had no choice.

Alexander’s only wish was for Anna to wake up before he left. What bothered him was he had to leave her. What if something happened to her while he was in Romania? He was fucking hours away. He wouldn’t be here in time to save her.

Xavier nudged his back. “My queen is also here Alexander. With my estate bordering yours, and with our joined forces, this pack will be impenetrable.” This alone should assure him but… his gut was telling him some shit was about to go down.

Bringing his mate with him in her condition was out of the question.

He also couldn’t afford not to go. He had to stand before the council to give his testimony.

And they were bound by duty to apprehend a criminal, one who was supposed to guide the royals. All of them, kings and leaders had to be there to remove him from his seat. And as soon as Victor lost his immunity, he will be prosecuted.

He hoped the decision had to make soon would not cost him more than he was willing to pay. One that won’t lose him his precious queen.



“We don’t know what’s going on inside the royal pack, master. But we have seen cars come and go all day. The good news is our sources at the airport says there are several Airbus A380 and Antonov AN-225 Mriya ready to depart upon request.” His secretary gulped at the weight of his stare. The royal airliners. Good.

Hmm. The two kings were preparing for an attack. Like what he had predicted. They play right in his hands. Damn! Was he genius or what?

All the blame will fall on Victor. While he stayed hidden in the shadows.

“Have my private plane ready, everyone is summoned by the High Council the day after tomorrow. Tell my beloved to pack. And stay on standby for my signal. Until then, you know what to do.” The man bowed before him.

“Oh, one more thing, ” the servant halted, “I’m expecting a visitor. Make sure she is comfortable.”

“Of course, master.” He dismissed him with a flick of his hand.

He had to convene with the other masters as soon as he landed in Bucharest. They had to be more careful. Laid low and let the alliance think they won, when in fact they will lose more than they bargained for.

They won’t even know what hit them.  He will have Anna for a fucktoy until she bled out and another Queen for leverage.

He hated gloating but he couldn’t help it.

It was only a matter of time.



In all the battles and wars they had participated in before, the one ahead of them would be the most challenging.

Traitors had tainted the integrity of the alliance and they didn’t know who these people were. They can only count the people they can trust.

As of the moment, Victor, the vampire clan leader was the only one their evidence had pointed out.

Evidence that they had to present to the Leaders of the High Council. If Victor was brave enough to be there, he will be prosecuted according to their supernatural law and will be executed right away if found guilty.

Michael would wager all his considerable wealth the asshole had no gumption to attend the assembly but they will know soon enough.

Someone was knocking on the pack link. He lost his train of thoughts while watching his warriors prepare. Shit! His mate. She hasn’t heard from him all day. He immediately lowered his wall.

Baby, where are you?

Sensing her worry, he even felt more guilty.

I’m outside with the warriors. Almost done, my love. Is there anything you need?

I want cucumber salad and peanut butter ice cream with lots of chocolate syrup. See me at the hospital? Pretty please?

He had to smile faintly at her request. His mate’s craving has started and it became weirder by the day.

Anything for my love. Going to the kitchen now. I’ll be there in a few.

I love you, baby.

I love you, mate.

The good humor he sported vanished quickly. Alexander and he had been busy. They will leave in two days’ time and they had to personally plan the security details. With the queen unconscious, Alexandria pregnant and Sofia with the new babies, add their two new sisters, the execution of their plans must be perfect.

They were not taking any chances.

Alexie was outside the luna’s room. He found her slumped tiredly on a cushioned seat. She got up to meet him with a faint smile. Dark circles under her eyes, face gaunt with worry and delicate shoulders slumped. Goddess.

“Baby,” he breathed. Her clear gray eyes lit up. Fuck! He had not been taking care of her.Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“Hey, handsome, brought me food?” Although her smile had not lost its beauty, it didn’t hide how tired she was.

She stared at the paper bags he carried with him. He nodded. Her smile brightened.

His arms fell around her with a heavy sigh. Goddess, he had missed her all day.

Gladly taking her weight, she leaned on him.

“Goddess, you feel good, baby.” He hummed in content. His wolf settled.

“Let’s eat then go home,” she started to shake her head in protest, “no, baby. Your brother will not leave his mate alone. You need to sleep. Think of our pup.” He implored. She snuggled closer, her breath caressed his neck.

“Okay. I’m sorry, my love. I didn’t mean to…” Shaking his head, she stopped. His hands cupped her face.

He hated seeing the guilt in her expression. It took them a long time to conceive. Sixty years. What they have now was a miracle for them. But he sure as hell would not be blaming her for anything.

“You and I both. I am devoted to the lycan king as you are to his queen but he will never forgive himself if something happens to you or our pup. As I. Now, let me take care of you.” She nodded in agreement. He bent to carry her on his left shoulder and slapped her ass. Her unexpected squeals filled the hallway, laughing and giggling. This was more like it.

Two more days. He had to make the most of it.


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