Christopher was in a very bad way in the van, the driver who transported him watched as he let his tears flow. Not being able to resist any longer, he finally got up the courage to ask him….

-Sir, is something wrong? -he asked, very worried, as he looked very bad and put his hand to his chest, as if he were in pain.

-No, it’s nothing physical, it’s just heart problems and pains. The only thing I would like to do is to drink a tequila, but a double,” he said in a torn voice.

The driver looked in the glove compartment of the van for a flask, which he passed to Christopher.

-It’s not tequila, but it’s good whiskey,” the driver assured him.

-Thank you! -Christopher replied, taking it directly from the flat bottle and holding it in his hand.

-At your orders, boss,” answered the chauffeur, who was driving worried about the sadness and pain that this young man, a billionaire, very good looking, looked like a winner, and his face was familiar.

Christopher took another and another drink, until he emptied the bottle, returning it to the chauffeur with a dollar amount that tripled the value of any bottle of the best whiskey on the market.

Arriving at the airport, the chauffeur took him to the same hangar where he picked him up, finding the crew there, who were apparently waiting for him. Christopher shook hands with him and said goodbye, thanking him for his drink and his company.


At the moment of taking off, the captain informed him that they would leave for a nearby island, just twenty-five minutes from the place, where they would spend the night and at dawn the next day, they would leave for Santiago de Leon.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

Christopher accepted and as soon as he got on the plane, he asked for a bottle of whiskey, which his stewardess placed on a small table next to him. Only ten minutes into the flight, when the plane began to present problems, among them, to lose gasoline.

Faced with such an eventuality, the captain communicated with the nearest control tower, informing him that they were about ten minutes from the point of arrival, but the captain, losing a little control of the plane, when he looked at the clock he noticed that it was a long time.

So, before it got any darker, he looked for a plain or something where he could land. The Islander’s radar lost visualization of the plane and the alarms went off. However, the captain’s years of experience and hours of flight time led him to take the risk and land the plane on some kind of farm or ranch.

In addition, the plane had apparently run out of gas, so the captain, in order to preserve the lives of his crew and passengers, made a forced landing to avoid an accident.

When they got out of the plane, they found themselves in a kind of thicket, full of bushes and undergrowth, intricate and heavy, through which they walked, looking for a road or exit. However, as night fell quickly, they preferred to return to the plane and spend the night there.

Christopher, upon arriving back to the plane, turned on his cell phone, but there was no signal or coverage and the same on the crew’s cell phones. Everyone was calmer and more relaxed, waiting for dawn to solve the problem, and they lay down on the seats of the plane.

For his part, Christopher lay down in the cabin prepared for him to sleep, and at that moment the Captain approached him.

-Christopher, this is why we were not supposed to leave Islander, the plane must always be checked and checked before leaving,” said the Captain.

“Besides, we must obey the respective authorities, when they warn us that the weather conditions are not the most suitable to take off,” he affirmed.

“If you want, you can fire me for saying this, but I won’t indulge you again another time. I am responsible for the plane, even if it is your property, as well as for the lives of my crew and yours.

-Be calm! You are free to do what you want. In any case, I am grateful to you for not letting a disaster happen,” he replied with a strong sense of guilt and anger at himself, because he not only risked his life, but also the lives of others.

“I know it’s not a good excuse, but I really felt very bad, after the bad experience I lived, in Islander,” answered Christopher, with a very hoarse voice.

-The important thing is that we are alive! -declared the captain. He left the cabin to join his crew, who were waiting for him tired and waiting for new indications to know exactly what to do.

Meanwhile, in Santiago de Leon

All alarms were activated, and the control tower reported the disappearance of the ship to Elian, who always follows Christopher’s flights. Elian, extremely worried and in view of the heart attack that Christopher’s father had just experienced, contacted his sister, Daniela.

-Dr. Morillo,” he asked in a manly, husky and very serious voice, “is Elian, your brother Christopher’s assistant.

-Oh, yes Elian! Tell me,” she answered.

-Her brother left on a trip this afternoon to Islander. He was not supposed to return today, but tomorrow. However, something happened that made him decide to return today,” he said slowly, but with great concern.

“Now, they did not receive authorization from the control tower to return to Santiago, although later, they authorized him to leave to a nearby island, only about twenty-five minutes away.

-Aha!” she agreed, sensing that something was wrong.

-The thing is, the plane is missing, the radar lost all contact with them ten minutes after takeoff. That was an hour ago,” said Elian, trying to control his voice so as not to alarm Christopher’s sister.

-God,” she exclaimed, “Elian, I know my brother is fine, because he and I are always connected. I have not felt or sensed anything strange about him. But how do I break this news to my parents?

“For now I won’t tell them anything,” she added, after a prolonged silence, “so as not to worry them, especially dad, because of that recent heart attack he experienced.

“Please keep me informed, I’ll try to keep them from finding out,” she said, as she said goodbye.

-Perfect! That’s why I preferred to call you,” Elian replied.

-Thank you! Who can I contact, to make them manage your search quickly? she asked a little apprehensive.

-In a WhatsApp message I will give you all the information, however, I am already moving heaven and earth to find her, but the problem lies in the weather conditions of the region,” he replied.

-Okay, and thank you. We’ll be in touch…

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