Arriving at the building, to Christopher’s satisfaction, at that moment, there was no security guard, so he was able to enter without any mishap and reach the elevator without anyone stopping him. Upon exiting the elevator, he located the apartment and rang the doorbell.

When he opened the door, Sabrina froze. She couldn’t believe he was standing in front of her. So much running away from him and he always found them, it seemed like a curse, although she never liked to use that word, she had no choice but to think about it.

-What do you want Christopher? Until when are you going to hurt my daughter? She already paid in jail for the supposed crime that, according to you, she committed. Please let us live in peace,” Amber’s mother begged, letting her tears run down her cheeks.

-Sabrina, please don’t cry, understand me! I don’t want to hurt Amber, or you, quite the contrary I love her, sincerely! I have no life without her,” he declared, perplexed and confused at her words and reaction.

“Please! If she is here, I want to talk to her,” he begged, doubtful and fearful of her answer.

-No, she’s not here! She called me at noon that she wasn’t coming for lunch, because she was going to have lunch with some friends from the University that she met here,” he informed her.

“I don’t know, at what time she arrives,” she added, firmly, looking him in the eyes, but without opening the protection of the apartment door.

Christopher, looking at his Rolex, realized that it was after five o’clock in the afternoon. Consequently, he decided to wait a while longer, standing outside the apartment door. Since Sabrina was not going to let him in, he knows that this was hard earned because of the way he had treated them in the past.

She never gave him the opportunity to enter, for fear of a scandal or that he would somehow get them out of there. After six o’clock in the evening, Amber arrived with Dylan, they were laughing when suddenly, they met Christopher face to face.

At this, Dylan took Amber by the hand, intertwining his fingers with hers. In order to avoid more scandals, she preferred to play along with him and make Christopher believe that they were together. He, observing this gesture, looked at her with disdain.

-I mean, what did you do to me again? -Christopher reproached, looking at Amber.

“You slept with me! I was with him! -He growled like a real beast, his eyes exuded rage, resentment, hatred.

“I guess, you didn’t tell him that a week ago you were with me and you were mine, again! -he raved, not caring about her reputation, nor about those who were listening.

-She told me,” Dylan lied quickly, “It was just a revenge, nothing more.

-I mean…! You were born… for BASTARD!” emphasized Christopher with a shout and a murderous look, controlling the urge he felt to beat him up again, right there.

Dylan had only responded that way, to make Christopher look bad and support Amber no matter what. He was dying with rage and jealousy inside, imagining Amber back in each other’s arms.

“No wonder she accepted right off the bat, my offer. I knew she was running from someone” Dylan thought stubbornly.

“You’ll pay me back for this, Amber, like my name is Dylan Lugo. I’m going to show you that I’m not to be trifled with” he mentally mused, choking back his fury, so as not to remove his mask, in front of her.

For her part, Sabrina, from inside the apartment, with her hands covering her face, listened to everything they were discussing. She felt a great disappointment to see how her daughter was throwing away everything she had achieved so far.

Amber could not articulate a word, she felt her face burning. Her heart was breaking, completely shattered, because not even in her worst nightmare did she imagine one day living this situation. She wished the earth would swallow her up.

-How stupid I’ve been,” Christopher reflected, hurt and disappointed.

“Thinking and believing that you loved me, that we could still save and make up for lost time. You played with me, as you pleased! -He cried out sadly and with his eyes that exuded hatred towards her.

-I thank you Christopher, go away! -My wife doesn’t have to listen to your insults and stupidities. We never want to see you again -passing his arm through Amber’s waist and sticking her to his body, without her resisting.

As Christopher observed this gesture from him, he was tempted to hit him, but he remembered what he had experienced before. Besides, it wasn’t worth it, what was in sight didn’t need glasses. They came holding hands, laughing, content and happy.

“If I had any doubts, I already checked: they are together” he concluded, feeling mocked and defeated.

After this, Dylan took out of his pants pocket a set of keys, with which he opened the gate, and he and Amber entered the apartment, leaving evidence before him that he lived with her.

On the other hand, Sabrina was just as shocked as Christopher, by everything. He, turned around and walked out of there, completely destroyed….

“This was worse than the beating they gave Amber or the death of my son”, he thought, walking towards the elevator, with his eyes blurred with tears and with crying totally choked in his throat.


In the van he had rented, Christopher was riding in anger, hurt and felt like something inside him had broken. That image of Dylan slipping his arm around Amber’s waist and holding her close to his body was playing like a movie in his mind.

He would close his eyes, to suppress his tears and see them; he would open his eyes and see them together, holding hands, laughing, happy and content.

“What an imbecile I was! I lit the fuse of love in my heart again and she mocked me,” he reflected, totally destroyed and humiliated. Taking his cell phone out of his pocket, he sent a WhatsApp.

[Captain, I’m going back to Santiago de Leon right now, I have nothing to do here, process everything to leave at once, I’m going back to the airport,” ordered Christopher.]

[As you order CEO! I’ll confirm”, he chatted].

Five minutes later, in the van and on the way to the airport, Christopher received a new message.

[CEO, they are telling me that at this hour it is counterproductive to travel, due to the weather conditions” wrote the captain].

[I need to leave this City now, please insist!” he requested.]Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

Letting his tears, at last, drain from his eyes.

[“I’m on it!” the captain replied].

[“Take me, if you will, to the Border City, but get me out of here!” he replied again…]

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