The love of a Mr. CEO


“Did you find any way for me to contact Ms. Torres” Ivan asks and all I can hear next is the shuffling of papers.

“I was able to find an address of a relative she’s been staying with for a few months now but that’s all I could find” he responds and I decide to head back to the room. I jump onto the bed and pretend that I was scrolling through my phone the entire time. I think back to what Ryan told Ivan and realize that this Maria character showed up exactly a year after my mother’s death and that these meetings started roughly around the same time as my first day at Stone Industries. I’m taken out of my thoughts by a persistent shaking of my shoulder, which happened to be Ivan.

“Mia cara this is the second time you’ve completely zoned out, is there something bothering you” he asks concerned and I gaze into his eyes before leaning up to give him a light kiss. He lays us down and I cuddle into his side while coming up with a good excuse.

“It’s just I’ve had a lot on my mind between my father, work and you but I’m sure I’ll be fine” I assure him and watch him look at me unconvinced. “So what did Ryan need to tell you” I ask in attempt to change the subject.

“He was just informing me about this guy I’ve been having him keep an eye on for a bit” he responds while playing with my hair. It kind of hurt knowing he was keeping secrets about my father from me but for now, I needed to focus on finding a way to get that address from Ivan without being caught. It’s about time I paid Maria Torres a visit and found out the real reason as to why my father came back into my life. With that thought in mind I said a quick goodnight to Ivan and fell asleep in his warm embrace.

Amelia’s pov.

The next morning, I made sure to wake up early enough that I could get out of the house before Ivan had woken up. I managed to find the piece of paper with Maria’s address lying on the nightstand and took a picture before leaving. Because I didn’t have my car with me, I was forced to call for a cab to drive me to the location.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

The entire ride there, all I could think about was how close I was to revealing the truth about my father. We arrived in a rather secluded area which did little to soothe my already frightened nerves. I quickly paid the driver and got out, slowly walking up the trail towards the front of the house.

I took a deep breath before knocking and waiting patiently for a response. I decided to knock a second time making sure that it was a lot louder than the last. The door creaked loudly against my knuckles as it opened enough for me to look inside.

Peeping my head through, I looked around to see a rather nice looking living room but what scared me was the fact that it looked like it hadn’t been touched for days. I pushed the door open and stepped in, glancing around for any sign of movement before continuing to look around the house.

I sighed in disappointment, turning around to head back to the living room but was startled when a hand clasped my shoulder. Letting out a scream, I quickly rammed my elbow into the person’s stomach, satisfied when they let out a groan. I turned around expecting to see the owner of the house but was shocked to be looking at Ivan.

“What on earth are you doing here” I whispered angrily, trying to catch my breath.

“I could ask you the same thing mia cara” he responded while rubbing where I elbowed him causing me to smirk.

“I came here to get answers for myself since the one person I trusted the most lied directly to my face when I asked about a subject that had to do with me” I snapped making it evident at how hurt I was that he lied to me last night. I watch his expression change to one of guilt as he attempted to grab my hand but I took a step back.

“Mia cara, I didn’t want to tell you because I wasn’t sure if what Ryan found was accurate nor did I want you to be in danger because of it” he explained but I shook my head in disagreement.

“That wasn’t your choice to make Ivan, you should have told me the minute you found anything useful about my father” I answered annoyed at his lack of trust in me.

“You’re right and I’m sorry but you knew everything that I knew about your father considering you were listening in on our conversation last night” he responded and I was slightly offended at his word choice.

“I wouldn’t have needed a reason to be nosy if you had been honest with me in the first place” I shouted before turning around and walking out of the house. I could hear his heavy footsteps following me which made me quicken my pace. For the second time today, a hand clasped around my shoulder and turned me around fast enough to give me whiplash,

“What do you want Ivan” I sighed dejectedly, crossing my arms over my chest for comfort.

“Please don’t be angry with me mia cara, I did what I thought was necessary” he pleaded as his eyes searched mine for any signs of forgiveness.

“I’m not angry with you, I’m just disappointed that we’d gotten this far in our relationship yet you’re still keeping secrets from me. Guess I didn’t know you as much as I thought” I answered turning around once more but this time he didn’t follow.

I got outside and began walking, hoping that I’d be able to clear my head before I got to any familiar surroundings. The neighborhood seemed eerily quiet for any city in New York but I continued walking nonetheless.

It was when I spotted a man following me from across the street discreetly that I started freaking out and quickened my pace. Seeing as he did the same, I pulled out my phone and dialed Ivan’s number praying that he’d pick up.

I had little time to tell him anything because the man had crossed the street and was now a few feet behind me. I began running while screaming frantically in hopes of drawing some attention to myself but of course with my luck, the town was vacant.

Suddenly, I was tackled to the ground from behind and grit my teeth at the impact. The guy who tackled me was breathing heavily and yanked me up from the ground while looking me in the eyes. Before he had the chance to say anything, he was ripped off me in the blink of any eye. I watched breathless and surprised as Ivan threw punch after punch at the guys face until I snapped out of it.

“Ivan get off him or you’ll kill him” I screamed and attempted to pull him off the man. He refused to listen and continued to beat the guy until his fists were covered in blood.

“If you don’t stop, you’ll loose me forever” I pleaded and watched as his fist halted in mid air. I let out the breath I was holding and pulled Ivan off the man, this time without a problem. I examined his bloody knuckles and shook my head as I pulled out my phone to call an ambulance for the now unconscious man lying on the sidewalk.

They arrived shortly after and immediately rushed him to the hospital after interrogating me on what had happened. I explained to them that he attempted to possibly kidnap me and that he was stopped by a stranger who heard my screams. I watched as the ambulance drove away with two police cars behind them.

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