The love of a Mr. CEO


“Would you have killed him if I hadn’t stopped you” I asked curiously and watched as he stood their staring at me intently. I took his silence as a yes and shook my head yet again in frustration.

“Did it cross your mind that if you had killed him, you would’ve lost your position at Stone Industries and probably ended up in jail” I nagged hoping that he realized the extent of his actions.

“I’d rather be locked up in a jail cell than have you kidnapped when I could’ve done something to stop it” he finally responded, his voice conveying his apparent anger.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

I ran my fingers through my hair as I made another call for someone to come pick us up and we waited in silence for Ivan’s driver to show up. The ride back to Ivan’s house was rather quiet as we both sat in silence, too consumed by our racing thoughts.

I followed behind him in silence as he opened the door to his house and we stepped inside. I kicked my shoes off and walked to the bathroom to grab the first aid kit and came back to the living room to see Ivan sitting there with his head between his hands.

He looked up at the sound of my footsteps and I sat beside him signaling for him to show me his knuckles. We sat there in silence as I cleaned his knuckles and wrapped them in gauze before getting up to throw the scraps away.

Without saying another word to him, I walked up the stairs and into his room to begin packing my things. I wasn’t exactly sure what I was doing but I did know that I couldn’t stay in this house much longer. I sent a quick text to Connor and asked if he could pick me up and went back downstairs with my bags in hand. I noticed Ivan was in the same spot I left him in and set my bags down to get his attention. He looked up at me and I watched as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

“Where are you going” he asked and my heart clenched at what I was about to tell him.

“I need time away from you to process everything that’s happened in the past week so I’ve decided to go back to my apartment until I can make sense of everything” I whispered as tears welled up in my eyes.

“Amelia don’t do this, we can figure this out together” he pleaded looking completely broken as he got up to hug me. I put my hands up in front of me so that he wouldn’t come closer, knowing that I would give in if he touched me.

“I’m not saying I don’t want to be with you, I just don’t think I can trust you right now” I answered, turning around to leave. As I began to open the door, I turned around and took one last look at Ivan before grabbing my bags and leaving him there alone knowing that my decision had broken both of us entirely. I let out a sob as I ran to the car and got in without saying anything to Connor.

“Amelia what on earth happened to you” he asked, looking at me in concern. I shook my head in response and he pulled me to him and I cried into his shoulder feeling utterly destroyed.

“I don’t care if he’s my boss, if that son of a bitch hurt you this much, I’m gonna kick his ass” he muttered angrily and I cracked a smile at his protectiveness which made him smile as well.

“Can I ask what happened” he whispered while stroking my hair until my cries subdued to little whimpers.

“H-he kept-t a s-secret from me that had to do with my f-father and I-I told him I c-couldn’t be with someone w-who didn’t trust m-me” I stuttered as I began to sob once more. He shushed me and continued to comfort me until I stopped crying.

“What do you say we go to my place, order enough food for six pregnant woman and have a movie night” he asked and I nodded. He began driving to his house and told me random stories about his childhood in attempt to get my mind off of Ivan.

“This one time, I was so hungover that when one of my teachers began yelling at our class, I told her that her voice made me want to shove a sword through my ears and walked out of the room” he explained and I giggled at his stupidity.

“If I were, your teacher, I would’ve given you detention that same day just so that I could bang pots and pans to make your hangover even worse” I teased and he chuckled in response.

“Something tells me you’d be an awful teacher” he teased back and I punched his arm in response.

“Has no one ever taught you to never hit a person while they’re driving” he exclaims in surprise and I smile sheepishly.

“Whoops, sorry” I apologize still laughing as he pulled into his driveway. He takes the keys out of the ignition while shaking his head and muttering about how crazy I was. He walked us to his apartment and knocked the door which made me furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

“Did you forget that you lived alone” I asked and all of a sudden the door flies open to reveal none other than my best friend Sierra.

“Babe why didn’t you tell me Amelia was coming over” she shrieks while pulling me into a bone crushing hug. I hugged her back in excitement at seeing her for the first time in weeks.

“It was kind of last minute” Connor replied while shutting the door and kicking his shoes off. It was then that I realized Sierra called Connor her baby causing me to squeal in happiness.

“When were either of you going to tell me that you guys are together” I exclaimed slapping both of them upside the head.

“We would’ve if you hadn’t been so engrossed in your billionaire boyfriend” Sierra responded while rubbing the side of her head. The smile quickly left my face at the mention of Ivan which didn’t go unnoticed by Sierra.

“What did that dickhead do to you” she asked immediately and I explained what had been going on between us for the past week.

“He had no right to keep a secret like that from you but Amelia did you stop to ask him why he did what he did” she asked and I shook my head in response.

“I wasn’t in the right mindset to listen to anything he had to say so I packed my bags and left” I explained and this time, Sierra smacked me across the head.

“What the hell” I exclaimed as Connor laughed in the corner causing me to shoot him a glare.

“I know what he did was wrong but maybe he had a reasonable explanation” she reasoned and I sighed in agreement.

“I’ll give him a call tomorrow but for now, let’s just spend the night together” I explained and they both nodded in agreement.

Sierra lent me some clothes to change into while Connor ordered the food and set up the living room. The entire day was spent cracking jokes and eating which reminded me on how much I missed spending time with my friends. I cherished this time together because I knew that it wouldn’t be much longer until trouble came knocking on my doorstep.

Ivan’s pov.

The minute she walked out of my house, I dropped to my knees and cursed myself for what I just did. I was so consumed in my thoughts of protecting Amelia from her father that I didn’t realize that I was the one pushing her towards him. I will never forgive myself for making her cry much less making her feel as though I didn’t trust her. I got off the floor and dragged myself to the bar, pouring myself a glass of scotch. I spent the night trying to drown out the events that occurred and the pain of loosing the one person who meant the world to me. I couldn’t allow myself to let Alejandro come in between the two of us but by the looks of it, it appeared he already was.

Amelia pov.

Connor and Sierra were cuddled together on one of the sofas while I was spread out like a sloth on the other. I was currently wallowing in self pity as we waiting for the pizza to arrive. Sierra was currently giving me ideas on how to get back at Ivan, each of her suggestions being dumber than the last.

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