Chapter 0262

Chapter 262


“‘Lock the door!” The frantic old man keeps screaming at the guards and the entire banquet hall has been thrown in a state of panic and confusion. Everyone's on their feet, murmuring to each other, wanting to know what the hell is going on. My eyes flicker to the bloodstained chair once more before I turn to Alpha Reagan who doesn't look too pleased with the recent happenings.

“Reagan what's going on?” My voice is small and shaky. My lips are still trembling and I'm not sure if

I'll have my heart with me in the next two seconds. It's beating too fast. Too hard. I'm so scared.

“Mr William.” Alpha Reagan finally breaks his silence, calling the old man in an authoritative voice that makes him stop screaming instructions at the guards and turn to look at the Alpha, but the look he has on isn't bright at all. “What is the meaning of this? Why do you want everyone locked up in here?”

“Alpha Reagan, didn't you see what just happened? My daughter has been poisoned! Someone is trying to kill her. Either her drink or food has been spiked with some dangerous poison and no one is living this room until the culprit has been found!”

“Mr William I do understand that an unfortunate incident just took place right now…”

“This isn't just an unfortunate incident!” The man rudely cuts him off. “This is my daughter's life we

are talking about here.”

That statement jars in my ears like loud music.

His daughter!

That should mean he's Alina's father.NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

Holy fuck!

“ I’m very much aware of that fact, but I am the Alpha here, so I give the orders! You have no voice in this issue as far as I'm concerned.”

“What then are you going to do?” He asks in a defeated voice. “Open the doors and order the people to leave. Let the person who did this to my daughter walk away freely!”

“I didn't mean it that way! And also how are you even sure if she was poisoned?”

“How are you sure she wasn't?” The man asks firmly and the entire hall goes dead silent. People

keep exchanging confused glances, but no one has the guts to utter a single word. The room is excruciatingly quiet. Even the wind is afraid to make a sound. My anxiety grows with each passing second. I shoot Alpha Reagan a scared look and he clears his throat, looking at the crowd below.

“Fine! Just to be on the safe side, the doors will remain closed and no one is allowed to leave.” As Alpha Reagan speaks, guards start mobilizing towards every entrance of the hall. My fear grows and so does that of everyone in the hall.

“Everyone is going to be searched.” The old man, who's name I've gotten as Mr. Williams, starts talking again and there's an uproar of protests from the crowd.

“No, were not!” A brave man shouts from the crowd as he steps forward. “If there are people in here

who have to be searched, that should be no one else but those who were seated on the high table with her! There's no way anyone could have left from here to up there to spike her food or drink without getting caught. They should start by searching the people who sat closest to her!” The man firmly states and the others join their voices to support him.

Hot, liquid terror rushes from my head to my toes as I look at the chair beside mine. I was one of the people who sat closest to Alina.

“Alright! What you just said makes sense. Indeed, no one has left from the crowd to the hightable since this ceremony began. So, the search will only be for those who sat at the high table with my daughter. What do you think, Alpha?” Mr. William asks as if mocking Alpha Reagan who looks at the

crowd and shakes his head.

“Everyone will be searched.” He counters and the outburst is about to commence, but a single word from him sends the hall in complete silence again. I almost faint when the main door opens and more guards pour into the hall.

“Reagan.” I call, shivering.

“It's okay baby.” He pulls me in his arms and his eyes meet mine.. “I'm only doing this to clear the air. Everything is going to be alright. I won't let anyone touch you.” He plants a soft kiss on my forehead before turning to the guards, both male and female, who are patiently waiting for his orders. “You can commence with the search.” Immediately, the guards disperse in little groups,

towards the crowd while some of them come up to the high table to search the Alphas we were seated with.

The male guards search the men while the females search the women.

Several minutes go by, maybe hours and the entire hall is busy with guards touching people here and there and I don't need to tell you how roudy it is here. Up till now, no one has stopped forward to search me and I hope it stays this way. I have nothing to be afraid of. I have nothing on me, but just the thought of a strange person searching me makes me scared out of my skin.

When the search is over, the guards retreat and form lines below, as they wait for Alpha Regan to

dismiss them. That's when Mr. William steps out.

“With all due respect, my Lord, I find it unfair that neither you nor your mate has been searched.”

“We don't have to be searched.”

“Oh yes, you do. Your mate here despises my daughter and just before this ceremony began, she pulled a stunt that proved she hates my daughter and is capable of hurting her. That means she's also a suspect in this crime and should be searched. For you, Alina's pregnancy has been nothing

but a thorn in your flesh and I won't be surprised if you planned to make her lose it.”

“How dare you talk to the Alpha using that tone!”

“Father!” Kyle scolds. “Show some respect!”

“This has been going on for far too long. As the Beta of this pack, I order you guards to return to your posts. This search is over!”

“No.” Alpha Reagan objects and we look at him as though he's lost his mind. He's not returning our gazes. His eyes are down, watching the agitating old man. “I'm going to give him the satisfaction he craves only because it's his daughter involved.” He turns to the guards. “I need one male and one female guard to step forward and search us.”

There's an uneasy silence in the room as the guards look at each other, each one of them unsure if they really want to search us.

Finally, two of them step out and come up to the high table.

My soul has left my body and I'm nothing but a pile of flesh about to crumble on the floor at the least

touch. I nearly pass out when I hear the sound of my name.

“Ashanti.” Alpha Reagan calls, giving me a reassuring look. “If we don't do this, he'll have more reason to rally the subjects against us. Let's just get this over with, alright?” His reassuring gaze only makes my bones grow weaker.

Something is not right. I can feel it in my gut.

It was all too sudden. Alina's bleeding. The locking of the doors. The search. Mr. Williams’ insistence.

Something is about to go terribly wrong.

I know it. I feel it. This won't end well.

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