I couldn’t stop blushing whenever I thought about the fact that he had noticed my dislike for green beans. It felt nicer because I didn’t even have to tell him, he was that observant. I looked through the tinted car window and smiled to myself. My visit to my parent’s had been so enjoyable for me. I had already eaten to my complete satisfaction at home, as per Manuel’s request, but my mama was still adamant on stuffing so much food into my belly. I had worn a bodycon dress that made no efforts to hide the small protusion of my belly. She and papa had been so excited because more than anything, it felt more real. They were expecting their second grandchild soon. Even I, was excited. I remember looking at my body so intently in the mirror yesterday, while I went to have my bath in the bathroom. I was too excited to see my baby grow, and I was more amazed by the creator. How else could I explain the fact that I was carrying another human within me, and I was gonna be responsible for him or her?

“Where to, madame?” Massimo asked as he drove the car further away from my parent’s home.

It was late in the afternoon already, and passed Laura’s lunchtime, but I was still going to see her nonetheless. First, I needed to make a stop at Alexander’s office. It still felt so weird addressing him by his name. Oh, how the universe works. One minute, he is my boss. The next minute, he is family.

“Massimo, we should head to A. RUSSO. I need to see Alexander and my friend; Laura.”

“Yes ma’am.” He replied, and I smiled. Since he started accompanying me wherever I went, we had become kinda acquainted. At least, I knew he was an orphan and had been working under Russo for the past 16 years. According to him, Manuel’s father had taken him in when he was just a teenager. He had been telling me the story of how he became Manuel’s right hand man the last time we went out together. But he had not been unable to finish up before we got home.

“Massimo, how old are you?” He told me he joined Russo when he was a teenager, but I didn’t know the exact age.

“28.” He replied without hesitationOriginal content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Hmm. So you joined Russo at the age of 12?”

“No.” He shook his head, trying to look back at me and still keep his eyes on the road. “I joined at the age of 13. I would turn 29 tomorrow.”

“Oh my goodness!” I squealed. “You would be celebrating your birthday tomorrow!!” I danced dramatically on my seat, and caught a smile on his face.

“No, I wouldn’t be celebrating it.” He said, making me stop my dance and frown at him.

“And why is that?”

“I have no one to celebrate with.” He replied and I rolled my eyes. He may have lost his parents at such a young age, and had no family, but what about his men?

“If I am speaking rightly, you currently have some men under your training right? Who says you cannot celebrate with them?” I asked.

“Well, I would definitely hang out with them, but it just doesn’t feel like family.”

“You don’t have a wife or girlfriend?” I asked, and he shook his head. “You really do not have a girlfriend?! A good looking man as you?” To be very honest, Massimo was a really handsome man and was soft spoken too. He also had a height and body build a lot of women would die for. So what was holding him back? He was very much of age already. “What’s holding you back? You live for just yourself which simply means you have accumulated a lot of money since you started working for Russo.”

“I may have gathered so much money, but it’s not enough to impress some kind of women.” He muttered, sounding so dejected, and making me think deeply.

“You mean that it’s not enough to impress the woman you like?” I asked, but he didn’t give a reply this time. I guess I hit too close to home after all. Massimo was either in love with a woman who was way above his league, or a woman who wasn’t contented with what he had to offer. I mean…. he is not a poor guy.

“So she wants more?”

“All her life, she has seen more. She was born in wealth, grew in wealth, and still lives in wealth. What could a man like me offer her? And she is currently in love with a man who doesn’t love her in return.” He sighed. I found it really touching that he had somehow felt it was okay to discuss this with me.

“Hmmm, I guess we are alike in a way then.”

“How do you mean?” He asked, and I sighed deeply, wondering how to explain it to him, without telling him the truth of having been in love with Manuel for years.

“Well, I was also in love with a man above my league for years. And somehow, the universe brought us together.”

“Only to be put apart by another.” He said, and I chuckled. He thought I was talking about Anthonio? He clearly knew the situation surrounding my marriage to Manuel, and he thought my marriage to Manuel had pulled Anthonio and I apart. Suddenly, I felt there was no harm in being straight forward with him.

“No.” I shook my head, making him turn to me look at me for a split second, before looking back on the road. “I did end up with the one above my league. I did end up with the one I’ve always loved.”

“Whaaattt….?” He muttered under his breathe, making me laugh.

“This remains between us Massimo.” I said, to which he nodded stiffly, still very shocked.

“Yes ma’am.” He replied. I was pushed to ask him not to address me as such anymore, but I guess that in the world of the Russos, certain rules had to be upheld in order to maintain order. This was also one of the lectures Emilio had given me in regards to the laws of power. I couldn’t ask him to call me Bianca just because I felt like it. He was now a part of my retinue, and was supposed to address me as such. Plus, I knew Manuel would not feel cool about it. Though it wouldn’t stop me from being kind to him, he seemed like a really good man.

“I had to tell you this because even though I never believed having all I wanted was ever possible, I have watched my life slowly take unexpected turns. All those turns brought me to where I am presently. Where I have always wanted to be. Just don’t lose hope Massimo. I do hope you make a move. You never know what happens until you make a move.” My own silly move had been losing my virginity to Manuel.

“Thank you.”

“Anytime.” I gave a tight smile. The rest of our ride was silent, as we made our way to A. RUSSO. After we got there, I asked him to wait a little while for me, while I went up at talk with my bo…. with Alexander. I made my way up and said hello to a few familiar colleagues I came across. When I eventually got to Alexander’s office, I knocked on the door and a feminine voice called me in. I walked in to see the new lady sitting on the desk. The last time I had visited, she wasn’t the one on seat. Weird.

“Hello.” I waved, and she looked up at me with a slight frown.

“Good morning ma’am.” She replied dryly, but I brushed off her attitude in understanding. Working as an assistant to Alexander Russo could be really draining. He was a perfectionist, and like everything to be properly done, when they were supposed to be done.

“Please is your boss in? I’d like to see him.”

“And who are you?” She asked.

“I’m Bianca Russo, his sister in law.” Immediately, she looked up at me and forced a smile on her face.

“Please go in ma. He is in.” Oh, poor thing.

“Shouldn’t you inform him of my presence first? Clearly, I didn’t fix an appointment.”

“Oh…. oh!” She chuckled. “Sorry.” She stood from behind her desk and knocked on Alexander’s office. He asked her to go in, which she did. After some seconds, she returned and asked me to go see him.

“Thank you.” I smiled in appreciation, before making my way in.

“Ahhh!! Bianca.” Alexander grinned the moment I got in, as he came to hug me.

“Good afternoon Alex. How are you doing today?”

“Very well.” He nodded. “Please have a seat.” He pointed towards the empty seats and I did. “Your visit is quite the suprise.”

“Yeah.” I smiled. “I actually came because I have a little favour to ask.”

“Oh really? Please ask away.” He seemed so cheerful, making me feel very welcomed to ask.

“I was hoping if I could borrow one of your staffs for the rest of the dayyyy??” I dragged the last part, smiling sheepishly.

“Let me guess.” He raised his hand. “You are here for Laura?” He asked, and I nodded in agreement.

“Fine then! But on one condition.” It was his turn to smile mischievously.

“Fine.” I sighed and scowled, not knowing what he was gonna ask of me now.

“Before I go further, congratulations on your new appointment. It is such a huge win for you, Bianca.” He clapped.

“Thank youuuu.” I grinned.

“You are welcome.” He nodded. “So I have been wanting to ask you this for a while now. Though it became more necessary after Nonno appointed Bella as the COO of the gold empire.”

“Oh wow!” I grinned, very happy for such a great news.

“I guess the old man wants his granddaughter in laws to specially over see the project.”

“I know, right? That’s so lovely. So what’s the favour you want to ask of me?”

“Well, Bella doesn’t have a lot of friends…..” He paused for a moment. “She really doesn’t have any, save for our chef.” He chuckled. “I would really love it, if you could get more familiar with her. Especially now that it is clear you both would be working closely.”

“But of course!” I grinned. “I would love to get more acquainted with her.” I said, even before I could think. Growing up, I was always the kind of girl to like my own space but recently, I was beginning to seem a lot more extroverted.

“Perfect then!” He grinned. “You both could probably do brunch together tomorrow?” He asked, and I nodded in agreement. More than anything else, I was glad to be getting more familiar with her because she had been part of the reasons why I had made a decision to take things more seriously with Manuel, regardless of how the situations of things had been. I was glad that I heed to her advice and now, Manuel and I were gradually getting there. He hadn’t fallen in love with me yet, but I knew that he would in time. The signs were everywhere.

“So can I take Laura with me now?”

“Of course.” He smiled, and I stood to leave. I was close to the door when his next words stopped me. “You’re fast changing my cousin.”

“Sorry?” I turned back, and he grinned.

“All Manuel seems to talk about lately, is you.” Oh God. I wasn’t prepared for that! I was so sure that my cheeks and ears were red. “He is always on and on with ‘My wife this, my wife that’. ‘My wife knotted my tie’. ‘Oh, my wife made coffee for me already’. ‘Oh yeah! My wife slept’. Christ!!” At hearing the last instance he mentioned, I burst out in laughter and he joined in. That was soooo exaggerated!

“Goodbye Alexander.” I shook my head in a mix of disbelief and amusement as I opened the door and stepped out.




“No wayyyyyy!!!” Laura covered her mouth with her palm, as she giggled happily. “You mean to say that you….. licked your…. mixed juices?”

“Hmmm.” I nodded.

“Dammnnn! You dirty girl!” She laughed.

“Trust me, we did a whole lot of other dirty things in the bathroom this morning.” I winked at her, making her eyes go wider.

“Interesting.” She nodded. “I’m so happy you both are finally getting ‘extremely progressive’ in your marriage. It’s lovely!”

“I knowwww…” I sighed in total satisfaction. I found I was happier these days.

“Should I be thanking God for the fact that you didn’t end up with Anthonio?” She asked, making me go calm instantly. She noticed the change in my mood, and tried to explain further. “I doubt you would have been this happy with him.” She muttered. I stayed silent for a while, thinking if she was right.

“Well, I would. Because then, I wouldn’t have imagined things could be so nice with Manuel.”

“True. But you guys’ relationship truly suprises me. I never believed things were going to straighten up this fast between you both.”

“Enough about me. How about you and Ricardo?” I asked and she grinned. Truly, we had spent a better part of our time out, talking about my new appointment as CEO of gold empire, and the details of my relationship progression with Manuel. It was time to talk about her, before night met us here. I didn’t want Manuel getting home before me, because it could get him worried. I looked towards the table Massimo had sat on, as he waited for me to be done with my hangout. The poor guy seemed tired already.

“Well, Ricardo has…..” She had still been talking when my phone rang.

“Excuse me.” I muttered to her, before pulling out my phone from my purse to see it was Emilio calling. I never declined his calls. I would just have to pick up and tell him I was in a meeting.

“Hello Nonno!”

“Hello my angel! How are you doing today?”

“I’m fine, and you?!”

“Doing great!! I would love you to accompany me to a meeting with the boa…..” He was still talking when Massimo suddenly stood from his seat and yelled. “Get down!” I hadn’t been sure he was talking to me, but the intense emotions in his voice made me do so. I fell to the other side of the table almost immediately. I was so glad I did because the next second, I saw the wine glass I had been sipping from, shatter to pieces as a bullet pierced through it. Oh my God!!!

“Nipotina!!! What’s happening there?” That was when I realized I still held the phone to my ear, though my hands were shaking so bad and tears had clogged my eyes. I wanted to speak, but all my eyes could search for, was Laura. I sighed in relief when I saw her just underneath the other side of the table. She looked more worried, than scared. The entire restaurant was already in a state of pandemonium, as most of the people and workers had started running around. Just then, I heard another gun shot.

“Laura!! Are you okay?”

“Nipotina? What’s happening there??!!!” Nonno yelled into my ears once more, pulling my attention back to him.

“Nonno!!!” I felt the tears sliding down my cheeks. “I just got shot at!”

“Dio mio!!! Where are you?”

“Bella Italia!” I yelled out when I heard another gun shot, then another one, and another one. I looked around for Massimo, but all I could see from underneath the table, were just legs in active motion.

“Are you safe?” He asked, and I nodded frantically, forgetting he couldn’t see me.

“Yes, I am. I guess. I am underneath a table with my friend.”

“Alright, remain hidden. Help is coming immediately.” With that, the call disconnected. God knows I wanted to beg him to remain on the line with me, because I was so scared. My hands shook violently and my mind was already far away in thoughts, when Laura crawled over to me and held my shaky hands.

“Laura!” I cried out.

“Shhhh…” She muttered, hugging me tightly to herself. “We would be fi…” She was still talking when we heard another loud gunshot. From then on, it was non stop. I held tightly onto her and hid my face in her bosom, while she patted my back gently. I should have been more amazed by the fact that she was so brave, but at that point, all I could think of was my baby and my husband. I wanted Manuel now.

I don’t know how long we stayed in our position before Laura stiffened behind me. Why did she suddenly go stiff?

“Someone just touched me.” She whispered into my ears and my breathe hitched.

“Mrs Russo, please come out from under the table.” The voice of the man that spoke was very unfamiliar. “You grandfather sent us to get you.” Oh, Nonno!

“It’s Nonno.” I whispered to Laura.

“Okay! Get up.” She said, but I found it difficult moving my legs.

“I can’t move my legs.” I cried.

“Shhh… it’s okay.” She patted my arm gently. “Please we need help here! She cannot move. She’s still in a state of shock.” Laura called out to the man.

“Laurentino!” The man called someone else. “Go under and help the madame out.” Just then, I felt a hand on my leg and kicked it off me immediately. I felt sorry afterwards, because I realized my adrenaline had made me kick the person who was supposed to help me out.

“I’m sorry!” I cried out.

“It’s okay Bibi. You can do this without his help.” Laura muttered. “We need to leave here before things get more messy. Now, just put your leg out there. You are putting it out to safety. For the safety of your baby okay?”

Hearing her say it was for the sake of my baby, I found my legs moving voluntarily. We were literally taking baby steps until I was finally able to crawl out of the table. Immediately I was out, a few unfamiliar men closed up on me, and the one who seemed to be their leader swiftly carried me bridal style.

My legs had been shaking, so I was more than happy I didn’t have to walk. Laura followed behind until we got outside the restaurant and headed towards an opened car. Just before we got in, I caught sight of Massimo and he was literally in beast mode, as his knee kicked into the stomach of a strange man continuously. All I remember clearly was being taken into the car alongside Laura. After that, my brain went on a long and distant holiday. It was one thing to be shot at, and It was another thing to see your life merely saved by one swift movement. I could have died today!! Oh God.

By the time the car came to a stop, we got down to see we were in front of the hotel. They had brought us to Nonno’s penthouse. Just then, I saw Nonno rushing towards us and without wasting any second, I ran to him and flung myself onto his body.

“Nonno!!” I cried as he patted my back softly.

“You are safe now, my dearest. Come, let’s go inside.” He pulled away from our hug and took my hand in his, before pausing. “Is that your friend?” He asked, pointing at Laura and I nodded. “Come my dear.” He waved at Laura to come over, and she slowly did. It seemed to be that it was now the whole incident was beginning to dawn on her. She eventually walked up to us and Nonno held her shoulders as we all walked into the hotel and made for his penthouse.




I snuggled deeply into the thick furred duvet, as I felt a feather light touch caress my face. Slowly, I opened my tired eyes to see who it was. The entire room was dark, but it wasn’t enough for me to not recognize who it was. Manuel.

“Pretty head.” He whispered.

“Manuel.” I called, tears clogging my eyes. I suddenly felt more vulnerable at seeing him, and let my tears pour out freely.

“I’m so sorry.” He whispered as he sat on the bed and pulled the duvet off my body. He whisked me onto his thighs and rocked me like a baby. “Please do not cry, I’m here now.” He muttered, dropping a chaste kiss on my forehead.

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