With one last punch to the motherfucker’s face, I spat out in disgust and turned to Massimo.

“I don’t want the reoccurrence of what happened to Marco. He is now in our custody and that means he has to be alive until I decide otherwise. He is still adamant for now because we haven’t broken him enough. I would give him a few more days.” I muttered, stretching out my hand for Phillippe to do me the honours. Immediately, he dropped a white handkerchief in my handp and I cleaned off the bloody stains all over my hands. I looked back to the man who had dared attack Bianca. He was already too weak as it was. He wouldn’t be able to hold out for much longer. I felt a level of satisfaction, seeing how much I had disfigured his jaw, blood still trickling down his equally disfigured nose. His colleague had been lucky enough to have escaped, so he was gonna be the scape goat.

“Whenever he is ready to speak, let me know.” I said to Massimo. “Coglione.” I muttered, before walking out of the dimly lit guard room. It was already the early hours of morning, and I wanted nothing more than to see my wife. I had spent most of the night in the guard room, waiting for Massimo to successfully force out all I needed to know from the mouth of the fool.

Dito had also called to inform me that he was going to find some information and send them to me by morning. I was still very much hopeful. For now, I had to make my way to Nonno’s penthouse. Bianca needed me by her side.

In no time, I had driven away from the barracks and gotten to the hotel. I made my way up to Nonno’s penthouse house and pressed on the door bell a couple of times. After a while, the door opened to reveal Nonno’s housekeeper. The moment she saw it was me, she gave a smile.

“Good morning sir.”

“Good morning Aggie. Where is my wife?” I asked impatiently.

“She is asleep in the spare room, sir.”

“Is my Nonno asleep as well?”

“He was, but your arrival might have woken him…”

“You brat!” I heard Nonno’s voice and groaned internally. I knew I wasn’t going to have it easy with him.

“Good morning Nonno.”

“It’s only a good morning beacuse my nipotina was lucky enough to have not been shot dead yesterday. What the hell were you thinking?!” He suddenly yelled out in rage, making me release a long sigh. “She had been attacked the first time and yet, you said nothing about it to me? Neither did Manuel or Mia!”

“That was because you were going to be extremely worried, just like you are now.” I muttered.

“And what is my work, if not to worry for my family? I need you to answer me?!!” He yelled out, making my head ache slightly. “Don’t make a mistake by thinking that if anything happens to Bianca, I would let it slide the way I let that of Rosa slide?” My heart fell to the pit of my stomach at hearing him say that. It was the first time in a long while he was mentioning that. All along, Alex had tried to make me feel like I was over thinking things any time I told him that Nonno was still yet to forgive me over that incident. For years, I had tried my best to avoid doing the wrong things, just because I didn’t want to get on his bad side. For years, I had taken the blow he continually gave me, by getting more familiar with my other cousins, but drifting away from me, regardless of the fact that I was literally taking over Russo from him. I had tried so hard to impress him, all for nothing. He still thought about the incident many years ago. It was an accident, I had no control over it but somehow, I had taken the blame because I had been the reason Nonna traveled to Russia in the first place. All these while, the old man still held that grudge. And of all days to say something like that to me, it was on a day I had literally done all I could to ensure my wife and unborn child were safe.

“So you’re yet to let go?” I whispered, not able to look at him in the eye. No, it wasn’t because I was scared to, it was because I was hurt. For the first time in a really long while, I felt hurt. I felt that pain that came with a lot of confusing and frustrating emotions. “No matter how long I try to show how sorry I am, you would really never forgive me.” I nodded in realization. “Very well then.” I sighed. “I would accept the brunt of your anger forever. I would accept that you would never forgive me for as long as you live. But you know what I wouldn’t accept? I wouldn’t accept you insinuating that my wife would die, and it would be solely my fault. I may not have been able to avert Nonna’s accident, but I would do everything in my power to protect my wife and baby.” Without waiting for him to say another hurtful thing to me, I made my way upstairs where the rooms were located. I had been able to quickly identify the room Bianca was lying in. Gently, I opened the door and made my way into the room. There she was on the bed, snuggled under the thick duvet as she slept rather peacefully, oblivious to my presence in the room. It was still early in the morning, and the place was still very much dark. But it did not make it impossible to outline her features. I stilled my movements in awe, as I came closer and clearly made out her face. Was it possible for one to become more beautiful as each day passed? Or was I just strangely delusional? Bianca tended to look prettier with each passing day and it was truly mesmerizing.

I bent down to stare at her face to my satisfaction, but didn’t realize when my hand began moving over her face. I tried to make my touches light enough as to not disturb her sleep, but it seemed not to work because the next minute, her eyes fluttered open. She looked more relieved, than suprised to see me, and it made me feel so sorry. Bianca was really facing a lot since we got married, and I just kept hoping she wouldn’t up and decide to leave one day. The threats against her life were becoming too much.

“Pretty head.” I whispered.

“Manuel.” She replied, tears clogging her eyes. Oh God, no. I couldn’t take it if she cried.

“I’m so sorry.” I rushed out as I sat on the bed and pulled the duvet off her body. I needed to be able to feel her body directly, while I hugged her. In the blink of an eye, I whisked her onto my thighs and began rocking her back and forth, hoping it was gonna give her some form of calmness. “Please do not cry, I’m here now.” I begged, dropping a chaste kiss on her forehead as she locked her arm around my neck. “It’s okay.” I muttered, and her sobs slowly died down. “We should leave now.” I said, not wanting to spend an extra minute in Nonno’s place. At least, seeing her had made me feel slightly better after my exchange with Nonno.

“Yes, we should go home.” She nodded, then looked at me in slight confusion. “But isn’t too late in the night to leave?”

“It’s almost dawn.” I chuckled at the sleepy head, hoping she would laugh as well. I was working in the background to make sure that we find the mastermind of all these, and make him pay. If not for anything else, just so Bianca could live without fear. I had been thinking that Francesca had something to do with all these and ever since our last meeting, I had her tailed by one of my men. So far, he hasn’t noticed anything unusual with her movements or the people she interacted with. At this point, I had cancelled the possibility that Anthonio had a hand in this. He wouldn’t go as far as trying to kill Bianca. So who was…? Wait a minute. It is possible that Francesca may not really have a hand in this, but what about her father? What about Francisco? The man had been way too calm since after I disappointed his daughter and decided to marry Bianca. This looked like a thing he could do, now that I thought of it. I shook my head off the thoughts and forced a smile at her, only to see her staring squarely at me.

“What were you thinking of?” She asked, and I all but shrugged.


“You shouldn’t worry so much about me, I’ll be fine.”

“I’m sorry, but you didn’t seem fine when I saw you crying moments ago.”

“It’s….” She sighed. “It’s just the feeling that came with finally seeing you after the entire incident.” Oh God.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t get to you earlier than…”

“I’m not saying you were late, Manuel.” She interjected. “I’m just saying that it gladdened my heart to see you.” Oh?! That was what she meant?

“Oh.” I found myself muttering. Without even thinking about it, I closed the space between our faces and kissed her so deeply, but gently. When I pulled away, she let out a shudder. “Thank you.”

“For what?” She asked.

“Thank you for tolerating all these. I know it’s a new kind of life for you. One filled with violence and horrific experiences. But I promise that it wouldn’t always be this way. I would protect you and our child through it all. Please bear with me.” Oh, Alexander. I feel the pain in your shoes now.

“I know.” She nodded and leaned in to kiss me again. It wasn’t a deep kiss, just our lips feeling the plumpness of each other. “We should go home now, you do not look like you had any rest all night.” She whispered. I guess what got to me the most was the fact that Bianca had clearly not gotten over the incidence yet. She was still very much shaken to her core. But then, she was putting up a great front just so she could be supportive to me. I knew I was very greedy for wanting her to hold my hands and tell me that all was well, even if it wasn’t. This was her life we were talking about here. I was more amazed over the fact that she was actually being supportive. It was the first time I got to be cared for, in that manner. Had it been Francesca who was attacked in such a way, I wouldn’t have heard the end of it. She would have continued showing her disappointment over the fact that she wasn’t even safe with me. Bianca was different. “Thank you for insisting that Massimo went everywhere with me. He had truly been useful. If not for him, I would have been shot dead.” Hearing her say that she would have been dead, made me feel chills all over my skin.

“Do not say that please. Nothing would happen to you or our baby.” I held her neck and pulled her closer again, dropping a chaste kiss on her forehead and nose. “Let’s go home.” I stood and pulled her up with me.



I opened my eyes but quickly closed it shut in irritation to the scorching sun rays. When my eyes had better adjested to the surroundings, I sat up on the bed and looked to see Bianca trying to fix her bracelet in front of the vanity.

“You haven’t had enough sleep.” She muttered disapprovingly, making me smile. The first thing I was doing in the morning was to smile?! This woman was definitely Influencing me.

“Neither have you.” I countered.

“Yes, I’ve had.” She disagreed. “I had more than enough sleep at Nonno’s place.”

“Hmmm.” I nodded, and she narrowed her eyes at me.

“You had a fight with him right?” She asked in an accusatory manner and I simply shrugged my shoulders.

“Don’t tell me he told you that.”

“Oh, wow. You really did have a fight with him.” She sounded suprised. I was wrong then. He didn’t tell her.

“So he didn’t tell you after all?”

“No, he didn’t.” She sighed. “I know Nonno very much. At least, I’ve gotten so used to him in the last couple of months. His countenance hadn’t been bright when we were leaving, and I know it’s not about the attack. You both had a misunderstanding before you came for me, right?” She asked, looking into the mirror as she applied some lipstick on her mouth. A very bright red lipstick. It called to me.

“You look particularly beautiful this morning.” I smiled, making my way to her.

“Don’t try to change the subject.” She turned to glare at me, and I chuckled. She could be really cute.

“I’m not doing anything.” I sighed and just stood by her side, watching as she prepared. Just after she applied a black stuff with a round brush on her lashes, she raised her hand to pack her hair, but seemed to be having a difficult time doing so. “Heyyyy, let me help you.” I walked behind her sitting figure and took the unsuccessfully packed ponytail from her hand. She started laughing so hard, but didn’t try to swat my hand away though.

“What are you doing?” She asked in between laughs, making me chuckle.

“Styling your hair.” I replied.

“And when did you suddenly become such a hair stylist?”

“I wouldn’t say I am a stylist but at least, I’ve seen my mom style Greta’s hair numerous times. It’s not such a hard task.” I replied. She probably decided to give me a try and went calm. I pulled off the hair ruffle from the unsuccessfully packed ponytail. “Give me the comb.” I requested, and she picked up the comb on the vanity, and gave it to me. “Thanks.” I proceeded to comb her full hair and neatly packed it into a ponytail.

I guess she was very suprised because she wasn’t saying a word. She just looked at me through the mirror, an unreadable expression on her face. Pushing her ponytail to the side, I bent down and gave her a kiss on the neck.

“Where are you even headed by the way?” I asked, seeming to take her by surprise as she blinked her eyes furiously.

“I was hoping to accompany Nonno for the meeting with Gold empire’s….”

“Alex mentioned that Anthonio got shares in the company a few days back.” I blurted out before I could hold myself back. She slowly looked up at me, wearing a stoic face. Oh God! We were about to have a big quarrel, I guess. “Look, I didn’t mean….”

“Meeting with the board members.” She gave a small smile.


“We are attending a meeting with the board members, not the shareholders.” She corrected, her smile getting wider. Oh, now I felt foolish. Standing to her feet, she picked up handbag and covered the little space between us. Her eyes twinkled so beautifully as she looked up, smiling at me. “And even if it was a meeting with the shareholders, I wouldn’t let him come close to me. Stop worrying yourself about Anthonio and kiss me goodbye.” Without thinking twice, I obliged and kissed her passionately, hoping I could convey the way I was feeling through the kiss. She hadn’t hesitated to assure me of her stand, and that meant a lot to me.

My hands slowly went behind and grabbed her ass. She moaned into the kiss before quickly pulling away.

“I’m sorry, but I’d have to take my leave now.” She whispered, breathing roughly. God, I knew I was already getting hard. Her hands went up to my lips, and she cleaned the red lipstick that had rubbed off on it.

“But do you feel safe going out now? Considering all that happened yesterday?”

“Manuel, I’m fine.” She caressed my face and flashed a small smile. “I can’t hide in forever because I almost got killed.”

“It’s not forever. This just happened yesterday.” I said in disbelief, and she smiled.

“Trust me, I’m fine. Very fine.” She added, before turning and walking away. I took that as my cue to get ready for work, and rushed in for a shower. The moment I stepped out, my phone rang out and I picked it from the beside table to see who it was. It was Dito, and he had given an infuriating information. According to him, the man currently in our custody was someone who worked for Jacobo. I had thought Jacobo ran away for his life. What was happening now? Had he disappeared, to go be in close contact with X? I thought that ‘X’ saga was over. This only meant that Francisco Ferrari had no hand in all of this. Now, more than ever, I needed to find X.



It was already past my closing hours from work, but I had so much work to do today. When I looked at my wristwatch to see that a lot of time had actually gone, I sighed and began packing up my stuffs. Just then, my door swung open and my hands quickly pulled out the gun lodging underneath my work desk, pointing it to the door. After a few seconds, a familiar figure stepped in and chuckled as she closed the door behind her.

“Calm down Manuel, it’s just me.” Francesca. Julie had long retired home, so I wasn’t suprised that Francesca had gotten in here.

“What are you doing here?” I asked in a mix of irritation and shock. “I could have almost killed you.”

“But you didn’t.” She smiled, catwalking closer to my desk. And what was that she was wearing? It barely reached her mid thighs.

“What do you want?” I asked her, and she simply shrugged.

“You, Manuel.” Her face instantly contoured in sadness. “I’m sorry about the way our last meeting had ended. I didn’t mean to flare up in anger.” Wait a minute. Did she think this was the era of our silly relationship, where we literally quarreled and made up at will?

“Francesca, you are yet to let me know your purpose for being here.” I stated matter of factly, no trace of amusement in my voice.

“Come on. Don’t be so hard on me Manuel. I already stayed months without you, I can’t take it anymore.” She pleaded, coming closer to cover the space between us. Just then, the door gently opened and Bianca stepped in. Oh my God! What was she doing here?This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

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