The One He Claimed

The One 67

The One 67

Chapter 67: Plans Hunter I swear the longer I’m with Sophie, the more I need to touch her, to be with her. It’s like I can’t get enough, like it will never be enough. She seems to feel the same and I love it. I was thankful that she didn’t seem to mind that the pack was teasing me about her bite marks. I was also thankful that they were smart enough to not tease her about it. I can feel her confidence growing, her willingness to openly show her love and possession of me, but I don’t want to rush it. I’m not surprised but I am disappointed to hear that other packs have and use bite marks as a punishment. It’s something I need to remember before I go to any Committee meeting with Sophie. I don’t want any of those Alphas to think that I’ve punished Sophie in some way. My bite marks are purely because I love having my scent and my mark all over her. Well, that, and I can’t keep my mouth off of her. After adding some new bite marks to each other, Sophie had been the one to end our fun. “The twins are supposed to be coming down soon. I don’t want to scare them off, but…” she had turned and pressed her still half naked body against mine. “I expect you to pick up where we left off later tonight, Alpha.” “What my Luna wants, my Luna gets,” I growled, loving how her body shivered in response. As soon as the twins had emerged, I knew it was going to take 109371 Chapter 67: Plans: time with them. They have not had it easy. I haven’t asked, and I won’t for a while, but I’m guessing their pack is one where the ranked she-wolves are locked in until they turn 18, which makes me wonder how they escaped. I let Sophie take the lead with them, seeing how skittish they are around me. I mind link Kinsley and ask her to join them. The twins are Betas and may feel more comfortable with another Beta, at least until Allison emerges with Kayce. While Sophie is out, I check my emails, seeing that we have another Committee meeting next week,Published by Nôv'elD/rama.Org.

this one is for Owen. I mind link Dr. Felicity, getting an update on Brooklyn and asking for a medical summary of Brooklyn’s injuries and treatment to provide to the Committee members. Owen may be hoping that I’ Il support him in this, but he is mistaken. “Alpha, did our Luna let you know that she has an appointment at nine o’clock tomorrow morning to have your first evaluation of her pregnancy?” “It must have slipped her mind but thank you for letting me know. We’ll be there,” I say, excited to find out more about our pup. She chuckles. “That’s what she said. I’ll warn you, it’s early, but we should at least be able to hear a heartbeat.” A heartbeat! I thank Dr. Felicity and turn back to my work, trying to focus while still excited about the idea of hearing my son or daughter’s heart beating tomorrow. ‘We should listen tonight. I might be able to hear it,’ Shaw says, as excited as I am. 01.371 Chapter 67. Plans 12 ‘Definitely. While I’m looking over the Committee meeting agenda, I pull up the paperwork to petition the changing of the law that allows she-wolves to be claimed publicly, I begin going through it and marking the changes that I want to see made and penalties for continuing with this practice. By the time I’m finished with my first draft, my eyes are blurry and I’m missing my mate, so I walk out to find them, seeing Letti and Nikki on the back porch. “Good afternoon, ladies. How are we today?” I ask them. “Hello, Alpha. We’re good. Have you seen Allison?” Nikki asks. “I’m sure she’s fine, Nikki, but no. They haven’t emerged yet.” She nods, still looking worried. “Is there anything you’d like for your birthday, Nikki? Eighteen is a special birthday. Anyone we should invite to your party?” “I don’t need a party, Alpha. Actually, I’d almost prefer not to have one, given the bad connotation

that it’s had for so long,” she says. “Well, you’ll have to take that up with my mate. She’s planning a party for you, but Nikki, there are no public claimings in my pack. No matter if you find your mate or not, I won’t allow it. You can just enjoy your birthday as it was always meant to be, a celebration of you.” “Thank you, Alpha.” “I will say, though, that there are several unmated Alphas who 09:371 Chapter 67: Plans 1243 Wouchers would like to be here, in the event that you are their mate. Would you be opposed to me inviting Alpha Dutton, Alpha Ezra, and Alpha Robin to attend?” I watch her eyes dilate when I mention Robin. “I thought Alpha Robin was already planning to attend?” “He invited himself, but it’s your party, Nikki. If you don’t want him here, I’ll tell him to stay home.” “You swear you won’t allow anyone to claim me?” “My word as an Alpha. The only way someone will claim you is if you allow it. It will be your choice.” She nods. “Okay then, yes, I would be okay with the three of them. But not the others,” she says quickly. “Good, because none of the other unmated Alphas are welcome on my pack lands anyway,” I say, smiling at her. I’ve just walked back inside, ready to call Alpha Robin to confirm that Nikki officially invited him, when I run into Kayce and Allison. Allison looks just like Sophie did the day after our mating, happy, overwhelmed, and glowing. Kayce probably looks. more like I did, smug, happy, and proud. I send Allison in search of the twins and ask Kayce if he’ll look over the law change that I’ve started. “Send it to me. Also, you should know that Allison is going to ask Letti to come with us. Apparently, they are closer than I realized, having been on the run together for a while.” I look at him. “You’ll keep her safe?” 09:37

Chapter 67: Plant 11 288 (Vouchers He nods. “I’ve given my word to my mate, and I’m sure your understand how important that is.” “I absolutely do.” “Tell me about the twins,” he says. I give him the little bit of information that I know. “They’re not from around here, are they?” he asks. “I don’t think so. I have Lucas subtly looking into packs who have posted for missing she-wolves. I’m trying to find where they came from, but so far, we haven’t found notices of missing twins.” “They probably didn’t want to alert the hunting Alphas that twins were out there. Talk about a hunt!” “They’re lucky they found me when they did.” “Yeah, if Aiden had caught them, their lives would have stayed the same as what you’re describing,” he says, just as our mates re-emerge with Nikki, Letti, and the twins. “Letti is coming with us tomorrow, just so you know. She agreed,” Kayce says to me in an aside, not taking his eyes off of his mate. I haven’t taken my eyes off of mine either. Both of them look up, giving us sweet, perfect smiles. Almost as if pulled to them, Kayce and I begin walking toward them. I notice the twins flinch as step up, and I’m careful not to touch them, but I need to touch my mate. “Hi,” I say to her. She smells like the outdoors, like the forest around us mixed with her orchid scent. Chapter 67. Plans 11 288 Vouchers “Hi,” she says softly, coming to wrap her arms around my waist as I pull her to me. “I missed you.” “I missed you, too.” From beside me, I can hear Kayce having a similar conversation with his mate, even though they’ve only been apart less than an hour. But they are newly mated. “Did you have a nice time showing off our pack?” I love seeing those green eyes shining with her love for me. “Yes. Tiffany and Tammi prefer staying closer to the packhouse, but they at least know where the boundaries are now.

She raises her hand to stroke my face, lifting up on her toes. I lean in, pressing my lips to hers, letting her guide the kiss since we have some skittish she-wolves around us. I’m surprised when she deepens the kiss, pressing herself against me, her orchid scent intensifying. I growl, pulling away. “Sophie…” “I told you I missed you,” she says, smiling unapologetically. “I hear we have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow morning.” She rods. “I was planning to tell you earlier, but…I got distracted.” She grins at me, reminding me of our earlier time in my office. “Yes, I have the bite marks to prove it,” I grin, hearing the twins suck in air. I refocus, tucking Sophie against my side. “It’s nearly dinner time. How about all of us have dinner together. I hear we have some news to share and some of you will be leaving us Chapter 67 Plans 1288 Wouchers tomorrow.’ Over dinner, Kayce and I mostly stay quiet, letting our mates chatter happily with their friends. The twins mostly stay quiet too, but their eyes are wide, listening and watching the interactions around them. They become hyper aware when Nikki and Sophie start talking about Nikki’s birthday and that’s the first time they enter the conversation. “You’re having a party?” Tiffany asks. I see Kayce’s head snap up as the scent of fear increases quickly. “It’s not like that,” Nikki says. “I know you don’t know Alpha Hunter, but you must have heard of Sophie. Trust her. I do and neither she nor Alpha Hunter have let me down yet. Until they do, I’m going to trust them, and I believe that you can as well.” “Are you eighteen?” Kayce asks gently. They both nod. “If you’re afraid to stay here for Nikki’s party, you’re welcome to come with us, but I’ll warn you, I haven’t had the same conversation or given my pack the same ultimatum that Hunter has with this

pack. There may be some in my pack that are still in favor of public claimings. I won’t know for sure until we return. That could cause you some discomfort. I, like Hunter, won’t allow you to be hurt or claimed against your will, but that doesn’t mean that my pack members won’t be irritated or angry that they are being made to leave.” I watch as Allison reaches out to take his hand and he immediately picks it up to kiss the back of her hand. Chapter 67: Plans 11 288 Vouchers “We’ve spent nearly as much time with Alpha Kayce as we have with Alpha Hunter. I believe you can trust both of them, but if I were you, I’d stay here. This pack is settled, they already know and have agreed to protect everyone here against any attacking Alphas. Alpha Kayce and Luna Allison still have to get their pack to that point,” Letti says. When the twins nod, agreeing to stay, I look at Kayce. Nikki’s birthday, with three ranked she-wolves and three unmated Alphas in attendance, is going to be very interesting.

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