The One He Claimed

The One 68

The One 68

Chapter 68: Birthday Party Sophie “Are you nervous Nikki?” I ask, watching her as she gets ready for her party. “Yes and no,” she says, but I can see her nerves. Allison and Letti left with Kayce several days ago to return to his pack. According to Hunter, he lost several members of his pack too when he refused to claim Allison publicly, but word of Brooklyn had spread like wildfire through the packs, so not as many omegas and warriors were willing to leave, even if they did agree to continue the public matings. No one wants that for their daughter, or their sister. It seems it’s only okay if it’s for someone else. The twins have been out and around the pack more often. Hunter and I had heard them sucking in air several times when they’d see us do something unexpected. It was much like it had been when Nikki, Allison, and Letti first arrived. We ve had several more she-wolves find us, some who were on the run, but now, we’re starting to see warriors and omegas who are afraid that they will be taken as mates or worse, raped and cast aside like Brooklyn. Nearly every day we have at least one she-wolf come to our borders requesting protection. We’d also heard that Alpha Kayce had received his first request for protection, and he had accepted. Hunter had called Alpha Ezra and told him that he was invited to 0.00% [09:38) Chapter 66 Birthday Party Nikki’s birthday party if he wanted to extend his stay or delay it a couple of days. He chose to delay it, wanting to see a birthday party that didn’t include a public claiming. “You know that neither Hunter nor I will allow anyone to claim you against your will, right Nikki?” I ask her. “Yes. I do trust that. It’s just….” she looks at me in the mirror where she’s putting the last touches on her outfit. NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

“What if he’s my mate? What if he isn’t? What if…” I step forward and put my hands on her shoulders. I’m not that much older than she is, but in some ways, I feel much, much older. “You take it one step at a time, one day at a time,” I tell her. “If he is, you get to know him, you take things as slow or fast as the two of you choose to, together. If he’s not, then…” “I hope he is,” she says, looking at herself in the mirror. “Is that crazy to say?” “No, it’s not. I think we all saw the chemistry between the two of you when he was here. From the little bit of time I had with him, he seems like a good man.” “He does. I never thought I’d say this, but…I think, with time, I could learn to trust him.” “Believe me, if he’s a good man, it won’t take very long at all. Look at me. Look at Allison. I think Alpha Robin will be the same.” She takes a deep breath. “When will they be here?” 12.93% Chapter 6B: Birthday Party 11 280 Wouthern “I think they’re all planning to arrive around the same time. Alpha Dutton is bringing Penny. She wanted to join our pack. I’m glad. I liked Penny and I think she can help with the she-wolves. that are starting to flood our borders. It will be good for her to see a birthday party as it was meant to be. A party about you, not about getting claimed.” “You know you’ll have to start patrolling out farther, right? Alphas like Owen will plan an attack where they could catch a she-wolf on her way to your borders.” “Alpha Owen has his committee meeting in a couple of days, so hopefully, he’s busy with that.” I look at her in the mirror. “You know your brother asked to be here?” “Yes, Alpha Hunter told me. He also told me that if I wanted him here, he’d make the exception, but he couldn’t promise that I’d be safe. I’m sure Alaric planned to bring his Beta, He’s wanted me as his mate for years.” “I’m glad you said no. I’m sure Alaric will bring it up at the committee meeting, and who knows, if you’re a newly mated Luna, you can tell him yourself that you requested he not be in attendance.”

I、atch the fierce smile spread across her face. “Oh, I would love to see the look on his face if I showed up at the committee with a mark on my neck.” I hug her from behind. “We’ll see how it goes. It could be a really fun meeting with you and Allison there as well,” I say. “I’ll see you downstairs,” I say to her, leaving her to go check on the twins. They had gone back and forth about being at the party. I know they’re terrified, not only because it’s an 18th 2563 09.381 Chapter 68 Brthday Party birthday party, but also because there will be three unmated Alphas in attendance. 281 Moucher I find them in the room they decided to share. Maybe it’s because they are twins, or maybe it’s just fear, but they don’t seem to want to be separated.. “Hey, how are you both?” I ask, sniffing the air so I can tell them apart. They both have their dark blond hair down, but Tiffany has the sides of hers twisted and pinned up in the back. They wanted to wear blue dresses today, which surprised me because it will only accent their startling blue eyes, bringing attention to them and their beauty. “Nervous, if we’re being honest,” Tammi says. “I understand that. But you truly have nothing to fear. Hunter made sure each Alpha was aware that there would not be any public claimings in our pack, that you, Nikki, and all the other she-wolves are under our protection, and that he would protect them with his life.” “We know, it’s just…” Tammi begins. “We’ve been to these sorts of birthday parties before. Some we e awful and some were…okay. That’s the best it ever was, okay. Unlike you, our Alpha wanted all his ranked she-wolves to know and understand what was in store for us. We were to accept our fate and go along with it.” “Well, tonight will be about eating and dancing and enjoying an amazing woman on her 18th birthday,” I say to them. “If you’re nervous, stay close to Kinsley. I’ll be keeping tabs on our Alphas along with Hunter. But Kinsley is in charge of making sure the party moves along.”

40 85% 04.38 Chapter 58: Birthday Party 11208 Younters. “Luna?” Tiffany says as I turn to leave. “Yes?” “I’m not sure we’ve told you how much we appreciate you and Alpha Hunter for taking us in. Neither of us believes that we would have survived on our own much longer. You saved us.” “You saved yourselves. All I did was give you a safe place to live. The two of you had to find your way here and you had to accept what we were offering.” They smile and look at each other. It sometimes feels like they share a brain or have a secret way of communicating. Maybe they share a mind link since they’re sisters. “You really are the Sophie Meyers we heard about, aren’t you?” Tammi asks. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m Sophie Reynolds,” I say, smiling as I turn to go. “I think Sophie Reynolds is going to be more powerful than Sophie Meyers ever was,” I hear one of the twins say to the other as I walk down the hall. I shake my head as I go back into the main hall, checking to see that everything is ready, answering last-minute questions and getting ready to greet our guests. When I turn, I see Hunter watching me, a hungry look in his eye that I know well. We’d seen the doctor and confirmed that I was pregnant, getting to hear our baby’s heartbeat. I had cried and although Hunter didn’t shed a tear, his eyes were glassy, and I could feel his overwhelming emotions. We’re both very excited, 55.394 1930 Chapter 68 Birthday Party and tomorrow, we find out if we’re having a boy or a girl. 288 Moochers ‘Ezra’s here,’ he mind links me, smiling his very possessive smile as he walks toward me, looking

down at my stomach and then back up at me. “Shall we greet our guest together?” I ask him, sliding into his arms, leaning against him and wrapping my own arms around his waist as I look up at him. “Yes,” he says, kissing my nose. I’m hoping we can have our own celebration later, alone,’ he says in the mind link. ‘I’d be disappointed if we didn’t. I believe I won today’s wager,’ I reply, smirking up at him. I know I only won because Hunter is being very careful with me. The doctor agreed that I could continue to spar, but Hunter won’t allow anyone to spar with me except himself. ‘Isn’t that what this afternoon was about?’ he asks, raising an eyebrow. ‘The day isn’t over. The wager is for the entire day, is it not?’ “Damn, I love you,” he says out loud, leaning in to kiss me. He pulls away before I’m ready for the kiss to end, but he takes my as we walk outside to greet Alpha Ezra. When we walk out, he’s looking around, but he zeros in on our clasped hands immediately. “Welcome, Alpha Ezra. We’re so glad you decided to join us,” I say. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been to an 18th birthday party, Chapter 6 Birthday Party 1289 Vouchers. and it’s the first one I actually wanted to attend since I met my mate,” he says, the sadness flickering over his face. “Today will be different,” Hunter assures him. “That’s the only reason I’m here. Well, that and to meet a rare Alpha female,” he says, smiling. He’s older than Hunter, maybe in his early 30’s. He’s still muscular and strong, but the loss of his mate and pup have taken their toll on him, making him look older than he is. “Nikki is nervous, but excited. It will be what we hope is the first of many happy 18th birthday parties,” I say, sliding my arm through his and leading him inside. I can feel his sadness and reluctance setting in, but I want him here. I want him to see. what it can be like if things change. When we walk back inside, I’ve just gotten Alpha Ezra a drink when I hear people gasp. I turn and

see Nikki making her way down the stairs. She looks stunning. I smile and walk toward her. “Well everyone, the guest of honor has arrived! Let the party begin!” I say, walking her over to meet Alpha Ezra. I see the twins hovering near Kinsley, thankful that they’ve come down. I’ m. going to wait to introduce them, give them some time to relax. Nikki has just taken a sip of her drink when Lhear a growl at the entrance. I turn seeing Alpha Robin, staring straight at Nikki. “Mate,” he says, his eyes burning into hers. I take a step closer to her, just in case Alpha Robin can’t control his wolf. “Mate,” Nikki says softly before smiling at him. 09 38 Chapter 68 Birthday Party 200 Mouchers “Mates!” another growl comes from behind Robin. He turns, snarling at Alpha Dutton who has just entered the room. Robin moves quickly to put himself between Nikki and Alpha Dutton, his claws coming out. “MINE!” Robin snarls, as the room goes quiet. “Mate” I hear beside me, ringing out in chorus. All of our heads snap to the twins, staring wide-eyed at Alpha Dutton. “Is it always this interesting around here?” Alpha Ezra says to no one in particular.

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