Why did she " Divorce Me "

Chapter - 33

Chapter - 33

Author's Pov.:-

It has been 14 months since the disappearance of Amoli, but no one has found her as yet.

Amoli parents they are .... Her parents are dying every moment in her memories but couldn't do

anything then pray .

Police is also unable to find her yet , as she is not using her true identity according to police .

advaith is all worried for his sister .

Amoli's parents are all broken in the worry for their daughter , somehow unknowingly there is a

distance or crack has occurred in their relationship .

Advaith hates his parents with his grandparents ... He is also hating himself for not being able to save

his sister but it's not a time for all this , he can cry over his carelessness after getting hold of Amoli .

Although now he is a ruthless man but knows how to give respect to only respect deserving people's .

Now he has masked his pure , innocent and kind-hearted self behind his emotionless ruthless face

which can make you runaway by its one sight .

Once you see his face, your soul will come out of your body due to fear.

His this new avatar knows how to intimate people with it if they dare to mess with him.

Amoli's disappearance has made him and convert him into a responsible hardworking man , he is no

more a carefree young boy , now he is a man who is now only 21 year old .

All the business responsibilities are now on his shoulders , he is managing it while continuing his

studies and taking care of his little sister Vahini

Why he have to manage his family business because his father Mr. Lokesh Anand is now sick and on

bed rest ... A few months ago he had a heartache and it turned into heartattack when advaith in

frustration and in anger blamed him for amoli's all pain and misery .

Although advaith felt guilty for splitting venom on his father , but truth hurt and it's a venom ... But being

a good son he asked sorry to which his father had said him " I deserved it son .. i think it's my

punishment to dye before seeing my daughter "

From that time advaith has became strong hearted , he never showed his weakness on his face

because he have to be strong for his family which is on the verge to break apart .

Now he knows how to control his emotions around everyone.

Meanwhile ....

A man is standing in the dark room all alone infront of the glass wall looking behind it ..at a beautiful

heart catching sight .

Light is coming in his dark office room through the glass walls as neighbour buildings are shining in

light .

His both hands are in his pants pocket while his face is calmed bit paled ... His eyes are on the

beautiful sight infront of him , but he is not looking at it or admiring it .

His face is emotionless , pale , shrink in weakness , eyes has dark circles , while his lips are dry and

dead skin is covering them .. giving them more rough and dry look .

His blue eyes are shining due to lights reflection but they are looking dead .. his eyes are filled in

longing for something or someone.

His mind is occupied in his ex-wife's thoughts ...

A tear slipped out from his left eye but he didn't broke down in sobs .

And he sighed heavily....

He is now a well known businessman and ruling in the whole Asia as a No. 1 businessman .

Today he have everything which money can buy , he can buy anything which is in market , but these

things didn't gives happiness to him .

Everyone wants to be at his place .. at this hight where he is standing ...

Now he is known in World's Top 10 Richest Businessman but he is not happy , satisfied with it .

His house store room is filled with some trophies , gifts or etc which he got as a award for becoming

successful in this short time.

But still he is not happy ...

He turned back and rest his back on glass wall and admire a beautiful woman's pictures on the wall of

his office which is all spread on the one wall .

The woman in the pic is none other than his ex-wife .. Amoli ... Her face is shining due to the light which

is coming through the glass wall and laying on her pictures.

" How wrong I was love .. sorry can't stop myself to call you my love .. I know I don't deserve to call you

my love but still ,

So where I was .. ya .. how wrong I was to think that these luxury , money , power will make me happy

..NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

But no , that's was just a stupid imagination of mine ...

You know what love , I missed you alot , how are you ..

Hahaha .. what I am asking , obviously you are happy and good as you are away from me .


At today's morning mom have called me , she had called me for asking about my well being , I got

happy today by her call after a long time


I am missing you , I know I am behaving like a selfish man as I don't deserve you but I can't help .. you

have became my addiction , my everything .


I am feeling all alone without you Amoli my love ... Please come back .

Day by day Without you its getting hard for me to breath . " Varun said while tears fall down from his

eyes continuously.

He moved forward lost in his wife's beautiful and innocence ... the instant his hand touch the picture of

Amoli , His body hit hard on the office black marvel floor with a strong force ..

Because when he touched his wife's pic he was pushed back by a high voltage electric shock to lay

back in his previous place away from her .

Varun moaned in pain still laying on the ground , his face is covered in frowned of pain ..

He is breathing heavily while his right hand is paining and shaking due to the electric shock and it's

hard push .

Apart from him anybody can touch the pictures .. because his fingerprints are set as a sensor on

amoli's pictures to give him electrical shock .

It's one of his punishment which he has made for himself ...

He can only see her from afar but couldn't touch or hold her .

This shows that he doesn't deserves her because she is everything to be called pure while he is

everything to be called disgust.

Still laying on the floor , He take out his phone and pushed some button on his apple phone ...


A man picked up the phone and said " hello boss "

" Any news " Varun said ...

" No sir .. we are trying hard day and night . .. but there is no sign of her ...

Sorry to say this sir but I .. I think she is not in India " man said from the phone .

" No ... She is in India .. find her you dickhead ... It's has been fucking 14 months 12 days 22 hours 4

minutes and exactly 41 seconds and you're saying that you haven't find her yet...

Find her soon if you love your life ... " Varun shout over the phone to make the man shivered in fear ..

" Okay sir I will " man said in his shaking voice and hanged up the phone .

" Where are you .. Amoli ... Where are you ? "

" Please come back , you can punish me the way you want but please come back ... I love you .. I

really do ... And it's killing me from inside because you're not near me .. there is a fear in my heart that

if you have find someone for yourself ...

No it can't be true ... I will find you before someone will steal you away from me " Varun said to himself


Varun's Pov.:-

I am missing my wife ... ' correction ex-wife. ' Varun's inner self voice mocked him ... To make him look

more pale .

Because this ex-wife word spitting on my face that she is no more mine , now she can became

anyone's whom she wants to be ...and also my deeds , my sins which lead Amoli to became My wife to

My ex-wife .

I can't see Amoli to became someone else's wife or love ... Here at this point my possessiveness is

kicking me and it's a biggest fear for me what if ... What if Amoli has fall for someone or has married to

someone .. then what i will do , how i will live my life without my peace .

Now my dream is to become amoli's husband and love and care her and always protect her with my

everything .

I wants to do all the things which a married couples do ...

My dream is to see always amoli's happy shining face ... I wants to be a reason of her smile and

happiness ...


But .. only if i has given her some time and our marriage needing time and respect than maybe ...

Today i would be a luckiest and happy man in this whole word .



My thoughts broke by knock on my officd door


" Come in " I said while seating on my office chair with a smiling face ... Because now I see little

glimpse of Amoli in everyone ...

Like in small kids ... I see amoli's innocent nature , in god I see amoli's pureness ... In other women's I

see amoli's kind nature .. in nature I see her beauty , in water I see her beautiful eyes , in butterflies I

see her shining happy face , in this wind I see her flying long hairs , in myself I see her strong character

because whenever I had given her pain she never had took any wrong steps like suicide or hurt herself


In guilt I had also tried to do it when everyone had left me ... But I stopped myself to punish myself .

" Sir there is a parcel for you .. " my assistant Rohan Raj said to me and place an envelope on my desk

table ...

I nod my head with a polite smile and said okay ...

" Sir do you need anything ? " He asked ..

" No I don't need anything and you can go to your house , it's quite late " I said in my best polite but

professional voice .

When he left my office .. I looked back at my wife's pic and blew kiss on her pics direction .

And hold the envelope and teared it to see .. it's a CD ...

' what is this ? ... Hummm .. something is written on it .. let's see ... *Your birthday present Mr. Varun

Arora* ..

What ! .. my birthday present but today is not my birthday and not in this month .. who have sent this ...

Strange no name is on it ... Strange ' I thought ..

Although I played the CD in my laptop ...and look it's dark ... Soon it's give life by light and what I saw

my breath hiccup in my lungs ...

No it can't be true , it's some kind of prank ...

I felt like I am having heartattack


My heartbeat is rising with every passing seconds..

My body is sweating like a pig with shaking in fear and pain .

Its some kind of office where a man and woman is present and woman is pleading to the man.

And she is struggling hard against man while man is dominating on the woman and manhandling her .

He slapped her and pushed her on the ground and tore her clothes .. to forced hisself on her ..

I closed my eyes in pain .. it's looking horrible .

' you have also raped your wife ... ' my inner self mocked me ..

I forward it as I want to know why this video has sent to me ...

" Ahhh ... *Sob* .... Ahhhh ... No... No.. No.. *sob* ... Ahhh .. No please ... Ahhhh *sob* ... Ahhhh stop ..

stop ... Maa ... Bhai ... Kabir bhai ... ... Ahhhhhhh... Papa ... Please .. ahhh please bhai save me ...

Ahhhhh .. no ... Ahhh *sob* ... " Same girl is shouting for her life and dignity .. while a man is taking her

purity and happiness by raping her ...

Seeing her crying and shouting like this brings tears in my eyes but her voice is sounding familiar to me


She is laying all naked and a man is over her body .. cursing her body and her virtue get cursed under

his weight .

This man's face is not visible , it's on blur ..

I fall down from my chair with a thud ...when I saw red , dead tear painted face of my very own Babu

sister .... My sister is continuously shouting and calling for me and other family members to save her

from this animal .

" Ahhhhh .. ahhhhh .. ahhhh "

" Please save me... maa .. papa... *Sob* .. please save me "

Soon I came out from my shocking state and got up with a jolt and shut down the laptop as i can't

watch my baby sister in this state .

" This can't be true .. that was not my sister .. she is at home .. ya " I said and called my mom ..

because kashvi has blocked me .

" Hello maa.. how are you ? " I asked and tried hard not to break in tears ...

" I am good Varun ... Why did you called me ? Are you all right ? Why your voice is shaking ? " Maa

asked in her mono tone .

" Umm maa actually there is someone .. a.. friend of kashvi wants to talk her urgently .. can you call her

? " I lied to my mother because I want to confirm that .. my sister is at home safe and happy .

" Kashvi is not at home Varun ... She has gone to her friends marriage out of the city and will come

after 4 days " maa said and ground slipped under my feets.

No .. no this can't be true ... "Okay " somehow I said and cut the call .

" Kashvi " I shout and fall down on my knees while pulling my hairs ...

" No . This couldn't be true .. this is a lie .. no one can touch my sister .. no one .. " I shout .. in

frightening .

I again look at the video ... It's 2 hours video ...

My sister has our family birth sign on her neck .. as a mole .. and in this video the girl also has it ..

This is my baby doll ... " No... Leave my sister you bastard .. leave her ... *Sob* .. please leave her ...

*Sob* .. god .. I am sorry ... I am sorry god , Amoli I am sorry .. please save my sister ... *Sob* ... I am

the one who have done wrong with Amoli , with everyone .. than punish me not my sister , she hasn't

done anything wrong with anyone than why her ... " I shout ... While crying.

I broke each and everything in my office room .. still crying and shouting.

My mind went back for flashback to see how I had forcefully kissed Amoli infront of her brother .

It's karma which is returning back to me ...

' Who is hurting my sister and why ? ... Is it some business rival or what ? '

' is the man is advaith .. no he can't do this .. '

' why he can't he is also a man .. you has broke his sister and did a lot to her maybe he is taking his

revenge from you through kashvi '

' I will kill that bastard whoever is this man ... I will fucking finish his whole family ..

First find kashvi '

I got up and hold my phone in my shaking sweaty hand .. to make it fall down in the process ..

I again hold it and tried to call someone .. but don't know whom to call .. my mind is not working

properly .

' call someone quickly damnit ' my inner self shout on me ..

I dialled a number ... *Ring* *Ring* ...

But no one is picking it ... One more try ... *Ring**Ring* .. " please pick up the phone .. please " ... I


"Hello " came reply .






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