Why did she " Divorce Me "

Chapter - 34

Chapter - 34

Author's Pov.:-

" Why did you called me here in your office Varun... (No reply from Varun)

Hey .. (shake him , still no reply)

what the fuck is this man .. are you crying ? ...(hold his face in her hands to make him look up at her

face) God where this blood has came from ... " Lassya said to Varun who is seating on the floor with

dead red eyes ... And blood is all around him .

His office is looking all messed up and ruined .. his body is shivering as he is still in shock .

His this poor condition building fear in lassya's heart .

Lassya holds Varun's hand to make him stand on his feet but she stopped and gasped loudly in horror

when she saw blood is flowing out from Varun's hand rapidly .

" Hey Varun speak something ... What happened to you ? " Laasya asked him in fear and shook him .

Varun didn't replied but started to cry like a kid ... And lassya hugged him in her embrace and pat ,

cares his back ...

She moved out from his hold and ran towards his table for first aid kit and treat his wounds first ..

Varun looked at the bandage on his hand and thought ' my sister is also in pain , blood was also

coming from her wounds , ... She also needs treatment .. what I am doing here .. I have to find her .. I

have to '

" .. kashvi .. she .. *hiccup* .. she .. someone has raped her " Varun said in his weeping , shaking and

broken voice .

" What " lassya gasped in horror ..

" Who got raped ?" Laasya asked in confusion..

" K.. kashvi " Varun said ..

she shook her head rapidly for a denial but Varun's miserable condition make her believe .

" Where is she ? .. is she in hospital or .. or dead.. " lassya asked still frightening for kashvi ..

Tears running from her eyes but she didn't let any voice of her sobs out ..

Varun explain everything to her .. and showed her video as well ..

" I .. I think advaith had done this " Varun said clenching his jaw and tightening his fist to make them

white ..

He wants his sister back , he doesn't know where the hell she is and how she is ! .

" If you have doubt on him then let's go " lassya said and soon they both set in the car to reach there


" Varun we can't involves police in this matter ... " Lassya said while driving fast ..

" You are right that's why I have called my security force to find my sister and investigate Kashvi's

friends also " Varun said while rubbing his hands on his tears dry pale face .




It's early morning when they both reach at the village .. Varun knocked the door while lassya was

standing beside him .

Soon door was opened by upper body naked advaith .. whose workout solid body on display with sweat

dripping down from his forehead to neck to chest to 1-2-3- row of his packs then hide inside his shorts .

Advaith cleared his throat to pulled out lassya from her drooling land to the reality .

On the other hand Varun observed advaith from head to toe and tried to read his intentions through his

body language.

" Why are you here in my house you bastard !?" Advaith shout when he saw Varun at his door steps ..

Advaith punched Varun .. and he landed on the ground with a thud sound , Varun had expected this

behaviour of advaith and he welcomed it with opened arms.

" Advaith leave him ... Advaith " laasya plead to advaith while putting aside her trembling frightening

self , because advaith is looking like a lion who is attacking on his prey ..

Laasya came forward to hold advaith's continuously punch giving hands .. but when she holds his hand

advaith have laasya hard push and she fall back on the stairs of the house entrance door ...

She moaned in pain .. but tears ran down from her eyes when she heard advaith's words ..

" Don't touch me you whore ! ! " Advaith shout after pushing laasya away from hisself ..

And then everything became all silent only morning winds can be heard .. birds tweeting ...

Laasya turned around to show them her back and quickly cleaned her face .. and again turned around

to face both the man's .. who are now standing ..

" Can we talk privately ? " Laasya asked to which advaith made a frown face but nods his head .

" Jiju !! " Trio heads moved towards the source of the sound to see Vahini is standing at the door

entrance with her Pikachu in her hands ..

She threw her Pikachu away and ran .. and threw herself on Varun to make him catch her on time in his

embrace .

" I missed you and moo alot .. where is moo .. didn't she come with you huh.. please take me with you ,

I also want to meet her " Vahini the cheater box .. explode on Varun ..

Varun's eyes moved towards advaith to ask him ' she doesn't know yet ? ' and advaith said yes by

nodding his head ..

" Aww my panda .. I am sorry but I promise you that I will take your moo with me so that , you can meet

her " Varun said and hugged Vahini and kissed her forehead ..

Now his heart is at little calm .. and he said in his mind ' this what a kid have magic , they can make

you tension free by their little smile or their presence .. both sisters are angels '.

" Okay now you go and get ready for your school , I have some important work with your brother "

Varun said and Vahini obeyed him ..

While other members of Anand family didn't welcomed them inside their house ...


These trio went in the garden area to talk .. where Varun calmly asked advaith about kashvi because

somehow he smelled the surrounding that advaith is not the one who has done wrong to his sister.

Advaith denied and said " I don't know why you're asking me about your sister ... Is something

happened to her .. hmm I took your silence as yes ..

I am feeling sorry for her but what can we expect ..

Everyone have to suffer only because of your bad doings , just like your sister is suffering only because

of you "

Advaith's words burnt Varun's heart like it was burnt by acid ... His heart ached when he again thought

about his sister .. ' be strong .. your sister needs you '

" I know advaith that you don't like Varun but please don't put acid in our strength .. you don't know

what has happened to her and she is missing just like Amoli ..

So , please co-operate with us " laasya said ...

Before advaith could say or do anything .. he felt some weight on his foot .. he look down to see ..

A man is holding his legs while kneeling before him , advaith made a confused face and thought ' who

is this man , why he is holding my legs ? 'etc etc questioning thoughts are running in his head ..

On the other hand lassya gasped like a fish who is outside the water and struggling to breath , her both

hands are over her air gasping mouth , in shock .

" Hey who are you , please leave my hand , and stop crying , what do.." advaith's further words couldn't

came out when he saw man's face .

Because the man is none other his ex-brother-in-law ..

Varun is kneeling infront of him and crying holding his legs .

" I am sorry .. I am sorry for what I have done to you and to your sister ..

Know I realised .. how much it hurts when you saw your sister in pain but you can't help her or take her

pain away only because you're helpless ..

I know my sorry couldn't change anything but still I want to apologise to you .. I am sorry and I am

regretting for my bad deeds now I am feeling your pain ..." Varun said still holding advaith's legs ..

While advaith also has tears in his eyes when he thought of his sister ... How much he had cried on his

sister's reception party when he tried to save his sister from his brother-in-law but couldn't .

He is missing his sister but failed to find her but still there is a hope in his heart that he will find her .

Advaith stepped back releasing hisself from Varun's hold ..

His this action make him and Varun to make an eye contact , advaith eyes are shining in his sister's

memories while Varun's eyes are shining in pain , in regret , in fear , in love , in hope and in guilt .

" I am no one to forgive you because you have hurt my sister so , you're her culprit .. *sighed* I don't

know what has happened to kashvi but I am always ready for giving you my help .. " advaith said and

walk out leaving both laasya and Varun behind .

They trio talked about kashvi .. and Varun exposed the truth of Kashvi's misery and planed where to

find her and not to leak Kashvi's disappearance news in society as well as her getting raped ...

Because if this society will get to know about it then it will eat her alive .. but right now the big question

infront of them is this ... ' how to tell this to Kashvi's parents and how to find her because kashvi has no This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

enemy while Varun has infinite enemies ...

" Okay than , we should leave " laasya said to advaith and advaith made a disgusting and annoyed

face while looking at lassya's face.

Because according to advaith she is a slut as some reports says ..

Ignoring advaith's rude behaviour and hiding her pain in her heart laasya hold Varun's hand and walk

out from there to go back house ..



" Make sure no one get to know about it " Varun said in his dominating intimidating voice to his security

team who is themselves a fighter force of more then 100 people's ..

His eyes are red with dark circles under them , his face is all lack of any emotion.

Now his first priority is to find his sister .




Time skips ...

After one month:-

Somewhere in a room , loud shouting is filling whole building ..

Sun is shining in his all glory up in the sky wind is shaking in the environment .

Blooming flowers are dancing in their joy with birds tweeting sound boasting positive vibes in the


But suddenly everything became silent .. only someone's anklet sound is coming and becoming louder

with every passing seconds ..

The room became all pin drop silent ... Room door was opened by someone and the person entered

inside ..

" Goooddd mmooornnninggg tteeeaacchheerrr " all the kids of primary class shout and wished their

favourite teacher good morning ... But singing it like a song in their cute baby voice with innocent smile.

" Good morning.. Good morning , sit down " said the woman with smiling face and all the students set

down on their respective seats .

" So, who want to come first to sing poem today which we had learnt yesterday ? " Asked Thier mother


And all the kids shout ' mam me , mam me , no mam me first , mam me '. While raising their one hand

up to gain their teacher's attention.






Soon last bell ranged to confirm all school kids that it's time to go back to your house.

Every school kids walk out from their respective class in two line rows .. one is girls and other one is

boys .

And all went in their respective vehicle ..

" Hello mam ... Good afternoon " a middle aged man greet the same teacher who is now standing

infront of the school entrance gate door .

" Good afternoon uncle and please call me Amoli or child or daughter but not this mam mam , you're

elder than me .. " Amoli winched on the old man ..

" Yes ... But you know mam , I am just a mare servant of your , a driver

So, I can't cross my line and I prefer to call you mam ... Profession is profession .." amoli's driver said

to her ..

Amoli just signed and seat inside her car .. while her driver thought ' she is really an innocent and kind-

hearted girl , sir is very lucky to have her in his life '.


Soon Amoli reach infront of a very beautiful villa .. car entered inside and Amoli stepped out from it and

directly went inside ..

Every staff members wished her ... And she wished them back with a smile .

She went inside her room and took bath and directly went to kitchen to eat something .

She set on kitchen counter with food filled plate on her lap .. he mouth is all stuck with food .. she is

looking cute like a baby .. and a boy also came inside while running but he stopped in his steps when

he saw Amoli inside the kitchen

His face lost it smile when he saw her .. he turned around his steps to go back

but before he moved out ..

" Hey you .. little boy come here " Amoli said not in her polite voice .. and boy shivered in fear and

made a cry face .

But Amoli climbed down and carry boy on her hip and placed his on kitchen counter beside her seat

and give him food and also took her previous seat ..

Boy first look at the food with his big big eyes innocently then at Amoli , who is busy in her food .. she is

not giving him any attention .

He hold his spoon from the plate and threw it away with his all might energy and huffed in annoyeness .

His this stunt grabbed amoli's full and complete attention .. Amoli raised her eyebrows in questioning

while boy made an innocent face and end up giggling ..

Amoli laughed hard ... " You naughty , attention seeker " Amoli said while pinching his chubby cheeks .

"Aaah" boy said while opening his mouth to say her 'feed me' .. but Amoli didn't obeyed him ..

So, he stand up on his feet and his food plate fall down making cracking sound..

But he directly jumped on Amoli and hold her by her neck so that , he won't fall down and bite amoli's

right cheek ..

" Ahhh " Amoli hissed in pain .. but that naughty kid laughed and set down with thud and threw away

amoli's spoon also and laughed when spoon fall down and made sound .

Amoli sighed ' evil naughty child ' she said to herself ..

And started to feed him with her hands and herself eat .. both eat food from one plate .

Soon both finished their eating ...

" So how was the food ? " Amoli asked the cute little boy who's face is little red and his lips as well ..

He is hissing but not crying , Because for him food was quite spicy bit he eat it ..

" Aww cuteo was it spicy ? " Amoli asked and he said yes while nodding his head and rubbed his nose

tip by his hand's back .. when he felt ticklish in his nose due to high spices.

" Okay then ... Would you like to drink something sweet or want to eat sweet " Amoli asked while giving

kisses on the kiddo's red lips .

" Micky Micky " little boy said ..

" Ohhhh you want milk " she said and boy claps his hand and nods his head as yes ..

Amoli made milk for him and for herself tea ..





Amoli moved up her head when she heard camera click sound .. and here is standing an old couple

with camera in hand of old man .

" Aww my child , you both are looking so cute and adorable " Mrs. Wright said and came to her kissed

her forehead while holding amoli's face in her hands and did the same with the little boy .

" Thank you Mrs. Wright " Amoli said while rubbing her red face , Because she is embarassed ..

Mr. Wright hold the boy in his arms and started to play with him , .. while boy is saying like " meoo...

Hioom.. moomm .. "

Both the couples laughed and said " okay you do your lunch then we will talk at evening " and left her

to finish her tea which is also a part of her lunch ..

After finishing her food tournament Amoli came back in her bedroom to take a little nap ..

*Knock* *knock*

Amoli woke up from her sleep hearing knocking sound on her room door which broke her peaceful

sleep .

" Mam sir is calling you for evening tea " a girl in maid uniform said to her .. Amoli nods her head as yes

and closed the door ...

She washed her face and combed her hairs ..

She climbed down the staircase but she stopped when she found hard stares on her body .. she looked

up at the source of hard stares .

She smiled at the man who is sipping his coffee , .. but man didn't smiled back only gave her his killing

smirk .. and Amoli shook her head and climbed down the left staircase to reach to the man in living hall.

" Good evening Mr. And Mrs. Wright " Amoli wished old couple and they greet her back with a smile ...

" So, are you not going to wish me !? " Asked the man with a smirk .. Amoli blushed listing his teasing


" Good evening Mr. ... Umm... Sorry .. humm *throat clearing* .. good evening maverick " Amoli greet

him .. and called the man by his name as he has commanded her.

" Good evening angel " greet the man who is youngest son of Mr. And Mrs. Wright.

Amoli again blushed listing his words , he always calls her angel , sweetheart , my heart , my love , or

whatever he feel towards her to call her.

" So, how was your day " asked Mrs. Wright

" As always great .. " Amoli replied while sipping her tea .

Time skipped in their chit chat ...

It's dinner time now amoli is making dinner with Mrs. Wright for everyone , Mr. And Mrs. Wright are

lovely romantic old couple blessed with Four Sons .

First elderest son who's name is Grayson Wright , while left three are triplet Theodore, Hudson and

Maverick .. Theodore is the elder one in triplet while Maverick is the youngest one in the triplet .

Mrs. Ahana Wright is an Indian woman , while her husband Mr. Mark Wright is an American .. but both

fall in love when Mr. Wright had came to India for his business purpose .

Mr. Mark and his son maverick both set the dining table for dinner and Amoli placed the dishes on table


" Good evening everyone ... Good evening mom , dad , Rick and amu ... Good evening my love ones "

three manly dominating voices boosts the calm dining room in a noisy one ..

Everyone greet the three new comers , and set on their respective chairs to have their food ..

Amoli was also eating her food when she felt a hand on her lap ...

Her heart beats raised high ..







She look down to see a tinny hand of culprit ...

She took relief breath and look at little boy with her narrowed eyes who is smiling innocently.

She hold him and make him sit on her lap and as always he threw amoli's spoon and it hit Mr. Grayson

Wright's face.. who is elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Wright .

And he is too scary and his triplet younger brothers gasped with their parents and Amoli is also one of

them who's face is covered by her hands .

Grayson groaned and cleaned food particles away from his face with a napkin ..

And gave hard killing stares to the little boy but his eyes soften and became like a little puppy , when he

looked at amoli's face who is living his challenging look and starring him back ..

Her firing eyes are saying ' if you dare to shout on him then you are dead ' .

Amoli came out from staring when little boy squeezed her one breast over her clothes asking for milk ..

and she blushed ..

' God it's so embarrassing ' she said in her head and moved his little hands away and make the boy sit

properly on her lap... And look at everyone to see that they all are looking Grayson ..

' thanks god they didn't saw it ' Amoli thanked her stars .

" I am sorry Mr. Grayson .. please forgive us " Amoli apologize to him .. and all eyes moved towards her


" Hmm " Grayson said and concentrate on his food .

Little boy again turned around and moved his hand on amoli's neck and pinched her flesh .. to make

her hissed in pain .. she gave angry look to him to stop him and make him giggled while clapping his


She smiled and make him sit properly again..

' he reminds me about him .. .. don't .. don't you dare to think about that ' she warned herself ..

and started to feed little boy his food .. while teaching him not to throw things like this.

While other family members soon came out from their shock when they heard little boy's baby talks

which only he knows what he is saying .

Because they was expecting Grayson to shout like ' don't you have manners and bla bla (etc etc ) .

After finishing her dinner Amoli got up to go in her room to sleep , not before wishing everyone ' good

night ' .







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