Why did she " Divorce Me "

Chapter - 45

Chapter - 45

Amoli's Pov.:-

" Hufff " .. I sighed when I saw my two months little baby girl quasar .. lost in her beautiful sleep .

Finally she slept .. it's 3 am in night and here she was crying from past half an hour's for breastfeeding

.. and she was not taking milk bottle's nipple no matter how hard I tried .. awww my baby !

It broke my heart to saw her crying for milk but I can't feed her as I am not her biological mother and

not have given birth .. so , it's impossible that milk will come for her from my bosoms ..

But still at the end she drank milk from her bottle and slept .. finally ..

I also laid down on my bed beside my baby ..

It's already mid night but sleep is away from my eyes .. I am thinking about all the things which

happened in all these past weeks .

I am here in this village which is some villages away from my parents village .. I am living here in my

3bhk house with my baby .

I am now teacher in this village school .. although I have a helper here , who babysits quasar in my

absence when I have to leave her alone in house while going school .

I have also applied for maternal leave , so that I can give my time to my daughter as she is too small

and she needs a mother care .

Now everything is settled in my life .. my baby came in my uncoloured life and put colour in it by her

presence .. she is lucky for me .. see she came in my life and now I am government school teacher ..

Thinking about life .. Varun's face came running infront of my eyes ..

From the last encounter in hospital Varun haven't shown his face to me again not even to his family as

social media says that he is not in India, he has gone to abroad to spread his business .

' stop thinking about him ' I scold myself ..

I turned and looked at my family pic in which I saw Kashvi's pic with me .. I have taken this when I told

them all my decision of moving out and live my life on my own when I got my job offer accepted from

the school in which I am working now .

On that time kashvi was there with me , she had came to meet me , as she was feeling alone and

craved for something spicy to eat so , she had came to me to make her my special fried spicy rice .

First my parents was against it as they felt like i will lost again in this cruel word but than advaith

support me and took my side for living alone by myself ..

Vahini still don't know about my divorce with Varun , because I think she is not that mature enough to

understand all this .

Vahini .. she had cried for me .. saying ' please don't go moo , if it's necessary than take me too with

you ' .

But I couldn't take her with me .. but she always comes to my house to meet me on every Sunday ..

Although I miss my family but it's needed .. me staying alone on myself .. because one day I have to

live alone .. and independence is a good medicine to pull you out from your sorrow ..

My first day in my this house was all new and tough .. as I was habitual for the presence around me

and here me and my baby . .. only we both ..

But with time everything settled .. and became comfortable and homely ..

Now I am happy in my life .. very happy ..




Soon sleep took control over me and I slept ...




I woke up hearing cries of my daughter .. I changed her diapers and made milk for her ..

It's already 6am in morning so , it's not time to sleep so, I took bath and got ready in simple semi grey

and blue cotton saree with long half sleeves blouse ..

I give bath to my baby also .. neglecting her all protest against the bath .. as she is crying while bathing

but if she is stubborn than I am her mother .. I am more stubborn than her ..

Hehe .. just kidding ...

We both got ready in matching colour clothes which is grey , I did pray in my house small worship area


Then I took my baby in my one hand and in other all necessary things for Indian prayer .

Soon we arrived at temple , and quasar started to babble in her baby voice , .. catching everyone's

attention on her by her cute behaviour ..

And here like other indian typical mother , I also got worried for my daughter , while thinking .. ' god

please save my daughter from every evil eyes ' when I saw everyone in temple having adoring looks on

their face for my daughter .

I did prayer ..

And came out from temple .. to go back to my house ..

Temple is just 15 minutes walk away from my house ..

I put my daughter in her baby crib and here she started to weep again to make me groan at her

stubbornness ..

I don't like her this habit , she always want me to carry her around .. but when I put her down or give

her to someone to hold her for some time .. this is what she do is just cry .

I carry her in my arms and placed her head on my shoulder and rock her lightly .. while roaming around

in the hall ...

Soon she slept .. and I placed her again ...

" Let's go Amoli complete your all work before she wakeup " I said to myself and ran in kitchen to cook

something for myself as my daughter is too small to eat food ..

Someone knocked on my house door and I know who is it .. so I opened my house door and take milk

from the man who delivery milk to most of the people's who don't have cows in their house for milk .

This milk is pure cow's milk .. this is one of the benefit to live in village .. you will get everything fresh

and pure from milk to vegetables .

I heat the milk .. and soon it's my time to go and leave my baby alone .. here , I don't want to leave her

but I am helpless because of my job .

My life house orphanage is also running good as I have posted about it in my social account to

encourage peoples for donations and results turned out good than expected ..

Although Varun had said to me that he will help me with money for my orphanage house but I kicked

his offer with attitude because I don't want anything from him .

' ohhhh really , you have got that orphanage house and your daughter from him only .. stop flying high

come to land ' my one side said ... or we can say mocked

I groaned in frustration .. ' don't think about him ' .

My helper came to my house she is an old woman .. her name is Shanti ..

I called her auntie .. she has no one with her as she has two daughters and both are married .. and no

one is ready to take her in , in their house as it's not good to take your parents in your husband's house

according to this stupid society .. poor her .. she lives alone in her house ..

She lives just one house away from my house ..

I bid them bye and here stood .. Mr. Deepak Roy .

Infront my house ... He is seating on his bick .. and waiting for me ..Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

He is my colleague .. and let me tell you he is all flat on me .. huff .. but I don't feel same for him , so I

have told him that at the same moment when he had confessed his feelings which was two weeks

before .

Although he is too handsome and caring man .. complete husband material but .. we are not a good

match as I don't want to ruin his life .. with my presence and I am happy in my life ..

But still he is trying .. and I am feeling bad for it ..

He teaches maths to intermediate students .. and he is around 28 .. he is my senior teacher as I

teaches primary classes ..

He signalled me through his eyes to say sit behind him on his bick .. but I shook head as no and eyes

my scooty ..

He huffed ... Aww cute .. I chuckled and he too then we both went to school .





I start my scooty to go back school as school is closed now .. I sighed in relief because is got maternal

leave of whole 1 years .. with my salary on every month .. as I am government school teacher ..

I happily arrived at my home and here one car is park before my house entrance door ..

' who has come to my house ' I thought ...

I parked my scooty and then enter inside my house to see

I gasped first .. with thoughts ' how you got to know about my address .. ' I thought looking at him

surprised .. then ' but why I am hiding from him .. ? ' I thought ..

I walk to them to let them know about my arrival.

.. Varun is playing with quasar in hall .. and my daughter is also playing with him happily ..

Strange because she never .. means never mingles with anyone , no matter what .. even she doesn't

like her maternal grandparents touches other than mine even Shanti auntie faced hard time in handling

her ...

' but why he is here ' I frowned ..

I look around for auntie .. but she is not here ..

" How you get inside my house ? " I asked him ..

" Through door " .. he replied cooly .. nerves of this man .. talking in attitude with me while seating in

my property ..

" What are you doing here ? .. " I asked coming to him and take my daughter away from him ..

" Stop first .. go fresh up and don't spread germs to our daughter " he said cooly .. shoeing me away by

his hand ..

I huffed for my stupidness as I completely forgot about cleaning myself first before picking her up ..

" It's not our .. she is mine only mine daughter got it .. wait I am just coming then I will teach you a good

lesson " I said while running to my room to change ..

I quickly removed my saree .. then jump in bathroom to have quick shower .. I wear my simple long

skirt with long sleeves top ..

I came out to see Varun is having his lunch while seating on floor with Shanti auntie as I don't owe any

dining table because I didn't found it required .. so , I didn't buy it .. and quasar is beside him on her

little bed playing with her plastic nipple reather to suck it ..

This girl is way to smart than her age .. I am telling you she will become more claver than any detective

and she is playing with Varun time to time looking at him while he is also handling her like a pro ..

' has he babysit any baby before ? ' suddenly this question came in my head .. and I punched this

question to my imaginary Varun and he layed flat with twisted neck .. hehe .. just imagination can't twist

his neck in real as he is bulk in my body comparison .

I am angry with his presence but I didn't shout on him only because of shanti auntie as she can't hold

loud shouts and all .. fights ..

" Come beta (child) .. you too have your lunch " I nod my head and took plate to serve myself but Varun

.. he was fast and he served me .. while I just gasped like a fool ..

' dump head ' I scold myself .. but still eat my food ..

" Food is really amazing auntie .. " I said while licking the corner of my lips with my tongue.. where

some curry is left and continued my eating ..

" This gentleman has made today's lunch " Shanti auntie said .. to make me coughed hard ..

My face became red with tears dripping out from my eyes ..

Shanti auntie slapped my back and Varun give me water without any argument I took water from him

and drank it ...

" Are you okay .. ? " Varun asked .. I looked at his face expecting worried expressions on his face but ..

what I saw , it shocked me and terrified me at the same moment ..

Because he is fricking smirking .. ...

I raised my eyebrows at him .. and here my appetite died .. because he is still doing same .

What is happening around me because two months before he was like all broken and crying for his

mistakes , sins and look at him now ..

All back in his true skin .. devil ..

" Auntie you go and take rest , I will take care now " I said to auntie and she left to go in one room to

sleep .. yes I have given her one room in my house but at night she went to her house to sleep as ..

that house was made by her husband and she can't leave that house long ..

After auntie went to her room I put milk bottle's nipple in quasar's hungry mouth and she started to suck

it ..

Then I turned to him and before I could say he jumped on my body ..

" How are you ? " I asked .. while hugging me and caressing my hairs with his one hand while other is

moving over the end edge of my top .. and he moved his fingers over it and put his fingers over my

naked waist ..

I gasped when his rough cold fingers touched my waist skin ..

I came back in my sense , when he moved his fingers up and down feeling smoothness of my skin .

I stepped over his foot and took him by surprise as he was lost in his own world thinking god knows

what ... And I pushed him and slapped him .

" Don't you dare Varun .. to touch me again.. if you touch me again than I will complaint against you to

police for sexual harassment " I said all the time his face is turned in the direction where it had moved

due to slap force ..

I had his hand to push him out from my house but he took me over his one shoulder.. and even before I

could shout or do anything because in shock and in fear it took me time to come back in reality ..

He threw me on my bed and bind my both hands on the both side of bed and he did same with my legs


He mute me by putting tape over my mouth which he had hidden in his pocket ..

All negative thoughts started to run iny eyes , with flashback of all his tortures ..

Tears of helplessness run down from my eyes but he didn't said anything.. I at last asked mercy from

his through my eyes but he didn't moved ..

He went out from my room and came back .. maybe after an hour ..

Quasar is in his arms .. and sleeping he placed her in her crib and covered her well ..

I gulped down and wait for his next move ...

My more tears ran down when I saw him removing his clothes ..

Oh god .. is he .. is he again going to do that ..

I looked away from him .. just after sometime ... I heard shower sound .. I looked back and he is not

here in room .. and bathroom's door is open..and water running sound is coming from it .

Although I couldn't look inside the bathroom but still you should close bathroom door weather you're

alone in whole house or not ..

And here look at this man .. all shameless creature ..

Hufff .. due to crying .. now my throat is dry .. I want water ..

Soon he came out from bathroom with my towel around him ..

I got angry to see this .. ' stupid creature, he used my towel , doesn't he has his .. ' I said to myself as I

can't voice it out due to sealed mouth .

My eyes are looking at his every movement ..

He pick out his clothes from a bag which I hadn't noticed before .. he took his shorts with t-shirt ..

" Closed your eyes if you don't want to see my tool .. .. and if you want to see than I have no problem "

I said while smirking and chuckling ..

I got red with his words .. and I closed my eyes while moving my face away from him ..

I can hear sounds of him wearing his clothes my breath is uneven.. I don't know why .. but one thing is

clear that they are high not because I am scared of him .. no I am not scared of him anymore ..

As I have believe that he won't repeat it again to me because I have seen it in his eyes .. and maybe if

he do that again to me than .. his family itself kill him and law also because I won't step back this time

in punishing him because at before I was also at fault because I had endured all the torture ideally

without saying anything to anyone and it had boost him to do more .. but not this time .. I won't behave

stupidly this time .

" Don't peek okay ... " He said pulling me away from my thoughts and I moved my hands and leg

showing him that I got angry with his words .. but chuckled..

" Now you can open your eyes " he said .. over my ear.. making me shivered by his closeness ..

I quickly moved my face towards his direction and our lips touched .. and I just blinked and he .. he is

hovering over my face like an statue ..

He pecked my tape sealed lips and rest his forehead over mine and said " are you scared of me !? "

I shook my head as no .. to which he smiled.. just like humans smile ..

He freed my hands and legs and I attached on him with my slippers .. while he ran away from me ..

saving himself from me ..

" Ohhhh god .. angry woman .. first remove this tape away from your mouth .. your anger has blind you

" he teased me at my stupidly ..

" And let me tell you .. you're looking funny more funny than any cartoon character .. " he said and

clicked my pic ..

I removed the tape from my lips to hissed in pain ..

I touched my lips to check if they bleed or not .. thanks god they are not .. he too came to me .. and I hit

him with the slipper and it hit him on his face ..

I gasped .. because I had moved my hand to hit him on his biceps but it directly hit him on his face ..

We both stood there silent and I felt guilty because ' although he deserves a good beating but what I

did is disrespectful .. whatever we both were just playing right .. but what I did is ' ..

' What playing.. from where is come . '

" I . I am sorry I didn't mean to hit you .. " I said and kicked the slipper away and hold his hands and

went inside kitchen and put ice bag over his slapped face ..

He hissed but still he didn't said me anything .. because I had thought that he will know say or scold me

but no , I behaved calmly ..

" Hmm .. I am really sorry Varun .. you know what .. when you tied me down , I thought that you will

again hurt and I got too scared but with time I composed myself ..

And when you freed me , so , I thought to beat you as I had planned as your punishment but it all went

wrong " .. I explained him .. and just looked at my face .. like he is reading it ..

I looked at him confusingly .. and he kissed my forehead and said " you are strong woman Amoli .. way

too strong than you think you are ! "

" Can I asked you something Amoli " he said while putting ice bag away ..

I nod my head ..

" Will you answer truthfully ?! " He said .. with frown face and intimidating eyes ..

But still I said " yes " ..

" But I want to ask you something before your questions " I said and he signalled me to continue..

" Why did you tied me on bed .. when you don't had any bad intention ? " I asked ..

And knowing smirk broke on his face .. his eyes shine in naughtiness ..

" Why do you want me to do something bad .. huh .. ?!! " He asked while caressing side of my face with

his index finger in teasing way ..

It make me shiver .. under his touch ..

" I was just testing .. that if I do to you this will you get panic attack or not .. ". He said stepping back

from me .. letting coldness come in his previous place ..

" And what if I got panic attack than what will you do ? " I asked stupidly getting lost in his eyes ..

" Than I would have took appointment to psychiatrist for you and before that I would have give you

inject to pull you out from your panic attack " he said ..

" But why does it matters to you .. about me getting panic attack or not ? " I asked ..

He hold my both hands in his .. to giving them warmth ..

" Panic attack shows that the person is not mentally strong .. and now you lives alone here with a child


If you get panic attack who will look after you .. " he said .. and I understood his words ..

" Okay now it's your turn .. ask me what you wanted to ask me ? " I said ..




" Why did you divorce me " .. he said and his eyes .. hold something which scared me more than this






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