Why did she " Divorce Me "

Chapter - 46

Chapter - 46

Amoli's Pov.:-

" I have asked you something Amoli.. why did you divorce me .. " he again repeat his words .. and hold

my both shoulders and squeezed them to pull me back in reality..

I slapped his hands away from me and stepped back ..

I am shivering in nervousness but .. I took deep breaths with closed eyes and calmed my shivering

nerves .

I opened my eyes to see him with my anger dripping eyes ..

How dare he to ask me this question ?

" Why are you asking this to me huh ?.. " I said with tight fist .. ready to punch him on his face ..

He gave me challenging look with frowned face ..

And tried to intimate me with his dark dominating eyes ..

" Don't you yourself knows the reason .. ? .. " I said but he still giving me that same look .. like he is

waiting for me to answer him .

I am feeling like to punch him on his face and broke his bones .. and beat his till he die ... But after that

I will go in jail for murdering him then who will look after my quasar ..

' only because of my quasar's sake he is alive .. ' my one side .. evil side said to me sitting over my

right shoulder .

" I don't know why did you divorce me .. that's why I am asking .. don't I ? " he said with raised bows

and come to me to hold me in his arms but I stepped back and gave him hard angry look..

" Fuck woman don't look at me like this you're looking hot and sexy at the same time with this angry

look on your face ..

.. don't distract me ..

Now tell me " he said while smirking ..

' so , this animal is finding me .. hot and sexy .. pervert ..

Always his mind is in gutter .. ' I said to myself looking at him ..

" Don't you have any work .. and why are you here in my house .. ? .. wait how did auntie let you in.. ?

What you has said to her so , she let you in ? " I said to which he only smirked and raised his bows in


" Diverting the topic are we huh !?... .. run as much as you want but one day or other you have to

answer .. " he said making me more tensed .. my heart skipped it's beat hearing his words .

" And to your answers of your questions is .. I just told her that I am your fiance by showing her our

engagement ceremony pictures.. simple ..

Then she just treat me like her own son-in-law .. she is way too innocent .. but a good lady " he said

while pinching my cheeks with teasing smile on his face ..

" Don't you think .. you are crossing your limit Varun ..

Don't tell me you came here to fulfill your sexual hunger .. just like you used to do when we both were

married ..

I am not your some whore who will please you after enduring all insult and torture from you .. and don't

make fake guilty reasons for coming close to me .. I am not whore ... " My words stopped by his slap as

I fall down on floor with thud sound ....

My tears started to flow from my eyes as I tried to got up while my cheek is tingling in painful sensation


My tongue tasted my blood near corner of my lips.. and I touched my lips with my trembling hands ..

My finger tip paint in my blood as the side of my lip got injured due to his slap's impact ..

He pulled me back on my previous place by pulling my hairs ... To make me hissed in pain ..

He didn't give me time , to come back in my sense .. he put his lips over mine and showed his power

over me .. he moving his lips way to fast .. while I am gasping for air .. he is groaning while kissing me

in anger .. he pored his all anger in kiss ...

He is asking for entrance in my mouth , but I didn't let him ...

He hold my both hands in his one .. and with free hand he moved it inside my top to make my eyes

more big in surprise and then he teared my bra and throw it somewhere in kitchen.. and it made me

gasped in surprise at his sudden move ..

To which he entered in my mouth gladly and kissed me hard to make my lips more swelled ..


He left my lips .. for me to breath .. I am panting .. so is he ..

I took deep breaths to came back in normal senses .. but he again put his lips .. but this kiss is slow

and passionate one .. he is moving his lips slow and softly without putting more pressure like before .. ..

he squeezed my left breast inside my top .. to make me moan in pleasure ..

He placed me over kitchen counter and came in middle my legs .. he is still kissing me while moving his

hands inside my top .. making me shiver more with his touches .

I also copied his steps and moved my lips with his .. our kiss tuned into very hearted moment.. and my

body build heat in it .. to make me feel hot .. and something in between my legs ..

I roamed my hands in his hairs and over the back of his neck ..

After good 1 minute of continuous kissing he left my lips and closed his eyes while resting his forehead

over mine ..

While I am looking at him with angry while panting for air .. because he just did all those dirty things

and like a horny needy whore I enjoyed his work ..

I pushed him .. and slapped him and ran inside my room .. while my anklets rings in my every steps ..

I came in my room and tried to closed my room door but devil is here ..

I huffed and clean my tear wet face ..

I pushed him on his chest .. and said " why are you here Varun .. don't tell me .. you want my body ..

you want to sleep with me .. ! " I said all this in anger without knowing what shit I am talking ..

He hold my hand in his and twist them to make me moan in pain ..

He came to my ear and whispered dangerously " if I want to sleep with you Amoli than no one .. means

no one in this whole world can stop me to do it .. but stop diverting the topic woman .. I know what you

are doing .. you're just trying to make me angry so that, I lost my mind and do something horrible ..

Than let me tell you Amoli .. you're more precious to me than anything .. I love you and will always do

till I am alive .. and no you're not any whore or anything cheep .. you're so precious to me that I can't

even earn by giving my life and I will make you voice out the truth which you have hide inside your

heart from everyone .. " he said .. and kissed my forehead while tears slipped from his eyes .

He went out and come back with a glass of water he give me it to drink .. which I took and gulped it

down .. than he treat my injured lip .. while blowing air over it with his mouth while applying cream over

it .

" Get out from my house before I make you " I shout on him to make him raised his head in

questioning ..

" I will .. give me my answer " he said cooly .. and angry steams pooped out from my ears and nose ..

" Okay ..but why I am feeling like you are mocking me .. huh .. because you yourself knows answer

Varun .. as you wanted divorce from me .. and ..

Whatever ... I divorced you because you was so inhuman with me and because of you I lost my child ..

I saw my child's murderer in you .. your face started to haunt me .. saying you have killed my child and

you will kill me too one day ..

That's it .. now you got your answer .. now get out from my property " I chide on him and pushed him

out from my room and locked it ...

He banged my locked room door while shouting outside " Amoli .. I won't leave from here .. not before

taking all answers from you .. " ..

I set on my bed pulling my hairs and looked at my life and happiness .. my daughter .. she is my

medicine ..

I set beside her crib and looked at her sleeping face .. her eyelashes are moving .. saying she is going

to wake up soon .

I got up and took out her clean clothes sets as her clothes stinking in milk smell .. soon she wake up

making baby voice and started to cry ..

I went to her and hold her in my arms while rocking her ..

She hummed with me as I said " aww .. my baby .. my bear .. my teddy .. my sweet potato ... " I said all

this while pinching her cheeks , nose or chin ..

.. to which she said " aoow aoow aoow aoow " ..

I chuckled .. she is funny and cute .. so adorable.

I kissed her forehead .. and changed her clothes while she behave naughtily .. I give her rubber toy to

play with it but she passed it away on bed throwing it on me and it hit me on my chest then it landed on

bed ..

I played with her .. for good 4-5 minutes than kissed her forehead and carry her in my arms ..

I opened my room door to see he is still there .. sitting on chair infront of my room... God this man .. I

think he has took swear to annoy me all my life .

" What are you doing here .. ?? You have got your answers then why are you still here ? " I chide him..

to which he made face .. which screamed ' really ' ..

I twist my lips in annoyeness ..

" Whatever you have said was not your real reason Amoli .. and I will stay here in your house till you

didn't say truth " he said ..

I rolled my eyes while mumbling " whatever " ..

" Think whatever you think Varun .. but I have told to truth ... I don't know what game you're playing with

me .. I am still suspicious with your presence here because you're a mean selfish person and you're

here means you want something from me ..

If you think you can have your ways with me than you are wrong ..

And if you're here to give me pain than you are wrong because now you can't treat be bad and hurt me


And if you're here to take away from daughter than let me tell you. .. she is my daughter legally .. " I

said to him.. and he just clenched his fist .. like he is stopping hisself from beating me ..

" You are still lying and to divert me you're again saying such things .. " he said in his calmed and

composed voice .

I ignored him when quasar started to cry for milk ..

I walk in kitchen and he too followed me .. when he saw me heating milk .. than he slapped my hands ..

and said " I will make her milk bottle you sit and play with her " ..

I just stood there some steps away from him and watched his every move .. he is working in kitchen

like a pro .. wow .. I said this when I saw how sexily he pored milk in bottle and then with a charming

smile he gave me bottle in my hand ..

Absent mindly I passed him shy smile to which he passed me smirk and clicked his fingers before my

eyes to welcome me in reality ..

I got angry on myself .. so to realise it .. I stamped my one step over his foot to make him hissed in pain


And with attitude I walk out from kitchen and sit on one chair in hall .. I put bottle nipple over her lips

and pushed it in her mouth but she moved her mouth and started to cry .. but didn't take nipple in her

mouth .

Varun also came to us limping in his steps .. he looked at quasar with sad face .. he hold cry quasar in

his arms and rocked her and tried hard to stop her cry but we both failed ..

" She will take this milk when she won't hold her hunger anymore .. " I said while taking her in my arms


I heard Varun clearing his throat while scratching his neck's back ..

I asked him what with my eyes .. to which he again cleared his throat and said " you feed her .. I mean

breastfeeding " ..

My eyes became big in shock hearing his words ..

' is he insane ' I thought .. with red face

" Look don't be shy .. she will learn to feed from bottle soon when she didn't get milk from you .. " he

said with red face ..

Oh god is he blushing .. ..

I just nod my head and went to my room and sit on bed while pulled up my top to feed her she quickly

opened her mouth to welcome it .. when she felt it over her lips ..

I felt a kick with ticklish feeling in my stomach and a electrical jolt in my whole body when she pulled my

nipple in her mouth and sucked it hard ..

This new feeling brought tears in my eyes .. if my child was alive ... Perhaps I would have felt the same

while feeding him or her.

I hissed when I felt little pain in my breast .. she tried several times but nothing came out to which she

left it and looked at my face with her innocent eyes ..

I took it as opportunity .. and I placed milk bottle's nipple in her mouth and then she started to drink

from it .

I sighed .. and watched her drinking her milk .. soon she left bottle and started to giggle saying she is

full now by her happy face and moving hands and legs .

" I heard click sound and looked up to see Varun with his phone in his hand clicking our pictures ..

I adjust my top as I am not wearing my bra .. as this monster has teared it and threw it in kitchen..

Oh in kitchen I have to find it .. before auntie saw it ..

I got up and pat quasar's back to make her burp .. soon she burped ..

Varun took her in his arms from my hold .. and she happily went in his arms ..

' see for milk .. muma but for play .. papa ' I said ..

Hmm papa ... No no he is no one to us .

" Amoli child .. " auntie called me and I just run without saying anything ..

I saw auntie going in kitchen .. oh no ..

I ran to her and blocked her way to go inside kitchen ,.. auntie gave me shocking look and question

look ..

I just smiled nervously .. and said " yes auntie you have called me "

" Yes .. I was asking that .. is your guest is still here ..or not .. because I am making tea .. " she said ..

" Yes auntie he is here and you go and rest I will do all work and will make tea " I said and she went out


I searched my retired bra .. but it's not anywhere .. I sighed and went to wash dishes .. and here it is in

dish washing sink ..

I threw it in dustbin .. and turned .. to see .. Varun he is laughing bat me ..

" You stop here .. " I said and run behind him .. he is running around.. in whole house ..

Whole house is dancing in our panting , laughing , shouting voice ..

Soon he give up and I went to him to slip in my steps as I have stepped on my slipper which I had

threw on him .. I fall on him ..

My body stick with his , .. our eyes are locked .. I can see love , care , worry , possessiveness ,

adoration , promises and more in his eyes .. , his breathing is fanning my face giving electric chill in my

whole body ..

I am already sweating ..so he is also

Auntie cleared her throat .. and god it's so embarrassing ..

I tried to get up from him to which he hold me tight by my waist .. , not letting me to go ..

" Wear your bra .. i can see your nipples still from your top too " he said shamelessly ..

" Shameless creature " I said and got up .. to which he said " from birth only for you " ..

I rolled my eyes at his statement .. than I wear my upper innerwear fast and went back .. made tea for

everyone ..

Auntie is talking to Varun about her life and telling him her stories.. mainly her life with her husband ..

she really loves her husband .. but her poor fate he is not anymore ..

I also looked at her face and soon tears gathered in my eyes .. thinking ' I wish someone loved me so

much ' ..

Unknowingly my eyes went to his face .. but I looked away from him when I saw he is also looking at

me .

I cleared my throat and went to kitchen to make dinner ..

While Varun played with my daughter and auntie she is cutting vegetables for dinner ..




Soon I finished cooking .. and placed the food bowls on floor where we all will have our dinner..

I saw Varun coming to me with tensed face ..

" Where are her diapers ? " He asked .. while quasar she is crying in irritation .. as her diaper is dirty

now .

This girl .. she is clean freak .. just kidding ..

" Inside my cupboard .. " I said and placed the bowl on our dinner having area ..

He raised his eyebrows.. and said " okay .. means you won't mind me looking inside your cupboard ..

huh .. right " ..

" You manner less creature .. wait here I will give you " I said and soon give him diapers packet in his

hand ..

I smirked that him .. because according to me he can't change her napkin .. but he gave me shock and

cleaned quasar and make her wear her clean new diaper ..

" Don't be shock .. I love kids .. and will have more with you " he said with smirk on his face ...

My heart skipped it's several beats .. and I felt like I am having heartattack ..

My heart pain by his words .

But still I said " in your dreams .. "

And I set to have my dinner but quasar again started to cry for milk .. so I got up and placed her on my

lap in my room and first breastfeeding than bottle..

She slept ...

I got up and here Varun he is serving food to auntie.. his this act brought tears in my eyes .. you have Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

changed alot Varun .. but it's no use now for me ..

Because if you're changing to get me back than its no use because you can't take me back . ..

Because after knowing my truth you will leave me .. like I am some disease .

" Come you to have your dinner " he said than .. made plate for me ..

Soon we finished our eating ..

I washed dishes in kitchen and closed the kitchen's light .. and went to my room to see Varun is

sleeping on my bed .. I huffed .

And shook him to wake him up but he didn't moved an inch .. I am tired ..

I layed beside him .. and closed my eyes .. but sleep didn't took hold over me as I am wild awake

because of Varun's presence

But still I closed my eyes .. and .. soon slept.







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