Why did she " Divorce Me "

Chapter - 48

Chapter - 48

Amoli's Pov.:-

" Mam now you can open your eyes and look at yourself in mirror " said my dressing woman .. who

have dressed me well in my wedding beautiful indian lehnga..

I opened my eyes and looked at myself .. I am looking so beautiful .. but still incomplete ...

I put my forced smile on my emotionless face .. and thanked the beautician .. and she went outside my

room .

My lehnga is beautiful.. it's peach in colour with golden embroidery work over it .. I have worn heavy

jewelry .. I looked beside me Vahini is seating with sad face .. she is scared for me .. she doesn't want

me to get married to maverick .

But maverick what to say about him .. he is an angel who accept me with his opened arms .. he accept

me with what I am ..

I put my hand on vahini's head and cares her head to make her look at me ..

" Moo I am scared .. please don't marry to that uncle .. " she said making me laugh ...

" Seriously Vahini .. he is an uncle ? .. " I asked her to which she just nod her head with a naughty

smile ..

Maverick.. I still remember when Vahini had called him uncle .. he was like a lost human .. he hate it

when Vahini called him uncle .. because according to him he is still young not some uncle ...

Maa came inside and said Vahini to go out and welcome guest ... .. guest means her friends .

" Amoli are you sure you want this .. because you are not looking happy my child " my mother said to

me .. while tears slipped out from my eyes ...

I also don't want to marry him .. but he accepted me with what I am today .. he is okay with it ..

although his face lost its smile when I confessed my truth to all of them ...

But maverick suddenly had said " we are going to marry .. next day "

He had thought he will deny for our marriage but no .. he turned down my assumptions and still offered

his interest in our marriage .

And here today I am all ready in my bridal clothes .. for our marriage .

I am ready to this marriage because maverick is very supportive person .. and he respects me ..

" I am happy maa .. I am just nervous for my marriage and all this .. because I am feeling like I am

doing wrong to maverick .. as you know he is a very good man .. he deserves someone equal

deserving to him .. not me .. who is no useful to him ..

He won't get anything from me .. not love .. not any child .. nothing ..

Every man wants his child from his wife .. and build new family with her .. but I .. I can't give him

anything .. " I said with my broken voice ...

" I am sorry my child .. but I can't help in it .. accept it .. it was in your fate .. maybe one day .. this thing

won't affect you when maverick filled your heart with his love and care and replaced all your guilt ,

worry , fear from your heart with his lovely talks and love .. " my mother said me wiping away my tears


" Okay you sit here and wait .. I think groom and team is here i mean barat .. " maa said my lighten my

mood with her twisted words ..




After good 15 minutes... Someone knocked on my room door .. I said come in ...

The person stepped inside and I looked at the woman who is like .. huge in body size ..

' isn't she is too tall and muscular to be a woman .. ' I thought in wonder ..

And looked at her covered face which is hiding behind her saree pallu .. which she has put over her

head till her neck ..

" sorry I didn't recognise you .. Who are you ? " I asked her but has just locked the room to make me

stood up from my chair to look at her alert ..

Before I could shout and do anything. ... She removed her pallu and my hand came to my mouth to

stop me shout out loud .. because here is standing my ex-husband in saree ..

' serious in saree .. he is looking way too funny ' I said to myself.. and couldn't hold myself and laughed

at him .. like a crazy woman ..

But my laughter died when reality sink in my mind .. I looked at him with shining eyes .. because here is

stood Varun with bandage on his head .. he removed all the draped saree around his body .. and stood

infront of me .. in his grey jeans with half sleeves white t-shirt.

Yes he affects .. way too more than I could imagine ... He still passed me knowing smirk .

' look at this man .. all beaten up but won't have any shame and fear .. still smirking ' I said in my head

and rolled my eyes ..

" What are you doing here ? .. and how even you step inside my room ? " I said ..

Yes my room because I have come back to my parents house at yesterday itself because today is my

and maverick marriage ..

" I came here to look at my wife .. okay okay .. ex-wife happy ..

*Sigh* .. as you see I fooled your family members with my this fake woman look and came in your room

.. " he said while stepping towards me .. and correct his words when I show him my big big eyes ..

" What do you want Varun ? " I asked him with strong hard face .. and with anger holding one look ..

" my answers Amoli .. " he said ... With smirk ..

" Please Varun .. leave me alone .. why are you behind me for just simple answers Varun .. it's not like

if I give you your answers than you will get some reward or money .. which help you in your life .. " I

said with cracked voice ..

Because whenever he asked me this question .. my all dried wounds grewed up green .. his this

question mocked me for my loose ..

Anger ran in my veins .. my breathing started to get heavily and fast .. while my eyes they became little

bigger in size as throwing angry

" Why did you divorce me .. answer me this and I will go from your house it's a promise " he said ..

I jumped on him and pulled him by his collar as he is taller than me .. I pulled his head down till my face

to look deep in his eyes ..

" What do you want to know Varun .. why I divorce you .. I leave you because you never wanted a wife

or life partner .. you want a woman's pussy for your hungry animal and a embryo to poop out your

children .. your heirs ..

But me .. I can only please your animal but couldn't give you a child .. because I am BARREN .. now

you got your answers leave from here ..

*Sob* ...


*Sob* ..


You know what when my hand caught those custody papers .. in which you have made some clause

like .. I won't have any right on our child .. etc etc ..

At first I broke down when I learnt that you will take away my child from me ..

But than .. how ? .. for that you have to divorce me and you won't give me that only I can do that .. so , I

calmed myself on that time and planned to tell you about my pregnancy ..

And from that I learnt one more thing that you never need me .. what you want is just a woman's pussy

and her embryo to give you child .. that's it ..


" I said while slapping him on his chest as he is taller than me .. I couldn't slapped him on his face with

my weak hands ... and my mind went in flashback while telling him how I lost my child and how I left

you ..

Flashback :-

I am 4 months pregnant.. and right now I am eating my breakfast .. but from yesterday night I don't

know why .. but I am feeling pain in my stomach ..

My appetite is all dead but still I am pushing food inside my mouth as it's not good for pregnant women

to skip breakfast.

Varun is not at home he didn't have come back from yesterday morning .. I don't know where is he ..

Hufff .. I sighed while getting up from my chair.. I walked in my room with spinning head ..

' why my head is sipping .. I think I need to go for check up ' I thought ..

I don't know why I am feeling this much weak and like I am dying ..

I felt very hard push in my lower abdomen and in my feminine part .. like someone is cutting my flesh

from inside with a very sharp knife .. I pulled myself inside the washroom and opened my pants and put

them down ..

Still moaning and weeping in pain ...

I looked at my knees and behind it blood is running down with some flesh piece... Fear engulfed my

whole body .. no I can't be true .. no it can't be .. *sob* ..

I don't know when I started to cry .. but still I looked down to confirm it that .. I am not anymore


My head is spinning due to my miscarriage and blood loose .. my breathing is high showing my BP rate

is rising .. while I am all shaking like a leaf .. because I want to cry in someone's arm .. to cry for my

loose ..

But no one is around me or with me .. what to do .. ? .. *sob*

I just sit on toilet seat .. with closed eyes .. feeling something running down from my vagina ..

I am feeling helpless because I can't do anything .. I tried to follow all the precautions for a healthy

pregnancy but still how I end up with miscarriage .. ? .. I don't have any idea ..

I just set on toilet seat I don't know how many hours... Soon someone knocked on the door ..

I opened my heavy eyes ..

" Mam lunch is ready .. should I take place it in your room or you are coming down " one helper said

from outside the door ..

I am not in the condition to answer her .. so I just shut my mouth and weep over my self ...

I was eating properly .. and everything healthy only for my baby .. but now .. all finished .. all ruined ..

it's not anymore .. it's not anymore with me ..





I woke up from my sleep and stood limping .. and washed my blooded body .. with warm water .. it

relaxed my muscles .. but pain is still there.

I got ready in simple loosed clothes and call the driver for car ..

I walked down from the staircase and sit inside the car ..


Soon we arrived at hospital .. to which my driver also asked to accompany me when he saw my paled

face and weak walking steps .. I denied him straight ..

Daughter welcomed me in her cabin as it's my mother-in-law's hospital .. but she doesn't know me ...

I told her everything from pain incident to today's bleeding one ..

She did my check up and said " you need to hospitalize for your cleaning .. because your child has died

one day before and it's spreading toxicity inside your embryo .. we need to clean it fast .. as some

foetus flesh is still there " ..

I sobbed .. she give me some papers to filled .. I filled them ..




I opened my eyes .. to see now everything is over ..

" now you need to rest and follow these precautions which I have written in this chart and took your

medicines on time .. and one more thing .. come after one week I need to do some checkups " she said

.. and I walked out ..

I arrived at home and Varun is seating in living room waiting for me ..

" Where were you gone ? " He asked .. in his dominate voice .. scaring me with his eyes ..

" I .. I went to my parents house .. Vahini was asking for me .. so . " I said and he just nods his head ..

We did our dinner and I layed on bed after changing my clothes .. into night suit ..

My back is facing Varun .. he pulled my shoulder back towards him to which I layed on my back flat ..

he claimed over my body ..

I pushed him on his shoulders but as always he hold my hands up above my head and attack on my

neck to make me hissed in pain when I felt his teeth digging in my neck's flesh ..

More tears ran down from my eyes .. " .. I .. no .. " I said to which he gave me narrowed eyes look

which challenging me to breath out a single word.

" I am on my periods " I said and he closed his eyes .. still hovering over me and he cursed some

beautiful words to his fate ..

He kissed my forehead to make me feel connected and secure ...

He jumped from the bed and went in bathroom ... For shower ..

I just closed my eyes and slept ..





One week passed in snap of fingers ..

I went to hospital for my check up .. and doctor did her tests .. and I came back in house .

After 4-5 hours .. she again called me and I went again to hospital as I was free because Varun is too

busy in his new business works ..

So , I don't have to give him his lunch or anything ..

" Look Amoli .. I know it will be hard as a woman .. but child be strong .. and don't loose hope in life ..

according to your reports .. your embryo sac's muscles are very week .. although your fallopian tubes

are good and healthy for fertilization .. but

It's look like you had faced an injury in your embryonal region which leads a swelling in it and internal

bleeding also and due to it lost of cells of your embryo layers got damage .. and leads it into a weak

sac which is unable to convince pregnancy till it's complete period ...

Means you will get pregnant but won't be able to save your child .. means like this time you faced

miscarriage .. same will happen to you in your coming pregnancy ..


And my assumption says that .. with time it's spreading in your embryo making it more weak and dead

with time ..

And maybe one day you lost your fertility and became infertile .



I think you should talk to your husband about it .. " doctor said .. with sad smile on her face .. her

further words stopped by her phone call , which she took and said me to wait but I didn't as my mind

run with my own thoughts .

.. I just stood rooted on my place .. infertile means barren .. no it can't be true .. I can't become this ..

nor I want to my children died inside my womb ...

What to do .. !!

Varun yes he is my husband , I should tell him this .. he will support me .. yes ..

' Are you fool or what .. he is Varun Arora your name sake husband .. not a real one .. he is using you

as his toy ' my inner self said to me ..

Ya .. he only want children with me .. he won't stay with me when he will know about it .. he will

disrespect and humiliate my family for it and will divorce me .. as he hates me and now he will use my

unhealthiest as his weapon and will create scene ..

And I am hundred percent sure he will humiliate me calling me by names .. and if this society got to

know .. about me .. being a woman and couldn't convince child .. it will kill me and my family with their

taunting ...

No I can't do this .. I will not tell this to anyone .. I won't ..

I don't know when I came to my house .. as I was walking while departing to myself .. and I walked

complete 7 km distance from hospital to my house ..

I came back to my sense when guard uncle greet me .. and i just nod my head and masked a fake

smile .. and greet him back ..

It's evening .. I stood in shower and cried my heart out .. no one deserves this .. no one deserves this

cruelty ..

Why my fate is so poor that .. I got all this .. I have never done bad to anyone but still I am living such

trash life ..




I walked out from bathroom and opened my cupboard for my clothes .. there I saw .. divorce papers ..

Varun's signature is over it .. ' you should leave him .. now you're not useful to him .. one or other day

he will know about it .. and will leave you ..

What are you waiting for .. to faced humiliation by him .. would you be able to live your life alone after

he and his family kicked you out from this house by calling you names ..


No one will support you .. maybe not your own family .. divorce him .. and

Just run away from there .. this world is so cruel for woman who are barren .. they didn't get respect in

this society .. as everyone disrespect them Calling them like bad luck in every good thing .. no one

invite them in any family functions .. peoples hide their children when they saw a barren woman

coming... They literally treat them as a witch .. who will eat their child alive ..


It's so disrespectful ... ' debate is running in my mind .. for the conclusion of what to do next !?

I cleaned my teary face and took those divorce papers and signed them ...

I called the lawyer whose number I found in file ... As his card was also in it ..

I asked him to collect these papers from me and submit them .. for our divorce ..

He took them the very instant like in half an hour .. from me ..

He informed me that I will get divorce confirmation copies at next morning ..

I called Varun's and mine parents for the tomorrow lunch ..

I slept on bed after having my dinner and Varun he is not at home till yet ..



Soon morning came .. and I did all the work which I used to do ..

I was cooking lunch when Varun came inside and hugged me by my back ... I just closed my eyes ..

feeling his Touch for the last time and assumed .. if he was a good husband than my life would have

been so beautiful ...

" I want you right now " he said making my eyes opened with surprise because I am still bleeding and

it's not what shocked me ..

The thing is that .. he just wants my body not me .. not my heart ..

It won't affect him , if I live with him or not ..

' what are you even thinking Amoli .. As soon as you leave his house, he will bring another woman in

your place to pleasure himself ' my inner self slapped truth on my face ..

" No .. we can't .. I am still on my periods and today.. our family members are also coming for lunch " I

said stepping away from his hold ..

His face steamed out angry streams from his nose and ears .. he grabbed my jaw and squeezed it hard

... Making me winched in pain ...

" Your this fucking period batter stop soon before I loose my cool " saying this he walk out ...

Everyone came for lunch .. and after we complete it ..

Soon everyone said bye to us .. to go back at their house .. as it's nearly evening ..

I bit them goodbye and hugged my family for the last time and read their face features to remember

them ..

I took envelope and put it inside a gift bag .. and asked Varun to walk with me in garden for a walk ...

He accepted it .. we both are walking without saying anything .. I am looking at him with my eyes .. I

want to tell him everything and cry in his arms .. but these things are just fantasies which can't become

true .

' it's our last walk Varun ... I hope you will find your ideal woman .. who match with your standard .. who

is lucky to get your love ..

You know what Varun .. my favourite colour is purple .. and your is grey .. hehehehe I know it ...

My favourite sweet dish is ' gulab jamun ' and your is ' gajar ka halva ' ... I know your every likes ... You

can eat any kind of food means .. tasteless food to tasty food because you worship food equal to god ..

as it's have power to make up alive and it also have power to kill us if we face it's efficiency ...


You always hide your child self behind your this scary mask which I can see read but still I got scared

because your eyes .. they have power to make me dance with their single glance...


Varun I want to tell you something .. I was pregnant .. you know what .. you were going to become

father .. yes you were going to promote from my husband to our child's father ... But everything is

ruined now .. it died... . because of you .. .. yes because of you .. do you remember you have kicked

me on my stomach at my periods days ..

I can't blame it on you because it was my own fault ... If I haven't shown carelessness on that time and

reather taking painkillers .. I have concerned to a gynecologist then maybe all this won't have

happened ...


I am going away Varun .. away from you .. from my family .. I won't come back again .. please stop me

and protect me in your arms ..

Because I am feeling like I am dying with all this .. ' .. I was saying to him all this only in my mind due to

my hormonal inbalance making me emotional fool .. and I don't have guts to tell him anything ..

Because he will laugh at my face .. saying ' know I have weapon against you .. by using it as my

support I will ask to my family to give me divorce from you .. because you're a useless woman now .. '

and I can't hear it .. it's breaking me itself only by imagining it ...




After giving him papers .. he lost in his happiness .. at least someone is happy with this ..

I walked out from his house and asked guard uncle to took his good care ..

I was walking aimlessly .. when I felt hungry .. I looked around my surroundings .. that I am infront of an

old age home ..

I walk inside for asking shelter to which one old woman said okay but I need to pay them .. but when I

informed them .. that I don't have any job .. then they said they will give me job ..

I slept there and at morning .. I woke up .. bathed and wear simple saree which aunty gave me ..

Then we all women went out to do our job .. I also followed the team leader and she stopped infront of

very luxurious restaurant ...

" You have to wash dishes here .. okay .. " aunty informed me my work and I just nod ..

And then my whole week spent like this .. morning to night washing dishes in restaurant .. but I get food

to eat , clothes to wear and roof above my head ..

But at night time .. lassya caught me.. she asked me several questions but I didn't opened my mouth .. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

soon she served me food which I happily eat and slept ..

At morning I got up and eat my breakfast and took money from her cupboard which I had saw lassya

putting inside it in morning .. when she was getting ready for shoot I think ... While I had faked sleeping


After taking money from her .. I took first bus as my destiny and it took me to Wright's ..


End of flashback .

" Now you got your answers Varun leave from here .. and never ever come back in my life " I said and

turned around to show him my back ..

Because I don't have any strength to face his mocking face .. which show me .. how weak I am .. and I

don't want to look at his eyes which always challenges me and mocked me ...

" Yaa .. now I fucking got my answers .. babe and as I have promised that I will go away from this after

my answer .. I am going " he said in his low voice in my ear .. and bite it making me shrink in unknown

fear which buildup in my stomach.. and my neck hairs stood up jolting in excitement .

Everything happened so quickly that I couldn't even make a move against him ..

He put tap over my mouth and tied my hand behind my back and put me over his shoulder and stepped

out from my rooms window ..

He threw me inside his car's back seat .. but gently .. and he himself too seat beside me with a smirk ...

" Welcome back in devil's hell my angel " he said and removed tap away from my mouth

" And it's your punishment time babe " he said while rubbing his thumb over my dry lips .. and capture

them in his lips ...




' I am dead ' this words came in my head ..





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